Every single one of these are fair points.
Even though it would put me in D2 this week, I've already suggested we drop the divisional system entirely. I think it's a great concept that isn't working out as planned. If driver count is an issue, meaning we have 24 instead of 28, etc, we could simply split the divisions in two. Meaning 24 qualify, 12 in D1 12 in D2.
I feel like we're lowering the quality of the races, people are getting promoted automatically, and the people getting demoted aren't doing anything to get there.
The more or less people are in the room greatly affects this divisional system as well. Red Dc'd, and it was a low head count at the finish, so the guys behind him got inflated points, which is unavoidable. - But - What is avoidable is someone being stuck in a lower division because of something they can't control.
Because of all this it means faster drivers are dominating D2 and slower drivers are finishing well back in D1.
I feel better now anyway.End rant.
Owens and Neomone's quali times to come...
Reason why we tryed this divisional system is that we wanted to reward racecraft over quali speed..
And no matter how we put it, the weekly qualifyer will do exactly what we tryed to avoid.
I don't think that the divisional system is as broken as some say.
But there's ofc things that can be done to improve it..
That's part of the problem actually. The system is designed for 14 car races, so when we have 12 car races, 4 drivers is 1/3 of D1.I think it could work better if we reduced the number of demoted-promoted drivers. 4 out of 14 strikes me as a bit too much. If it was two, a disconnect would not hurt SO much the chances of staying in D1 if you're fast, and it would still keep people on their toes.
Maybe 3 would be better, or even 2 if 3 is still considered too much. Just my two cents here.
Reason why we tryed this divisional system is that we wanted to reward racecraft over quali speed..
And no matter how we put it, the weekly qualifyer will do exactly what we tryed to avoid.
I don't think that the divisional system is as broken as some say.
But there's ofc things that can be done to improve it..
I think when we discussed it before the season, we didn't see everything that would unfold from it at the time.It's not like I don't hear what you (Tim and Dom) say. It's just that we did actually discuss all this prior the series took of.
I do admit that the divisional system have flaws. Some pretty big ones as well..
But it's really hard to make a change right now.
We'll run this race as usual, and do the promotion/demotion procedure one more time.
We take a break over christmas and new years. So during this 3 week break (Next race is Jan 8th IIRC), we have some time to reorganize some stuff.
Sounds like a deal?
I think it's 0:00 EST - 5:00AM GMT.Going out drinking now so I might be around later to do my quali. When is the first deadline? 0:00 GMT or EST?
I won't be able t do it till tomorrow
I don't suppose anyone is around that could jump in my room for 5 min so I can run my quali. Thanks in advance.