[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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I don't know if I'll join this again. I'll probably end up selling GTA 5. I haven't touched it since the last RP event.
I don't know if I'll join this again. I'll probably end up selling GTA 5. I haven't touched it since the last RP event.
Yeah... I'm sort of glad this returned, but I'm not sure if I want to get back on GTA V. It's really boring and dead to me now. Oh, and don't sell your game to Gamestop.
Oh joy, this thread is back. I've been a lot more bored since the closing and lost the spirit to game. Now, there is a reason not to let my GTA V case catch dust now. Though, how are the characters going to work? II haven't touched my character at all and I don't feel like having to change everything again.
I know it will be easier for everyone of they just continued with the character they had, if they want. It saves them time and myself time, which is a plus.

Yeah... I'm sort of glad this returned, but I'm not sure if I want to get back on GTA V. It's really boring and dead to me now. Oh, and don't sell your game to Gamestop.
If you do sell your game, the last thing you'd want to do is sell it to GameStop.
I was thinking earlier, I think the last RP fell a bit flat because there wasn't really ever a common goal for everyone. Even when we introduced the 2 gangs the Brotherhood wanted total control of the city whilst the MCLS just kinda wanted to not die out. Maybe this time round once all the characters have been introduced properly there should be something that mixes things up a little.
Pending new regulations I would be interested in hopping back in. I will also try not to make my character's life be so perfect this time.
I was thinking earlier, I think the last RP fell a bit flat because there wasn't really ever a common goal for everyone. Even when we introduced the 2 gangs the Brotherhood wanted total control of the city whilst the MCLS just kinda wanted to not die out. Maybe this time round once all the characters have been introduced properly there should be something that mixes things up a little.
I was thinking about gangs for a while before I decided to start hosting events again. It might have started new RP material, but was it for the better? I don't know - to me it just seemed like a quick fix that ended up causing more problems on its own. The Hao's garage fiasco, the uneven amount of members on each gang, and general arguments that were all out of character on what was planned or what will happen. It just seemed like a bit of a mess.

I'm glad to see this alive once again :)
All the positive feedback on starting this up again is really motivating - thanks guys :)
In Character (IC)

Noah Biggs
Age: 17
Job/Career/Money Source: High school student (senior/final year)
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

In the grand scheme of things, Noah is a fairly garden-variety teenager. He comes from a larger than average family, being one of five children, of which he is the second oldest. Despite residing in the desirable Vespucci Canals neighborhood, the Biggs family has never been particularly well-off. Neither of Noah's parents hail from wealthy backgrounds; both are completely self-made. Living costs are high in Los Santos, and then again in Vespucci Canals, and then again for a seven person family. Combine that with his parents' average at best salaries (a college professor and an accountant), and it's easier to see what money has always been a bit of a struggle.

It is important to describe the Biggs family because they directly impact Noah's life on a day-to-day basis. His father, Glen, comes from a rather generic lineage in North Yankton, though his parents (Noah's grandparents) now spend their retirement in Paleto Bay. Glen came to Los Santos with a fresh civil law degree, but ultimately found himself back in the classroom, this time as a professor at USLA. Glen met Noah's mother, Laura, here, who was originally pursuing a journalism degree, but went for accounting instead. Glen and Laura were married a whopping nine years before they had their first son, Joshua. It wasn't that they didn't want children, they just felt that they should build up a steady income and living situation before that happened.

Noah had a normal (re: good) childhood, though things gradually got more and more hectic as three more siblings came along. Those siblings are Lynette (15), Dwight (13) and Emily (11). On the surface, it appeared that his parents got along, but behind closed doors, Noah's parents argued often. Work, money, disagreements on parental decisions, bickering, general stresses of life; they all added up over the years. The kids were originally oblivious to the arguments when they were less frequent and better-concealed, but near the end of it, they had forgotten what their parents were like outside of arguments. They divorced in 2011, Laura receiving custody of the kids during the week to stay near school and Glen having them on the weekends. Laura kept the house since she had the kids more often, but Glen's knowledge of law meant that that was really the only damage he took. He now resides in a rented house in Chumash, but money is still tight for the both of them.

