Very good! I like the sense of speed in these photos. 👍
Nice update 👍 and like nato said I like the sense of speed in your pictures, good update
Very nice pictures of a great looking car. Just want to ask if you edit your pictures slightly? They look like you have to me. 👍
Nice shots you have there. 👍
Great set! 👍
That first 908 shot, WOW.
Really like that last shot, good sense of action in it 👍
My favourite shot has to be the last one.
Your use of Diffuse Glow (I think) is excellent!
The first, third and last shots are my favorite. The detail in the road is a little low to me however, but maybe that's what you were going for.
The M5 photos look great, the clarity is very high
The last one
Amazing one! Overall a very good Set!
Very nice. They look very colorful. 👍
I really like the first one!
The color work very good with the filter!
The shots at Suzuka are very clean and crisp. Great work. 👍
Superb! 👍 My only gripe - I wish I could click on them for a bigger view.
beautiful shot
Alright! Big pictures - honestly your photos are so good they deserve looking at at full size.
Very nice 👍