QoL (Quality of Life) Improvements you would like to see?

  • Thread starter Magog
1 you can already
2 hell yeah
3 yes!
4 yes but contrarily to your previous points I doubt it will be possible, and if they upgrade it, it will never be as flexible. But it costs nothing to ask.
5 fully agreed, most parts you will win will be for specific cars you don't even care
1.How? I can only remove cars if I have more than 1. I want to fully remove the ones I have only 1 of.
1. The ability to turn off the "recommended" gear indicator (which also serves as a brake indicator, as it flashes regardless of whether or not you disable the brake indicator option). Was this ever possible in other GT titles? Been driving me crazy since GT Sport.
2. Additional Fanatec wheel compatibility and control mappings (rather than basing everything off of the CSL Elite wheel).
3. Additional radar options (Such as a zoom in-out function like with the weather radar). Much preferred the GT Sport radar size, which allowed me to easily distinguish whether or not I was far enough ahead to change lines without catching someone's front bumper/tires with the rear of my car. Even better, a radar that appears only when necessary (such as in ACC) would be most appreciated, allowing me to keep a different MFD displayed.
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The ability to paint a second hand/legend/prize car its own manufacturer colour (like picking a paint from Brand Central). Especially on older cars with stripes and such. The livery editor strips it all off when you apply a paint.
THIS! I was hoping for a blue R5 Turbo, but it was only a red one in the UCD. Caved and bought it though, so I guess I’ll just have to buy another one in blue if it comes up!
Menu music should persist between hall locations. I'm tired of going into the dealership and the music changes; go into the UCD and it changes; GT Auto and it changes; Tuning Shop and, oh yes, it changes again.

And it's not like the music doesn't already persist as-is. Heading to the racing hall doesn't change anything until you head into an event, the selection screen for GT Auto also has the currently playing music persist, etc, etc.

I just want to enjoy the music again. :lol:
1. Quick menu options, like GT6, be able to go straight to tuning or upgrades etc from anywhere.

2. Buying parts from tuning menu, seems a common theme.

3. The chase cam to he a bit more static instead of following the back of the car, gives a much better sense of movement, GTS allowed the settings to do this and it's pretty much defacto for other racing games.

4. Be able to apply styles in the showcase section instead of having to then go to the livery editor to apply it.

5. A free look option in the garage.
I don't typically play online, so seeing some of these options present in the Custom Race setup screen would be a huge plus. Just a Max PP slider and min/max Tyre options, that would make a massive difference in the quality of offline racing (at least for me).

Being able to apply Carbon to individual pieces would be nice. What were PD thinking making it all-or-none? That's the lamest implementation of carbon I've ever seen.

Being able to back out from the Tuning Shop into GT Auto would also be a very much appreciated QoL improvement.
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Today it would've been nice to save my progress on one the "career mode" championships. You have to do all 3nraces in one go. I had just started the last race on the world touring car one and the Mrs arrived... No save. I had to quit the entire thing. No Barney, it was quite fun, but still, what kind of REAL championship takes place in 3 different countries in one day? Only on the REAL driving simulator apparently.

So I need to find a good free hour or so before I will bother to even start this again.

It doesn't have to be a save and reload god-mode thing, just save and continue.
Really four big things for me:
1. Let me buy parts from the tuning menu
2. It's 2022, we have things like weather forecasts now. The Mayans had better meteorology
3. I just wanna be able to pull up a car, why do I have to get into it to take a look at it/change settings/etc?
4. Want to be able to get back to the garage from anywhere. Clicking on the car on the top menu should take us back to the garage
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3. I just wanna be able to pull up a car, why do I have to get into it to take a look at it/change settings/etc?
Speaking of switching cars to look at it...you can only look at half the damn thing because you can't choose a basic rotational camera in the garage. I put a gnarly exhaust on my car and can't admire it because it flips to the interior before I can even see the tail lights.
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The default choice after completing a license test run / challenge should be 'Retry' unless I got a Gold, not Exit.
I noticed the cursor defaults to exit whenever I trigger a fail while steering right. This is such a hilariously bad oversight if Kaz is such a perfectionist. If they play tested their game they would probably have come across this.

I would like to see per car assist settings come back alongside choice for global assist since certain cars are hyper sensitive to spinning out, they really need to be finely adjusted for each car.
Garage shortcut from the quick menu…
I think they could expand the quick menu with several selections, and then different buttons on the controller could make that selection. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to go directly to all the menus in that manner.
I’d prefer it if the parts in the Tuning Shop were listed a bit more logically. I get that they’re emphasising different stages of tuning - semi-racing, extreme etc - but even so the parts are scattered everywhere, and sometimes it’s difficult to keep in mind what parts you’ve purchased and what the next step up would be.

You could still keep the classifications of tuning level (extreme and so on) but it would be much nicer to have some sort of sub menus in conjunction with that. So for example you’d have an Intake / Air Filter section, and within that listing each 5 stages of tune, an Exhaust section with the 5 stages of tune, suspension section, engine internals section, tyres section, and so on. Perhaps keep the tuning stages across the X axis as they are now, but the Y axis would list those sub menus.

