PURE | JGTS - Going on strong and adapting in the face of change!

  • Thread starter Denilson
Room up - 1472 6399 8880 6895 7589

Josh's was up, but must have been fixed host as it kicked me when he left and the room is no longer found.

Josh's lap:

That would make sense why I spent 10 minutes re-typing my room number in then getting stupidly confused :dopey:
I just ran a 2:15.355 in my lounge after tweaking my setup :D (I doubt ill run that in quali but its very important that I can get close to have any hope of D1).

So any rooms open at the moment?
Paul just did a super flying lap well done

looks like d2 for me tomorrow as there are still quite a few to qualify ouch!

looked at replay paul, every corner your car jumps so I have no clue if its clean or not but I'm sure its fine lol, you really gotta look into sorting your internet out ha

anyway good luck to the rest of you guys who got to qualify, I expect to see my name in d1 when I wake up ha Night
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Yup my Pb before joining was a 2:15.355, then in the high pressure quali I did a 2:15.292 :D. (Then screwed up my 2nd lap :lol:)

Hopefully thats D1 secured for me :).
MULE, paulmac, Adventuruss, Alien69, Wardez, WiiFreak... I know I've left some guys out..
I just went. Paul watched me, after Paginas bailed out of the room after I said I would go. 👎

Then I laid down a couple of stinkers. Oh well.
Mule's lap:
2'16.932 Clean

Looking at my quali times I have improved almost .7 from round 2 :D. Now all that is irrelevant cause its a wet race :rolleyes:.
Yeah man, join my room, I need to quali fast. I'll post up the number in a minute as well
Practice and qualifying.
Well, don't quali' TOO fast now, will you!! ;)

Just kidding, best of luck to all those left to run tonight!

lol, you have a talent for jinxing xD JK, I didn't read it till after I quali'd.

Hoping for D1
Me - 2:15.051... after spinning on lap 2. phew...

P.S. - Owens and Wii confirmed my lap.
Me and Owens are still in the room Wardez opened if anyone else still needs to do their run.


WiiFreak - 2:15.260 Clean as a whistle.