[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Holy cow. This is a pretty good app. Accepted! I'll add you to the queue/waiting list in order to be added to my PSN. I'm cleaning out the main list so you should be able to get a spot today or soon. I'm pretty lenient on those who are in the queue list and I'll let them in if someone else is willing to add them at the moment. I simply can't due to the my large friends list.

Also, to whom it may concern - do the gangs need to be updated? I know at least MCLS, especially Kathi's name :lol:
But anything else?

Thanks for accepting me, I really appreciate it :)

By the way, Sorry I left abruptly but my PS3 froze. My bad.
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Isn't an event on today?
I was hoping I'd be able to let it slide a bit further in the day - I have a feeling absolutely no one is going to join, and if they do, no one is going to RP. I'm referring back to the point of possibly only having RP events on weekends.
I get the feeling this is so generic or just lacking of detail. So he leaves the university to live with a friend and do what? Not sure if "take jabs wherever he finds them" is really the way to go - I'd like it if you'd have a plan, of even the slightest sorts. ?

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Harvey
Age: 19
PSN: LanceVandergrass
Role Play experience: D&D, Pathfinder, Warhammer 40K etc. Plus RP in free roam.

In Character (IC)

Name: Lance Vandergrass

Age: 22

Job/Career/Money Source: Stick-up man, gun for hire, and get-away driver.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Born and raised in Carcer city, he was the oldest child of four and grew up the product of an over bearing mother, and father who he always felt directed his life. His mother was always "prepping" him to follow in her footsteps and join the family business but he barely knew what that was. It seemed Lance couldn't go more than a few months without getting into another fight, things that other kids shrugged off really lit him up, win or lose he never really faced consequences for his actions "Quiet little Lance? He would never start something he was just defending himself." the teachers would always say.
Around the time Lance turned 16 the family moved to Las Venturas the reason being his mother taking some type of "V.P. Position" allowing his father to stay home. This also seemed to be a good fit for Lance he quickly made new friends and they did what kids do laugh, fight, steal whatever, nothing serious just a little fun.
A year later Lance graduated High School and went to Greenglass College double Majoring in Business, and engineering, though he did not graduate as during his Senior year a for profit cheating ring started and ran by he and a group of friends was busted the group choosing to exit the University rather than fight in student appeals.
Rather than go home and yet again be pushed into something that wasn't fit for him by his parents. Lance decided to take up an offer from one of his closets friends and moved out to Los Santos in search of excitement, and quick money. ****** 9 to 5's not cutting it for either of them. He quickly found himself living a life of petty crime, which he both enjoyed immensely and despised. He enjoyed the crime but despised the petty nature of it. If he was going to live this life he wanted to do it right. Lance created a persona for himself among the underworld a nameless individual who hit every store, armored van, and piggy bank he could find. He's working to get the word out, if you need a gun, distraction, get-away on two wheels or whatever else he's it. But he doesn't plan to stay at the bottom for long.
Personality: (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Lance is quick tempered, easily bored, and fiercely loyal, this is at odds with his need for order he tries to maintain a calm disposition he attempts to be calculating and play things the smart way, but you can only push him so far before he breaks.
Oh and did I mention he loves Chicken Nuggets?

I updated this Some and put in some parts I plan to build upon.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Harvey
Age: 19
PSN: LanceVandergrass
Role Play experience: D&D, Pathfinder, Warhammer 40K etc. Plus RP in free roam.

In Character (IC)