I guess it’s something that won’t bother everyone, but I’m a bit OCD and I find the current presentation of parts absolutely chaotic! I’m sure I’m not alone in that.
I would like to see that I can change my car on the fly by clicking on the car in the top bar, so I dont have to go back to the garage clicking a 100 times btw, they should reduce the clicking alltogether. The clicking rate in this game is too high. they still use the same navigation as 25 years ago. They should hire an UI expert and redesign this clicking circus...
.)I want to be able too save the cars I pick out of my garage when I do that for a custom race
.)I want to be able to create custom championships with more races than one
.) I want to be able to choose liveries(and not cars) for the custom races, so I don't have to buy 3 Shelby Mustangs when I want 3 Shelby Mustangs with different liveries in one custom race(if I have those 3 liveries in my saved files)...
.) I want the livery creator to work properly and not to loose my saved liveries when i change from one saved livery to another(which has happened to me a couple of times in the last 3 days...)
.)I want all my decals back that I saved in GTS !

(...well I already bought 2 Shelby Mustangs and 3 Mini Coopers already anyway)
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Car Selection:

All the cars in the game (all existing cars and new ones added from updates) should be available as rental cars in Arcade Races, Time Trials, Custom Races and 2-Player Battles. There should be two options: Garage Cars and Rental Cars. Selecting "Rental Cars" will bring up a list of all the cars in the game, and you can use any car you want for free, but you are bound by limitations whilst driving them, such as:

  • Only default, car-specific colors, variations and liveries can be used. These cars cannot be customized and/or upgraded, and only car-specific set-up tuning, based on the car's default set-up, is possible wherever available. All tire compounds are freely available, however.
  • Credits and Daily Workout progress will not be earned whilst driving a rental car.
  • These cars only remain in the Arcade Modes; they can't be used in the Campaign unless you buy them. Even then, you have the option to use cars from your Garage too.
Time Trial:

Players should be able to load ghosts from a replay (preferrably from a best lap replay) like in GT Sport.

Lap time delta should be included after one lap, and especially once you load a ghost.

You should be able to use nitrous (once equipped) and other such overtaking systems (if standard with the car) in a time trial.

Custom Race:

Eliminator should be a mode in Custom Races, with two options: "Lap Eliminator" and "Timed Eliminator".

The lap count is determined by the number of opponents selected. Since the maximum number of AI cars on a track would be 20, a 20-car grid would mean a 19-lap eliminator. A time based eliminator would mean after every 20 seconds, the driver in last place is eliminated.

You should be able to create your own custom Music Rally, select a track and car of your choice with any song in the game and it will auto-generate checkpoints around the track.

"Select From Garage" should be changed to "Select Cars Individually", reflecting the fact that all the cars in the game would be available as rental cars in the Arcade Modes, allowing you to have greater freedom of choosing your opponents' cars, with two options: "Change Car (Garage)" and "Change Car (Rental Cars)". You'll still have the option to rename them and assign their nationalities as well.

The number of characters that you are allowed for naming individual opponents should be increased from 16 to 25.

Extra options should also include the same settings regarding to car restrictions and penalty settings from online lobbies.

Offline Mode:

The full richness of time trials, Custom Races and two-player battles should be experienced in the game's offline mode, in addition to having all the cars in the game as rental cars. Even better if they get rid of the entire game's always-online requirement.
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  • Edit drivercam parameters in all views, such as position, view angle, fixed / float and float behavior, shake amount, mirror on / off
  • Enable music track on / off for menu music, and favorites so those tracks will play a bit more often, and include all the tracks - some are hidden in the race music list
  • Ability to load in our own music files in wav, mp3/4 or ogg, and add to the list please
  • Move the body / axle widening to the racing section of the Auto Shop, this isn't "maintenance"
  • Give us folders in the Collections section for decals like we had in GT Sport, and more than 10, plus let us transfer over whatever the heck we want from our GT Sport library of decals and liveries
  • Increase the size of the Used Car Lot, or even something like the system used in GT4, so we don't have to wait forever for a certain car to show
  • Provide more tuner cars in Brands Central
  • Bring back Race Mod for most / all cars, and make them suited to the GR system
  • Add a class, GR5 for slower, more affordable cars suitable for SCCA style racing
  • Give us the ability to set up Custom Races with more than one, like a Championship, all the way to a racing season of 20 or so races, for both offline and online, and include user defined finish position points
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  • Edit drivercam parameters in all views, such as position, view angle, fixed / float and float behavior, shake amount, mirror on / off
  • Enable music track on / off for menu music, and favorites so those tracks will play a bit more often, and include all the tracks - some are hidden in the race music list
  • Ability to load in our own music files in wav, mp3/4 or ogg, and add to the list please
  • Move the body / axle widening to the racing section of the Tune Shop, this isn't "maintenance"
  • Give us folders in the Collections section for decals like we had in GT Sport, and more than 10, plus let us transfer over whatever the heck we want from our GT Sport library of decals and liveries
  • Increase the size of the Used Car Lot, or even something like the system used in GT4, so we don't have to wait forever for a certain car to show
  • Provide more tuner cars in Brands Central
  • Bring back Race Mod for most / all cars
  • Give us the ability to set up Custom Races with more than one, like a Championship, all the way to a racing season of 20 or so races, for both offline and online, and include user defined finish position points

@Bring back Race Mod for most / all cars

I find that pretty easy to do yourself with that options in the GT Auto Menu, where you can adjust the road cars with spoilers and wings and other racing items...with the right livery the look like Gr4 Cars and with the right tuning they almost behave like Race Cars-a little less actaully, but that's not so bad since the AI isn't that good after all...