PURE | GT4 Cup: Season 3 | Season End

  • Thread starter Adam41
As someone who drove a car weak in a straight line all through JGTS I'd have to challenge that theory. To make up the time the NSX was gaining on straights I frequently found myself working the tires harder than I would have liked through the twisty bits. But then as tires wear the GTR relying on handling got exponentially worse at making up that "free time" that the NSX gets on the straights.
At Indy for the first quarter of the stint I could gain ground on Rees's NSX. 2nd quarter we were even, then the entire 2nd half of the stints I'd progressively lose more and more time.

Straight line advantage is always an advantage. Handling advantage is variable. And the only thing that's going to make one better or worse on it's tires is weight.
Straight line advantage is always a straight line advantage. However, a straight line advantage usually relies on power and traction, these cars generally cook the rears much easier, meaning you can drive conservatively and save tires, or go fast and burn them up.
9 times out of 10, a faster car with worse handling has bald tires first, even on fast tracks.
Had a really good session this evening, thanks Adam for putting a room up :). Best part though, just had a really close race with Green just now. My lap times were in the 39s though, best on free run is a low 38 so definitely need to take on board the advice I've been given & get those other few seconds achieved. Found that I'm quite good at holding people up cleanly on another note :). Tactic for next race is to get in front then stay there? It's a nice thought...

Also, CSL would you be interested in sending me your tune for the Z to have a go with? Adams has definitely helped pace, he did say to ask you though :). Sucks having to work the weekend, saying that my work hours mean I'm home just in time for the room opening. Down side being my day starts at 2:00 - 2:15am.

As for when I qualify, I'm thinking Friday afternoon would be good (GMT - 4). Hopefully I'll be awake enough to concentrate. Taking this series very seriously, early nights etc included.
Straight line advantage is always a straight line advantage. However, a straight line advantage usually relies on power and traction, these cars generally cook the rears much easier, meaning you can drive conservatively and save tires, or go fast and burn them up.
9 times out of 10, a faster car with worse handling has bald tires first, even on fast tracks.

Not my experience; and I shouldn't say "always" because it goes away in the rain. But as long as it's dry and the race is more than 10 laps a straight line advantage is always an advantage.

More power might wear the rears quicker but handling cars usually destroy the fronts quicker. And once the tires wear a handling advantage goes away much faster than a straight line advantage.

If a car goes faster from 50-150 it will always have that time in its pocket until very extreme levels of wear.

Oh, and I'm going to need to qualify tonight... going to be busy tomorrow.

eh... went off on my bank lap and then did a very nervous 1:37.0
was running 36.8 in practice with a 36.5 pb so can't complain I guess... hopefully I don't get DC'd from the D2 race again.
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That sounds very quick to me, however, if I use the 'other' version of the track, I might just be ok :sly:
Nope. He did actually run that. Bear in mind, though, that I ran a 35.8 during the same session. Unfortunately, during my Q, the Vette decided it didn't want to turn at a corner where it had before. Still got a 36.5xx, but that's definitely a P8-11 start. :ouch:
Not my experience; and I shouldn't say "always" because it goes away in the rain. But as long as it's dry and the race is more than 10 laps a straight line advantage is always an advantage.

More power might wear the rears quicker but handling cars usually destroy the fronts quicker. And once the tires wear a handling advantage goes away much faster than a straight line advantage.

If a car goes faster from 50-150 it will always have that time in its pocket until very extreme levels of wear.
Given my experience in the last race, I agree with this. I was up against Adam and two Maseratis that just happened to be teammates. Any hopes of going easy on the tires evaporated when they all ran single file for the first few laps. I really had to jam the car into corners just so I can catch a whiff of draft. Didn't help that Tony and Brock were pushing even harder and both were behind me.
Nope. He did actually run that.

I wasn't actually disputing the time (as we all know what to expect by now), just messing really. I knew you'd run a 36.2 when we ran after Rome, and a 35.8 is awesome. Probably get some laps on the 'right' track tonight ;)
Also, knowing that it was basically a race (at least for me) to try and get to the pits as early a possible to try and get out into clear air to gain track position, (which I've believe you've done in the past 2 races?)

Forgot to reply to this bit, seeing as I wanted to make a little report of the D1 race too.