Name: Lance Vandergrass

Age: 22

Job/Career/Money Source: Stick-up man, gun for hire, and get-away driver.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Born and raised in Carcer city, he was the oldest child of four and grew up the product of an over bearing mother, and father who he always felt directed his life. His mother was always "prepping" him to follow in her footsteps and join the family business but he barely knew what that was. It seemed Lance couldn't go more than a few months without getting into another fight, things that other kids shrugged off really lit him up, win or lose he never really faced consequences for his actions "Quiet little Lance? He would never start something he was just defending himself." the teachers would always say.
Around the time Lance turned 16 the family moved to Las Venturas the reason being his mother taking some type of "V.P. Position" allowing his father to stay home. This also seemed to be a good fit for Lance he quickly made new friends and they did what kids do laugh, fight, steal whatever, nothing serious just a little fun.
A year later Lance graduated High School and went to Greenglass College double Majoring in Business, and engineering, though he did not graduate as during his Senior year a for profit cheating ring started and ran by he and a group of friends was busted the group choosing to exit the University rather than fight in student appeals.
Rather than go home and yet again be pushed into something that wasn't fit for him by his parents. Lance decided to take up an offer from one of his closets friends and moved out to Los Santos in search of excitement, and quick money. ****** 9 to 5's not cutting it for either of them. He quickly found himself living a life of petty crime, which he both enjoyed immensely and despised. He enjoyed the crime but despised the petty nature of it. If he was going to live this life he wanted to do it right. Lance created a persona for himself among the underworld a nameless individual who hit every store, armored van, and piggy bank he could find. He's working to get the word out, if you need a gun, distraction, get-away on two wheels or whatever else he's it. But he doesn't plan to stay at the bottom for long.
Personality: (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Lance is quick tempered, easily bored, and fiercely loyal, this is at odds with his need for order he tries to maintain a calm disposition he attempts to be calculating and play things the smart way, but you can only push him so far before he breaks.
Oh and did I mention he loves Chicken Nuggets?

I updated this Some and put in some parts I plan to build upon.
Much better! Accepted! You'll be added to the queue list and will be able to join events when there is room.

The lobby is being set up, current members.
RP Summary - Kenton Outway:

With the chance that MCLS can track down the Brotherhood via LifeInvader, Liam texted Kenton to delete his account. But LifeInvader is an ass and did not allow Kenton to deactivate his account, so he took matters into his own hands.

[Kenton detonates bombs in the LifeInvader office]

While he was satisfied with the bombing, his gut wasn't so he decided to pop by to his usual restaurant.

Kenton: Usual.
Waiter: I am sorry, but no can do.
Infuriated, Kenton decided to go for whatever was available.

Kenton: The **** is this?
Waiter: Excuse me, sir?
He stormed out.


[The summary containing Kenton and the youths has been redacted]

Final words by GT:

...If I ever meet anyone like Kenton, I have no idea what to do.
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Just a warning, you might want to edit that. Any passing moderator isn't going to look too kindly on an attempt at circumventing the swear filter. If you need to swear, type out the word itself - when it's posted, it'll just show up as asterisks in your post.
Just a warning, you might want to edit that. Any passing moderator isn't going to look too kindly on an attempt at circumventing the swear filter. If you need to swear, type out the word itself - when it's posted, it'll just show up as asterisks in your post.
Oops. There was actually one instance of the word being pretty much visible which was an accidental copy and paste from the log. Thanks for notifying me. I think I've edited them all but if one does slip past my eyes... Well I think I know what will happen.

Edit: To the RPers, I forgot to mention that we're fast approaching Session 100, any ideas for that? Some character get together or something?
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Probably one of my most interesting sessions so far. And it lasted quite a while, too. I got to recruit a new member for the Brotherhood and help save the Boss. All in a day's work.

And then we had general shenanigans.
You guys are mean with poor ball-less Brandon. :( :lol:

And by the way, the chat was hilarious today. At the garage scene, we couldn't go one serious sentence without going 10+ laughing and being idiots. Thanks for the fun RP. 👍 :cheers:
I'll do a quick huge summary for those who missed it...

RP Summary - Wesley Stanley

After the Brotherhood had taken the Los Santos Customs shop in La Mesa, both Wesley and Brooke realised something had to be done about it soon before more Midnight territory was taken. Wesley was relaxing in his garage, leaned back on a stool and browsing the internet on his phone, when his sister proposed an idea to him. She suggested he went to the shop in La Mesa and observed Brotherhood activity there, to see if there were any opportunities the gang could take to have La Mesa back. Wesley agreed, and set off for the shop in his Declasse Granger.

