PS3 PSN login error

A friend of mine has the fat 80GB and didnt had any problems with that... i saw it myself... :indiff:
I have a 80 GB and I had 12/31/1999. I set time via internet and I was able to log on to PSN. No longer partying like its 1999.
Just signed in successfully with my 1st gen 60GB fat, now I'm hoping none of my trophy data was corrupted.
OK I'm on PSN now too. My friends list is taking forever to load which scared me at first but they're popping in slowly now one by one. We don't even have to miss a night of shooting people online! Woo!

PS I didn't have to adjust any dates or anything, just proceed as normal.

EDIT: and I'm in Canada
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Just signed in successfully with my 1st gen 60GB fat, now I'm hoping none of my trophy data was corrupted.

I'm guessing its okay for me to sign in now? Seeing as your the first american(that I know of) to post this, I assume its ok on our side of the pond as well?

Well, the time machine was fun while it lasted.
I'm guessing its okay for me to sign in now? Seeing as your the first american(that I know of) to post this, I assume its ok on our side of the pond as well?

Well, the time machine was fun while it lasted.

Yeah I think you're good as I've just launched Demon's Souls without any problem connecting to its servers and no apparent data corruption, save game or trophy 👍.
Just tryed it and I can definately confirm its ok to log into PSN 👍 Haven't tryed any trophy syncing games yet, want to wait until I get confirmation that it isn't still messed up.
Canada here.

Update: I can get on PSN and load any game disc. Can't get into Uncharted 2 online or NHL 10 (EA servers do not connect). Very odd, but whatever, single player is going fine.
Problem fixed:tup:! Just turned my PS3 (40GB) on and logged in ok, with the date updated automaticly:)!
Was anyone else's time set to 2/28? I was slightly scared to set it via intenet, but it was fine. I'm just not sure why it was incorrect, unless everyone's was.
You know, I just thought to myself: didn't our PS3s work fine last year on this exact same date? For some of you who got it around the launch time, didn't it work on this same day years before? If thats the case, why did it only have this problem this year?

Was anyone else's time set to 2/28? I was slightly scared to set it via intenet, but it was fine. I'm just not sure why it was incorrect, unless everyone's was.

I saw that too, but I then set it manually.
For those concerned about their trophies:

And here's break-down of what is actually going on:

Links are broken for me.

Just tryed it and I can definately confirm its ok to log into PSN 👍 Haven't tryed any trophy syncing games yet, want to wait until I get confirmation that it isn't still messed up.

Better safe than sorry is never a bad idea but since I didn't have any issues with DS I can't imagine you would either. Of course this assumes you didn't attempt to play any trophy enabled games during the "apocalyPS3" period.

Sony fixed it just as I was putting my PS3 back together, perfect timing! I needed to clean it anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained 👍
Better safe than sorry is never a bad idea but since I didn't have any issues with DS I can't imagine you would either. Of course this assumes you didn't attempt to play any trophy enabled games during the "apocalyPS3" period.

I didn't play any trophy syncing games the entire time so I guess it might be safe now?


Sony fixed it just as I was putting my PS3 back together, perfect timing! I needed to clean it anyway, nothing ventured, nothing gained 👍

Well, at least it gave you time to do some good cleaning of it. It'll work like new again :D

Edit: on a less serious note, I've developed two new theories regarding this issue:

1. All the launch PS3s(20,40,60,80 and 120 gb) share a common number someone mistakenly divided by.


2. Sony secretly installed some time machine software that was accidentally activated sooner then it was supposed to with the actual date meant for 12/31/2010.
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Well, at least it gave you time to do some good cleaning of it. It'll work like new again :D

It was horrible in there, just horrible. Now I know why the fan was kicking on over the last couple months, the 'radiator' surrounding the big fan was clogged and limiting how much air could move through the case. Nice and clean now.:)
You're copying the shortened links from somewhere else. The "..." that normally only makes links shorter in the post is in fact a part of your link. You'd have to go back to the sites and copy the full link from the address bar.
LCD tech has been around for years as PC monitors with this tech having plenty of time to mature yet we have many LCD TV's from big manufactures failing. In fairness LCD TV's are a little more complicated than monitors, with more complicated CPU's designed to improve picture quality and motion. Should a TV not work out of the box? My current TV has had more than 20 firmware releases from 2008!

But the LCD part isn't what fails on LCD TVs, its almost always the electronics, and most often it's the video processors (chips), something that until recently no monitors ever had, nor even TVs. Today's TVs, like a lot of electronics is more and more like a computer, which in most cases is a great thing as it adds a great deal more functionality, and as you even said, allows manufacturers and users to update it to fix issues that like a lot of computers come up, as well as add or enhance functionality down the road. If all someone cares about is reliability, then they really ought to stick to walking and using sticks and stones for their entertainment.

Personally, I can live with the occasional bump in the road so to speak for the incredible leaps in technology I've seen over just the last twenty years. Although, perhaps there is a generational gap in play, as it seems like a lot of people under the age of 30 (not all, just a lot) seem to be the ones who are often the ones constantly complaining about this or that, and seemingly acting like they are entitled to perfection and getting what ever they want, and in the case of piracy, not wanting to pay a dime for it.

I know I'm not alone with that thinking as its a common discussion found in all sorts different places, like the media, psychology periodicals, forums, twitter, you name it. What it all means and how it is affecting our lives and future generations is anyone's guess, but in my life, I've never witnessed the amount of whining, complaining, and strong sentiment of entitlement in my daily life than I do today. I also see very little consideration for how their behavior and actions affect other people.


Glad to hear this issue appears to be fixed without any software update. So as was surmised, all it took was for the GMT to reach March 2, 2010?

It was horrible in there, just horrible. Now I know why the fan was kicking on over the last couple months, the 'radiator' surrounding the big fan was clogged and limiting how much air could move through the case. Nice and clean now.:)

I know, I really should take mine apart as well. Judging by the countless times I have to dust it just to keep it clean, there must be a lot of dust inside... three years worth!
I'll bet there will be a mandatory firmware update very soon.
Why? It didn't affect slims at all - I doubt Sony can roll out FW updates to fats only, as the slims don't need an update to fix this unintended "feature"; and the problem fixed itself when the internal clock rolled over to March 2 00:00 GMT. Sony would only need to release a mandatory FW update if 1) it affected fats and slims alike and 2) the consoles didn't automatically "recover".
Did the problem fix itself? I'm not so sure of that. Lets just see what happens, and I'm most sure you are not thinking what I am.
Did the problem fix itself? I'm not so sure of that. Lets just see what happens, and I'm most sure you are not thinking what I am.

The problem did fix itself, and it won't be an issue for another 4 years even if they don't patch it.

And what are you thinking, oh one that assumes people don't think.
I never assumed people don't think, you are being silly. All I said was Sharky was not thinking what I am thinking.

There is no point in 'enlightening you' on my thoughts other then the one I posted, I think there will be a FW update very soon.