[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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RP Summary - Alexander

Alexander spent most of his day riding around in his Stanier, reminiscing of the times he spent in Liberty City, He parked his car at the Del Perro Pier and smoked a Redwood while on the phone with his mother whom still lived in LC.

Lex: "I met this group of guys mom, The Brotherhood... They're giving me work so I'll be sending money over soon."

After sitting in his car thinking about that past, It was time to handle the present. Lex texted Liam and asked for the days planned in which Liam simply replied "Armored Trucks". Lex found one truck, which looked to have been in a heavy fire fight and drove it to a nearby parking lot to examine the back. Sadly there was no money, but then he got the news that someone was stealing the Brotherhoods Armored Trucks and immediately met The rest of the Brotherhood at Liam's house. There they waited and dreamt of the torture and agony they were going to bring upon whoever had done this, but in the process Lex had taken one to many shots of Liam's Whiskey causing him to pass out in his car and eventually have to go to the ER for Alcohol Poising.

Pretty chill RP session just drove around , found a empty armored truck then got hammered.
I suppose Kenton is out of the running now that I caught up in reading. I missed so much today. Life, y u do dis?
I suppose Kenton is out of the running now that I caught up in reading. I missed so much today. Life, y u do dis?
Oops. Forgot to mention that he survived - looking at the summary again it sounded like I killed him off o_o"
I actually don't intend killing him off any time soon as I enjoy RPing as him too much. :P
RP Summary: Sebastian Milano

Nothing much happened, other than Sebastian hopping into his Sultan and driving around LS.

However, he did (finally) manage to find time to take a photo of both his Schwatzer and Sultan.

BTW what is the Brrotherhood, abd how do I join t??
1. Don't post 4 times. Just edit it.
2. From the OP -
Brotherhood of Corruption
This gang is respect and a solid blacked out Oracle. Classified as classy in their eyes, they are often in suits, organizing their plan of action instead of guns blazing. They do not street race or have any hooniganism - strictly business.
(Think Goodfellas)
You can join them any way, really. Just find a way to have us meet somehow and you can join us.

Oh, and -
GTDriver1230 said
Oops. Forgot to mention that he survived - looking at the summary again it sounded like I killed him off o_o"
I actually don't intend killing him off any time soon as I enjoy RPing as him too much.
Yeah. Kenton is an awesome character. It'd kinda suck if he died. If he did, though, I reckon he'd go out like a badass :P
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Okay sorry fellas' for quad posting. Anyhow I would like to talk about the Brotherhood being against me, I'm aware that as soon as ye' guys find me you'll torture me but if I'll get killed aswell, it's quite uncleared.

Now, if your plan is to kill me and end my story, then I would like to bring up an moment, the moment I killed Kenton (Bombed, exploded) I asked if we could end Kentons Life, but ye' guys were like "Nah, it would suck to end his story now" and that I can understand. But what I can't understand is that, if the Brotherhood kills me and ends my story (which I'm 98% sure you will because I messed all of your Armored Trucks up), wouldn't it be unfair? Sure Kentons been around longer then I have, much longer infact, but still he's a player too, and if there are certain rules it applies to everyone.

So if you want to kill me, then I want Kenton dead aswell since as I stated killed him.
Okay sorry fellas' for quad posting. Anyhow I would like to talk about the Brotherhood being against me, I'm aware that as soon as ye' guys find me you'll torture me but if I'll get killed aswell, it's quite uncleared.

Now, if your plan is to kill me and end my story, then I would like to bring up an moment, the moment I killed Kenton (Bombed, exploded) I asked if we could end Kentons Life, but ye' guys were like "Nah, it would suck to end his story now" and that I can understand. But what I can't understand is that, if the Brotherhood kills me and ends my story (which I'm 98% sure you will because I messed all of your Armored Trucks up), wouldn't it be unfair? Sure Kentons been around longer then I have, much longer infact, but still he's a player too, and if there are certain rules it applies to everyone.

