PURE | JGTS2-Congratulations to champions tony1311 and team Xanavi Z!

  • Thread starter Wardez
I'm opening the race room for warm-up in 15 minutes...
At this point I think in Wii's case if we don't have 16 people in the lobby at tech inspection for the D2 race he can start at the back. Otherwise I'd have to say it's too late.

While my hearts says no. My mind says this is really the right option.
I totally agree Jeff.

I'm opening the race room for warm-up in 15 minutes...
At this point I think in Wii's case if we don't have 16 people in the lobby at tech inspection for the D2 race he can start at the back. Otherwise I'd have to say it's too late.

Green flag is in just over 2 hours right?

yeah, I'm crazy... I got confused by Eddie's times in the OP.
I went +3 on his Pacific time rather than doing -4 on the UTC time before I realized he put pacific in 'standard' not 'daylight' ... eh..
so yeah, we've got 2:08 left.

so I'll have to retract what I said earlier... my bad.
I wanna make a talking point on the Qualfying deadline.

We need a time limit. 12hrs prior to race seems perfect. This allows out Stewerds a solid 12 hour window to rest and prep for the race.

As well anyone qualifying after the time can only do so to fill the grid.

If 32 cars on the grid and someone wants to qualify late. Using their 2% and still get lucky to bump 32 out off race. 32 had dedicated time during the week to ensure he qualified. Prob made a mistake during his q and is now sitting out over a someone who can't seem to make the time prior to deadline.

I feel after deadline qualification should have zero penalty but they are stacked at the end of the current grid. :)

Basically you qualify after deadline only if we are less the. 32 cars. The time will count but you start behind the last qualifing time set prior to deadline.

(I am sensitive to the current connection issues. But that seems to be even more reason to attempt your q early rather then late. )
I agree with the bulk of this, except it's strong selling point.

Wii tried to enter a room I was in both Friday and Saturday night, it's not like he waited around and then decided he wanted to do this today.
The above implies we're talking about someone that ignored it all week and on a whim wants to qualify late.

In any case I think letting him in the back of D2 provided there's an empty spot works fine. 👍
I agree with the bulk of this, except it's strong selling point.

Wii tried to enter a room I was in both Friday and Saturday night, it's not like he waited around and then decided he wanted to do this today.
The above implies we're talking about someone that ignored it all week and on a whim wants to qualify late.

That situation is tough and I really have no good options to offer. Provisional spot comes to mind. Maybe each returning driver can have one provisional where he don't q that week or has problems doing so. He can then use his only provisional to lock a spot on grid.

Just thinking out loud there and that idea has someone getting pushed off grid. Hmmm GT5 you really to test our ideas and organization.
I agree with the bulk of this, except it's strong selling point.

Wii tried to enter a room I was in both Friday and Saturday night, it's not like he waited around and then decided he wanted to do this today.
The above implies we're talking about someone that ignored it all week and on a whim wants to qualify late.

In any case I think letting him in the back of D2 provided there's an empty spot works fine. 👍

I say no 2% penalty. Just let Wii go where his Q time is. There's no point in putting him in the back of D2 for him to drive through half the field.
I wish you were right Tim, because then I'd be able to race lol. Next week is more hopeful with no DST :)
Well, Wii just qualified.

Hit a nice 1:37.114
I added him on the grid with 2% penalty.
So feel free to the "organizers" to remove or keep the penalty.

interesting... without the penalty he would bump his team mate from D1 :lol:
so would I but we can leave that up to Eddie and Dennis.


As well PURE has a great thing where we racers discuss openly ideas and what not. But in the end we accept the final decisions of our fearless leaders. :)
I think common sense prevails in some situations i.e. a "regular" who has proven to be committed tries (in the week leading up to race) to qualify, but situation out of thier control means they can't - use discretion and common sense and let them race at the back, or quali late with 2% penalty.

If someone has made no attempt to qualify (until the last minute, or even after the deadline) then follow the rules to a 'T'.

Everyone has to remember how much efort and sacrifice organisors have to make to run a series, personally, I'm all for using discretion at times because by rewarding those who support your series, you set a precedent.

Helps keeps the good ones in, and bad ones naturally "don't last".

Some may see this as discrimination, or lack of clarity, but I don't feel it is. It's protecting what the organisors have spent alot of time sacrificing to build up and keep going.

The members who also help support the organisors (with atttendance and by following rules) should also be "rewarded" by organisor discretion (when need be) as without those who turn up every week, there'd be no series / event.

Just balance democracy / discretion / and dictatorship - rather than following just one.
I think common sense prevails in some situations i.e. a "regular" who has proven to be committed tries (in the week leading up to race) to qualify, but situation out of thier control means they can't - use discretion and common sense and let them race at the back, or quali late with 2% penalty.

If someone has made no attempt to qualify (until the last minute, or even after the deadline) then follow the rules to a 'T'..

Following the rules to a T would mean wii could quali with a 2% penalty, fyi. Discretion would mean we allow wii to quali without the penalty since the situation was out of his control. All I'm saying his how many drivers would have to have connection problems for a round so for that 1 week we allowed drivers to qualify 2 hours before green flag [without a penalty, which we have done in the past)?
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My connection seems to be dropping intermittently like I thought it would every 30 minutes, so I may have trouble actually taking part in the first round. I think there was a period when it didn't drop for more than a hour, so I'm going to try and start the race and pray that my connection holds, just warning you guys that I may drop out suddenly.
done with my eggs so I'm opening the D2 room early for warm-up.

Wii's time stands regularly with no penalty as I said it should. He's starting in D1 due to him not being able to set a time proper before the deadline although he had been attempting to qualify days before that but could not because he was having isolated connection problems. Considering the fact that this also denied him practice time we are willing to take exceptions for such a case in light of the concept that we would do the same for anyone else heading under the same situation.