[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Well I guess I'm too late, but due to some RL family problems and internet problems i've been gone a while, I understand if I'm not allowed back on the list but, yeah I'm still here and wanting to rp, if i'm not allowed back on the list, I'll guess i'll be on my way, thanks for the good rp sessions whilst I was here though, reply when you can Pinkingtron:)
You can still apply again, but you'll be put in the queue. You're only banned from the RP if you break the rules, ruin the RP experience, etc.
Guys and gals', the lobby's up and runnin'. Everybody hop onto their couch, start their PS3 and join our lobby. Simple as that. :)
Out Of Character (OOC)
chicken nuggets
Age: an age
PSN: gtp_snorevette
Role Play experience: some, probably

In Character (IC)

Name: Roger McCallister
Age: 32
Job/Career/Money Source: Gambling, betting and hustling, or other odd jobs if they pay well and aren't too boring
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Hailing from Vespucci, Roger was brought up by his wealthy parents, his father being a legitimate businessman. However, Roger isn't exactly what you'd call a 'legitimate businessman', or indeed a businessman at all. Roger doesn't enjoy legitimate work - too dull, he says. He couldn't stand doing the same thing over and over every day, so he instead chose to get his money from the casino and racetrack rather than the office. Unfortunately, gambling isn't a particularly stable source of income, so his small large apartment quickly fell into disarray was going to be unaffordable. To make sure he didn't end up on the streets, Roger turned to slightly less legal work. Scams, rigged bets, that sort of thing. His apartment is still trashed, but he can at least afford the payments on it and his 2 flashy Ocelots (both obtained from a few set up bets) now. But Now he wants more...
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Roger is a liar, a snake and a fraud. But that's not to say he isn't a likeable person. Certainly, on the exterior, he seems like a charming fellow, and even when you get to know him you learn that he's certainly not scamming you out of cowardice. He's decent enough with a gun or behind the wheel, but he's certainly not the best at either. His skills lie in his ability to utilize his nerve to bluff and charm himself out of any situation that he doesn't want to be in.

EDIT - Got some more money so now Roger can live in a 10-car apartment instead of a 2-car apartment.
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So hey guys, I couldn't be at the event today because I was out playing soccer. :lol: Atleast I scored some goals, one of them dedicated to the RP. :lol:
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Jason Paterson

Age: 14

PSN: Darcosis

Role Play experience: Skyrim Oblivion Fallout3 Fallout NV Mount and blade and many more

In Character (IC)

Name: Darren Macleish

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Any way of making money he can find

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals)Darren didint have a clue who his parents were and ended up at the door step of a woman (Lora Macleish) who took him in the womans husband(Mick Macleish) was a member of the lost and while darren grew Mac grew more fond of him befor darren was 10 he was interduced to the lost family and finnaly found his place what he never learnet in maths and enlish he learnt in trust and loyalty when he was 16 the angels of death roled in and slaughtered the Lost chapter leaving darren for dead a little peice of him died that day so he took of for los santos and hopes for a different destiny than being slaughtered like a pig.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Loyal once your a true friend he will do anything for you


p.s. i like chicken nuggets

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Name: Rakesh
Age: 15
PSN: rsrules_34
RP Exp.: Skyrim, I guess Pokemon but really not much

Name: John Stamos
Age: 22
Job: John is a middle class person who made his money from exporting cars onto the black market.
Bio: John came from a poor family in Compton and made it big by stealing and selling cars to Simeon. He aspires to one day be the owner of his own car dealership, but for now has to play dirty.
(Photo not available)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Reuben Thomas
Age: 12
Role Play experience: Do a bit of forum RP.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jaden Philips (Not related to that physcopath)
Age: 18
Job/Career/Money Source: Works at Cluckin' Bell
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): At birth Jaden was an unusual baby. He was diagnosed with A.D.H.D and Aspergus syndrome. He was very ambitious at 5 and wanted to become a racer. But then his family moved to Blaine County but were slaughtered while on a hike. He never went to school, and the only thing he knows is 1+1 is 11 and the alphabet and few words. A man named Darryl Ping took him in and abused him regularly. He accepted it because Darryl was the only man who would care for him. When 13 and when Darryl was 57, Jaden had enough. He brutally murdered Darryl and took his trailer. With enough money he bought a house but was then robbed of it by Ballas. He is now living in the alley of Cluckin' Bell and his only food source is the food Bell makes. He wished he was dead. He is also associated with criminal business as that is the only way of making money in this god forsaken country.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jaden has a short temper and if pushed to the limit he will lash out.
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Jason Paterson

