PURE | GATE 2 - GT300 - Season winners - tony1311 and Team Wedssport

I just like being able to turn through the corners without having to worry about fumbling for the paddles to shift. Less to worry about, less potential for mistakes, etc.
The part that actually makes the car faster (literally) is having the low final drive.
The simple way is to just drop the FD to minimum and then set the gears up exactly the way you've been, essentially. You just use the TS slider to set the gears for the top speed you want that week. 1st all the way left, 6th all the way right, and the rest balanced between.
Turning some laps, not sure how long I will be around:

Edit: Closed.

Best of 59.9, mostly 2:00.3xx to 2:00.5 --> race pace for me, and where I'm most comfortable.
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Who's that dude in your avatar? Really freaking me out D:
A couple of pics from the first race.


Will anybody be around about 3-4pm GMT? Going to try quali before tonight as won't have time later.
CSLACR: I know you have probably been asked the same question over and over again but I am still somewhat confused as to how you setup your transmission. I read in your “How I start tuning a car” entry that you lower the top speed slider to minimum and then lower the final drive to the desired speed. In this forum you suggest that you drop the final drive to minimum and then use the top speed slider to adjust to the desired top speed. You then really confuse me by suggesting that the lowest gear setting should be all the way to the left and the highest gear should be all the way to the right. When you get a chance could you provide a set by set process? Thanks I need all the help I can get.
Room up 1472 - 6399 - 8537 - 0921 - 3089

Room open till about 4.30-5 UTC. Would love a steward to pop in in the next 30 mins though.
CSLACR: I know you have probably been asked the same question over and over again but I am still somewhat confused as to how you setup your transmission. I read in your “How I start tuning a car” entry that you lower the top speed slider to minimum and then lower the final drive to the desired speed. In this forum you suggest that you drop the final drive to minimum and then use the top speed slider to adjust to the desired top speed. You then really confuse me by suggesting that the lowest gear setting should be all the way to the left and the highest gear should be all the way to the right. When you get a chance could you provide a set by set process? Thanks I need all the help I can get.
Either works, depending on application.

For the garage, I try to keep it consistent across the range, so I just do the basic trick. Jason doesnt want to do the trick, so I suggested the ohter method, which works fine as long as you don't have a narrow powerband. 👍
How do you get into the races?

Sign up in the op and then join a room with us to run a few laps to make sure you are clean enough.
The cars available at the moment are;
Subaru Impreza '03
Toyota Superautobacs MR-S

I will be online tonight, I will post the room number in this thread. Get a car upto spec and come and join 👍
Sign up in the op and then join a room with us to run a few laps to make sure you are clean enough.
The cars available at the moment are;
Subaru Impreza '03
Toyota Superautobacs MR-S

I will be online tonight, I will post the room number in this thread. Get a car upto spec and come and join 👍

Thanks mate that will be great
Room open

My q watched by johnkiller2, basse, and outlaw

Room left to Basse
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I have had a miracle here. I have never raced on this track, yet for some reason I seem to have a little pace. I am now hoping that I will make D1 for the first time ever in a PURE event.
MRS tune (will update with pc later)




