purchasing a GT6 copy tonight!!

  • Thread starter Shlagem
Ooooh, them's is fightin' words.
I was afraid for my life for a minute there...until I remembered I was lucky and this was the internet:lol:

Um, I don't know if this is legit, but this guy already sold two already on separate listings. I am not even going to bother getting it before the release date, I have mine pre-ordered.

They've been on Ebay for quite a while. As far as we know so far, it's just guys selling copies of the game they won't ship until the game hits the market, hopefully fooling some gullible buyers into thinking they may get it early.
Yeah, that is a possibility. You can see there is a couch or something in the corner of the photo, so it indicates its not a store and this guy might have a physical copy not a stock photo. Also it's newly listed, perhaps you browse GT6 listings on ebay more than me, however I have not seen this listing before.
Let me spell it out for you then homie. I live 5 minutes from the busiest border crossing in the world. In less than a half an hour I can be over the bridge and at a videogame store in another country. If I could go over the bridge and buy GT6 now I would. I suspect many people in this city that are into GT would do the same. I'd cancel my pre-order at the same time. If the situation were reversed, I'm sure many people would cross over from Detroit to Windsor to get the game a week early. How happy do you think local retailers would be if they jumped the gun on the other side of the river if they didn't yet have the hard copies in store over here? They could lose hundreds or thousands of dollars in sales easily.

Just because you don't understand that there is "an advantage if a store gets it first" doesn't mean it isn't true.
The point I am attempting to make is that they would cancel out given the release is in a timely manner. If I sold 10 copies a day ahead of another person and sold out and they sold 10 copies the day after I sold out, we both made the same amount. That cycle repeats. I don't study policies, laws or regulations so no I don't understand them and I said I didn't in my very first post before you decided to attack me once again for having an opinion. Game politics are of no interest of mine to get involved with. I am sure most don't care about the politics behind games. We just want to play them for our enjoyment

Tough luck to a retailer that is left behind. Japan typically gets games first followed by the North American Region. The UK follows and then Australia perhaps. I am sure some don't think its fair in the release dates but it is what it is. All though the whole world can get a copy of GT6, each region as specific editions that no one else can get. Is that fair? I see it as tough luck to those of us that can't get the same edition that another gets. Only way to avoid all this is to not sell to those that breach or send them the games much later for continuously breaching. They don't have the PS4 yet although the rest of the world does so why can't they delay the software as well. Instead breachers are still allowed to sell over and over. I am sure there are more out there but they are probably not part of this site.
My about 4.5hours experience resulted in the following:

1- You can now change the hud speedometer and rpm indicator colors
2- Level system is not there anymore
3- Licenses is now a must in order to proceed
4- Licenses test are now in a range of 5 tests instead of 10
5- Car Physics is now extremely easier I felt a lot more grip
6- shadows are a mess
7- replays sometimes shows car suspension jurking up and down or twitching
8- you can now buy racing gear in packs and it will cost you more than the price of a decent car! ( I got myself all spinning ball variations around 28 in about 40 something credit
9- credit are a lot harder less than 5 it reminds the first few days when GT5 came out
10- an important bit here I saw some cars called base model which means without the livery (example you have 3 ultra audi's R8's one is the Blistein sponsored the other is team oreca shown in the latest GT6 video and a base model which is basically white) this might be a solid proof that a livery editor might follow later
11- menu navigation is quicker but not when loading to start a race it is still the same in that particular spot
12- found a bug that the standard view is not showing when I raced the lotus Europa mission around London course instead the cam was way high as if I was driving a lowery!)
13- the game crashed a couple of times
14- ill test the track editor tommorrow
My about 4.5hours experience resulted in the following:

