Quantum Leap?

  • Thread starter machschnel

When is the Quantum Leap coming?

  • The next few months

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • "They are working on it" ie. who knows

    Votes: 43 35.0%
  • It's come and gone (Senna content etc)

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • It's not, plans have change etc

    Votes: 57 46.3%

  • Total voters
I didn't avoid anything, I gave you an answer...google it. I'm not in the habit of doing the research of others.

On what do you base this "pretty certain"? 13,000 man hours I think I read but don't quote me. That's 6 programmers for 1 year. Does PD even have that kind of manpower

So I went out of my way to say that I'm talking about the battle PD faces in the future, with next gen games, not GT6 vs. Forza 5.
Firstly I did Google it, and after 5 mins of not finding the info I'd asked you to supply I realised I was wasting my time. Second, in my opinion, I don't think pd need to completely rebuild the nurb. I remember watching the gazoo race car split screen lap. The track is already very very accurate(the asphalt bit anyhow). This is why I'm pretty certain. Ps4 power and it'll look amazing. Thirdly, it was you who posted an entire link to the fm5 dlc list in response to someone who said they had hoped for 100 new cars and new tracks, but maybe that wasn't possible. To my mind, that's a comparison however you dress it up.
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As close as it might sound , it is not underlaying reference (only) to FM , but to current and future gaming businness model.
I agree that it's not acceptable to leave out content consciously and then sell the missing part as seperate DLC, we should all be definitely aware of those kind of practices and not support it. If you take FM5 as an example i do believe the excuse that the cars they added later were also finished later and not held back on purpose, as they all had to be remodeled for next gen and that takes time. Also the prices are quite fair if they at least offer a pass that get's you all of them for a decent price, as i think it's worth it (but that's personal taste). They also gave away 3 additional tracks for free that are downright gorgeous, so that's a nice bonus for people that don't want the cars.

But what surprises me most , is that people vote to spend more money and somehow are not happy with (statistically) :1 free car a month and 2 (rehashed?)tracks in 6 months with Zahara yet to come,so they'd rather have 5 cars and pay for them? No wonder pubs sell less and less content ,to charge post release for aditional DLC.Who wouldn't?

PS: I'm very much looking for content that should be in the game but it is still to come > VGTs,zahara,clubs,track editor,camber fix? ... for free=Quantum leap:bowdown:
Again personal preferences and tastes, I myself find the fantasy cars PD releases on a very irregular bases not very appealing, but the Senna content and the circuit alterations made that right in a way.
Point being is that before release they made it out like they were gonna take Turn 10's route and give us regular DLC + many new tracks with that quantum leap statement, and that hasn't been the case. So a bit misleading as usual much like other vague statements that were thrown in there as a sales pitch, but it never happened in the end and that is what pisses people off.
Thanks, that is all you needed to say. Glad you came to see it my way.
Not when it's at odds with my closing statement, or the one immediately following that which you quoted. Nice try, though.

Let me put it this way: if a construction supplies company sells bags of hardcore, then the minimum transaction is one bag. Typically, that'd be a tonne; that's the quantum. If you need 35 kg, you still have to buy the tonne. If you need a tonne and a quarter, you need to buy two bags.

If you go to a "garden centre", you could probably get 25 kg bags; you'd still need two to get 35 kg.

If, instead, you want pea gravel, the garden centre would be able to sell you something like 2 kg, 10 kg and 25 kg bags; those are your quanta, by direct analogy to electron orbital changes.

By saying that "quantum leap should not be used by anyone" you are attempting to enforce the unenforcable (and ludicrous), as well as misunderstanding the idea of "smallest" that quantum theory rests upon, especially because you can get "big" changes in precisely the same way you get "small" ones.

So, the question should be "what is the minimum quantity of change in a DLC scheme"? The answer is "it depends", much as it does for quantities of hardcore, or electron orbital energies, or pixel displays. The point is that it is a discrete change.

Another nice point about electron orbitals is that a small change in energy can result in a marked change in the "shape" of the orbital around the nucleus / nuclei. So a quantum leap from one orbital to another can result in a completely unrecognisable shape relative to what was started with, even when that jump accounts for "the smallest possible in the system" (which it needn't necessarily do).

