[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Guess everyone was getting tired of the RP as I was... wow is all I can say.

I think I have to agree with Ishikawa here, I'm getting tired of gaming as well.. I get hyped for some games like GT6, GTA V, NFS: Rivals... but I don't know, I'm starting to believe I'm losing interest in playing video games at all, something I've been doing since I don't even know, and right now I'm less than two months away from turning 18, so it ain't that much time.

I don't know what, I simply don't know, but this last generation games (PS3/X360) lacked something that the PS2/Xbox generation didn't. I'll ask you guys how many of you turn on your PS2 or even older consoles and fire up the emulators around the net in your computers? I hope I'm not wrong, but I'm sure a lot of you do that.

So I believe what @Pinkintron posted didn't just made everyone decide out of the blue to leave. Everyone was feeling that way.

I'm leaving the club as well. I believe gaming in this last generation lacked the fun factor, lacked something that would make us re-play the games, make us have the creativity to create new forms to re-create the game. And GTA V unfortunately falls in this category.

I tried to blind myself to that perspective in recent gaming, but it's impossible. I still have more fun playing NFS Underground 1&2 and Most Wanted, in GTA: SA and in other games of the PS2 then I ever had in any game of the PS3.

Sorry guys, for real.

PS: I took 35 minutes to write that. '-'
It's sad to see the RP come to this and I think it also reflects the state of modern gaming right now. Things have gotten repetitive and that gets boring without fresh and innovative thinking now and again, but it doesn't happen. It hurts more for me with owning both a current and next gen console and the PS4 continues to loom large over what any current gen game has left right now.

I do get what @Pinkintron and everyone else are on about with losing motivation and I feel pretty much the same way. This, the car meet club, WHaT's club and my racing series on GT6 are the main things keeping me going on PS3 right now. Modern gaming just isn't fun anymore and we're paying the price for it.

With the majority itching to make the switch to next gen, the transition period means we'll be scraping the bottom of the barrel of the PS3, and not in a good way.
I don't necessarily think that gaming as a whole has become dull for me... In fact I'm still pretty addicted to GTA. I just got bored of role playing. While Rockstar are releasing DLC, I'll still be playing GTA, and probably longer. Although, I can't say the same for GT6. It's a great game considering other driving games on the PS3, but GT6 lacks something that GT5 had that made me want to play it all the time. Maybe I've just been spoiled with GTA V.

Besides, even if I was motivated to role play, I most likely wouldn't have time. Things are getting really busy at school and I've got 4 weeks left before exams start. :scared:
I don't necessarily think that gaming as a whole has become dull for me... In fact I'm still pretty addicted to GTA. I just got bored of role playing. While Rockstar are releasing DLC, I'll still be playing GTA, and probably longer. Although, I can't say the same for GT6. It's a great game considering other driving games on the PS3, but GT6 lacks something that GT5 had that made me want to play it all the time. Maybe I've just been spoiled with GTA V.

Agree with this statement.

GTA is still really good fun, I did RP a couple of times but, the boredom nearly killed me.

Race and DM creator are good fun, hanging out with crew members and griefing up griefers till they rage quit, flying around in Vestras etc etc is all still really enjoyable.

Modern gaming is not as exciting as it used to be, this is why I play a very small amount of new games. Its turned into a quality not quantity issue.

In my younger days, I would play numerous games on several machines in a day and have a great time with each one, now I only play 2 or 3 different games a year.

With the next gen of consoles comes the mandatory subscriptions that allow you to play online, gaming is a big money corporate business now. Gone are the days of Llamatron, Manic Miner and Fiendish Freddies Big Top O' Fun.

Fun is slowly being merged with finance.

Your app lacks so much detail.
What about his family? How did he get into the "chop shop" business? Look at @Doog and his application. Detailed about his past, and it reflects on his character later on.

Also, "he gets his mind off things by selling drugs/doing drugs and working on cars now all Jim does is work on cars and race them for money and trys to avoid drugs " - Isn't that contradicting?

My bad I'm going to make a new application
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Patrick Banach
Age: 16
PSN: brainstorm507
Role Play experience: I role played A lot in gta iv and I'm very legit

In Character (IC)

Name: Jimmy (Jim)
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Jimmy has no Real job/Career but he does have a way of making money... Jim makes money by selling drugs, cars, car parts, and he works on other peoples cars in his chop shop
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jim grew up in the poor streets of downtown Los Santos with his mother and brother, Jim's Dad left his family to work in the army but later died in a secret operation to Pakistan. Jim stayed in his family's house hold until he graduated from highschool. Jimmy didn't do well In the last year of collage because he started getting into drugs and left his family to live with his friends in an apartment because of failing collage and leaving it to do drugs. Jim always had an interest in cars and working on them so he started selling drugs and doing dirty work until he could buy his own warehouse with his one friend and they started a small business and used there warehouse as a chop shop, Jim soon realized his mother and brother died because of there house burning down. Jimmy became very depressed and angry at the time until two weeks later he took in out on his business partner and told no one about it and his the body in a river on the outskirts of Blane county. Jim carried on with his business and that's how Jim works now on , fixing and working on people's cars and recently started racing cars for money too because he's not getting the amount he wants and it is taking him too long to get him a house. Jim's dream is to have a popular business and have lots of money to have a nice house In Vinewood hills and be a very successful in his chop shop business
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jim at the moment is felling "Alright" not too bad because he has a decent amount of customers for his business but he doesn't think he has the amount he needs, Jim is also feeling pretty sad still because of loosing his family
Photograph (If available):
To be honest, I've never really had a chance to develop any characters because either R* deletes them or we all have a big overhaul or etc. Even when I manage to get into RP sessions and people actually arrive at them (which seems to be rare at this point) it seems to be difficult for people to actually start interacting with new characters to get an RP going, usually because they're either busy interacting with characters they already know. I'd be happy to help organize a new RP if anyone else is willing to continue, but if not then I guess I have no choice but to give it up.
To be honest, I've been wrapped up myself playing old generation games like GTA San Andreas. Games back then had a good story, and not everything was about whores, stealing, and money.
Hmm. Heists may be coming soon, could that possibly revive this?
So they finally got around to making heists... or really long jobs that probably only gives you a $50,000 reward? I doubt it would save this RP group or other people being bored of GTA V.

I'm sad to see this club go. However, I do respect and understand your decision. I was once in the same position.

First, I want to say that I greatly applaud you for the time and effort that you put into this club. Most people do not understand nor respect the time and effort it takes to run a successful club. The OP was very organized and it looks like it was very time consuming. And for that, you have my utmost respect. You are both a great leader and a great well-known friend in the GTPlanet community. Hopefully, we can still mess around on GTA every once in a while.

Secondly, this club was soooooo much fun! I loved RP'ing with you all! Everyone had a unique personality, which always kept things interesting. The events were coordinated extremely well, and they were pretty organized. This club is responsible for the most fun I have ever had on GTA. We were pretty much all friends and all managed to have a blast! So, I really can't thank you enough Pinkintron for the hard work, time, and effort you have put into this club. I had a hell of time here! Thanks so much! Hope to see you again sometime!!
I was thinking of getting back into this the other day, guess that not going to happen :boggled:. I remember back into the GTA IV days when we had this fresh idea that hit off so well, In IV i found it soo fun, but in V its just, sorta, lost its spark so to speak, hence why i left after 25 event or so, shame cus it was fun whilst it lasted, thanks @Pinkintron for all the great lobbys that were held on both GTA IV and V. :gtpflag:
Someone said earlier in this thread one thing that I believe that's true. LS is WAY too big for the RP. If we could have 32 players on the servers, than the RPs wouldn't stopped right now as happened. LC was way smaller, so I suppose it was way easier to find someone and make the characters interact. I don't know who said that, but I believe this person got one of the main reasons right in the spot.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age:14 -_-
Role Play experience:Skyrim and I use to RP a lot on GTA iv

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source: Kiro gets most of his pay from drug dealing and selling stolen goods such as cars,chains & watches.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Kiro lived in the city of liberty as a African American boy he never had a troubled life his dad making money from selling dope. One day Kiro came home the lights were closed when he heard a scream and a gun shot coming from his parents bed room so he ran up stairs he saw his mothers laying on the floor with multiple bullet holes in her back and a man wearing a mask standing beside her Kiro dropped to the floor and started crying as the man ran off. At the age of 15 Kiro proceeded the crime life joining his neighbourhood gang,earning 4 criminal records for possession of class A drugs, after he was released from prison his dad assumed he will do better in San Andreas so they sent him to go live In the big city of Los Santos Where he continues his crime life. Kiro hopes one day he will become rich and leave the crime life behind.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Kiro has the stereotypical hood rack Attitude he is cool but when he gets angry he really gets angry ,he has a passion for revenge.


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The last 5 pages are talking about nothing but this club closing, and yet people come and apply. It even says it's closing in big letters in the OP. :rolleyes:

Come on people, read.
So, it's open again.

After much consideration, I've decided to give this another go. What will be different this time? I'm working on it.
I will be slowly editing the rules the next few days so everything will be ready to go before I decide to host any events. I have wiped all previous members from the group to start a clean slate. I will also be going over every bit of the OP and cleaning that up as well to keep it modern, clear, and easy to read. I will be strict on who may join - a four sentence application is not going to be accepted at all.
I will also be more strict on myself. I will be involved in the thread more than I was in the past, as well as more strict on my timing. I will try and be as accurate as possible for every planned event I post in the OP. I know that things may - and will - change due to actual life stuff, but I will take that into consideration even more so, so club members will be allowed to trust me on when events start.
I am sure I'm missing a few points, but that should round up my thoughts for now.

I'm really, really excited on this fresh start, and I believe this will be a well oiled machine as it was in the past. Again, with an updated look, feel, and mindset I believe this will definitely work for the better this time.

Thank you for the mod who has unlocked this thread upon request.
Woop! I've been itching to do some proper RP for quite a while now, sticking all my current and future RP characters in The Sims 3 isn't quite enough :P
I know the preparations are in the early stages and you might not have thought about it yet but do we all need to create brand new characters or are we able to re-use the characters from before?
If the former, no problem. I can probably use one of my planned characters or even create an all-new one.
If the latter... Time to get back in Kenton and Kane's shoes. :lol:
Oh joy, this thread is back. I've been a lot more bored since the closing and lost the spirit to game. Now, there is a reason not to let my GTA V case catch dust now. Though, how are the characters going to work? II haven't touched my character at all and I don't feel like having to change everything again.