That's easy... pick a less powerful car.
In all seriousness, why would we downgrade power in vehicles that Project Cars 2 is trying so hard to replicate with authenticity? This is not that "other game." This is a game where you get to experience race cars, or road cars for that matter, as they are realistically built. I don't want to know how a C7R handles with 250 HP., because I'm not into fiction. I
applaud SMS for sticking to authentic vehicles. I love that we can tune the things that a real race team can tune (tires, dampers, aero, suspension), and that's it. Project Cars lets me feel like I'm experiencing a real racing team. Let the
"Real Driving Simulator
" allow you to strap on turbos, superchargers, or just drop the horsepower to next to nothing. In the meantime, I'll just have fun driving real cars as they were truly built.