I believe the first time I pitted in early at GP/D was because I thought the 3 of us (me, you, Tony) would pit in on different laps so that we don't get held up by each other. I didn't want to be the one pitting last out of the 3 of us so when I saw Tony go around for another lap, I dived into the pits. I didn't want to take the chance that if I had carried on, you would have pitted on that lap instead of me, I wouldn't have been able to overtake Tony on that lap and he would have pitted in front of me. Which would have meant I would have had to pit in on the same lap and lost time, or stay out another lap... and lose time. :lol:

For Rome, I felt the pressure of you, Tony and outlaw storming up the field, getting closer in my rear view mirror every lap. That kind of led me to the half desperate overtake on Wardez on the last corner. I didn't want to be in 3rd position with 3 more cars joining the fray. I thought I was going to lose out somewhere. And since Nige half spun on the following lap at the first corner, when I overtook Wardez my only priority was to pit.

So neither time really was I trying to pit early to make the undercut, despite it actually working. I know you wasn't implying that :P just thought I'd explain since I thought it would be quite interesting to read. :)

I wasn't actually disputing the time (as we all know what to expect by now), just messing really. I knew you'd run a 36.2 when we ran after Rome, and a 35.8 is awesome. Probably get some laps on the 'right' track tonight ;)

That lap was actually my PB. Hadn't been able to beat a 35.8 for a while and just managed to get things sorted out when it counted. And fyi, the track we ran in free run straight after the Rome race was the correct track. The only ones to get caught out were the people who downloaded it before I refreshed the track on Monday.
That lap was actually my PB. Hadn't been able to beat a 35.8 for a while and just managed to get things sorted out when it counted. And fyi, the track we ran in free run straight after the Rome race was the correct track. The only ones to get caught out were the people who downloaded it before I refreshed the track on Monday.

That's good to know ;). I actually downloaded the track on Saturday after the practice, but didn't run any laps until Wednesday night, when we realised I still had the wrong one. No problem though as I got some good practice in with Brock yesterday, then outlaw in the wee small hours :D. Managed to run a best of 35.7xx, but this tune is a bit heavy on tyres. Hopefully I can run a low 36 or better for quali', probably tonight.
Going awful, I have snap oversteer literally everytime I just BRUSH the brake pedal.
Don't know what has happened but it's really awful and certainly not helping the tires.
Stuck in the 40's.
Race Information - Race 1: BRONZESTONE

Laps will be set to 25.

Division 1 Host: GTP_Aderrrm
Division 2 Host: GTP_Litchi​
16:00 - Qualifying deadline
16:30 - Room opens (add my PSN)
16:55 - PP, power and weight checks, track reset
17:00 - line up in order on track, race start (with formation lap)

  • You should not go off track or drive "dirty". Red+white rumble strips are track. If you continuously drive on dirty parts of the track during the race and you gain time from doing so, you will receive an appropriate penalty.
  • You are allowed 4 wheels outside the white line, as long as part of 2 of the wheels are still touching the track (on the outside of the white line connecting to the track)

Formation lap: Maintain a pace of EXACTLY 62 mph/100 kmh. Do not weave in order to try and warm up your tyres. This will only increase the risk of damage.

Pits: There will be no pit window for this race. I advise everyone to try entering the pit lane prior to the race to see if lifting off or braking is necessary in order to not get a 'penalty'. 5 second penalties will be handed out for crossing the pit entry/exit lines.

That's all. Have fun everyone and keep it clean. 👍
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Not my experience; and I shouldn't say "always" because it goes away in the rain. But as long as it's dry and the race is more than 10 laps a straight line advantage is always an advantage.

More power might wear the rears quicker but handling cars usually destroy the fronts quicker. And once the tires wear a handling advantage goes away much faster than a straight line advantage.

If a car goes faster from 50-150 it will always have that time in its pocket until very extreme levels of wear.

Oh, and I'm going to need to qualify tonight... going to be busy tomorrow.

eh... went off on my bank lap and then did a very nervous 1:37.0
was running 36.8 in practice with a 36.5 pb so can't complain I guess... hopefully I don't get DC'd from the D2 race again.
I'd chalk this up to differences, but why would you burn the front tires up faster on a slower car? :confused:
Unless you're assuming the faster car has a looser balance all the time, but then, a car with dead fronts still goes faster than a car with dead rears.