Because his mom is preoccupied with the other (younger, needier) teenagers of the house, Noah has plenty of personal freedom. The only limiting factor is that he does not have a car of his own. Plain and simple, his folks can't afford the expense, though Joshua drives an Ingot that he purchased for himself. This limits Noah's selection to a slightly dilapidated Minivan at mom's, or an aging Primo and the Ingot at dad's. Having never really been into the really fast stuff himself, he can find some appreciation for all three cars, his preference being the comfortable Primo. He does hold out some hope of inheriting his grandparents' Stanier, but he's really not sure if that'll pan out or not.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Noah is easy-going and enjoys meeting new people. He likes taking small trips on the weekends, hanging out at the beach or seeing friends. This laid-back lifestyle is occasionally broken up by school, or chauffeuring around the younger siblings when mom can't. On the other hand, Noah does a lot of bad stuff, but he does a better job of hiding it than his siblings. He has a taste for vodka and has gotten suspended from school in the past for bringing it in a water bottle. When he was fifteen, he found Joshua smoking a joint in his bedroom and has had a liking for the stuff ever since. Sometimes in the early, early hours of the morning, he likes to sneak out of the house and go ludicrously fast on the local highways. He has yet to be caught for that.

Noah's siblings are a seemingly never-ending source of heck for poor Laura, who spends most evenings handing out punishments are getting in arguments over who did what. Dwight's a good kid at heart, but he's quick to anger and once sparked, can have an explosive temper. He likes to joke around, but the conversation can take a quick turn for the worse if you say something he doesn't like. He tries to channel some of his anger into weight-lifting. Lynette has a group of much wealthier friends from school that she tries to fit in with, meaning that she attends lots of parties, has tried a myriad of drugs and has been suspended from school twice for getting into fights. She wakes up early in the morning to look her best for the day, but is lazy in all other aspects of life. Emily often chastises her older sister for her preppy habits and mocks Dwight's temper. She makes subtle references to Noah's vices at the dinner table and generally tries her best to stir up a fight amongst the family.

Noah's father, Glen, enjoys a laid-back lifestyle in Chumash. He commutes to USLA five days a week, a considerable distance, but the Grand Ocean Highway scenery makes up for it. He enjoys boating and biking on the weekends, or accompanying his sons to their activities. Joshua is a stereotypical Vulcan owner- he listens to niche music, goes to college and enjoys smokable herbs. They don't typically hang out together, though Noah has assisted Joshua with temporarily turning the little blue Ingot into a smokehouse in the past.

Photograph (If available):


The stinker himself.


The family abode.


Dad's duplex.
I was thinking earlier, I think the last RP fell a bit flat because there wasn't really ever a common goal for everyone.
Probably the main reason why I stuck around in the RP for so long was because my "goal" was to see the stories and the actual character of both Kenton and Kane develop. For example, I've intentionally left Kenton's past hidden in the old application so that I could reveal it in a session where people could witness it. Both characters themselves have their own goals that they want to accomplish and they will slowly progress towards that as their story goes along. All the interactions with other people can also influence how their story goes, depending on what happens.

As well as that, my secondary goal was to see how their daily life would pan out allowing myself and possibly other people to get to know Kenton and Kane better, which I personally enjoy.
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In Character (IC)

Diego Rosero
Age: 20
Job/Career/Money Source: Taxi Driver by day; open to a night job on the side..
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Diego was born and raised in East Vinewood to an average family. His Father taught him about Cars and that he, as a child, wanted to pursue in a career in the field of motors; although this never happened as he because a Bank Clerk in the Vinewood Bank. His Father met his Mother here, as she too worked there, but as a Supervisor. He used to like 'eating chicken nuggets' but after a while, it lost its joie de vivre, so now Diego resorts to buying the Chicken Burgers at Cluck 'n' Bell. He had a Younger Brother; which meant that he had to share the attention from his parents - until one day, when he was 17, he was at the Los Santos College studying, and he received the news that his Brother had been murdered. To this day, Diego still has no idea as to why his Brother were murdered, but he intends to find out.

His family life was torn and broken, with his Parents crying day-in-day-out and blaming Diego for the death of his Brother. Diego couldn't take this anymore, and thus ran away from his home in fear, and ended up taking his Father's Futo with him as he went around the city looking for a job. Not long after, he found a job - he became a Taxi Driver. However, he was stuck with the decision to continue studying, or to earn money; but in the end chose the latter. Diego now lives in the homes located behind the hairdressers in Rockford Hills, after spending almost a year sleeping in the back of the Futo in the cold.

