Q&A with Slightly Mad Studios: Ian Bell [Read OP]

  • Thread starter Kitten
@IanBell @The_American and anyone else who knows the answer.

I know the league support/championship was one of the first things announced, but I was curious for consoles, say there is a race on a Friday night, can people in the league look up the race settings/ actual time of the race and championship standings?

I'm organising a league on the PS4 for Aussies/kiwis and deciding weather we make a website or just use the psn community as we have 60+ people in it already, if it's possible for the racers to go on the game and look it up.

Pretty sure this was answered a while ago just couldn't find it. Cheers

Details here: http://www.projectcarsgame.com/onlinechampionships.html
@IanBell I'm sure this has been asked before however I want to know the progress of squishing the physics land mine and tire overheat bugs from PCars. If there's ever a complaint I hear it's one of those 2, but land mines seem to only happen to the Thrustmaster guys, I don't think I've experienced one as a Logitech guy. I've also pre-ordered dammit, you guys are the first ones to make a game promising enough for that. It looks and sounds too good to not ensure a day 1 play.
@IanBell I'm sure this has been asked before however I want to know the progress of squishing the physics land mine and tire overheat bugs from PCars. If there's ever a complaint I hear it's one of those 2, but land mines seem to only happen to the Thrustmaster guys, I don't think I've experienced one as a Logitech guy. I've also pre-ordered dammit, you guys are the first ones to make a game promising enough for that. It looks and sounds too good to not ensure a day 1 play.

It was one of those very annoying bugs that we haven't seen now for a long time in testing pCARS2 (the landmine bug). We 'think' it was related to the collision mesh of a car contacting, or more precisely intersecting the collision mesh of the circuit causing an explosion in the response math. I say think as we put caps on those and it seemed to fix it but then it returned about 6 months ago then subsequently disappeared again when we were optimising the physics code and it hasn't been seen since. All evidence points to it being fixed but none of our coders were ever able to catch the explosion happening and examine the code properly as it was so rare. I didn't know about the Thrustmaster link but I suspect it's a coincidence given the rarity.

So yes, no one has experienced it in WMD for a long time now but I'd be loathe to say it's completely gone as it's one of those edge cases I can see in pretty much every racing/driving game if I look at the bug videos on youtube.
@IanBell With regards to the limited/collector's/ultra editions (physical copies), will any of them be for sale in Canada? I can't find any of those available for preorder. I've checked the usual suspects including Best Buy, EB games and Amazon, but I can only get the day one edition. And if I can't, is there any place I can get it shipped here? Maybe it's just a European thing, as I can't find it on Amazon U.S. either. Thanks!
@IanBell With regards to the limited/collector's/ultra editions (physical copies), will any of them be for sale in Canada? I can't find any of those available for preorder. I've checked the usual suspects including Best Buy, EB games and Amazon, but I can only get the day one edition. And if I can't, is there any place I can get it shipped here? Maybe it's just a European thing, as I can't find it on Amazon U.S. either. Thanks!

No, and not in the US either. Are we annoyed here at SMS? I couldn't possible say...
It was one of those very annoying bugs that we haven't seen now for a long time in testing pCARS2 (the landmine bug). We 'think' it was related to the collision mesh of a car contacting, or more precisely intersecting the collision mesh of the circuit causing an explosion in the response math. I say think as we put caps on those and it seemed to fix it but then it returned about 6 months ago then subsequently disappeared again when we were optimising the physics code and it hasn't been seen since. All evidence points to it being fixed but none of our coders were ever able to catch the explosion happening and examine the code properly as it was so rare. I didn't know about the Thrustmaster link but I suspect it's a coincidence given the rarity.

So yes, no one has experienced it in WMD for a long time now but I'd be loathe to say it's completely gone as it's one of those edge cases I can see in pretty much every racing/driving game if I look at the bug videos on youtube.
While we have no proof, we are semi-confident Logitech wheel users don't suffer from the land mine bug. A group of us race together regularly, and only us Thrustmaster guys hit the occasional land mine. Logitech wheel users have never hit a land mine (in our group) yet. I'd love to hear if any other Logitech wheel users have experienced land mines.

Hopefully the bug is gone, however rare it is, it still scares the crap out of me when it happens :eek::scared:.
While we have no proof, we are semi-confident Logitech wheel users don't suffer from the land mine bug. A group of us race together regularly, and only us Thrustmaster guys hit the occasional land mine. Logitech wheel users have never hit a land mine (in our group) yet. I'd love to hear if any other Logitech wheel users have experienced land mines.

Hopefully the bug is gone, however rare it is, it still scares the crap out of me when it happens :eek::scared:.
Thrustmaster user here and I've never experienced it, either with my old T150 or current T300.
No, and not in the US either. Are we annoyed here at SMS? I couldn't possible say...
Ah...too bad. Thanks for answering my question though. I've been wondering this for a while. The guys at my local Best Buy thought I was crazy:boggled:.