But if you take the same car, and simply add some power, it will always wear the tires quicker, I don't see how anyone could view it differently.:confused:

In any case, if you're killing either set of tires first, there's work to be done. ;)
I'd chalk this up to differences, but why would you burn the front tires up faster on a slower car? :confused:

higher cornering speeds = more lateral load = more wear

Unless you're assuming the faster car has a looser balance all the time, but then, a car with dead fronts still goes faster than a car with dead rears.

That is entirely subjective and depends on the driver and the car. I can drive a car with worn rears faster than worn fronts. It's something I can adjust for. A car with worn fronts just plows, eating up the cornering speed it relies on.

But if you take the same car, and simply add some power, it will always wear the tires quicker, I don't see how anyone could view it differently.:confused:

That's not the discussion. Of course if you add power to a car it will wear it's tires faster than it did without it. We're talking about doing the same pace; only one car (or one version of the same chassis) loses on the straights but makes up in the corners.

BTW what happened to your team mate?
higher cornering speeds = more lateral load = more wear
Slower car = less braking, lower speeds, and smoother exits.
Plus remember, this is GT5, and I'm not sure any extra grip you extrude from a tire through setup or car balance translates to extra tire wear at all in GT5.

That is entirely subjective and depends on the driver and the car. I can drive a car with worn rears faster than worn fronts. It's something I can adjust for. A car with worn fronts just plows, eating up the cornering speed it relies on.
Possibly, but you're ignoring the negatives of having a faster car. If a car is under-steering, it's easy to manage worn rears, but that's almost never the case.
If you have rears worn more than the fronts while racing, it means your rear tires have less grip (and you're already over-steering most likely) over the length of the laps, losing more grip of your lowest grip tires on the drive wheels is no better than losing grip on your front tires if your car under-steers.
Both can become extremely difficult to manage, but in one scenario, you under-steer and exit corners with full power, in the other, you over-steer and have to wait the most precious seconds there are on a racetrack, when you should be full throttle but you're feathering at 40% waiting for grip, which is diminishing even more, because you're still bound by the lack of grip on the drive wheels only.

That's not the discussion. Of course if you add power to a car it will wear it's tires faster than it did without it. We're talking about doing the same pace; only one car (or one version of the same chassis) loses on the straights but makes up in the corners.

BTW what happened to your team mate?
Right, but it's not "making time up in corners" so to speak. It's driving through corners at the same pace relative to the cars grip.
You're thinking of it as barging through corners at 100% in the slower car, and easing through them in the faster car. But if you take the faster car through corners more gently than a slower car with better cornering, you're now losing time over the entire lap.

In GT5 I have yet to see a better cornering car wear tires more quickly than a poor cornering car with extra straight line speed. In fact it's the opposite 99% of the time.
Got a major severe weather event going on in my area so won't be able to qualify tonight as I planned I'll have to try in the morning.
Room up for Practice/Qualifying: 1472 6118 3658 4755 9455

I'll probably need a steward in the next 45 mins or so if available :)

Left room with Jay and outlaw in there. Quali' done ;)
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Has anyone run the Evora yet? Im really struggling alot here.
I can't seem to find a straight line for braking in this place, I always apply the brake with about 10 degrees of lock on.

Edit:Went lower on the front roll bar and increased the differential initial and braking settings. Car feels much better and keeps tires but still stuck with bad times.:grumpy:
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Going to bed now. If I wake up early enough, I'll qualify in the morning, if not I'll start at the back.
I shall qualify once I get this damn headache lol

haven't download track yet so I shall do that as well
Here is my best lap guys, please help me review it and give tips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLsfcZkS8RY&feature=youtu.be :)
I realize I pinched the inside front on the way into turn one and ran a car length wide so some time lost there.
Must stick to a very rigid line with this if not it just breaks loose under brakes.
Would like to qualify later if there is a room up, though I'll probably be at the rear of the grid.
Here is my best lap guys, please help me review it and give tips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLsfcZkS8RY&feature=youtu.be :)
I realize I pinched the inside front on the way into turn one and ran a car length wide so some time there.
Must stick to a very rigid line with this if not it just breaks loose under brakes.
Would like to qualify later if there is a room up, though I'll probably be at the rear of the grid.

Don't qualify yet Phil, I'll be on soon to practice and concoct another tune :sly: