I wanna make a talking point on the Qualfying deadline.
We need a time limit. 12hrs prior to race seems perfect. This allows out Stewerds a solid 12 hour window to rest and prep for the race.
As well anyone qualifying after the time can only do so to fill the grid.
If 32 cars on the grid and someone wants to qualify late. Using their 2% and still get lucky to bump 32 out off race.
32 had dedicated time during the week to ensure he qualified. Prob made a mistake during his q and is now sitting out
over a someone who can't seem to make the time prior to deadline.
I feel after deadline qualification should have zero penalty but they are stacked at the end of the current grid.
Basically you qualify after deadline only if we are less the. 32 cars. The time will count but you start behind the last qualifing time set prior to deadline.
(I am sensitive to the current connection issues. But that seems to be even more reason to attempt your q early rather then late. )