Once he found a suitable place to park the Granger, Darnell's textile factory car park, he sneaked down a tunnel and hid at the end of it, observing the shop. The Brotherhood leader, Liam O'Reilly, had just dropped off his car to be worked on by the mechanic. Wesley looked around for more gang members, and soon the Brotherhood Commissioner Fraser Stewart turned up. Fraser soon disappeared inside the shop, but Liam stayed outside. Seeing his opportunity, Wesley creeped up behind Liam, then suddenly put a hand around his mouth and a knife up to his throat. Liam struggled, and Wesley dragged him over to his Granger just as Fraser left the shop. Wesley bundled Liam into the back of the Granger and sped off, Fraser running behind, just a little too late to save his leader.

Wesley took the Brotherhood leader back to his garage, where Brooke was waiting. He dragged his new hostage out of the Granger as he tried to reach for his phone, which Wesley soon knocked out of his hand. Brooke took Liam and tied him up to a chair, just as his phone rang. It was Fraser, and Wesley answered it. After getting verbal abuse from the Scotsman and giving him it back, the phone call ended and Wesley kept the iFruit phone for himself. He then walked over to his work bench, and looked at the various items. Settling for a battery, Wesley grabbed some jump leads and told his sister to unbutton Liam's shirt. As she did so, Wesley called the Midnight Lieutenant, Brandon Michelin, and told him he had a 'big score' down at his garage. Curious, Brandon said he'd be there right away.

Upon arrival, Brandon was surprised and rather confused to see a shirtless man tied to a chair in Wesley's garage. Wesley explained that it was the Brotherhood's leader, and Brandon soon understood. Wesley attached the jump leads to Liam's nipples and walked back over to the battery. After exchanging witty comments with the Brotherhood leader, Wesley attached the other end of the jump leads to the battery, sending an electric current through the wires and into Liam's body. Liam struggled, moaning and groaning at the pain, and Wesley repeated it, again and again, until Liam started to lose consciousness.

Not wanting his hostage to pass out just yet, Wesley disconnected the jump leads and looked at the tools hung up on his wall. He selected a pair of pliers, and walked back over to Liam, opening his mouth and grabbing a tooth, before viciously pulling it out. By this time, a few members of the Brotherhood had found Wesley's location after tracking down the phone call from Liam's phone and were banging on the garage doors. Brandon walked over and banged them back, as Wesley carried on torturing their new hostage. Liam cursed Wesley as he swapped the pliers for a pipe wrench and swung it at his leg, just as the Brotherhood members broke into the garage.

A brawl broke out between the two Midnights, Wesley and Brandon, and the four Brotherhood members, Fraser, Rob Allen, Liam and their new recruit Seb Milano, with Brooke running off, various limbs being injured and broken, and Brandon being stabbed where the sun don't shine. After tools and knives were thrown around the workshop, the Brotherhood limped off, leaving Wesley and Brandon to examine their wounds in the garage. Brandon went to the hospital to get himself checked up, whereas Wesley went back to his apartment to get a shower and get changed, then headed off to Vanilla Unicorn to relax after the fight.

Wesley arrived at the strip club and went straight to the bar, ordering a drink. A few hours passed, and he drank until the bartender wouldn't serve him anymore. Realising he couldn't buy any more drinks, a wasted Wes stumbled out of the club and wobbled home.

I probably missed out a lot of details there but it's about 3:30am and a lot happened in the RP. :lol:
I guess I'll make a quick-ish one too:

RP Summary: Sebastian Milano

Seb's day started out at the clothing store, where he went to go update his wardrobe. Upon leaving, he noticed quite a nice car. He asked the owner (Rob) what it was, and discovered that it was a Dinka Jester. He politely asked if he could jump into the Jester, and his request was accepted. Seb couldn't help notice that Rob was constantly going through red lights, and he pointed it out to Rob. After that conversation, it led to Rob asking Sebastian if he was part of the 'MCLS'. Sebastian said that he didn't, and asked what it was. Upon discovering, Sebastian had an urge to join, but kept that to himself, and asked if Rob was in it. Sebastian discovered that Rob was in the 'Brotherhood'.

Rob suddenly got a phone call from Fraser, and Sebastian could hear Fraser shouting from the other side of the phone, and politely asked if he could help with what was going on. He discovered that the MCLS had taken the Brotherhood's leader. Sebastian was told that he could help, and subsequently got out of the Jester and into his Sultan. He was told to meet Rob and Fraser at the LS in (insert name here) after he got his Sultan. He met up with them, and met Fraser - although not in the nicest way. He could hear someone (Wes) talking to Fraser over the phone, but Fraser was making these outrageous threats, like rippin' balls out etc. After this, Fraser managed to trace down the location of their Leader, and Sebastian volunteered to drive them to the location.

Little did they know, they were being ambushed outside of the garage that Liam was being held in. After managing to get rid of that guy, they proceeded to try and get into the garage. Sebastian got into his Sultan (ignore the fact that it was a Tailgater in game!) and rammed into the garage door, enough to get the 3 inside. Once inside, they saw the maniacs that was the MCLS - and Liam. Sebastian hid behind Wes' massive Granger, and waited in case the Brotherhood needed assistance. After waiting like 3 minutes, Sebastian jumped out from behind the Granger and punched Wes' straight in the face. (And then I got DC'ed.)

Later on, Sebastian was invited to Liam's apartment and introduced himself to Liam. He was told that he could be a member of the Brotherhood if he were to steal an RV back, and he successfully completed it ALL BY HIMSELF.

(Sorry, some of you got killed ;3)

After this, he drove Liam back to his home, and Sebastian went home to contemplate about the long day he's had. The next day, he went out to buy a suit, so that he could fit in with the Brotherhood.

Closing thoughts:

Well, that was quite unexpected. O_O
I was thinking of joining the MCLS, but whatever. I'm fine with my suited-homies. ;3
SK, where did the rippin' balls bit come from. ;p That was quite awkward, to threaten someone over the phone like that!

And finally, yey. Rob & Sebastian are finally friends after that hiccup a few weeks back. ;3

Maybe, this did get a bit long. ;d
The only summary Ricki could do was that he moved out of LS and moved to Fraser's old place. This is what it looks like:

The FJ...I mean BJ isn't mine.
RP Summary- Fraser Stewart

Fraser's day got off to a rough start after receiving a text from Jerry (the mechanic at La Mesa LSC) saying that Wes was hanging around the garage again. Fraser hurried over to La Mesa and went into the office to speak to Jerry. Suddenly, Fraser saw his boss, Liam, getting kidnapped by Wes, who had put a knife to his throat. Fraser immediately dashed out of the office and ran after the two men, only to just miss them as Wes left in his Granger.

After hurrying back to his Tailgater, Fraser got a call from Rob just as he was leaving La Mesa. He quickly told Rob about the situation and told Rob to meet him at the LSC in Burton. Once there, Rob had brought along a new recruit for the Brotherhood in the form of Sebastian Milano. However, Fraser was not in the current mood for introductions as he tried to phone Liam. His call was picked up by Wes, and the angry Scot unleashed a torrent of verbal abuse at the MCLS leader, including threatening to rip his man parts out through his neck once he found him.

After hanging up, Fraser traced the phone call to a garage in Carson Ave and made quick introductions with Sebastian before the 3 men set off. However, once they arrived, they were ambushed by an unknown assailant who was shooting at them from the rooftops across the street, forcing the men to hide behind Seb's Sultan. Once that was dealt with, Rob and Fraser began banging their fists on the garage door, ordering Wes to open it, all to no avail.

Fraser ordered Seb to bust down the door with his car so they could get in to rescue Liam. With the door broken of it's hinges, the 3 men rushed inside to find Wes holding a pipe wrench and Brandon looking smug as Liam sat battered, bruised and bloody between them. Fraser rushed at Wes and slammed him against the desk before he got hit in the knee with the with the pipe wrench and elbowing Wes in the face.

