[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince

I just want to touch base a bit and see if you are still willing to join events. I think I've noticed accurately that you guys have been a bit inactive, and I wanted to know if you are still interested in joining events. If not, I have a long line of queued members who would love to take your spot.

Please reply to this ASAP.

Also, finally removing Lucas from the member's list as he told me to do so a while ago. So, @Hugo007 , I will add you and you will now be able to join events.
I'm surprised I'm not on the list because I haven't been able to join a RP Event. School is starting to get annoying, I still have a personal issue to fix, and I've been doing stuff after school that leaves me getting home between 4:30PM and 5:00PM. Hopefully if things go smooth, I'll show up in tomorrow's RP Event. And Ricki's one rich dick because I got 3 million in the bank still... so hellllooooo new cars. I feel so smug...

I just want to touch base a bit and see if you are still willing to join events. I think I've noticed accurately that you guys have been a bit inactive, and I wanted to know if you are still interested in joining events. If not, I have a long line of queued members who would love to take your spot.

Please reply to this ASAP.

Also, finally removing Lucas from the member's list as he told me to do so a while ago. So, @Hugo007 , I will add you and you will now be able to join events.

Still here have baseball though everyday now, So I can only make weekends and when we have late practices. So that is my current situation.
I see that there will be an event today.. who will be there today? I'm looking forward to the evnt tonight since I won't be able to RP until Monday afternoon (family trip)
I see that there will be an event today.. who will be there today? I'm looking forward to the evnt tonight since I won't be able to RP until Monday afternoon (family trip)
I should make it. Since the MCLS may be back I'm wondering whether to use Kane or Kenton (Kane's story had been paused as the next part really depends on the MCLS)
I should make it. Since the MCLS may be back I'm wondering whether to use Kane or Kenton (Kane's story had been paused as the next part really depends on the MCLS)
I believe the last time you used Kane he met Brandon at the pier, didn't he?
Still got about 45 minutes-1 hour so I can join the lobby.

And I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything, but this is on the OP:

"Also note that the events don't start at exactly at the time listed. Normally, there is a 30 minute window between the times."
OMG... I have to drive for 2.5 hours again today and the event starts now? Damn it. Hope it's still going then because I want to join today's event.
RP Summary - Marco Kane:

Kane saw a car meeting and was curious to what was going on. Turns out it was a MCLS meeting, where Kane was greeted by Wes (Katiegan) who offered him to join. Seeing as the racing can help hone his skills in the off-season, Kane accepts and is immediately put into a race to Hao's LSC at the airport with several other people including Brian (Doog) and Brandon (Michelin)


Having the fastest car, Kane won. The others arrived shortly as well as some black vehicles.


Kane: Uh... Wes, were they in the race?
Wes: [Gun in hand] No they were ****ing not...
The other members soon got out their weapons, with a dazed and unarmed Kane looking back and forth between the Midnights and the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood wanted to dispose of the Midnights, despite they were clearly in the latter's territory. A shot by the Brotherhoods starts fire fight with Kane (who had no weapon) fleeing the scene while the Brotherhood manage to explode several of the Midnight's cars.


Kane, having sensed that the firefight stopped, ran back to the scene to find his Elegy, cremated. Horrified by the scene, the other members swore revenge but decided to head back to plan it out. Brandon offered a dazed Kane a lift home. He was puzzled why the Brotherhood would target the Midnights - merely a street racing gang. Brandon replies that the Midnights are not just a street racing gang and do other things, one of which the Brotherhood doesn't like at all.


After exchanging numbers and goodbyes, Kane heads home and lies down to try to absorb what the hell just happened. More importantly, what the hell has he got himself into...?

RP Summary - Kenton Outway:

Kenton calls Liam to check what's up, and is shocked to hear he missed some action. Desperately pressing for information, Liam reveals that the Brotherhood had a gang attack, satisfying his thirst for blood but angered by the fact he missed it (due to the fact he was laying low after knocking out a hooker). With all the action being relayed by phone, Kenton searched for popcorn but was unsuccessful in doing so.

Kenton: **** it. I'll just munch on this mushroom soup. Do carry on.
Liam does carry on by-

Oh Kenton.

Liam does carry on by revealing that they had ambushed the MCLS

Kenton: MCLS... The Midnights?
Liam: Yeah.
Unfortunately, the conversation ended prematurely as Kenton became poisoned by his mushroom soup. And that, kids, is why you should never buy discount brand soups.
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That was the best RP I've ever been a part of in my life. I had the most fun that I've ever had RP'ing. Thanks guys! 👍:cheers:

Edit: I left because my PS3 froze. :ouch:
hello im a 24 year old man looking to start a business in the field of regenerated computer modules would anyone like to purchase a 4gb prcc chip from my warehouse only $183 plus shippin i will even throw in a choocher
RP Summary- Fraser Stewart

Things got off to a shaky start for the Brotherhood when Fraser noticed a spike in activity of the MCLS LifeInvader page. He immediately phoned Liam and Carlos to warn them that the street racers were back in business. Fraser went for a drive to try and take his mind off but just couldn't shake the feeling of paranoia he had.

Fraser decided to go to Liam's house and speak to him about the situation. Liam said he was also feeling paranoid about the supposed return of MCLS as he thought they had practically run them out of town. Fraser expressed his concern that the Brotherhood might lose the La Mesa LSC that they took over if MCLS were to launch an attack. Fraser and Liam briefly discussed the delivery of new weaponry and cars that were coming to Los Santos in the near future before they went off to do a job for Gerald.

When they returned to the city, Fraser said he could hear loud music blaring out and was able to pinpoint the location to the Davis mega mall car park. The two men got into Fraser's Tailgater as it was more discreet looking and went over to check to see what the commotion was. Fraser discovered it was an MCLS car meet judging by the fast sports cars that were parked there. When Liam had to go and take care of a meeting with Carlos and Lex, Fraser agreed to continue the reconnaissance on his own to keep an eye out for any noticable activity.

When Fraser noticed the cars start to move, he sneaked away to a car park at a nearby diner and immediately phoned Liam to inform the Brotherhood that a street race was likely to happen. The Brotherhood set out to intercept MCLS at Hao's garage as it was their main hub and caught them as they were approaching the junction to run for the garage. With the Brotherhood looking more battle-ready with their restored Tommy-guns and the MCLS looking like under-prepared with pistols and a sawn-off shotgun, Fraser fired a warning to Wesley Stanley and the rest of the gang:

Fraser: "I'm gien ye a chance tae take yer crew and walk away"
Wes: "What if we don't?!"
Fraser: "We can reach oot and break ye whenever we want."

With Wes and the MCLS standing defiant, Fraser ordered the Brotherhood to target Brian Hendrickson's Sultan, despite Wes warning that the Brotherhood's cars would get shot as well. When several MCLS cars exploded, the Brotherhood made their getaway under fire, leaving MCLS in a state of shock and great anger. The men reconvened at Liam's house and celebrated a successful days work.
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