PURE | GATE 2 - GT300 - Season winners - tony1311 and Team Wedssport

For the record, that 58.991 I ran in practice was probably one of those magic laps. As for any aliens, it would be their time on Tuesday. :crazy:

I can't quite figure out my mileage. I want to say it's 4.6 Liters to the lap, but I'm not certain. Grrrr, I'm a race car driver, not a calculator.
Already got my fuel strategy calculated down pat. As long as I don't screw myself like last weekend and have to pit early for damage because I'm an idiot.
Can't make it tomorrow as I don't have the track. My first pay check in the new job hasn't come through quick enough for me to buy :P

See you all next week.
24 hours left until the qualifying deadline.

If you can't make the race, please let us know.

Ok Stretch, see you next week.

@Jeff : interesting, I am going to have a go with the steering adjustments.
For the record, that 58.991 I ran in practice was probably one of those magic laps. As for any aliens, it would be their time on Tuesday. :crazy:

I can't quite figure out my mileage. I want to say it's 4.6 Liters to the lap, but I'm not certain. Grrrr, I'm a race car driver, not a calculator.

That's a heck of a great time.

Test the fuel consumtion a bit more. It's not rocket sience. I just drive 10 laps, pit and see how much I can put in the tank, then divide by 10. Its a conservative way of doing it and have used it twice and left me with just below 10 liters in the tank.

BTW, my consumption is about 4.4 liters, and I think my car is rather thirsty, so 4.6 seems high.

Ready when you are. Well, sort of. Horridly slow.
wtf! I've tried this before with the same idea of changing steering lock amount and didn't notice a change! I swear, it was just a couple months back, did this change just recently? This is a big deal! I can possibly get a real race car lock! Super GT cars, and GT cars in general, use around 540 degrees.
wtf! I've tried this before with the same idea of changing steering lock amount and didn't notice a change! I swear, it was just a couple months back, did this change just recently? This is a big deal! I can possibly get a real race car lock! Super GT cars, and GT cars in general, use around 540 degrees.

sucks to have a wheel that can't be set to any arbitrary wheel rotation number. :sly:
sucks to have a wheel that can't be set to any arbitrary wheel rotation number. :sly:

Well I could still bust out my CSR, I totally forgot to even try to change the DOR (Degrees of rotation) when using it for GT5 haha.

I would still be slower with it anyway, so noping right out of that one.
Will there be anyone around @22-23:00UTC? I've got another race before and since Saturday is now out for qualification I will need to squeeze in after that race.

My experiment at the university is currently running again, giving me very little time within the week to test/qualify.
Will there be anyone around @22-23:00UTC? I've got another race before and since Saturday is now out for qualification I will need to squeeze in after that race.

My experiment at the university is currently running again, giving me very little time within the week to test/qualify.

There should be a room open. If there isn't , post in this thread when you are ready to qualify and I will jump on and watch you 👍