1- You can now change the hud speedometer and rpm indicator colors
2- Level system is not there anymore
3- Licenses is now a must in order to proceed
4- Licenses test are now in a range of 5 tests instead of 10
5- Car Physics is now extremely easier I felt a lot more grip
6- shadows are a mess
7- replays sometimes shows car suspension jurking up and down or twitching
8- you can now buy racing gear in packs and it will cost you more than the price of a decent car! ( I got myself all spinning ball variations around 28 in about 40 something credit
9- credit are a lot harder less than 5 it reminds the first few days when GT5 came out
10- an important bit here I saw some cars called base model which means without the livery (example you have 3 ultra audi's R8's one is the Blistein sponsored the other is team oreca shown in the latest GT6 video and a base model which is basically white) this might be a solid proof that a livery editor might follow later
11- menu navigation is quicker but not when loading to start a race it is still the same in that particular spot
12- found a bug that the standard view is not showing when I raced the lotus Europa mission around London course instead the cam was way high as if I was driving a lowery!)
13- the game crashed a couple of times
14- ill test the track editor tommorrow

could you get a lap around Le Mans (La Sarthe).. would be nice if they flattened out the mulsanne (Post 2011 I think{the back straight})
My about 4.5hours experience resulted in the following:

1- You can now change the hud speedometer and rpm indicator colors
2- Level system is not there anymore
3- Licenses is now a must in order to proceed
4- Licenses test are now in a range of 5 tests instead of 10
5- Car Physics is now extremely easier I felt a lot more grip
6- shadows are a mess
7- replays sometimes shows car suspension jurking up and down or twitching
8- you can now buy racing gear in packs and it will cost you more than the price of a decent car! ( I got myself all spinning ball variations around 28 in about 40 something credit
9- credit are a lot harder less than 5 it reminds the first few days when GT5 came out
10- an important bit here I saw some cars called base model which means without the livery (example you have 3 ultra audi's R8's one is the Blistein sponsored the other is team oreca shown in the latest GT6 video and a base model which is basically white) this might be a solid proof that a livery editor might follow later
11- menu navigation is quicker but not when loading to start a race it is still the same in that particular spot
12- found a bug that the standard view is not showing when I raced the lotus Europa mission around London course instead the cam was way high as if I was driving a lowery!)
13- the game crashed a couple of times
14- ill test the track editor tommorrow

Remember that GT6 is not officially out yet so, the're most probably be a day one patch, fixing bugs for the most part
Can we buy more than one car at a time, aka SHOPPING SPREE?

I could be wrong but I somehow doubt that. The game still has a small ceremony when buying a car, thus buying multiple cars would mean that the game would either have to circumvent that ritual (unlikely) or leave the player as a spectator for extended periods of time (also unlikely).
People will flock to where every the game is. Once they are sold out they are sold out. I don't see how that is an advantage when there is no constant supply coming in for one particular retailer.
Even if it's not a price advantage or a location advantage or a total amount advantage... I'm not sure if it sounds like something people would like to see businesses doing. People tend to distrust situations like that - and that's not good for business... and particularly not for the company who muffed that up.

I think Johnnypenso has a point, that there would definitely be people who cross, and others who would wait. And my guess is that Windsor stores would lose out if Detroit had it first, because I'm betting there are more Canadians that would go to Detroit, than people in Detroit wanting the game who would later cross to Windsor after Detroit sold out... There'd just be people in Detroit waiting for restock in Detroit.
Just a wild guess that the economic & travel options are better for more average Canadian gamers in Windsor, than for the average American gamers in Detroit.

Anyway this totally reminds me of the article I read about disposable baby diaper arbitrage in Europe.
Best story ever regarding border crossing to get a deal, and the unintended consequences of market manipulation.

The Great Norway Diaper Racket Is the Best Arbitrage Ever

On two fronts. Firstly, I can't anyway. Secondly, if I could and did we'd have less contact with Sony, so I can't :D
You are saying that you cannot say if there is something wrong in Gt6 after release day? So you'r opinion does not matter if someone want reliable information from game.
Even if it's not a price advantage or a location advantage or a total amount advantage... I'm not sure if it sounds like something people would like to see businesses doing. People tend to distrust situations like that - and that's not good for business... and particularly not for the company who muffed that up.

