I like chicken nuggets. But not so uncooked that blood oozes out when I stab a knife through them.
...There'll probably be several edits after the initial posting time - this is the last time that I ever make an application near midnight.
In Character (IC)
Name: Marco Kane
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Race Driver
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Marco Kane was already born with petrol running through his veins, having been born into a family of racing drivers. Even at the young age of 4, he attended many racing events along with his father who was very much instrumental in starting his racing career. He went to school, where he was recognised by for being a hard-worker and achieved high results in his exams. As soon as he was able to, Kane started racing school and took part in local races using a Sultan which he had bought with his own money (he had insisted that he'd work towards a car himself, rather than relying on his father funding him) and won several of them. Gradually, Kane moved up the ranks. He got to drive faster cars, face more challenging opponents and travel around to take on the world's best tracks. At the age of 22, he made it to the highest rank of GT Racing as well as having his first taste of endurance racing. Although debuting with a relatively small team who are not yet capable with fighting with the top teams, his driving seems to have given him a good impression.
Very recently, Kane decided to purchase an apartment in Los Santos, where he would spend his time during the off-season and the in-season breaks to play golf, ride a bike around the beach or drive around the tarmac ribbons of LS. In an ideal world, Kane would simply relax in Los Santos and wind down from all the gruelling racing.
...But this is Los Santos - a city with an unbelievable crime rate, countless drug dealing and corruption of the government and the police force itself. You can't simply lay back and relax.
As well as being a keen car enthusiast, Kane is a very kind and friendly person. His upbringing has also given Kane a very strong sense of right and wrong. He's a bit of a coward though, as he will avoid fights at all costs by evasion and is mortified by the sight of blood and/or a dead person.
Kane owns a huge collection of cars. They include:
Karin Sultan (now converted for street use)
Obey 9F
Pegassi Vacca
Grotti Carbonizzare
Dinka Jester
Grotti Turismo R
Benefactor Surrano
Elegy RH8 (Kane owns a special version, tuned by Elegy themselves)
Lampadati Felon
Canis Mesa (converted for extreme off-road use)
Kane at the Kortz Center, with his Elegy RH8
In Character (IC)
Name: Kenton Outway
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Lone Wandering Criminal
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Kenton bears a deep hatred for the police, but we don't yet know his motives. For all we know, Kenton endured a tough past, and he refuses to delve into it. What we do know, however, is that he was an only child to parents who were definitely NOT sober when he was first conceived. They didn't really care for him, nor for each other, but Kenton didn't care either way. This meant that Kenton brought himself up, having taught himself his way of life and went to school himself, at 6 years of age, with this knowledge. He got expelled after his first day at school. So with no education, he returned home to find what appeared to be his father being forced into a cop car. He simply walked on. Entering the house, he caught a whiff of a familiar metallic smell accompanied with a slightly viscous pool of red liquid that had formed underneath a body which used to belong to his mother, as well as finding a blade of a knife embedded into her chest. 6 year old Kenton managed to piece together what had happened - the two had an argument, as usual, and at some point his father decided to drive a knife into her. Now effectively an orphan, Kenton carried on living in his house and one day decided to join a local gang of criminals for his "entertainment". It may have just been smashing windows of a nearby 24/7 store or egging people's houses, but it kick started the future events of Kenton Outway.
...There's more to his past, mainly after joining the gang, but Kenton threatened to rip my head off when I pressed him for more information.
In his everyday life, when not smoking Redwood or admiring his cars, Kenton likes to "entertain himself". Said source of entertainment includes annoying people on the streets, brutally murdering people for his own pleasure plus to satisfy his need to spill blood and, most importantly, laying every member of the LSPD to waste. It's what he aspires to do...
Sadistic, stoic and cold. Kenton lives a very laissez-faire life and prefers solitude over friendship in general. His past has also made Kenton cringeworthingly mad, relishing the blood of his victims and the cracking of splintering bones. He also takes pride in making enemies, mainly with people that he sees in the streets as well as some gangs that he encounters from time to time. Despite this, he is (surprisingly) capable of being a gang member who listens carefully to the leader and the other members, provided that they don't annoy him. Kenton also loves steak. A steak so rare and pink that blood oozes out as he thrusts a knife right into it.
Should you bump into Kenton, utilise the legs that you were given from birth and run for your life, please!
Kenton has several vehicles in his garage...
Declasse Sabre GT (first car)
Obey Tailgater
Ubermacht Oracle (new model)
Ocelot Jackal
Imponte Ruiner
Gallivanter Baller (new model)
BF Surfer (Kenton "found" this while walking on a beach)
Obey 9F
Pfister Comet (Originally a wanted vehicle for Simeon... But decided to keep it for himself)
Pegassi Zentoro (below)
"Acquired" when he was exploring the docks.
Kenton at Del Perro Pier, with his Pegassi Zentorno
"Oh, the guy on the floor? Nah he's just... Sleeping. Yeah. Sleeping, with my car providing the shade. Wouldn't want to get sunburnt, would you? And the red stuff on my car? Well I just happened to have plowed through a field of tomatoes along the way. Uh. I mean some idiot threw tomatoes at me because he is an idiot. That's what happened."