His love of cars can clearly be seen through his car, as the car he currently owns looks nothing like the one he took from his Father. His Father's one had a few modifications, such as a Sports ECU and whatnot, but now it is in a different color, has Xenons, new wheels, a new bodykit, a new interior, a carbon hood and black grill. He also owns a Benefactor Schwatzer with a similar amount of modifications, which he bought and tuned with the money he earned and saved.

He left home 3 years ago, and he is still on the run from his Parents. He dare not go back, as he fear that he would be hit or even killed for not contacting his Parents; they had left him Voicemails, Texts, Emails, the lot. He lives in the fast lane, as the thought of slowing his life down is terrifying for him, especially as he knows that one day, he could encounter his Parents (because he is a Taxi-Driver). He realizes that he has to do things fast, and do it quickly. He has set a life ambition to earn a Supercar one day, a Dinka Jester. He will do anything to earn more money, as long as the job description doesn't include going back to his parents.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):

Diego is a calm and chilled out person, but the thought of his parents will cause him to because frantic and depressed. He wants nothing to do with them, and wants to remove them from his mind.
He (admittedly) does go out drinking regularly and go to the Strip Club; but this is to calm himself down after a hard day of work. If he doesn't do these things, however, he will take his Futo out for a drive on the hills of Vinewood until the early hours of the morning, or until he gets pulled over for it; although the latter is yet to occur.



Diego's work horse and Futo side-by-side.


Diego's Benefactor Schwatzer.

Photograph (If available):


Diego standing by his two vehicles.

New application incoming.
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Alright, I'm up for this again. Here's my new character.

Name: Terri Hazelwood
Age: 20
Job/Career/Money Source: Barista at Bean Machine
Terri came from a relatively normal, small family in the neighbourhood of Cerveza Heights in Dukes, Liberty City. Her father, Gordon, worked as an exchange trader in the BAWSAQ stock exchange in Star Junction, while her mother, Margie, worked as a midwife at the Cerveza Heights Hospital. Terri was the only child in the house, despite having an older half-brother, Cameron, from Gordon's previous marriage. Cameron never visited his father and instead lived with his mother in San Fierro. Life was normal in the Hazelwood household. Terri went to school, went on vacation with her parents, and the family even had a dog - a friendly Golden Lab named Preston. However, as she was approaching the age of 10, her father was spending more and more time away from home. He claimed to be 'working away', doing things outside of the stock exchange for other businesses. Him and Margie began to argue more often, over his work hours, over money, over almost anything. Terri would sit silently in her room, listening to the shouts coming from downstairs and trying to make sense of the voices. Eventually, when Terri was 11, her parents divorced. Gordon hadn't been working away at all - he'd been seeing another woman. He decided after a year of an affair that life would be better living with his new lady, and left the family house to move in with her in Westdyke, Alderney.

Margie won custody of Terri, but turned to alcohol to take her mind off the divorce. At first, she was taking subtle sips when Terri wasn't looking, and enjoying a few bottles of wine on a night after Terri had gone to bed, but as Terri reached her teenage years her mother was drinking more and more. Terri would often come home from school to see her mother passed out on the sofa, empty bottles of vodka and wine on the floor, Preston licking the remains of the booze. Eventually, just before Terri started high school, she moved in with her grandmother, Dorothy, in BOABO after Margie lost her job at the hospital and stopped caring for her.