So if you want to kill me, then I want Kenton dead aswell since as I stated killed him.
That's not really how it works. It doesn't matter how long you've been a member. You can only be killed if you give the person that's going to kill you permission to do so. I mean, sure we could torture you or whatever, but we'll eventually let you escape (You can also fully recover, if you wish). So, yeah. Basically, unless you give another player your consent, you can't be killed. Same goes for everyone else.
Okay, thanks for covering that up for me Vol. :)

Otherwise, I would really like to RP today but looks like there is no session today. Really want to continue the pursuit, quite the thrill.
RP Summary- Fraser Stewart

What was supposed to be a time to make money from hijacking armored trucks for Fraser and the rest of the Brotherhood became a time of deep frustration as a mysterious assailant kept beating the Brotherhood to the trucks. Fraser texted Kenton of the situation and Liam called an emergency meeting at his house.

Liam, Fraser, Kenton and Lex attempted to figure out who the mystery man was who was muscling in on their business. Lex and Kenton proposed gruesome murder methods as well as torture but Fraser snapped them back to reality, insisting they had to think tactically if they were going to catch this ghost. Liam received a text from an anonymous number which proclaimed to be from the mystery man, congratulating the Brotherhood for helping him hijack the trucks. This text made the Brotherhood's mood extremely sour.

Fraser switched the subject back the Brotherhood's current problem of MCLS whilst telling the others to keep the ghost individual in mind. He informed Liam about his conversation with Kenton about how MCLS activity had dropped and how they could resurrect their plan to corner the street racers by taking over the remaining Los Santos Customs in La Mesa following the ambush at Hao's Garage.

Liam agreed to help Fraser with the negotiations in La Mesa whilst they sent Kenton to be on the look-out for the ghost. When Liam and Fraser arrived at La Mesa LSC, they set about negotiating with the owner of the garage to hand over the rights to the business. When the mechanic refused to co-operate, Fraser pointed a gun at the mechanic's head and was able to convince him to sign the documents.

Just as negotiations ended, Liam received an emergency text from Kenton saying that he had found the mystery assailant near the helipads close to the airport. Liam and Fraser hurried back to Fraser's Rocoto and raced to Kenton's location. They found Kenton shaken and bruised, as if he had been run over, who told them that the unknown attacker had escaped in a helicopter. The 3 men agreed to split the search across the city, with Fraser covering the ground, whilst Liam and Kenton searched the air.

Kenton and Liam discovered the assailant's Entity sports car abandoned at the helipads and logged the details of the license plate, which Kenton sent to Fraser. After a fruitless search, Fraser met with Kenton and Liam in a car park near Vinewood LSC where they then flew to the top of the Maze Bank Tower. They pondered as to where the ghost had disappeared to and proposed a city & country wide search. Before they left for home, Fraser informed the others that he would cross-reference the license plate details with police databases in an effort to catch the mystery gunman. But doing so would be easier said than done.
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And if it's possible, I would love to change my job and perhaps my backstory, but I don't know if that would effect my line in the queue. If it is possible, just IM me or comment back.

I would like to transfer jobs to be a pilot if I could.
I own the Luxor (Private Jet) and the Titan (Could act as a commercial airplane.)

Depending on if you want a pilot in the role play, I think it would go great with traveling for some people.
There would be about three pin-point locations for the airports: Los Santos International, Sandy Shores Airstrip, and Grapeseed Airtrip.

The advantage with the flight is realism.
I happen to think I am an excellent pilot in GTA V, and I enjoy landing correctly, putting and opening the landing-gears like some people don't think to do.
I would have a system of safety rules for the passengers announced every flight, along with a mid-flight snack and drink break.

Depending on if you wanted a big emergency for the police/firefighters, the plane could have it's moments to make scenes for them.
Say the turbulence were to shove the plane a bit to the left, and it were to start going down.
I could bring it in for a crash landing on a discreet location and have the firefighters have to get us out of the airplane.

I will post another biography for my character below, but if I can't still have my queue spot, just decline the file and delete it. I'd rather have my old character than have to wait longer.
Out Of Character (OOC)
AJ Kuzma
Age: 12-(Near 13)
PSN: peep60889
Role Play experience: GTA IV, GTA V, Garry's Mod, Habbo Hotel, Minecraft.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jack R. Upland
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Pilot (Los Santos International Airport)

Biography: Jack R. Upland was born into a small family of which never wanted to pursue major jobs as he did. Jack was obsessed with airplanes as a young child, and always wished to become a professional pilot. Jack would always watch airplanes fly past his house, which was not too far from the airport he wished to work at, Los Santos International Airport.

Jack went to university for 2 years, then left for his dreams of flight school. Jack took many years of flight school from working with crop dusters to commercial airplanes. Before he began flying officially, he was to give tours around the city in a smaller airplane, and even flew planes for skydivers.

Jack was given a job as a co-pilot for Sandy Shores Airstrip to give flights back to Los Santos International, and many years later, he actually worked at Los Santos International. Jack now flies commercial airplanes, along with smaller jets for private visits from celebrities and government officials. Jack was no longer a co-pilot, but a full fledged pilot himself.

Jack flies from locations of Los Santos, to Sandy Shores, even Appleseed. Jack has not had one unsuccessful trip since he began as a pilot for tours. Jack wishes to get people home safely on his flights, and always protects his passengers at all costs from threats of storms, turbulence, and even terrorists. (Using a Titan and Luxor for a commercial airplane, and a private airplane.)

Personality: Jack is usually stressed when he gets home from long flights, but besides that he drinks a lot of coffee and is very hyper active. Jack enjoys working out on the side so that he keeps himself fit and ready for whatever else comes next.

Commercial Airplane:
Well, now that I know that ye' fellas' got my license plate on my car, I'll just switch car. And try to join the Brotherhood without exposing that I'm the "Ghost" or whatever. :) And I aim to do so at the start of the RP session.
Sorry, have I converted the time wrong? I think there's supposed to be an event going on now. I probably converted it wrong :P
Good, I just checked the OP a few minutes ago and I were like "Mate', I can't play GTA on that time.
Sorry, have I converted the time wrong? I think there's supposed to be an event going on now. I probably converted it wrong :P
Oh, hell, my mistake - confused some times together. I'm sorry, there is an event right now.

Also I'd like to ask that everyone who had concerns to private message me about it. Doing it all in the thread is becoming messy, especially with all these people posting 2, 3, and even 4 times in a row.

There are only 3 members of the RP online right now. Would anyone care to vote to wait about an hour to see if anyone else comes online?
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Oh, hell, my mistake - confused some times together. I'm sorry, there is an event right now.

Also I'd like to ask that everyone who had concerns to private message me about it. Doing it all in the thread is becoming messy, especially with all these people posting 2, 3, and even 4 times in a row.

There are only 3 members of the RP online right now. Would anyone care to vote to wait about an hour to see if anyone else comes online?
I'll vote.
Well, I don't think I'll be able to RP if there's and hour to wait. But I'll vote just for the majority of the players to enjoy. :=)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Cedrick
Age: 18
PSN: Bazinga_hunter
Role Play Experience: i have no RP experience but i understand the general concept of it.

In Character (IC)
Hunter D. Parsons
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: mechanic

Biography: Hunter D. Parsons was born as a only child. in the lower class part of San Andreas and throughout his childhood he was always obsessed with cars, he always wished to become a professional race car driver. but well into his teens he realized that, as much fun as it would be to become a race car driver he knew the chances of him actually making it would be near 1 in a billion.

Hunter went to college in Los Santos for 4 years in the field of mechanics. after leaving college he worked at a local mechanics shop and after about 6 month he decided to leave the shop and he went to apply at Los Santos customs. A few weeks later he gets a call from the owner of LSC saying that he was hired and he starts on Monday.

It's been a year since Hunter been working at LSC. this one Thursday his bosses wife walking into the shop crying saying that her husband just died from a heart attack and with all the panic coming from her side she decided to give the shop to Hunter. Of course he accepts.
To this day Hunter is still his own boss, his reputation has sky rocketed through the roof. Now he is most known and successful mechanics in LS.

Personality: Hunter is usually stressed when he gets home from long days at the shop, but besides that he is a very happy man, loves to joke around, but takes his work very serious. Hunter enjoys working out and going offroading with friends and sky diving. Any thing to keep himself in shape.

i like chicken nuggets
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