A massive fight broke out as Fraser, Seb and Rob outnumbered Wes and Brandon until they got Liam free. It was all over after Fraser threw the pipe wrench at Wes's legs and the Brotherhood made their escape. Once they reconvened at Liam's apartment, the 4 men went out to the desert to do a job.

Once complete, Rob took Fraser home where Ricki was waiting to leave town. The two of them went to Grapeseed when they soon arrived at Fraser's old house. After a brief, emotional flashback to his childhood, Fraser left Ricki and headed back to Los Santos.

SK, where did the rippin' balls bit come from. ;p That was quite awkward, to threaten someone over the phone like that!

Sometimes when there's a hostage situation involving a rival gang, tempers can fray. With my character being Scottish, that temper can get turned up to 11.
Name: Esteban Rodriguez Perea
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Mercenary with good reputation.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Growing up in the marijuana fields of southern Columbia, Esteban grew up with 4 brothers and until age 7, a sister. His childhood was painfully difficult, working from 5 a.m to dusk everyday, constantly witnessing abuse of his mother by the gangs that were meant to be protecting them. After his sister was killed by an I.E.D, his mother attempted to get Esteban and his brothers out of Columbia, an extremely dangerous act and an act of dishonor in the eyes of the gangs. On the 17th of October, 1983, after the gangs heard of his mother's attempt to leave, she and his brothers were murdered. Even at the age of 7, Esteban was racked with guilt because he couldn't protect his family. He however got away, being the smallest he found it easy to hide, he was picked up after a 4 day walk to La Paz, by a police officer. After smuggling himself onto a plane, he noted how easy smuggling was, the lax security at the countries main airport made it easy to get in and out. In the cargo bay, where he was hiding, he noticed a white powder on the floor spilling from a bag. This bag was his ticket for the rest of his journey, selling it for $3000 to a gang who took him in. For the next 4 years he was doing smuggling jobs, going from country to country. However, one one routine trip to Liberty City, he met Sofia. He made the decision the start a life with her and after a couple of years with her, things were going great so he proposed, then his life changed. Sofia left him after an old friend of Esteban's from the gang found him and he was forced to flee for LS. Arriving in Los Santos, with no job, money or education, he started delivering cars for an Italian, who had strong ties with the mafia situated in LS. In a relatively short period of time, the Mafia took Esteban under their wing, and he promptly received expert weapons training. After a few months, it became clear that Esteban was talented, becoming notorious as one of the best getaway drivers in the city. He was also known to have a decent shot. His passion for cars grew with his bank account, as with Esteban's talent, the gang was able to take bigger scores, and to this day, E has a very impressive exotic car collection. On one evening, E's gang were routinely attacking a Gruppe 6 van when 2 blacked out Oracles pulled up, expertly planting then detonating a bomb on the trucks rear, and driving away with the money inside the truck, not before killing 2 and clipping one of the Gang members, all of which had their backs turned. Esteban, filled with rage at this attack on his new found family chased after the Oracles, but quickly lost them. When returning to the Gangs headquarters, E was blamed for the attack, with the boss saying that he took the money for himself, E ran to his car, dodging the shots fired at him, and raced away, however at the next T-Junction, he was T-Boned by a Police Cruiser. After a laughably short stint in prison, E was released, and began a small-scale mercenary service, simply because it seemed like a profession best suited for his talents. He has become known as stealthy and reliable, and is payed vast amounts of money by the wealthy to keep quiet and deal with their issues.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): A cocky person, mainly due to the fame he received at the Mafia gang, E can sometimes be complacent and rash, however usually can be counted on to do his job, with outstanding results. He wants to get back at those who hurt him, be it the Black Oracle's occupants or the Mafia gang. He is set on revenge, has collection of fast cars and expensive weaponry, acquired for his mercenary work, and talents in using these objects.
Photograph (If available): N/A
Thought character needed to be a lot more relevant. Doesn't really change much with his relationships with other characters, but makes it more plausible that he is shooting BOC members, rather than because someone told him to.
I apologize for being extremely late. I had a IRL emergency to attend to. I am willing to create the lobby now if anyone is still interested.