Terri found it hard to adjust to the new lifestyle with Dorothy and found herself mixing in with the wrong crowd once she started high school. Her new 'girlfriends' had boyfriends who were prospects and members of the Angels of Death MC, resulting in the girls gaining access to some rather questionable drugs. Terri spent more and more time away from home, choosing her new biker buddies over her grandmother. She ditched high school and replaced it with the Angels of Death clubhouse, dated various members and gained an 'old lady' status in the club, despite her young age. She became addicted to cocaine and heroin, and got her first tattoo at the age of 16 on her right forearm reading, 'Ride or Die'. Her drug addiction began to spiral out of control, until the point of Dorothy taking charge and checking her into rehab. Terri was reluctant at first, claiming that everything was under control and she wasn't even that addicted, despite her physique beginning to resemble that of a female Macaulay Culkin. However, she eventually accepted that she needed help, and went to rehab. Whilst in rehab, she met a 19-year-old named Jack, who was also recovering from drug addiction. Terri checked out of rehab at 18, began to respect her grandmother again, and moved in with Jack, whom she was now dating. However, after a year, when she herself was 19, Jack began taking drugs again, and Terri could see herself beginning to slip back in to her former self. The two split in early 2013 after Jack refused to go back to rehab, and she moved back in with Dorothy. She found herself being haunted by her old biker lifestyle, being confronted daily by Angels of Death members whom she couldn't escape, as the BOABO neighbourhood was part of their territory. During the summer of 2013, the fear of the AoD became too much for Terri and she refused to leave the house. Dorothy suggested she moved away from Liberty City and started a new life somewhere else, perhaps in Los Santos. Terri took her grandmother's advice, packed her bags, and boarded the next flight from Francis International Airport to Los Santos.

Dorothy came with her, offering to stay for a couple of weeks to make sure she got herself a place to stay and a steady income. Terri settled in to a little apartment in Pacific Bluffs, and got a job at the nearby Bean Machine in Vespucci Canals. Dorothy went back home to Liberty City once Terri was on track, and helped her pay for a car, a cheap but cheerful champagne-coloured Vapid Stanier from a hoodlum in Davis. It had over 200k on the clock, but it was good enough for her. It came with 22" pimp rims, tinted windows, and on hot days has an aroma of cannabis, but it gets her around the city. She soon sold the wheels to another hoodlum in Strawberry and replaced them with the cheapest wheels she could find - black steelies.

Now aged 20, Terri has settled down in Los Santos in a drug-free (apart from prescription drugs) lifestyle, and hopes of earning enough money to go to college and earn some qualifications. However, this doesn't mean that she hasn't fully escaped her former lifestyle...

Personality: Terri is a hard-working person, and is generally nice to those around her. She has made little enemies during her time in Los Santos, and is only hostile towards people when provoked. She has to take medication as a result of the organ abuse, but is making a recovery. Because of her former addictions, she is often very paranoid and finds it hard to trust people. It has also caused her to become obsessive and very OCD about her possessions, but she does try to hide this.


The generic, high miler weed-smelling panthermobile.



In front of her humble apartment in Pacific Bluffs.
It is pure coincidence that Terri works in the same area that @Doog's character lives. I drafted her a couple of days ago as working at the Bean Machine there.
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I like chicken nuggets. But not so uncooked that blood oozes out when I stab a knife through them.
...There'll probably be several edits after the initial posting time - this is the last time that I ever make an application near midnight.

In Character (IC)

Marco Kane
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Race Driver
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Marco Kane was already born with petrol running through his veins, having been born into a family of racing drivers. Even at the young age of 4, he attended many racing events along with his father who was very much instrumental in starting his racing career. He went to school, where he was recognised by for being a hard-worker and achieved high results in his exams. As soon as he was able to, Kane started racing school and took part in local races using a Sultan which he had bought with his own money (he had insisted that he'd work towards a car himself, rather than relying on his father funding him) and won several of them. Gradually, Kane moved up the ranks. He got to drive faster cars, face more challenging opponents and travel around to take on the world's best tracks. At the age of 22, he made it to the highest rank of GT Racing as well as having his first taste of endurance racing. Although debuting with a relatively small team who are not yet capable with fighting with the top teams, his driving seems to have given him a good impression.

Very recently, Kane decided to purchase an apartment in Los Santos, where he would spend his time during the off-season and the in-season breaks to play golf, ride a bike around the beach or drive around the tarmac ribbons of LS. In an ideal world, Kane would simply relax in Los Santos and wind down from all the gruelling racing.

...But this is Los Santos - a city with an unbelievable crime rate, countless drug dealing and corruption of the government and the police force itself. You can't simply lay back and relax.


As well as being a keen car enthusiast, Kane is a very kind and friendly person. His upbringing has also given Kane a very strong sense of right and wrong. He's a bit of a coward though, as he will avoid fights at all costs by evasion and is mortified by the sight of blood and/or a dead person.


