PURE | Flyin' Miata Super Cup | Grand Finale Results & Points Posted!

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51
Well for starters the room number is weird. Next time I'm going to keep making new rooms until we get something familiar.


Race over! Here's your top 5:

Well, what was looking to be a great race totally fell apart around lap 24 when I lost tire noise, then two turns later I spun and had major engine damage and had to pit again. Still can't complain, could have been worse...
Race over! Here's your top 5:


Congrats dethc0re6! You drove a good, clean race.

And Tokyo R246 still blows monkey nuts. I am so glad this race is over.
Good job by dethc0re. 👍

Based on what I saw, I was going to pit early so I could break away from the pack, so I could bust out some 48s. Only got to Lap 14 when approaching the last corner, everyone smacked the wall. My heart sunk before they re-appeared in front of me, so I had hope that it was a momentary glitch. Nope, a second later, "You have been disconnected" decided to grace my screen. I can't even remember the last time this happened.
outlaw - don't you quit on me!
I'm not sure what the point of continuing is. Every week, something always happens that screws me over, and I've just about had it. It's not fun anymore.

My incredible stubbornness is the only thing keeping me in now, but I won't bother practicing for any series anymore. 👎
Woohoo! 1st FMSC win! Sweep from the Vegas guys! Hopefully I can keep it up. Felt like a fluke, but I'll take it.
My race wasn't too great, good start, clean, nobody wrecked that I know of, spread out field, cruising along, after attempts to hang Brosif's draft failed, caught back eventually with Aliens and outlaw, and became a 4 car train.
Then outlaw just coasted off, straight at the wall in the last turn, causing me to slow down a bit, and some light contact, than sure enough he popped back up on track in front of me, pretty far up, then disappeared. :(
Not only do I not like being handed positions, and being an obvious misfortune for outlaw, I lost the draft. This leads to a problem, because my car won't turn enough, and I'm killing the front tires. I don't know why I liked this tune for qualifying, because it was awful under steer.
Decided to stay out and wait till 18/19 (19) to pit, in case there would be a caution, then caught damage on lap 20 I believe, luckily got both fronts, but it slowed me down about 2-2.5 seconds a lap for the rest of the race. :(
Oh, and Aliens DC'd in there somewhere too. :indiff:

A caution and it might have been different, ended up getting passed back to fifth.

Congrats to dethcore, brosif and Erick. 👍

Good job by dethc0re. 👍

Based on what I saw, I was going to pit early so I could break away from the pack, so I could bust out some 48s. Only got to Lap 14 when approaching the last corner, everyone smacked the wall. My heart sunk before they re-appeared in front of me, so I had hope that it was a momentary glitch. Nope, a second later, "You have been disconnected" decided to grace my screen. I can't even remember the last time this happened.I'm not sure what the point of continuing is. Every week, something always happens that screws me over, and I've just about had it. It's not fun anymore.

My incredible stubbornness is the only thing keeping me in now, but I won't bother practicing for any series anymore. 👎
Race 1 of FMSC season 2.
Same thing happened, up front contending for the win, dc, you talked of quitting then as well.
I'm going to tell you the same thing now I told you then, don't.

You enjoyed the rest of that season pretty thoroughly if I recall correctly.
**** happens, there's always next week.

As for practicing less, that might not be a terrible idea. It's a lot less aggravating having your races ruined when you haven't run a lot of laps and have super times behind you. I've been doing it for a while, it's just so much less stressful, it's totally worth it in my opinion.
I still have good days and bad days, always will, but I don't lose multiple hours of my time practicing for a race I can't make/dc/screw-up in ever.

Last night I did exactly what you did, about 2 seconds after I crossed the line in first though. :) Everyone's replay shows me driving straight off into the sand, like I saw you tonight in the last turn (actually had to slow quite a bit and made contact) I was literally disconnecting before I even finished.:eek:
Anyway, sometimes you get lucky. :)
Yeah a DNF forfeits the bonus points unfortunately.


I would also like to make a quick note to all the drivers. If you qualify for a race but do not intend on finishing it, my advice would be to not qualify at all. There were two drivers sitting on the sidelines tonight that wanted to race and would have gladly taken your spot having known you were going to quit.

So, starting next weekend there will be a new rule in place for quitting races. I will sort it out tomorrow and update the OP.
New rule added to the OP:

Drivers that quit any race for any reason will forfeit all points they may have earned for that particular race. (This does not include disconnects which are no fault of said driver)

This starts at the next race.
What does FIA do in this situation? Let's say a DC is engine failure, do they still recognize someone with fastest lap on the time sheets even though they are out?
What does FIA do in this situation? Let's say a DC is engine failure, do they still recognize someone with fastest lap on the time sheets even though they are out?

Well most FIA series don't award any sort of points for fastest lap. F1 used to back in the 50s. GP2 started giving bonus points for pole and FL and you would need to complete the race distance in order to receive points for FL.
Congrats dethc0re6! You drove a good, clean race.

And Tokyo R246 still blows monkey nuts. I am so glad this race is over.

Aww, I love Tokyo. Nice finish team mate.
Think this means RPM is out to an early lead. :) 👍
Well most FIA series don't award any sort of points for fastest lap. F1 used to back in the 50s. GP2 started giving bonus points for pole and FL and you would need to complete the race distance in order to receive points for FL.

No I know that but as far the timing sheets are concerned.

For example, if Hamilton sets fast lap on lap 50, then wrecks the next lap, does it still show him with fastest lap at the end if it was never broken?

Does that make sense?
Well on live timing, no. It'll just say " RET"

But the record would be kept, it just wouldn't be a valid race lap record, just a blurb.
Congrats to Dethc0re6 for the Tokyo victory and a good result for my RIP brother, DMH! Just a shame you bumped my team mate Dom (GTP_CSL) down a spot :D

Turned some laps at Murray Valley last night and managed a best lap of 1'12.5xx, which seemed pretty quick to me. Suspension left the same as Tokyo, with gears adjusted as required. A tricky track due to a number of blind apexes, but some fun corners out there 👍 One thing to watch out for is the invisible wall on the outside of the last corner. Keep all 4 wheels on asphalt to be safe ;)
One thing to watch out for is the invisible wall on the outside of the last corner. Keep all 4 wheels on asphalt to be safe ;)

Yes, it will reach out and grab you. :sly:

Quick note to everyone that doesn't know, this race will be run into night time, so you might want to practice this track in the dark as well. ;)