PURE | JGTS - Going on strong and adapting in the face of change!

  • Thread starter Denilson
I'm happy to go with whatever you and Wardez decide, Den. No set of rules is ever perfect, and trying to optimise your play within the rules can be part of the game too. Not to mention that changing rules is stressful on the organisers.

If you have a vision for how the racing should be, I say stick with it. I signed up because I trust you guys to run a good series.

Thanks Imari! 👍

We try hard, believe me.

I truly believe that one key issue is the dropped rounds..
It makes some rules hard to streamline, kind of.. cause there's always "If"..

I think that we'll not drop any rounds next season.. Race, or not.. Kind of tough perhaps.. But to have a set of rules that really work, this is the way ot go..
"Oh, you DC'd? Bad luck your engine blew up."

I really think that's the way to go.. next season..
As someone who'll likely be in D2 for the whole season, I like fixed divisions.

if I ever do make d1, I know it's because I earned it, not because of some fluke quali run at a track I'm good at. The opposite is also true for the d1 guys who crash or have a dirty lap.

Also, Rees and I are in a room if anyone else wants in.

1472 6118 3744 3751 3911
Racing in D2 is not the end of the world guys!

Lots of skill in D2 too. Don't judge the skill level in D2 by the suzuka qualify and a few races. We even had aliens in D2.

I'm sure lots of the D2 drivers could be racing in D1 and you guys wouldn't feel the diference.

You guys are making so much buzz about this D1/D2 up and down, that it seems like racing in D2 is like destruction derby every man for himself!
Racing in D2 is not the end of the world guys!

Lots of skill in D2 too. Don't judge the skill level in D2 by the suzuka qualify and a few races. We even had aliens in D2.

I'm sure lots of the D2 drivers could be racing in D1 and you guys wouldn't feel the diference.

You guys are making so much buzz about this D1/D2 up and down, that it seems like racing in D2 is like destruction derby every man for himself!

I totally agree.. If only we could run rooms with 30 drivers, we would'nt need to have this D1/D2 thing at all. I think that pretty much all driver in this series are equal in terms of pace.. Some shine on this track, and some shine on others.. Ok, remove the 2 (former 3) aliens, and pretty much any of us can experiance a good race no matter which division it is..

But we really need to straight this out now. Thanks for putting your say in minion. 👍
I totally agree.. If only we could run rooms with 30 drivers, we would'nt need to have this D1/D2 thing at all. I think that pretty much all driver in this series are equal in terms of pace.. Some shine on this track, and some shine on others.. Ok, remove the 2 (former 3) aliens, and pretty much any of us can experiance a good race no matter which division it is..

But we really need to straight this out now. Thanks for putting your say in minion. 👍

Yeah, too bad we can't all get iRacing.
Racing in D2 is not the end of the world guys!

Lots of skill in D2 too. Don't judge the skill level in D2 by the suzuka qualify and a few races. We even had aliens in D2.

I'm sure lots of the D2 drivers could be racing in D1 and you guys wouldn't feel the diference.

You guys are making so much buzz about this D1/D2 up and down, that it seems like racing in D2 is like destruction derby every man for himself!

I hope my posts didn't make you think that I feel the competition in D2 is anything but great. I have said before, there are no easy finishes around here. Every one here is legit.

I spent a lot of time last week practicing. I also had a very good race in D2 to be able to come away with the victory.

But I am also a stats/championship nerd.:sly: I really want a chance to win maximum points for the championship. I think this whole topic is ultimately about getting the divisional system right. It was meant to get the people who happened to be running the quickest, together, and reward them with points appropriately. Unfortunately the system wasn't working, mainly due to the current state of GT5 servers.

Its possible the divisional system got implemented too early in the season.. But that is another topic that can be talked about at a later time.

Ultimately, Minion, I agree with you. D1, D2, all exceptional racing here in the PURE series.
Even if you remove the divisional system though, you still have ballast. Ballast promotes close racing, at the expense of showcasing the true potential of drivers at the top end.

Personally, I think that's a positive. Fast drivers get a chance to run against some of the slower drivers they might not have otherwise encountered. Slow drivers get to learn by slugging it out with some of the aliens.

If DCs are the problem for the divisional system, the easy solution would be not to count DNFs. Instead of the 0.5/0.7 multipliers that we use now, use a 1.0 multiplier if you started a race but did not finish. We already have heavy penalties in place for rage quits, and it's not in anyone's interest for long term championship wins to DNF a race just to stay in D1.
Interesting idea, glad we got all of your support, great ideas all around.

It was a concept but it's easy to adapt things as we see them change since we're all a tight group of drivers 👍

I really need to think over Rees's transitional idea, hard to do so though here at work so I'll go with whatever Dennis decides is best.
If anyone is looking for a room - now is the time.
If you can just follow me, if not post up here or PSN message, room open.
Decition is final.

We'll go with the hybrid system.
D1 will concist of 14 drivers, D2 will host 10 drivers given that 24 drivers quali. (only for this one time)

Biffy, The Outlaw and NOSS leave D1. So there's 3 spots up for grabs for the D2 guys.
Top 3 D2 qualifyers will earn these spots.

So what this meens is that the D2 guys have a shot at making D1, but the guys in D1 got a safe spot.
This was only an option since 3 D1 drivers left us this week.
The D2 drivers that make it to D1 this week will earn a grid slot as his time is compared straight up with the D1 times. No "He came from D2, so he have to start at the back" kind of stuff.. Simply, as any open qualifyer, but only top 3 times from D2 do get promoted.. A hybrid as stated.

Hope everyone is happy with this, cause this will not change.

This is the new point system (all privious results will be adjusted according to this):
New Point Sytem:
Feature Race - D1:
1. 32
2. 30
3. 28
4. 26
5. 24
6. 22
7. 20
8. 18
9. 16
10. 14
11. 12
12. 10

Sprint Race - D1:
1. 16
2. 15
3. 14
4. 13
5. 12
6. 11
7. 10
8. 9
9. 8
10. 7
11. 6
12. 5

Feature Race - D2
1. 16
2. 14
3. 12
4. 10
5. 8
6. 6
7. 4
8. 2
9. 2
10. 2
11. 2
12. 2

Sprint race - D2
1. 8
2. 7
3. 6
4. 5
5. 4
6. 3
7. 2
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1

The point table will be recalculated with this point system.
Bonus points are still the same.
From round 5, quali will be completely open.
Good luck in todays/tomorrows race.
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Racing in D2 is not the end of the world guys!

Lots of skill in D2 too. Don't judge the skill level in D2 by the suzuka qualify and a few races. We even had aliens in D2.

I'm sure lots of the D2 drivers could be racing in D1 and you guys wouldn't feel the diference.

You guys are making so much buzz about this D1/D2 up and down, that it seems like racing in D2 is like destruction derby every man for himself!
That right there is part of it to me. It was an original problem with the divisional system, where 2 laps determined your best finishing position for 2 races, I didn't like that.
I know there's talent in D2 that can race with D1, very much so. That's in a way the issue. Not that anyone who's been in D1 hasn't deserved it, because they all have. But the divisional system brought in a lot of complications, most notably DC's and track differences. I'd rather run D2 for Sarthe and any races where I don't have the pace, then run D2 just because I dc'd, or couldn't make a race. Almost nobody gets every race done, so that's not something really feasible imo. Whether it's life, work, or dc, etc, everybody misses races.
With open qualifying, driver a in his NSX can race in D1, and driver b can race D2, if thats their level of pace. It's not just about who's the best driver for each division, it's also about who has the car to keep up sometimes.
It makes for closer and more competitive racing in my opinion.
The guys with the fastest pace, at this track, in this car, during this week are all bunched together, save a random blooper. That way everyone is in the proper division, no random happening a week or two ago getting in the way.

So it's not that I think if I go to D2 I'm going to be on a Sunday drive, it's that the divisional system can never work around the variance in cars and tracks, along with driver practice.
At least not any way I've thought of.

Even if you remove the divisional system though, you still have ballast. Ballast promotes close racing, at the expense of showcasing the true potential of drivers at the top end.

Personally, I think that's a positive. Fast drivers get a chance to run against some of the slower drivers they might not have otherwise encountered. Slow drivers get to learn by slugging it out with some of the aliens.

If DCs are the problem for the divisional system, the easy solution would be not to count DNFs. Instead of the 0.5/0.7 multipliers that we use now, use a 1.0 multiplier if you started a race but did not finish. We already have heavy penalties in place for rage quits, and it's not in anyone's interest for long term championship wins to DNF a race just to stay in D1.
Again, the issue there is say you're driving a GTR, DC a good track(Monaco), and then race a fast track (Monza?), which almost certainly lowers your finishing position. A higher probability you get bumped, because a divisional system can't factor those things in in any fashion I can think of.

Honestly I think it won't be a real discussion after next week. Somebody might goof their quali lap here and there and mention it, but I think we'll all be enjoying even better racing.
I really really do.

It's nothing to do with thinking I'm too good for D2 or anything like that, it's about closer racing, the faster guys at that track in that car on that day coming together.
Obviously we all have some kind of goal concerning points too, and unfortunate happenings have been taking way to much toll in my opinion.

We will have great races ahead, I swear.:cheers:
Haven't heard from him lately. Leading theory is due to a liquor complex :P
Thanks for watching my lap Dom, much appreciated so late in the day. :)

By the way, the 'Live' weather looks good for Le Mans tomorrow if that's what we're basing the race on?
I'm missing..
Aderrrm, Ansem29GTPlay, Alien96, Scanny_Flick, BrosifDuder????
I'm disapointed...
Adam at least said something.. So I guess he'll quali late and take the penalty..
Bet jeez.. The rest??

Dr_Watson have said he'll miss this race.
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Sorry Den, was planning to run last night but had some issues to attend to here.

Hopefully I can get it in before the 14:00 deadline, need to run a bit of practice first so as soon as I'm ready I'll see if anyone's around to watch

Ugh I got in way too late this morning to even care about qualifying before the first deadline lol. And I don't feel like doing it now. I'll start from the back. Should be fun :D
sorry guys, i couldn't do my quali for this race, i didn't have a lot of time those last days.. but i'll be here for the race, np you can put me start last anyway, i don't have any practice on it. and i don't want be at the origin of any accidents at start.. its better for all :D
Heh, thanks for posting guys, but read the last page or so 👍
Yup yup. I now think a division system is never going to work, as proven, when we've had so many problems with GT5's server recently and when every driver is not fully committed like in real life (as expected, we don't race for PURE on a contract :D). I like what you've done for this week though. Roll on the race. 👍
So did Scanny quali before deadline or not?

I only miss Alien96 and BrosifDuder now.. But we'll handle that after the race..

To all you drivers who did not quali, take a look in the sheet to make sure you know your grid spot.
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sry i was very very borracho since friday n the whole week had a lot of work, if u let me ill start from behind.

Nice to see you're back. 👍

22 drivers on the sheet.. Still not sure about Scannys time.. If he ran the qualifyer at all..

We're missing BrosifDuder.. Where are you man??
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Weather forecast shows sunny, no possibility of rain.

D1 (11 D1 drivers plus 3 fastest D2 drivers) room: 1472-6118-3787-3251-6238

Can someone help me with the time progression?