Kane owns a huge collection of cars. They include:

1. Karin Sultan (now converted for street use)
2. Obey 9F
3. Pegassi Vacca
4. Grotti Carbonizzare
5. Dinka Jester
6. Grotti Turismo R
7. Benefactor Surrano
8. Elegy RH8 (Kane owns a special version, tuned by Elegy themselves)
9. Lampadati Felon
10. Canis Mesa (converted for extreme off-road use)



Kane at the Kortz Center, with his Elegy RH8


In Character (IC)

Kenton Outway
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Lone Wandering Criminal

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Kenton bears a deep hatred for the police, but we don't yet know his motives. For all we know, Kenton endured a tough past, and he refuses to delve into it. What we do know, however, is that he was an only child to parents who were definitely NOT sober when he was first conceived. They didn't really care for him, nor for each other, but Kenton didn't care either way. This meant that Kenton brought himself up, having taught himself his way of life and went to school himself, at 6 years of age, with this knowledge. He got expelled after his first day at school. So with no education, he returned home to find what appeared to be his father being forced into a cop car. He simply walked on. Entering the house, he caught a whiff of a familiar metallic smell accompanied with a slightly viscous pool of red liquid that had formed underneath a body which used to belong to his mother, as well as finding a blade of a knife embedded into her chest. 6 year old Kenton managed to piece together what had happened - the two had an argument, as usual, and at some point his father decided to drive a knife into her. Now effectively an orphan, Kenton carried on living in his house and one day decided to join a local gang of criminals for his "entertainment". It may have just been smashing windows of a nearby 24/7 store or egging people's houses, but it kick started the future events of Kenton Outway.

...There's more to his past, mainly after joining the gang, but Kenton threatened to rip my head off when I pressed him for more information.

In his everyday life, when not smoking Redwood or admiring his cars, Kenton likes to "entertain himself". Said source of entertainment includes annoying people on the streets, brutally murdering people for his own pleasure plus to satisfy his need to spill blood and, most importantly, laying every member of the LSPD to waste. It's what he aspires to do...


Sadistic, stoic and cold. Kenton lives a very laissez-faire life and prefers solitude over friendship in general. His past has also made Kenton cringeworthingly mad, relishing the blood of his victims and the cracking of splintering bones. He also takes pride in making enemies, mainly with people that he sees in the streets as well as some gangs that he encounters from time to time. Despite this, he is (surprisingly) capable of being a gang member who listens carefully to the leader and the other members, provided that they don't annoy him. Kenton also loves steak. A steak so rare and pink that blood oozes out as he thrusts a knife right into it.

Should you bump into Kenton, utilise the legs that you were given from birth and run for your life, please!


Kenton has several vehicles in his garage...

1. Declasse Sabre GT (first car)
2. Obey Tailgater
3. Ubermacht Oracle (new model)
4. Ocelot Jackal
5. Imponte Ruiner
6. Gallivanter Baller (new model)
7. BF Surfer (Kenton "found" this while walking on a beach)
8. Obey 9F
9. Pfister Comet (Originally a wanted vehicle for Simeon... But decided to keep it for himself)
10. Pegassi Zentoro (below)


"Acquired" when he was exploring the docks.


Kenton at Del Perro Pier, with his Pegassi Zentorno
"Oh, the guy on the floor? Nah he's just... Sleeping. Yeah. Sleeping, with my car providing the shade. Wouldn't want to get sunburnt, would you? And the red stuff on my car? Well I just happened to have plowed through a field of tomatoes along the way. Uh. I mean some idiot threw tomatoes at me because he is an idiot. That's what happened."
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So this was my day. Some friends and I went to a music festival, but I made the stupid mistake of wearing jeans and a black t-shirt on what felt to be the day that Planet Earth had spontaneously decided to swap places with Venus. So after about 4 hours of being legally dead we decided to walk all the way back to where my friend had left his car, which took 20 minutes (we decided to make some really complicated arrangements to make sure we didn't have to try and park in the actual parking area). It also turned out that he had a flat tyre and needed to refuel anyway, so we stopped off at the service station where I decided to buy a Coke and a pack of Starbursts, which (combined with the price of a single cone at the ice cream truck at the festival) dropped me down to £6 from my original £10 which I bought with me. I had bought like 8 bottles of water and a ton of food in my bag because I knew it was gonna be expensive at the festival. After we drove back to our other friends house, we immediately got in said other friends car and sped to McDonalds. It just so happened that they had a deal on which was a McNuggets meal with fries and a drink for something like £4.50, and they were also selling chocolate brownie McFlurries for just under £1.50, so I decided to get the meal and McFlurry and spend the rest of my £6. The chicken nuggets were pretty nice, I don't get to eat that stuff very often because I usually spend everything I get on videogames instead, except for this one month where I thought I was just going out to make one small purchase but I ended up spending like all of my mone- what? You want me to shut up and fill my application already? Fine, but you're missing out on a GREAT story about a goat.

Name: Marcello Fennelley

Age: 29

Job/Career/Money Source:
High ranking mafia member in the past. How does he plan to get income now, you ask? It's a secret that will be revealed in due course. Aside from his past, Mr. Fennelley has also recently been investing in the stock markets, though whether this will pay out well for him is yet to be decided.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Mr. Fennelley, born and (not very well) raised in flashy Los Santos, wasn't always as rich as he is now. A dropout from high school despite his intelligence, Marcello soon learned that there's only one way to make it big in a city where a net worth below 6 figures might as well be ignored - honesty, hard work and friendship. Oh, sorry, that's wrong; the real method is lies, luck and extortion. However, since he was still nothing but a small-time gangster, a 17 year-old Marcello had to learn how to survive in the city on his own.
After a year of petty crime and dozens of arrests, a gang called the Red Widow Mafia picked him up and put him to work as a supplier to various dealers nearby, and then once he managed to afford his first car - an Ubermacht Sentinel - throughout the city. He was originally meant to just be an effective meatshield to the gang to make sure the more important suppliers could stay under the radar, but during his time as a supplier, he displayed an unnerving level of efficiency whenever trouble started brewing. Showcasing control of both his car and his gun that was highly above the bar set by his fellow members, he started rising the ranks. He quickly became good friends with the leader, Tommy Sarlos, and comfortably settled at the position of 2nd in command of the Red Widow Mafia.
However, 10 years after Marcello first joined, Tommy Sarlos was assassinated at his place of residence in Vinewood Hills by a rival gang member. The morale of the entire gang disappeared in a flash, and the whole operation was disbanded a month later despite Marcello's efforts. Luckily for Marcello, Tommy had left a rather large chunk of his personal fortune to his good friend, and on top of his personal earnings Marcello was able to afford a rather nice lifestyle. Marcello, or rather Mr. Fennelley, decided to buy a rather nice house by Del Perro Beach and a nice car to live out his early retirement in luxury, or so he claims. He has been living there for a year, and has no plans for the future as of now. But again, so he claims.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Mr. Fennelley is a relatively level-headed charmer who enjoys golf and relaxing, open-top drives through the vineyards. Marcello is a manipulative and ruthlessly efficient individual who will get paid for his efforts no matter what and also enjoys golf and relaxing, open-top drives through the vineyards. One thing Marcello- Mr. Fennelley- oh, to 🤬 with it, let's just call him M from now on. One thing M lacks, however, is a real sense of empathy and trust. Combined with no real contact with his family and no real friends except for the late Tommy Sarlos, M is a complete individual for now. He may be able to charm his way out of some situations as Mr. Fennelley or deal with others as Marcello, but once things get even too sticky for him there's nobody he can turn to. Being a logical enough individual, M has realized he may have enemies from gangs that the Red Widow Mafia antagonized in the past, and does indeed hope to find a 'business partner' so to speak.

Ubermacht Sentinel
Dewbauchee Massacro Grotti Carbonizzaire

Photographs (If available):

(That's not his car anyore. I can't be bothered to get a picture of him with his Carbonizzaire.)
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Name: Douglas "Dougie" McGregor
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Ex-Transporter/ getaway driver (explained in bio), freelancer.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Dougie grew up in the rough areas of Bohan in Liberty City with his mother, Bonnie, who had to raise him, and his younger sister, Ellie, alone following the death of his father, Stewart. However, his childhood was rough as the family was targeted by thieves and hoodlums for 5 years. When Dougie was 13, Ellie and him were out walking in Dukes, when Ellie was shot by a stray bullet during a gang altercation. She survived, but Dougie couldn't bear to see his sister lying in a hospital bed.

During his teenage years, Dougie was an emotional wreck, with 3 stints in rehab for heavy drug and alcohol abuse having been continually haunted by the image of his sister getting shot. Bonnie and Ellie tried everything to get Dougie back on the rails, but it was all in vain. After his third stint in rehab at age 17, Dougie vowed to exact revenge on the the person who shot Ellie. Under the cover of darkness, Dougie traveled to the same spot where the gang would usually hang out. He walked up to the person who he saw had the gun that day, and after some angry exchanges of words, stabbed him with a switchblade and stole his weapon. Dougie's fiery rage had the rest of the gang members stood in shock as he left the scene. A week later, Dougie was arrested and charged with murder. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison with parole after 12 months.

When he was released at age 18, Ellie told Dougie that the family was in desperate need of money, after Ellie got sacked from her job at Burger Shot for racial abuse. Dougie vowed to do the right thing for his family, but struggled to find a job as the recession was hitting hard. With hope fading fast, Dougie was approached by Gerald McReary, who was part of the Irish mob along with Patrick before Niko Bellic arrived. He offered Dougie a chance to make money as a transporter/getaway driver, by helping his family perform jobs in the city, which partly involved bank robberies and stealing cars to order.

Dougie and the McReary family worked well together for the next few years until 2008, where Dougie formally agreed with the McRearys that he had served his share of time with them and left to rejoin his own family. Dougie, Ellie and Bonnie decided to use Dougie's new-found earnings to move out of Liberty City and set up in Los Santos.

They moved to an apartment in Del Perro Heights and initially bought 2 cars. Their life went well until Dougie was 24, where Bonnie developed an acute form of luekemia and passed away a year later. Dougie and Ellie were heartbroken at the death of their mother, but stuck together through the pain. Dougie became a freelancer, taking part-time jobs whenever they became available in order to continue the financial support for himself and Ellie, having used the majority of his money from Liberty City to pay for his mother's medical treatment.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Dougie suffers flashbacks of the day Ellie whenever he hears about gun crime in Los Santos and seeks emotional support from her. He is generally hard-working but finds it hard to trust people. Dougie's temper can boil over if he is pushed too far and he will turn the lives of his enemies into hell.

Vehicle: Obey Tailgater, Dewbauchee Massacro, Bravado Rat Loader (project car)

Photograph (If available):
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(Just updated Marcello's bio with a better photo of him, one of his cars and his house, and also a photo of his Sentinel.)
Name: Marcello Fennelley

Age: 29

Job/Career/Money Source:
High ranking mafia member in the past. How does he plan to get income now, you ask? It's a secret that will be revealed in due course. Aside from his past, Mr. Fennelley has also recently been investing in the stock markets, though whether this will pay out well for him is yet to be decided.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Mr. Fennelley, born and (not very well) raised in flashy Los Santos, wasn't always as rich as he is now. A dropout from high school despite his intelligence, Marcello soon learned that there's only one way to make it big in a city where a net worth below 6 figures might as well be ignored - honesty, hard work and friendship. Oh, sorry, that's wrong; the real method is lies, luck and extortion. However, since he was still nothing but a small-time gangster, a 17 year-old Marcello had to learn how to survive in the city on his own.
After a year of petty crime and dozens of arrests, a gang called the Red Widow Mafia picked him up and put him to work as a supplier to various dealers nearby, and then once he managed to afford his first car - an Ubermacht Sentinel - throughout the city. He was originally meant to just be an effective meatshield to the gang to make sure the more important suppliers could stay under the radar, but during his time as a supplier, he displayed an unnerving level of efficiency whenever trouble started brewing. Showcasing control of both his car and his gun that was highly above the bar set by his fellow members, he started rising the ranks. He quickly became good friends with the leader, Tommy Sarlos, and comfortably settled at the position of 2nd in command of the Red Widow Mafia.
However, 10 years after Marcello first joined, Tommy Sarlos was assassinated at his place of residence in Vinewood Hills by a rival gang member. The morale of the entire gang disappeared in a flash, and the whole operation was disbanded a month later despite Marcello's efforts. Luckily for Marcello, Tommy had left a rather large chunk of his personal fortune to his good friend, and on top of his personal earnings Marcello was able to afford a rather nice lifestyle. Marcello, or rather Mr. Fennelley, decided to buy a rather nice house by Del Perro Beach and a nice car to live out his early retirement in luxury, or so he claims. He has been living there for a year, and has no plans for the future as of now. But again, so he claims.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Mr. Fennelley is a relatively level-headed charmer who enjoys golf and relaxing, open-top drives through the vineyards. Marcello is a manipulative and ruthlessly efficient individual who will get paid for his efforts no matter what and also enjoys golf and relaxing, open-top drives through the vineyards. One thing Marcello- Mr. Fennelley- oh, to 🤬 with it, let's just call him M from now on. One thing M lacks, however, is a real sense of empathy and trust. Combined with no real contact with his family and no real friends except for the late Tommy Sarlos, M is a complete individual for now. He may be able to charm his way out of some situations as Mr. Fennelley or deal with others as Marcello, but once things get even too sticky for him there's nobody he can turn to. Being a logical enough individual, M has realized he may have enemies from gangs that the Red Widow Mafia antagonized in the past, and does indeed hope to find a 'business partner' so to speak.

Ubermacht Sentinel
Dewbauchee Massacro

Photographs (If available):

Name: Douglas "Dougie" McGregor
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Ex-Transporter/ getaway driver (explained in bio), freelancer.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Dougie grew up in the rough areas of Bohan in Liberty City with his mother, Bonnie, who had to raise him, and his younger sister, Ellie, alone following the death of his father, Stewart. However, his childhood was rough as the family was targeted by thieves and hoodlums for 5 years. When Dougie was 13, Ellie and him were out walking in Dukes, when Ellie was shot by a stray bullet during a gang altercation. She survived, but Dougie couldn't bear to see his sister lying in a hospital bed.

During his teenage years, Dougie was an emotional wreck, with 3 stints in rehab for heavy drug and alcohol abuse having been continually haunted by the image of his sister getting shot. Bonnie and Ellie tried everything to get Dougie back on the rails, but it was all in vain. After his third stint in rehab at age 17, Dougie vowed to exact revenge on the the person who shot Ellie. Under the cover of darkness, Dougie traveled to the same spot where the gang would usually hang out. He walked up to the person who he saw had the gun that day, and after some angry exchanges of words, stabbed him with a switchblade and stole his weapon. Dougie's fiery rage had the rest of the gang members stood in shock as he left the scene. A week later, Dougie was arrested and charged with murder. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison with parole after 12 months.

When he was released at age 18, Ellie told Dougie that the family was in desperate need of money, after Ellie got sacked from her job at Burger Shot for racial abuse. Dougie vowed to do the right thing for his family, but struggled to find a job as the recession was hitting hard. With hope fading fast, Dougie was approached by Gerald McReary, who was part of the Irish mob along with Patrick before Niko Bellic arrived. He offered Dougie a chance to make money as a transporter/getaway driver, by helping his family perform jobs in the city, which partly involved bank robberies and stealing cars to order.

Dougie and the McReary family worked well together for the next few years until 2008, where Dougie formally agreed with the McRearys that he had served his share of time with them and left to rejoin his own family. Dougie, Ellie and Bonnie decided to use Dougie's new-found earnings to move out of Liberty City and set up in Los Santos.

They moved to an apartment in Del Perro Heights and initially bought 2 cars. Their life went well until Dougie was 24, where Bonnie developed an acute form luekemia and passed away a year later. Dougie and Ellie were heartbroken at the death of their mother, but stuck together through the pain. Dougie became a freelancer, taking part-time jobs whenever they became available in order to continue the financial support for himself and Ellie, having used the majority of his money from Liberty City to pay for his mother's medical treatment.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Dougie suffers flashbacks of the day Ellie whenever he hears about gun crime in Los Santos and seeks emotional support from her. He is generally hard-working but finds it hard to trust people. Dougie's temper can boil over if he is pushed too far and he will turn the lives of his enemies into hell.

Vehicle: Obey Tailgater, Dewbauchee Massacro, Bravado Rat Loader (project car)

Photograph (If available):
You've been added to the OP list and will be blah when they are blah blah you know already as well.