PURE | JGTS - Going on strong and adapting in the face of change!

  • Thread starter Denilson
Pag, the deadline is 0.01 AM (BST).. After that, you can still quali, but with a 2 % penalty. The "2nd" deadline is at Sunday, 14.00 PM (GMT).
done it..... Messed up a dew downshifts but that's what I suppose happens when you have a bottle of wine ha
Sorry Paginas, but looking at replay, you didn't make that final chicane. Sorry I couldn't tell you right away as I had a bad camera angle.

Sorry man.. I hate hitting people with penalties.

At most, .1 was gained. Is 3% still what I am supposed to add on the sheet?
not being an arse but I would like photo as I've already been hard done by, by having to re-do the poxy qualifying lap because I did my qualifying session before the ballast was put up.

so either next time could someone put the ballast up before we start our qualifying or just left me keep my 1st time as it wasn't my fault in the 1st place.
I'm afraid so.. Exactly the same situation as with CSL...

Driving drunk is not an excuse.. lol
Sorry man..
not being an arse but I would like photo as I've already been hard done by, by having to re-do the poxy qualifying lap because I did my qualifying session before the ballast was put up.

so either next time could someone put the ballast up before we start our qualifying or just left me keep my 1st time as it wasn't my fault in the 1st place.

Yeah.. I can post. Just need to re-watch it, and find the right pause. Might take me a bit. Need to remember how to post pic again too.
just forget about it, can't be arsed now. Should of waited till tomorrow to get more practice and get a stupid 2% instead of 3% but hey **** happens.

I should be let off for th amount of time I've been ****ed about with. Excuse my language but yea kinda pissed off, did my qualifying early for once as I didn't have time during rest of week (as it shows). Then I get told oh you were meant to have ballast. I was honest and said I ran without it as no one told me and now look where I am.

next time I'll keep my mouth shut....

lucky enough this fixed qualifying still stands so I'll be in div1 but at the back, suppose its a long race...
Room still up? I need to do mine quick!

Not sure, I left it to go take pictures..lol. Figures the problem was at the very end of the lap.. and the handy rewind feature takes you all the way back to the beginning of the lap. 4 minutes earlier. I have the pics, I can post them tomorrow.

I will go see if the room is still up.. Otherwise, I will come find you Eddie.

Edit - Made a room if you want to come find me Eddie. (I didn't see you online)
Hmm.. not sure where you went. Text me if you need me to watch. My room is up, but I am going to go in the other room to watch the football game. I can easily pause it though, when you show up.
Pag, the deadline is 0.01 AM (BST).. After that, you can still quali, but with a 2 % penalty. The "2nd" deadline is at Sunday, 14.00 PM (GMT).
IDK what BST is.
So I'll assume it's GMT+1, which means for those on EST it's 6pm, and PST would be only 3pm Saturday?
I need to stop reading threads other than this one on GTPlanet. The amount of people that think the second DLC is acceptable for a AAA game is driving me up the wall.

After some critisism regarding the divisional system, me and Wardez have been discussing this over the last 2 days.

We've gone by the ones who've spoken up in the thread (Contribution), and the majority wanted to scrap the divisional system and go back to a weekly qualifyer.

So we hereby scrap the divisional system. Quali is now open!
Starting already this week.
This meens any driver can race in either division from one week to another. It all depends on how you quali.

Since we're 24 drivers signed up, each division will concist of 12 drivers.
Firts 12 race in D1, and 13 and below race in D2.

New Point Sytem:
Feature Race - D1:
1. 32
2. 30
3. 28
4. 26
5. 24
6. 22
7. 20
8. 18
9. 16
10. 14
11. 12
12. 10

Sprint Race - D1:
1. 16
2. 15
3. 14
4. 13
5. 12
6. 11
7. 10
8. 9
9. 8
10. 7
11. 6
12. 5

Feature Race - D2
1. 16
2. 14
3. 12
4. 10
5. 8
6. 6
7. 4
8. 2
9. 2
10. 2
11. 2
12. 2

Sprint race - D2
1. 8
2. 7
3. 6
4. 5
5. 4
6. 3
7. 2
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1

The point table will be recalculated with this point system.
Bonus points are still the same.

This is a final decition based on what the ones who have opinions say.
We do know that it will be a tough decition for anyone who might end up in D2, but thought he had a safe spot in D1 (CSL and Pag).
But we had to go by the majority. And the majority says open up the qualifyer.

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Wait, the deadline changed?

When did this happen?


oh, jeez.. my bad.. AGAIN

Deadline: 00.01 AM (PST), 08.00 AM (GMT)
2nd deadline: 06.00 AM (PST), 14.00 PM (GMT)

sorry AGAIN

Me and times.. jeeez..
I need to stop reading threads other than this one on GTPlanet. The amount of people that think the second DLC is acceptable for a AAA game is driving me up the wall.

Please don't bring that here. The DLC is fine.
Its still the same for us Mule. Midnight PST.

Okay, thank you. Still a room up?

EDIT: It's fine, Den :lol: Thanks for clearing it up.
@Dennis.. For fear of making this more complicated.. maybe we could hybrid it this week for transitional purposes?

Maybe just the top 3 or 4 qualifiers from D2 have a chance at D1 this week. 3 people from D1 left recently, if I am correct. Maybe, open up those three for D1?

I am sure that some in qualification for D1 might have been overly agressive going for pole, knowing they were already locked in for D1.

I, actually had no idea what my fate was going to be, so I ran a conservative lap to make sure I kept it in the lines.

Maybe this week, and this week only, allow the race to be 13 in D1 and 11 in D2?

Sorry man.. I am sure you and Eddie are tired of this. I am happy to get to race D1 this week. I just feel bad for people like Pag and Dom who probably pushed on their laps knowing they were locked in.

I think with the hybrid system we will end up with two competitive and evenly matched rooms.
I hear you.

I'll give this 2 hours (Sorry for the ones who do not read this in time).


This will be FINAL in 2 hours..

We either go with what I posted (Also in the OP under "NEWS"), or we go with RedReevos proposal quoted below:

"Maybe just the top 3 or 4 qualifiers from D2 have a chance at D1 this week. 3 people from D1 left recently, if I am correct. Maybe, open up those three for D1?"

Hybrid System:
4 fastest D2 driver can make D1 if the quali time is faster than one of the bottom 4 in D1.
(This will only be for the race tomorrow.)

I'm really tyred of this back and forth now. Cause every time a decition is final, other opinions rise. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a pain when I don't get the feedback before comming to a decition.
So the information I collect in this thread from now and 2 hours forth will decide.
I'm really tyred of this back and forth now. Cause every time a decition is final, other opinions rise.

Sorry Dennis, I can imagine. Hopefully this works out in a fair way to everyone involved.
I'm happy to go with whatever you and Wardez decide, Den. No set of rules is ever perfect, and trying to optimise your play within the rules can be part of the game too. Not to mention that changing rules is stressful on the organisers.

If you have a vision for how the racing should be, I say stick with it. I signed up because I trust you guys to run a good series.