Age: 14

PSN: Darcosis

Role Play experience: Skyrim Oblivion Fallout3 Fallout NV Mount and blade and many more

In Character (IC)

Name: Darren Macleish

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Any way of making money he can find

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals)Darren didint have a clue who his parents were and ended up at the door step of a woman (Lora Macleish) who took him in the womans husband(Mick Macleish) was a member of the lost and while darren grew Mac grew more fond of him befor darren was 10 he was interduced to the lost family and finnaly found his place what he never learnet in maths and enlish he learnt in trust and loyalty when he was 16 the angels of death roled in and slaughtered the Lost chapter leaving darren for dead a little peice of him died that day so he took of for los santos and hopes for a different destiny than being slaughtered like a pig.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Loyal once your a true friend he will do anything for you


p.s. i like chicken nuggets
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Reuben Thomas
Age: 12
Role Play experience: Do a bit of forum RP.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jaden Philips (Not related to that physcopath)
Age: 18
Job/Career/Money Source: Works at Cluckin' Bell
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): At birth Jaden was an unusual baby. He was diagnosed with A.D.H.D and Aspergus syndrome. He was very ambitious at 5 and wanted to become a racer. But then his family moved to Blaine County but were slaughtered while on a hike. He never went to school, and the only thing he knows is 1+1 is 11 and the alphabet and few words. A man named Darryl Ping took him in and abused him regularly. He accepted it because Darryl was the only man who would care for him. When 13 and when Darryl was 57, Jaden had enough. He brutally murdered Darryl and took his trailer. With enough money he bought a house but was then robbed of it by Ballas. He is now living in the alley of Cluckin' Bell and his only food source is the food Bell makes. He wished he was dead. He is also associated with criminal business as that is the only way of making money in this god forsaken country.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jaden has a short temper and if pushed to the limit he will lash out.
Photograph (If available):
I don't understand these apps. Something about 1+1 is 11 and being slaughtered like a pig.
Name: Rakesh
Age: 15
PSN: rsrules_34
RP Exp.: Skyrim, I guess Pokemon but really not much

Name: John Stamos
Age: 22
Job: John is a middle class person who made his money from exporting cars onto the black market.
Bio: John came from a poor family in Compton and made it big by stealing and selling cars to Simeon. He aspires to one day be the owner of his own car dealership, but for now has to play dirty.
(Photo not available)
This is the shortest application I've ever seen.
Please, more details and more story. I want 3-D characters!
Isn't 13 the minimum age for GTP? :odd:
Well howdy there DK.
PSN: rsrules_34
RP exp.: Skyrim, Pokemon? But other than that not much

Name: John Stamos
Age: 22
Job: Exporter of goods and cars on the black market.
Bio: John was born to a poor family and lived on Grove Street, in the heart of Compton. As a child, he was often teased about his race, which leads to his characteristics being aggressive at times. As he grew up, he saw the violence that occurred often in his poor neighborhood, and strived to gain money, not matter how, and get away from the terrible conditions in Compton. At the age of 17, he made his break when he met a man named Simeon who ran a car dealership about a mile from his house. Simeon required a few dirty jobs that involved repossessing cars from people who weren't paying them off, mostly with violence, sabotaging the businesses of his rivals, and stealing cars of the streets for exportation. Even though it wasn't completely legal, it made money, and by 19 he had moved to a nice apartment in the Vespucci Beach area. Even though he was decently wealthy, he wanted action in his life, so he started his own exportation business, stealing cars and selling them on the black market. At 22, John is still going strong.
Personality: Subtle and classy most of the time but cunning and brutal when needed.
(Picture not available)

Interested in some Grand Theft Auto RP? Me too. That's why I've decided to carry on my club from Grand Theft Auto IV to GTA V. I, or a selected handful of members, may create official rooms that will follow each and every member's character and what they do.

Not clear enough? Let me put it this way. This very long post ahead will give information, requirements, forms, and concerns needed to participate in the GTA V Role Play.
If you are are interested in my club, please read this entire post and apply.

Note: Please note that that the game is rated M for Mature, so if you are under 17 please know that this role play WILL involve drugs, prostitution, shootouts, and other vulgar types. This, however, does not mean you cannot play if you are under 17, but you have been warned, and prepare to most likely get offended in one way or another.


Event Guide

This section is where events are dated. Any events planned will be posted here on either Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Check on this around once a week to see if you can be available during a dated event. I schedule events based on my calendar. If there is something in the way, I'm not going to put Grand Theft Auto first. i.e. "I have an appointment at 2:00, so I'll bump the event an hour."
Also note that the events don't start at exactly at the time listed. Normally, there is a 30 minute window between the times. I will add you as a friend on PlayStation Network and invite you to a chat room when I myself opens a lobby. Again, when I eventually get some moderators, they can host official groups. Myself or a moderator will then let everyone know in the chat room when the event begins, normally after about 30 minutes of setting up the lobby.

Any lobbies hosted without a moderator in them is considered not valid, as I wish to let each character grow as a club instead of having club members host lobbies and me not hearing about what occurred in said event.

You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. When you are talking Out Of Character, please, to avoid any confusion, put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.

My timezone is PST. That's GMT -8. Please convert this to your own time.

Note: There will be no events between the 30th of January to the 4th of February. I will be out of town those few days and will not be able to host.​

Planned/Current Events
GTA RP Event #97: Saturday, March 22nd @ 12:00 PM
GTA RP Event #98: Sunday, March 23rd @ 12:00 PM​

Archived Events
GTA RP Event #91: Friday, March 7th @ 1:00 PM
GTA RP Event #92: Saturday, March 8th @ 1:00 PM
GTA RP Event #93: Sunday, March 9th @ 11:00 AM
GTA RP Event #94: Friday, March 14th @ 1:30 PM
GTA RP Event #95: Saturday, March 15th @ 12:00 PM
GTA RP Event #96: Sunday, March 16th @ 12:00 PM​


Members 25/25

Pinkintron (hellraiser-14) - Jeff Willis

Katiegan - Kathi Stanley
Doog (Dooglers8) - Brian Hendrickson
Volchelkin - Liam O'Reilly

A3r0 (stalexgamerzking) - Aero
Adonis Garcia (FASTMONEY_DONNY5) - Alexander "Lex" Garcia
AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07) - Fraser Stewart
AzNTypeR (AzNImaboy) - 'Seb' Sebastian Milano
BFunke(666) - Jimmy Sloth (Lil Smoke)
DBeav12 - Carlos Orozco
FIZIXDriver (FIZIX_Driver) - Paul Fujiwara
GTDriver1230 - Kenton Outway & Marco Kane
imRioter - Stanley Yelnats
Ishikawa M (PeteWheet) - Ricki Parkinson
KingToadstool - Richard Lamar Tyler
Krizzy (kayman216) - Rihanna Sandino
robrabbitman (bloodsugarrush) - Robert Allen
MichruleJJ - Dan Smith
NascarManiaco99 (GTP_Michelin9960) - Brandon Michelin
NumberN9ne (Saarai) - Maria Munroe
shadowx414 (Shadow-X-KillerX) - Drew Joans (DJ)
Snorevette (sovietmexican) - Roger McCallister

StancedOut(7) - Esteban Rodriguez Perea
TripleA5 - Peter Ferrera
zKubi (BySeeqa) - Sean Clarke

Queue List
BeAst_Pk_RIPPER - Chandler Blackson
abc3131 (Bazinga_hunter) - Hunter D. Parsons
Barglab - Mick Conners
ProjectWHaT - Stephen 'Phteven' McDonnell
Xdjz (Zdjzzzzz) - Dmitry Dzagoev
LanceV (LanceVandergrass) - Lance Vandergrass

Banned List
Officerdino (Gauthier_123-)



There are two gangs in which members may or may not take part of. They are driven by the RP and the gang themselves, meaning no single person really /leads/ the gang in the RP.

Midnight Club LS
This gang represents the chain and a 9mm pistol. They represent where they have came from, and can often be found street racing. They love to hustle in anyway to earn money - that's their top priority.
(Think Menace II Society)

Katiegan - Kathi Stanley

Doog (Dooglers8) - Brian Hendrickson

NascarManiaco99 (GTP_Michelin9960) - Brandon Michelin

<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)
<Character Name> (<GTP Username>)

KingToadstool - Richard Lamar Tyler
zKubi (BySeeqa) - Sean Clarke
GTDriver1230 - Marco Kane
TripleA5 - Peter Ferrera

Brotherhood of Corruption
This gang is respect and a solid blacked out Oracle. Classified as classy in their eyes, they are often in suits, organizing their plan of action instead of guns blazing. They do not street race or have any hooniganism - strictly business.
(Think Goodfellas)

Volchelkin - Liam O'Reilly

MichruleJJ - Dan Smith

AudiMan2011 (Street-King-07) - Fraser Stewart
MichruleJJ - Dan Smith

GTDriver1230 - Kenton Outway

Ishikawa M (PeteWheet) - Ricki Parkinson
DBeav12 - Carlos Orozco
Adonis Garcia (FASTMONEY_DONNY5) - Alexander "Lex" Garcia
A3r0 (stalexgamerzking) - Aero
AzNTypeR (AzNImaboy) - 'Seb' Sebastian Milano



Blue: B.O.C
Red: M.C.L.S



1.) Don't 'stalk' other players.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.

2.) No extreme killing sprees.

As exciting it may seem to you, it can easily ruin the role play experience. You can have shootouts with police, but it isn't logical to stand in the middle of a boardwalk and blast everyone with an RPG.

3.) No Extreme weapons for your character.

Self explanatory. I'll see how far the gun limitations are, but in the mean time - don't make your character have an RPG, minigun, and whatever else. I think walking around with a 12-gauge shotgun, and pistol, and a Uzi is unrealistic and extreme already.

4.) Don't drive unrealistic cars for yourself.

This one is pretty much self explanatory as well. A dead-beat drug dealer doesn't drive a Comet. It just doesn't happen.

5.) Once in a while, stop for a red light, or get some gas at the gas station.
It really bugs me when someone is constantly weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights. If it's a street race, it's acceptable. But just flooring it to save time or whatever get annoying, especially if you crash your car and just go get it fixed immediately. Also, to make sure you have read the rules, put "I like chicken nuggets" somewhere in your application.

6.) Don't kill anyone without their consent.
Self exploratory. Don't go around killing someone unless they say it is alright. Also, do not do anything to other member's cars unless they say it is alright as well.

7.) Don't fix cars like magic.
If you get into a car accident, don't drive over to a LSC and get your vehicle repaired instantly. Give it some time, like a real accident, and leave your car there for a few days, or however long you think your car damage can be fixed.

8.) Have common sense.

I can list rules forever, but most of them are common sense. I don't believe I have to post every little thing down, but that doesn't excuse you to act stupidly and say "It isn't in the rules!" Please, please, please! For the sake of the game, be far to everyone.

♦ Please note ♦
I have recently removed a rule that does not require anyone to use the [OOC] tags anymore. They are not really needed and they often clutter up the chat. You can use them if you want to, but I think it's obvoius enough to tell when we are in and out of character. Or maybe instead of "[OOC]" or "OOC:" tags anymore, you can just use parentheses around your message.
Any new members who have know idea with this means, ignore it.



Please fill as most as you comfortably can. It will not only be easier to keep track of things, but also it makes me trust you more.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Patrick Banach
PSN: brainstorm507
Role Play experience: i did alot roll play in gta 4 and im very legit

In Character (IC)

Name: Jimmy (Jim)
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source:no job/carear makes money by selling drugs and working at chop shops for peoples cars
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jim was rassed in a poor family and never had a clean good life, it is always agressive and depressing but he gets his mind off things by selling drugs/doing drugs and working on cars(Jim is also a bit poor) now all Jim does is work on cars and race them for money and trys to avoid drugs . Jims goal is to find a legit job in a chop shop for good money
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jim is sad and depressed sometimes because of money problems but other then that hes a good and fun guy
Photograph (If available):

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, comments, or concerns, please message me.

Thank you everyone for reading and taking interest!
Yeah, here's his application -
Brainstorm507 said
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Patrick Banach
PSN: brainstorm507
Role Play experience: i did alot roll play in gta 4 and im very legit

In Character (IC)

Name: Jimmy (Jim)
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source:no job/carear makes money by selling drugs and working at chop shops for peoples cars
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jim was rassed in a poor family and never had a clean good life, it is always agressive and depressing but he gets his mind off things by selling drugs/doing drugs and working on cars(Jim is also a bit poor) now all Jim does is work on cars and race them for money and trys to avoid drugs . Jims goal is to find a legit job in a chop shop for good money
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jim is sad and depressed sometimes because of money problems but other then that hes a good and fun guy
Photograph (If available):
My character in the OP has been changed, but my PSN name hasn't - I had to make a new account (GTP_Snorevette) to get on GTA Online again. Could you update the OP and accept my FR, pink?
My character in the OP has been changed, but my PSN name hasn't - I had to make a new account (GTP_Snorevette) to get on GTA Online again. Could you update the OP and accept my FR, pink?

It might take a while. Someone still hasn't changed Kathi to Wesley in the OP... :sly: