[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Since I was planning an event today, I was wondering if anyone would join besides the 3 people who are on right now.

Uh...I might be able to join around 7-8:00 ET. And just because people aren't online doesn't mean nobody will join. A lot of times, I'm not online unless a friend asks me to get on or club activities.
I'm online, but struggling to come up with any ideas for role play. I need a bigger attention span. :lol:
I'm online, but struggling to come up with any ideas for role play. I need a bigger attention span. :lol:
The fact that MCLS is so small is bugging me. I'm sure you can work with something when it's not just 3 people, unlike the B.O.C
The fact that MCLS is so small is bugging me. I'm sure you can work with something when it's not just 3 people, unlike the B.O.C

Yeah. Unfortunately it seems like people want to suit up and be a classy criminal, rather than tune up a car and race it across the city. Which is ironic, considering the fact this is on a forum dedicated to a racing game series... :P

I can't join right away anyway, my PS3's fan keeps kicking in really loud so I think it needs to cool down a bit first.
Yeah. Unfortunately it seems like people want to suit up and be a classy criminal, rather than tune up a car and race it across the city. Which is ironic, considering the fact this is on a forum dedicated to a racing game series... :P

I can't join right away anyway, my PS3's fan keeps kicking in really loud so I think it needs to cool down a bit first.
Yeah, it's cool how people are getting involved in the gang idea and all, but I feel it would be better if both sides had the same (or similar) amount(s) of crew members.
After lurking in this thread for a while, I think its time for me to join.

Out Of Character (OOC)

I'd rather not, just call me WHaT.
14, turning 15 in 7 months (I just realized how fast time is going by D: )
Role Play experience:
GT5 and 6, MC3 and LA, GTA V, Minecraft, Need for Speed series, etc.

In Character (IC)

Stephen 'Phteven' McDonnell
Job/Career/Money Source:
Retired but investing in stock (read Bio for money source)
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
From a young age, Stephen wanted to be rich. He was greedy and always tried to earn as much money as possible. But when computers and technology boomed in Silicon Valley, Stephen knew exactly how he was going to get rich.

Aside from his money dreams, he also loved cars, probably because when you're rich, you can buy any car you want. He loved watching street racers battling it out on the streets at night in Los Santos. He knew he was going to get himself a sweet ride, when he becomes a millionaire.

In high school, during the big Silicon Valley boom, Stephen learned to code and make programs/apps for the iFruit phone. On weekends, he would take his parent's car on joy rides in the city and outside of the city. From his weekend joy rides, he learned how to master driving a car.

Once in college, Stephen successfully made three apps and were becoming extremely popular on the iFruit appstore. A year after his big success in the appstore, LifeInvader offered him a couple billion dollars for one of the apps. Obviously, being the greedy person he is, he accepted the offer within a heartbeat. Now, being the richest person on campus, he dropped out.

After dropping out, he bought himself a Lampadati Felon and a mansion in the rich section of Los Santos. He's currently waiting for LifeInvader or any other multi-billion company to buy his other apps and increase his already plentiful wealth. Not only that, he's also trading on the stock market, hoping to invest and earn even more.

Even after all this, Stephen still hopes to get into the world of racing. He's hoping to buy a super car and join the street racing scene that's already thriving in Los Santos.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Even though he's greedy, Stephen's very nice and treats everyone with respect.
Photograph (If available):
Not available

blah blah blah Chicken nuggets are awesome :P

Should I create a new character on GTA V for this? Or can I use my current one?
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I'm gonna go do a quick workout (bro do u even lift), get a shower and then hopefully my PS3 will have cooled down enough to not whine/scream/HHHHHUUUUUU at me.

Also, I was thinking of perhaps changing Kathi to a guy (her story and everything that has happened will stay exactly the same except she'd be a bloke) to make it more 'realistic', so to speak. I wanted to organise some MCLS meets at Vanilla Unicorn and have that as their 'base' (just FYI, I'm not in it for the ladehz, I just thought it would be a good base for a gang operating in that area) but I thought a woman being there would look a bit odd. Plus... women leading big gang networks just doesn't happen. Although that would mean changing to my male character which is only level 5, bald, and 40 years old.
I'm gonna go do a quick workout (bro do u even lift), get a shower and then hopefully my PS3 will have cooled down enough to not whine/scream/HHHHHUUUUUU at me.

Also, I was thinking of perhaps changing Kathi to a guy (her story and everything that has happened will stay exactly the same except she'd be a bloke) to make it more 'realistic', so to speak. I wanted to organise some MCLS meets at Vanilla Unicorn and have that as their 'base' (just FYI, I'm not in it for the ladehz, I just thought it would be a good base for a gang operating in that area) but I thought a woman being there would look a bit odd. Plus... women leading big gang networks just doesn't happen. Although that would mean changing to my male character which is only level 5, bald, and 40 years old.

Or you could delete the bald one and create a new one, exactly to what you want/need.
Or you could delete the bald one and create a new one, exactly to what you want/need.

But then that means going through the parent/grandparent thing all over again, and the tutorial... ain't nobody got time fo' dat. :lol: I'd rather just give my current one a new hairstyle and a few other things and maybe just grind RP on that one.
But then that means going through the parent/grandparent thing all over again, and the tutorial... ain't nobody got time fo' dat. :lol: I'd rather just give my current one a new hairstyle and a few other things and maybe just grind RP on that one.

I'll create a new one and join you on the journey of the tutorial. :D :lol:
Alright, I've changed Kathi up a bit in an attempt to motivate me more to RP. Everything has stayed mostly the same except she's now a guy called Wesley Stanley who lives in Strawberry and owns a run-down car dealership that he uses as his 'HQ' for the Midnight Club gang. Backstory, family and car is still mostly the same, although towards the end of the bio is different to Kathi's.

NOTE; This does not change the RP at all. Everyone, just act as if Kathi was Wesley the whole time. :P

So, here's my 'revamped' character:

Name: Wesley Stanley (sometimes called Wes, doesn’t mind either name)
Age: 29
Job/Career/Money Source: Head Honcho of the street racing gang 'Midnight Club LS', drugs & arms dealer, all around criminal
Bio: Life wasn't always fast cars and guns for Wesley. He was born to Marie Stanley and Robert Fitts in the small town of Paleto Bay in northern San Andreas, as Wesley Fitts. He had an older brother Erick who was 3 at the time of his birth, and 4 years later his younger sister Brooke arrived on the scene. Robert was a truck driver for the nearby Cluckin' Bell factory, and Marie was a housewife. Home life wasn't the best, and Wesley never got along with his father, and his father never got along with his mother. Whenever Robert was home from trucking, he would argue and fight with Marie, often in front of the 3 children, resulting in little Erick having to take his little siblings down to the sea front to take them away from the fighting. It was these frequent trips to the bay that sparked Wesley’s interest in cars and racing. The local off-road clubs would meet up at the beach in their trucks and ATVs and race along the coast line, tearing up the sands and speeding past the young children at high speed. Wesley would watch the racers work on their vehicles, and often popped over to their service bays and asked questions. The off-roaders enjoyed Wesley's company and taught him how the engines worked and how to make them faster, and even let him ride shotgun on their practice runs. However, when Wesley was 10, the fights between his parents became too much for Marie, and she took her 3 children and boarded the next train out of Paleto Bay, as well as changing their surnames to Stanley.

Marie had bought a cheap, run-down house in the less-than-friendly neighbourhood of Murrieta Heights in Los Santos, which is where the family moved. Wesley and Erick found it hard to adjust to the new city life, whereas Brooke, aged just 6, was a tad too young to really notice the difference. Shortly after moving to Los Santos, Marie started to drink heavily and became an alcoholic, meaning Erick had to go back to caring for his siblings. Both Wesley and Erick began hanging out with the kids in the 'hood and started to misbehave at school, and were forever getting into trouble for it. Despite their bad behaviour throughout school, both of them managed to score places at the University of San Andreas in Richman. Wesley never quite settled into university life and soon dropped out, but Erick stayed and befriended the 'jocks', the rich kids from Rockford Hills who managed to get away with anything. Wesley was more set on his interests back in Paleto Bay - racing. There weren't very many off-road racers in the city, but there was a street racing scene starting to build up. Wesley soon became fascinated with street racing, and began researching it. He discovered the 'Mid Night Club', a famous street racing gang in Japan that was active during the 90s. He began working for Hao, a street racer who owned the Los Santos Customs shop in La Puerta, and got involved in the street racing scene from there. With a used Ubermacht Oracle he bought from a dealership in La Mesa, he slowly began to make a name for himself, beating some of the best racers from the Families, Ballas and Vagos. The payouts from the races were big, which only fuelled his addiction to the racing even more. However, there wasn't a gang dedicated to street racing. Sure, the existing gangs raced, but they were more focused on drug dealing and arms dealing. Small street racing gangs were formed, but were shut down by the LSPD, due to the leaders knowing the wrong people. So, with the decent amount of money he had earned from the races, he decided to do something about it. He moved out of the run-down house in Murrieta Heights and invested in an abandoned car dealership in Strawberry called ‘Mosley Auto Repairs’, and moved into the apartment block opposite, Apartment 16 to be exact. The dealership came with a neglected Karin Sultan, and after selling his Oracle, Wesley bought a Bravado Gauntlet and started restoring the Sultan.

His gang still exists, and is slowly but surely growing by the day. In order to make his gang known, Wesley had to do some 'dirty business' and get into drugs and arms dealing, which the gang still does now, but primarily focuses on street racing. He still lives in his ‘ghetto’ Strawberry apartment, and still runs Mosley Auto Repairs, although it is not a shop open to the public, and has finished most of the restoration on the Sultan. His Gauntlet was trashed by a rival gang known as the ‘Brotherhood of Corruption’, resulting in the Brotherhood becoming MCLS’ main rival. With the insurance payout from his Gauntlet, he bought an Annis Elegy RH8 from Hao, and an Albany Cavalcade for daily use. The Sultan is used for out-of-town rallies and non-gang affiliated races. His younger sister Brooke works with him at Mosley Auto Repairs, lives in the same apartment block, and is Wesley’s own personal Lester. Erick graduated from university, moved into an apartment in Morningwood and started working for Lifeinvader. He is also a regular customer of Wesley's drug deals, mainly buying marijuana. Marie still lives in the house in Murrieta Heights and is still battling the bottle, and Robert... well, nobody really knows what became of him.

Wesley hopes of expanding the Midnight Club even more, and continuing the legacy of the original 'Mid Night Club'. However, the Brotherhood of Corruption is also expanding, and Wesley isn’t too happy about that…
Personality: Wesley has built up a tough shell from his time with the gangs. As a youngster he would commit crimes amongst the young Vagos members in Murrieta Heights, such as robbing stores, stealing cars and vandalising property, resulting in a ‘no fear’ attitude and a hatred towards the police force. Around his friends and fellow gang members he enjoys a good laugh, but around those he doesn’t like or trust, he can be very hostile and brutal.
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Looks like Wes will have a huge fight to have his gang wrestle territory back from the BoC with them being cornered to Hao's garage after we took over the La Mesa LSC.

Also I can't join tonight. Damn you college. :grumpy:
There's your reason...

I asked him for an update, and he never replied...He said it would probably start on time. But, in that post it also said if it didn't start at the scheduled time, then the start time would be unknown. I think it would've been nice to have an update instead of just making us wait around for the event to start or any activity on GTP from Pinkintron. That was a small derp from me, but the rest isn't on me.
Care to explain why the event started more than 2 hours later than the time it was actually scheduled for?
Uh, two hours? Pretty sure it was one, but I could be wrong. I wasn't told what specific time the Comcast fella was coming today, as it was just a time window between 11 - 2. Which is a pretty big damn window.

Yes, and I'm looking at multiple ones at this moment.

I asked him for an update, and he never replied...He said it would probably start on time. But, in that post it also said if it didn't start at the scheduled time, then the start time would be unknown. I think it would've been nice to have an update instead of just making us wait around for the event to start or any activity on GTP from Pinkintron. That was a small derp from me, but the rest isn't on me.

I didn't post an update on the down time? I thought this was sufficient.
Hold ye ol' horses, I'm making an event now.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 18
PSN: Bazinga_hunter
Role Play Experience: i have no RP experience but i understand the general concept of it.

In Character (IC)
Hunter D. Parsons
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: mechanic

Biography: Hunter D. Parsons was born as a only child. in the lower class part of San Andreas and throughout his childhood he was always obsessed with cars, he always wished to become a professional race car driver. but well into his teens he realized that, as much fun as it would be to become a race car driver he knew the chances of him actually making it would be near 1 in a billion.

Hunter went to college in Los Santos for 4 years in the field of mechanics. after leaving college he worked at a local mechanics shop and after about 6 month he decided to leave the shop and he went to apply at Los Santos customs. A few weeks later he gets a call from the owner of LSC saying that he was hired and he starts on Monday.

It's been a year since Hunter been working at LSC. this one Thursday his bosses wife walking into the shop crying saying that her husband just died from a heart attack and with all the panic coming from her side she decided to give the shop to Hunter. Of course he accepts.
To this day Hunter is still his own boss, his reputation has sky rocketed through the roof. Now he is most known and successful mechanics in LS.

Personality: Hunter is usually stressed when he gets home from long days at the shop, but besides that he is a very happy man, loves to joke around, but takes his work very serious. Hunter enjoys working out and going offroading with friends and sky diving. Any thing to keep himself in shape.
PS: i like chicken nuggets
Simple enough I suppose. No contradictions or anything - accepted! You'll be added to the queue/waiting list and will be able to join events when there is room in the club.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Federico
Age: 20
PSN: Barglab
Role Play experience: SA:MP, Minecraft, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Gmod.

In Character (IC)

Name: Mick Connors
Job/Career/Money Source: Owns a book shop together with his wife in Los Santos.
Bio: Mick was born in London in 1977 and lived only his early years with his mother and her husband. He never new his real father. After the death of his mother when he was only 5 he was given to his uncle and aunt. He lived a tough childhood hanging out all th time with older kids along the streets of Peckam, one of the worst zones of London. He didn't like to study and didn't have any good marks. When he reached the age of 16 he suddenly started to work switching from a job to an other and having some trouble with the police, like any other kid of course. At the age of 18 he was forced by his uncle to "do something wise" so he decided to join the Green Jackets. He really enjoied that period in the armed forces and he also took part in a mission in Northern Ireland. He was part of the athletics team,giving him some advantages over the other soldiers. when he was 19, after hearing about it, he decided to apply for the Special Air Service and, in order to enter it, to take part in the selection process. The challenge was very hard. So hard that he failed. He continued to train and tried again the next year. This time it went all good and succeeded. It was his last possibily. So he continued with the selection/training process that allowed him to travel in different places like Malaisa and Qatar. He was trained to use a moltitude of guns and explosives, drive ground vehicles, repair them, perform tactical espionage and camouflage, do high altitude parachuting with payload, and also has a Bachelor in Arts of Nursing. He took part in various mission around the world in South America, Asia, Middle East, Africa and even English soil during internal security and anti-terrorism operations. After taking part in the Desert Storm operation and being capured and tortured, he decided to leave the corp and retire with honor as a citizen. Then he married his girlfriend Molly, an American he met in a pub, and decided to follow her in the USA a start something new. He doesn't have any objectives and just wants to live is life,but sometimes feels the need to taste the pressure and the adrenaline of good ol' times. A need that took him to occasionally make some extra money using what he was trained in.
Personality: Mick is a very calm person who likes to enjoy peace and spend time with the loved ones. He knows how to organise things in orther to make them work and is very precise. Sometimes he's rude like sailor but is a very open minded person.

PS: It slitly similar to a real story but I have adapted it to make it work. Oh, and I like chicken nuggets.
Very interesting. [Accepted! You will be added to the queue list and will be able to join events where there is room in the club.

After lurking in this thread for a while, I think its time for me to join.

Out Of Character (OOC)

I'd rather not, just call me WHaT.
14, turning 15 in 7 months (I just realized how fast time is going by D: )
Role Play experience:
GT5 and 6, MC3 and LA, GTA V, Minecraft, Need for Speed series, etc.

In Character (IC)

Stephen 'Phteven' McDonnell
Job/Career/Money Source:
Retired but investing in stock (read Bio for money source)
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
From a young age, Stephen wanted to be rich. He was greedy and always tried to earn as much money as possible. But when computers and technology boomed in Silicon Valley, Stephen knew exactly how he was going to get rich.

Aside from his money dreams, he also loved cars, probably because when you're rich, you can buy any car you want. He loved watching street racers battling it out on the streets at night in Los Santos. He knew he was going to get himself a sweet ride, when he becomes a millionaire.

In high school, during the big Silicon Valley boom, Stephen learned to code and make programs/apps for the iFruit phone. On weekends, he would take his parent's car on joy rides in the city and outside of the city. From his weekend joy rides, he learned how to master driving a car.

Once in college, Stephen successfully made three apps and were becoming extremely popular on the iFruit appstore. A year after his big success in the appstore, LifeInvader offered him a couple billion dollars for one of the apps. Obviously, being the greedy person he is, he accepted the offer within a heartbeat. Now, being the richest person on campus, he dropped out.

After dropping out, he bought himself an Obey Tailgater and a mansion in the rich section of Los Santos. He's currently waiting for LifeInvader or any other multi-billion company to buy his other apps and increase his already plentiful wealth. Not only that, he's also trading on the stock market, hoping to invest and earn even more.

Even after all this, Stephen still hopes to get into the world of racing. He's hoping to buy a super car and join the street racing scene that's already thriving in Los Santos.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Even though he's greedy, Stephen's very nice and treats everyone with respect.
Photograph (If available):
Not available

blah blah blah Chicken nuggets are awesome :P

Should I create a new character on GTA V for this? Or can I use my current one?
Seems like the cliche character to RP, but whatever - [Accepted! You will be able to join events when there is room in the club.

I am also going through the members list and removing those who are inactive.
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