PURE | GATE 2 - GT300 - Season winners - tony1311 and Team Wedssport

Too bad for us our team mate didn't give us a heads up; looks like he knew. :lol:

Oh well.

Anyway, lets do a race report:

I wasn't expecting to have to host at all today. I was about to head for a shower when I checked my phone, and saw "MULE, can you host?" So I quickly got the table in my room converted to PS3 mode, fired it on and made the room.

Got back and really wasn't that prepared. Somehow I completely missed that Tire Wear was supposed to be on fast. I also had no idea who half the people in the room were because a) I had never seen them before and b) their GTP and PSN names were completely different. I also really didn't know which team correlated to which car, so there was a lot of "x get on the track" when nobody had that car (IS350, Celica and RX-7 mainly I think).

There was also the problem of the two guys from Norway not being able to enter the room. After PP checks, we decided to make a new room, but that was even worse, as we lost the guy from Portugal as well. Joe offered to try hosting as some people were assuming the problem was on my end now, so we did. The one guy from Norway was able to make it in for a minute and he said that the problem was with the other guy from Norway (who still couldn't get in). Portugal still wasn't able to get in, and the first Norway guy disconnected again, so Joe handed the room back over to me, and I did HP checks and started. Basically a complete mess through nobody's fault. Also, it was 4:30 by this time.

One the race started, though, it went fine. There was a wreck on turn 1 and I went from 8th to 5th, and was in 4th by the end of the lap, keeping pace with Jash, and pulling away from everyone behind me.

I think around lap 8 or so, I went wide coming onto the back straight and my rear tire got snared in the sand, which sent me for a spin. Managed to not hit anything, and only lost 1 spot, though any chance of catching Jash at this point was gone. Bob was really good at driving defensively and I lost a ton of time getting around him, and when I did, it was time to pit (he dove in right after I got around him and I couldn't react in time without crossing the line). Game told me to take nothing, but I took 15 "to be safe."

2nd stint was okay. I think Joe passed me in the pits, and I spent the stint trying to catch him, slowly reeling him in (I was probably only a few tenths faster than him all race, defnitely not enough to get him) until I missed my braking going into the downhill hairpin (where it turns off from GP/F). Again, didn't hit anything, but lost all the time I made up. When I pit, the game told me to take 3, and I took 10, being stupid and really not looking at my fuel gage.

Came out just ahead of Dranzer. Cold tires + taking late apexes = you should expect the guy behind you to try to make a move. Silly me forgot about that until he tried passing me in turn 3, then did pass me in the downhill hairpin. I was able to keep on him, though, Got his draft down the back straight, but not enough to make a move. I told myself to brake early, and I thought I did, but after I hit the brakes, he was right there. Tried diving left, but was too late and I plowed right into him. Both of us had to pit for damage. Completely my fault and once again, sorry for that. we came out and was built a bit of a lead, but I was able to catch back up and work my way around him. By this time, though I had realized I wasn't going to make it on fuel. I just decided to push and try to catch sailworksman before I had to pit, but couldn't quite do it. Pit on lap 38, game told me to take 8, and I took 14.

Came out, passed Dragonwhisky and a spinning Bob, then ran out of fuel again on the last lap and finished 8th. :(

A bittersweet win.

Going into T1 on lap 2 I did brake earlier than usual, stepped out of the cars in front draft to get good braking, I even eased the brakes mid way, but misjudged the line (very different from mine) of Tim (DR Watson) and our cars got together resulting in front wheel damage on both cars.

I thing like that shake you up and its difficult to concentrate, and it was frustrating to see Basse builing up an 8 sec gap too.

Had good racing with several people during the race, Basse, Tim, Eddie, Josh, and iforce to mention a few.

The Arta '03 is an challenging car. Great pace potential over one lap, but not that easy over race lenght. If pushed too hard on a track like Nurnburg it will eat up the rear tires in no time. Had to nurse the tires through the whole race and be very careful not to push too hard as it will hit you back in the end of the stint. But I really like it, and I will have to learn some new way of driving.

Before the race I drove 10 laps, pitted to see how much fuel was needed per lap. 42 lap would need 138 liters and I put in 41 and ended the race with about 8 liter in the tank.
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Forgot to apologize for being "that guy" and knocking the white barriers loose :dunce: I misjudged the draft speed, braked too late and bumped into them. Hopefully the barriers didn't cause anyone major trouble.
Forgot to apologize for being "that guy" and knocking the white barriers loose :dunce: I misjudged the draft speed, braked too late and bumped into them. Hopefully the barriers didn't cause anyone major trouble.

So it was you!

A bittersweet win.

Going into T1 on lap 2 I did brake earlier than usual, stepped out of the cars in front draft to get good braking, I even eased the brakes mid way, but misjudged the line (very different from mine) of Tim (DR Watson) and our cars got together resulting in front wheel damage on both cars.

ah... yeah, I looked back and saw that me basse had a nice gap and I had a great run on him with better performance on the cold tires; so I was taking a different late apex line to cut under him and see if I could beat him in a drag race to trun2.

The s2000 is also a monster on the braking... probably why people were mystified at it's s3 performance. If you blip and time the engine braking correctly it stops like mad due to the 13,000 RPM. ;)

edit: oh btw... I'll put the results up after dinner if someone can get the fast laps and any disconnects for D2 that would be great. 👍
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And a 1000 pardons to dragon on turn 1. :(

Apology accepted. You paid harder than I did but made more of your race. Will let the PTBs decide whether it warrants IPs, if they decide to look at it.

I went ahead and pitted end of lap 1 to repair damage, tossed my pit strat out the window and started running laps. Went in on lap 15, took 15l and took off again. Ran til lap 29, grabbed 19 or 20l and headed back out. Leaders were catching me steadily and my goal at this point was to not get lapped. While I did manage that, I misinterpreted Mule running out of gas as race over, since I caught him after the leaders had crossed the finish line, and I slowed. Muddy thinking there :dunce::dopey:. Bob came screaming by us both while Jeff was hollering "GO Eric!" from the stands. Think Mule even gave me a tap trying to get me to GO but I was apparently standing out in left field staring at the bright lights. What a cluster:censored: that turned out to be.

I was chasing Bob earlier and he'd spun a lap or two after Mule's last pit stop and he (Mule) came out right behind me. I was on worn tires and we all know how that turned out. Bob spun, Mule and I went by and I wasn't about to get into a contest with fresh tires and ruin both our races further, so left plenty of room on the inside for Mule to get by.

Had fun chasing Bob and cam made me nervous as the proverbial long tailed cat and was happy to see him pit just before putting me down a lap.

:cheers: to all the gentleman who made the podium in both divisions.

BAZZER/Flanked DNFed from D2. kolden76/sersjanten90, Koleen/kolden73 and TOXTAX/HugoVaz were the DNSes that had trouble connecting.

FL goes to JoeTruckV8 with a 1:33.677

Or did you want everybody's?
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Too bad for us our team mate didn't give us a heads up; looks like he knew. :lol:

Yeah, my bad :dunce:, I've done quite a few races on fast and very fast wear so I knew fuel would have to be manually worked out. What I didn't realize though that many other people hadn't run it much.

My race went very well, starting last I made no mistakes and kept a consistent pace through my stints. Got a little excited as I saw I had good pace on older tyres and a few were doing 3 stops.
Had a lap in 1st place before my 2nd and final stop taking another 23L (22L 1st stop).
I came out of the pits in 9th I think, with others pitting and having fuel issues I was 4th and closing rapidly on Eddie in the last few laps, didn't get a chance to pass though and finished only 0.8 behind.

I had been hopeful of making up a couple of places but never thought 4th was possible going into the race :D.
Can a few of you on the Pure forums that are in the conversation of series development check my latest post in the VLN thread? Just need some opinions. 👍
BAZZER/Flanked DNFed from D2. kolden76/sersjanten90, Koleen/kolden73 and TOXTAX/HugoVaz were the DNSes that had trouble connecting.

FL goes to JoeTruckV8 with a 1:33.677

Or did you want everybody's?

lol, yeah I wanted everything. :sly:

FL for everyone, what lap people DNF'd on. 👍
Had a lap in 1st place before my 2nd and final stop taking another 23L (22L 1st stop).

I had been hopeful of making up a couple of places but never thought 4th was possible going into the race :D.

Little Honda's screaming red-line is that expensive? were you almost empty after 145L?

BTW, Doing well because you were prepared is still doing well. 👍
Don't let my buggy GT5-hate get in your way. :D

oopse double... I thought I hit edit.
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We will have to have a look at changing the qualifying deadline for next weeks race. It seems a lot of drivers will always leave it until just before the deadline :(
Hopefully things will run to time for the race.

I don't know how things turned out and I haven't read the thread...but I'm a big fan of having a 12 hour before green deadline. Just my 2¢
My DNF was on lap 38 i think it was, ran out of fuel at the beginning and struggled home and when I was getting fuelled it quit me out. Not sure why it did it but could of been because i was in the pause menu for a minute.
standings are current... we just need to do reviews and make a call on fast-lap; but those 2pts won't really effect much.

Spoon jumps out to the early team lead with a strong P2 in D1 and the victory in D2.

Cheers. 👍
"Fast Fuel" has been in there for 2 patches now... am I retarded for assuming it wasn't bugged?
Honestly.... I fell kinda stupid for not thinking to check it out, at least personally yeah. :lol:

Bummer for some about the race today, bright side is it looks like I made the right call, as running late for a race that I run out of fuel in would have sucked. :scared:
I only subscribed to read up on all the shenanigans going on here. :lol:

Never tried the fast setting for the tire/fuel wear, but it's already too rapid for me at normal. If anything, I wish it was 1.5x where it is now.
Little Honda's screaming red-line is that expensive? were you almost empty after 145L?

BTW, Doing well because you were prepared is still doing well. 👍
Don't let my buggy GT5-hate get in your way. :D

I was a little cautious when it came to fuel this race, had about 10L left at the end.
I only subscribed to read up on all the shenanigans going on here. :lol:

Never tried the fast setting for the tire/fuel wear, but it's already too rapid for me at normal. If anything, I wish it was 1.5x where it is now.