I know this is a thread for questions, but I also want to say thank you for putting extra work into helping controller users for pCARS 2. I had a hard time affording a PS4 - I just got one a couple months ago with pCARS - let alone a decent wheel, which is very expensive. A small percentage of racing gamers look down their noses at people without wheels, so thank you. I'm sure I'm not the only one:gtpflag:
While we have no proof, we are semi-confident Logitech wheel users don't suffer from the land mine bug. A group of us race together regularly, and only us Thrustmaster guys hit the occasional land mine. Logitech wheel users have never hit a land mine (in our group) yet. I'd love to hear if any other Logitech wheel users have experienced land mines.

Hopefully the bug is gone, however rare it is, it still scares the crap out of me when it happens :eek::scared:.

It definitely happened with Fanatec wheels as well (911 Carrera and CSR at least). Although as Ian said, it is extremely unlikely this was a wheel issue. I was one of the people who tried to get to the bottom of it in PC1 before release, as I found a few cars and tracks where it was less and hit and miss to reproduce it (it still required many many tries with a given car, setup and specific kerbing), but despite the efforts to nail down the root cause we never could.

The reason for this was exactly that there was no single common point we could find. The issue was not track specific (so it's not solely a track mesh problem), not car specific (although it seemed to occur more frequently with a few cars), not car setup specific and definitely not wheel specific. From what I remember it usually happened when the load on the suspension changed fairly quickly, meaning on kerbing or sudden elevation changes on track. When tire compounds were developed that also often affected the behavior somewhat, again making it very unlikely to be a wheel issue.
It was one of those very annoying bugs that we haven't seen now for a long time in testing pCARS2 (the landmine bug). We 'think' it was related to the collision mesh of a car contacting, or more precisely intersecting the collision mesh of the circuit causing an explosion in the response math. I say think as we put caps on those and it seemed to fix it but then it returned about 6 months ago then subsequently disappeared again when we were optimising the physics code and it hasn't been seen since. All evidence points to it being fixed but none of our coders were ever able to catch the explosion happening and examine the code properly as it was so rare. I didn't know about the Thrustmaster link but I suspect it's a coincidence given the rarity.

So yes, no one has experienced it in WMD for a long time now but I'd be loathe to say it's completely gone as it's one of those edge cases I can see in pretty much every racing/driving game if I look at the bug videos on youtube.

Yes, my well is Thrustmaster T300RS and my car are explosion any times.
Sorry for my english
I've had several landmine incidents where the car would stop and go into neutral. Just got used to it. I used to laugh to myself when getting the slight bump that so easily could've been a full blown landmine but wasn't. The threat is real to this day.
I've had several landmine incidents where the car would stop and go into neutral. Just got used to it. I used to laugh to myself when getting the slight bump that so easily could've been a full blown landmine but wasn't. The threat is real to this day.

In pCARS 2 (WMD) or the first game?
I've had several landmine incidents where the car would stop and go into neutral. Just got used to it. I used to laugh to myself when getting the slight bump that so easily could've been a full blown landmine but wasn't. The threat is real to this day.

That's not necessarily a land mine. It is most likely an issue with the suspension physics when hitting some numbers. Quite easy to reproduce with the Audi R8. (In Project CARS 1)
The landmine issue has nothing to do with FFB wheels, because it can happen to controller users or even AI cars. In my game, an AI in a 250cc kart collided with the track surface after getting up on two wheels off of a curb.
I already had forgotten about this. I don't think I got it even in pC2 early stages.

TBH I don't recall that except for development of pC1!
A bit of a question for @IanBell ...:
What are your plans for the future of SMS racing games? Will we ever see an open-world customizable racer with Project CARS 2 levels of physics? Kinda like the World of Speed project, where there is an open world to drive about in, but still includes racetracks inside the map?
After taking another look at the car list, I was wondering if the cars like the Audi R8 GT3 Endurance, the Bentley Continental GT3 Endurance, and the Porsche 911 GT3 R Endurance would be racing in the GT3 class or GTE class. It would be nice to fill out that GTE class a little bit, not that it's too small of a class or anything. I just don't want to see a GT3 grid full of a ton of seemingly repeated cars. Any word on this?
They would be in the gt3 class, they're gt3 cars as you said not GtE. The manufactures wanted to their gt3 cars that run in endurance races to be seen as fully seperate cars. Whether or not they'll be racing seperate from their sprint counter parts in gt3 endurance races in pc2 I have no idea. Maybe those playing the game can shed some light on if this is the case
After taking another look at the car list, I was wondering if the cars like the Audi R8 GT3 Endurance, the Bentley Continental GT3 Endurance, and the Porsche 911 GT3 R Endurance would be racing in the GT3 class or GTE class. It would be nice to fill out that GTE class a little bit, not that it's too small of a class or anything. I just don't want to see a GT3 grid full of a ton of seemingly repeated cars. Any word on this?
They are all in the GT3 class. It has to do with specific liveries on the endurance cars.
Just liveries? Will we see if they have different default setups?
They're the same car physics wise.

You just chose one or the other based on liveries. But in the game, they are treated differently so, doing a setup on one version AFAIK doesn't translate to the other. You'll have to load the other car and set it up the same way (or not).