I think Johnnypenso has a point, that there would definitely be people who cross, and others who would wait. And my guess is that Windsor stores would lose out if Detroit had it first, because I'm betting there are more Canadians that would go to Detroit, than people in Detroit wanting the game who would later cross to Windsor after Detroit sold out... There'd just be people in Detroit waiting for restock in Detroit.
Just a wild guess that the economic & travel options are better for more average Canadian gamers in Windsor, than for the average American gamers in Detroit.

Anyway this totally reminds me of the article I read about disposable baby diaper arbitrage in Europe.
Best story ever regarding border crossing to get a deal, and the unintended consequences of market manipulation.

The Great Norway Diaper Racket Is the Best Arbitrage Ever

The points made here can be put across in the manner such as you did. Its not insulting or meant to down anyone. When done this way, I am cool with debate. The way Johnnypenso comments in this threads is not a debate. It turns into arguments with his choice of words. Attacking someone for their opinions is not called for. Not everyone has people skills I see.

Yes many people cross the line in similar situations. It happens all the time. Bad business, perhaps but people are going to go to the best deals they can get. Will it tick some one off, yep but are they committing a crime, nope. I am sure people in Canada will flock to Detroit or vice versa. Being in the same region isn't what my comments are all about. Same region distribution that play by the rules will more than likely all release on the same day. My point was for different regions. Some in the Middle East already have it. Americans are not going to go there to get it. We have no choice but to wait our turn. So if they have it way over there, let them sell it. Americans can't get upset if they sell early. Some of us are jealous but what can we do.

Great and funny article you posted. Here is and example for same region distribution in which tough luck come into play. The day before GT5 released I went to Gamestop to ask if they were doing a midnight release or a next business day release. Mind you I never pre ordered because I wanted the game asap so who ever had it, is where I was getting it. Well, gamestop never got their shipment in that week. So I went to Walmart right around the corner at midnight several hours after leaving gamestop and they were just putting GT5 on the shelves. In this scenario, is Walmart wrong for not waiting for Gamestop to get its shipment before they can sale theirs?
The points made here can be put across in the manner such as you did
Tip, if someone's manners do not recommend their opinions to you, best not to respond. Fighting fire with fire only leads to flame wars. Just sayin.
My point was for different regions. Some in the Middle East already have it. Americans are not going to go there to get it. We have no choice but to wait our turn. So if they have it way over there, let them sell it. Americans can't get upset if they sell early. Some of us are jealous but what can we do.
I suppose that's up to the supplier - PD or whatever in whatever situation.
Obviously yes, it's going to make some people who are waiting jealous.

And that's kind of what I meant when I said it's not good for business if people get too antsy about waiting while someone else hasn't. But I think it would take a few weeks delay between for people to really kick up a fuss.
They probably weigh those possibilities when planning out distribution. Just a guess.

Great and funny article you posted. Here is and example for same region distribution in which tough luck come into play. The day before GT5 released I went to Gamestop to ask if they were doing a midnight release or a next business day release. Mind you I never pre ordered because I wanted the game asap so who ever had it, is where I was getting it. Well, gamestop never got their shipment in that week. So I went to Walmart right around the corner at midnight several hours after leaving gamestop and they were just putting GT5 on the shelves. In this scenario, is Walmart wrong for not waiting for Gamestop to get its shipment before they can sale theirs?

Depends on what you mean by "wrong".
Legally wrong? Well if Wal-Mart put it on the shelf before they were supposed to via some kind of contract, then it would be wrong, legally... and ethically questionable to break a contract.

It would not be unethical or legally wrong, if it was just a matter of Gamestop's shipping services being lacking, causing the issue.

That said, I think everything Wal-Mart does is morally questionable. lol So I wouldn't necessarily rule out the possibility of what you describe going down, could've been legally wrong, morally wrong, and unethical too! Wal-mart is not known, after all, for it's upstanding business integrity.

But we can't blame them for Gamestop's shipping services dropping the ball - or whatever happened there. (Unless we want to start forming actual conspiracy theories about Wal-Mart, which I don't think is really necessary. :sly:)
I have noticed that you get off by arguing with everyone on this site. Every thread your in, there is an argument with someone somewhere. Most of your little wordings are meant to insult someone in a sly way under the table. Lucky for you, this is internet but do what you do homie.

Yeah GT6 is in stores here in Middle East i was tempted to get one yesterday but i already have a Digital Special Edition pre-order off UK PS store
You are saying that you cannot say if there is something wrong in Gt6 after release day?
That's a bit of a reach.

I'm saying that if we get insider information, the best way to stop getting it is to reveal it. Nothing to do with reviewing a game or saying if there's something wrong with it - remember which site revealed the colossal online racing bug?
So you'r opinion does not matter if someone want reliable information from game.
Our opinion on a game for which we are a fansite is fundamentally more likely to be biased than the opinion of a site with no such special interest.

It's not, but to the outsider we're going to appear to be more pro-GT than a random non-specialist site.
Not sure limiting availability will solve it. Thats exactly why the black market thrives. If shops can't get units in time from the official pathways if there are any, then they will always look for other places to fill the shelves from. The answer needs to be a stronger presence not a smaller one! They keep ignoring us.... the PS4 doesn't even have a release date here yet when its already being sold almost world-wide. Surely they don't think gamestores will sit idly by as most Lebanese gamers get their units by shipping them online or buying them during their vacations elsewhere?
I agree that wouldn't solve it if they did limit access. However this is a cyclical consumption, capitalistic society, I highly doubt the'll limit access. They are in the game of making money, limiting their sales would be a shot in the foot that wouldn't stop the "grey market" anyhow.
Tip, if someone's manners do not recommend their opinions to you, best not to respond. Fighting fire with fire only leads to flame wars. Just sayin.

I suppose that's up to the supplier - PD or whatever in whatever situation.
Obviously yes, it's going to make some people who are waiting jealous.

And that's kind of what I meant when I said it's not good for business if people get too antsy about waiting while someone else hasn't. But I think it would take a few weeks delay between for people to really kick up a fuss.
They probably weigh those possibilities when planning out distribution. Just a guess.

Depends on what you mean by "wrong".
Legally wrong? Well if Wal-Mart put it on the shelf before they were supposed to via some kind of contract, then it would be wrong, legally... and ethically questionable to break a contract.

It would not be unethical or legally wrong, if it was just a matter of Gamestop's shipping services being lacking, causing the issue.

That said, I think everything Wal-Mart does is morally questionable. lol So I wouldn't necessarily rule out the possibility of what you describe going down, could've been legally wrong, morally wrong, and unethical too! Wal-mart is not known, after all, for it's upstanding business integrity.

But we can't blame them for Gamestop's shipping services dropping the ball - or whatever happened there. (Unless we want to start forming actual conspiracy theories about Wal-Mart, which I don't think is really necessary. :sly:)

Walmart did nothing wrong here......this time, lol. They were on the shelves at midnight on release day. I didn't actually have the game in hand until 5 minutes after midnight. Gamestop just didn't get there shipment in. With Walmart being a world wide company, I doubt they are willing to breach in this case. Possible but the hit they'd take would damage their game sales in the future I am sure.
Just golded the national A licenses I can drive the LRV along the Apollo 15 expedition route.

Yes if you're wondering that's driving on the moon! Lol

So cool :)
Just golded the national A licenses I can drive the LRV along the Apollo 15 expedition route.

Yes if you're wondering that's driving on the moon! Lol

So cool :)
Can you please upload a video of Circuit de la Sarthe 2013? I want to see the changes they made.