I kind of like the fast setting.

I'm in another GT500 championship where we use the fast setting. Done a pre-race and first race. On the pre-race almost everybody got it terribly wrong. Running out of fuel, splash and and dash stops, an all mess. For the first race, most people done their homework and had a plan how much fuel neede.

First race was at SPA, 32 laps. Most people did 3 stops, some 2 stops. For 32 laps in GT500, 250 liters were needed and it made for some interesting fuel strategies. On a 3 stopper, 50 liters was the average needed for each stop. Do you put in more or less, and what did your competitor do. Given the slow fueling/liter there were long stops (where you can drink some beer). Big shifts through the race depending on fuel strategy.

It was a lot of fun, right to the end. But you have to do a test run of lets say 10 laps to calculate fuel needed per lap. Then you can make up a fueling strategy.
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A massive thanks to Tim for keeping everything running smooth yesterday.
Also thanks for the guys hosting the rooms.
Looking at the results it seems as though 4 drivers didn't start the D2 race;
Is that right? Was it connection issues?

I am going to bring forward the qualifying deadline to give us more time to sort the hosts and room splits etc.
Everyone will need to do a little testing for fuel this week!
I will be running a full distance practice race on Wednesday if anyone wants to join, details to be announced later.

If anyone has any incidents that they would like the stewards to look at, please pm either myself or wardez. We won't go looking if we aren't asked to.
I will probably join you wednesday to test the fuel , totally ruined my race by overfilling yesterday
Hi. I will changes my psn from sersjanten90 to Sers_90. hope that is ok. :)
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Had a nightmare end to yesterday's race. Started 9th and worked my way up to around 5-6th position. Had brilliant battles with Ed and iForce for pretty much the entire race. Around lap 38 I planned to pit for fuel and put the recommended amount in. Wow that screwed me over. It lasted about 3 laps in and I ran out of fuel on T3 on lap 41 or so. I parked the car and that was my race over. Looking forward for Motegi next week.
FTW it's actually pretty mathematical...

Drive a car for 5 laps and pit, check fuel used and multiply = race fuel. Much MUCH more reliable than GT5 predictions. 👍
FTW it's actually pretty mathematical...

Drive a car for 5 laps and pit, check fuel used and multiply = race fuel. Much MUCH more reliable than GT5 predictions. 👍

What do you use FTW for? I've always wondered that, cause I know it as 'For The Win', never seen it used for anything else. :lol:

Anyway, I'm just going to start taking a lot more fuel on my stops. Time lost in the pits can be made up on the track, and may be a lot less time than having to pit again.
Putting fuel in takes a long time in GT5. Taking too much is a "NOT-FTW" strategy for sure.

I think its better to do a little more than 5 laps to measure the average fuel consumption per lap. I've used 10 laps, the more the better. I now done two races excluding this series first at Fuji, and in both races I ended up taking on a little too much fuel but not too bad. What I think might happening is that when there is less fuel in the tank, the car gets lighter, and it will use less fuel/lap. Or maybe you save fuel when being in peoples slip.

But I will not count on it and take on less fuel than what I get by measuring the average consumption on 10 laps.
Sorry wont be home on time to race. Currently sitting in a train that is 20min past schedule after missing the previous train due to engine failure of another train I had to take before...God I have a hatred against public transportation currently. Should have been home 2hrs ago if everything would have been on time.
Thanks for letting us know 👍
Twisted: When Mike (M1racing) was trying to organize a new club CLART last year he setup a new profile for himself (CLART) and had everyone send a friend request. That essentially made a private room that only qualified participants could enter. You could do basically the same thing and setup one room to qualify so everyone knew where to go and stewards could monitor more easily to smooth out the process. You could go a step further and setup two racing rooms. This would allow participants easier access, find other racers to practice with during the week and prevent anyone that is not approved from entering the rooms…Bob
We have tried this in a previous series (WSGTC3) and it did work quite well. It is something we will look into again in the future. The idea at the moment is that anyone can open a practice room and post the number in the thread. Practice is certainly easier when there is a few of us and we can run some short races.
just start, thanks for waiting. will fiks problems next time.
Hopefully next week will be fine 👍

I don't know how things turned out and I haven't read the thread...but I'm a big fan of having a 12 hour before green deadline. Just my 2¢
it will probably go back to 12 hours prior to green flag, which will mean everyone will have to qualify by Friday night. This will give us enough time to sort out the host's and grids etc.

Hi. I will changes my psn from sersjanten90 to Sers_90. hope that is ok. :)
ok, I will pass this on to Tim 👍 thanks for the offer of the cars, I will keep that in mind :cheers:

So, what's the procedure if we can't see 1 or more cars on track?

sersjanten has been invisible to me last week and this.

And which side of the grid will pole be starting from?
I have just read through the rules and it isn't clear what to do if 2 cars can't see each other. It is something that we will look into.

As for the grid, usually pole will take the inside for the first corner but it should be communicated by the host prior to the start.

Edit : Room closed
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What do you use FTW for? I've always wondered that, cause I know it as 'For The Win', never seen it used for anything else. :lol:

You're right... he probably wanted FWIW (for what it's worth)