"Quantum leap", as a metaphor, and in the sense of the term in common usage, is practically perfect. If it were "quantum" on its own, perhaps things would be different, but it's still unspecific: "how much?". The word also still exists outside of the rigorous scientific usage, and pre-dates it substantially.
Firstly I did Google it, and after 5 mins of not finding the info I'd asked you to supply I realised I was wasting my time. Second, in my opinion, I don't think pd need to completely rebuild the nurb. I remember watching the gazoo race car split screen lap. The track is already very very accurate(the asphalt bit anyhow). This is why I'm pretty certain. Ps4 power and it'll look amazing. Thirdly, it was you who posted an entire link to the fm5 dlc list in response to someone who said they had hoped for 100 new cars and new tracks, but maybe that wasn't possible. To my mind, that's a comparison however you dress it up.
Adding some pretty trees and some new graphics won't make Nurb a laser scanned track. Laser scanning is the way of the future, it'll be expected on all sims in the next generation. I don't expect PD to go back and laser scan existing tracks to get them up to speed, but I do expect all new tracks, just like Bathurst, will be laser scanned. I don't think they'll do the Nurb, I don't think they have the manpower. They are too small an organization to dedicated 6+ modeling years to one track, it would probably mean they couldn't model another track for months, maybe a whole year.
I voted "they're working on it" purely for sarcasm. That and, "they're busy with GT7."

It's not as simple as that for them. So sales are down for GT6 - does that mean it would be more profitable to practically abandon GT6 and it's advertised features to focus on GT7? Not really, seeing as GT is a series, and one with a great deal of it's selling power based on its reputation, abandoning GT6 would likely hurt GT7 sales.
It's not as simple as that for them. So sales are down for GT6 - does that mean it would be more profitable to practically abandon GT6 and it's advertised features to focus on GT7? Not really, seeing as GT is a series, and one with a great deal of it's selling power based on its reputation, abandoning GT6 would likely hurt GT7 sales.

My comments were directed at the apologists. They're excuses, they have little to do with anything and add nothing to the conversation. It's the only way they can defend what they're so heavily and emotionally invested in.

You are spot on, abandoning GT6 now would alienate the hardcore fans. But they already alienated the casual fan base by being so haphazard with what they've done so far. Sure we've had updates, new cars, new races, but everything has been so random. There's been no structure.

You have to keep the momentum going. Over the last few weeks it seems they're pushing harder but we're 7 months in and these month long luls and content yet to be delivered isn't helping.
Adding some pretty trees and some new graphics won't make Nurb a laser scanned track. Laser scanning is the way of the future, it'll be expected on all sims in the next generation. I don't expect PD to go back and laser scan existing tracks to get them up to speed, but I do expect all new tracks, just like Bathurst, will be laser scanned. I don't think they'll do the Nurb, I don't think they have the manpower. They are too small an organization to dedicated 6+ modeling years to one track, it would probably mean they couldn't model another track for months, maybe a whole year.
Or never, because soon to have lay offs in the offices due to so much pressure.
Quantum leap as commonly used is a bastardization of the term quantum and should not be used by anyone. It was coined by people who clearly did not understand Max Planck's work on quanta and used it to describe things entirely unrelated. Simply because a lot of people make the mistake often enough for it to be commonly accepted does not mean it is correct or acceptable.

Dictionaries, especially online dictionaries competing for hits are not guardians of languages but are a reflection of them. Words get added or deleted as their usage levels rise and fall. Whether a term is correct or makes any logical sense makes no difference and thus you can not use a dictionary definition to prove your point.
Yes, I fully understand the point you were making - however, quantum mechanics/theory/physics relate to one thing and the popular phrase "quantum leap" is something the sales people have gone with - and as we all know, sales people will say anything if it does the job.

Changing words' meaning has been around for a very long time. Pretty much any word from French or German borrowed into English has gained a quite different context over the centuries. Look up a YouTube clip with Stephen Fry being interviewed by Johnathon Ross - it's all about modern language and how its development breaths life into it; or simply remain quixotic ;) your call.
The first DLC in GT5 was 11 months after the launch. It's "only" 6 months for GT6, it will come in the next few months :)
My comments were directed at the apologists. They're excuses, they have little to do with anything and add nothing to the conversation. It's the only way they can defend what they're so heavily and emotionally invested in.

You are spot on, abandoning GT6 now would alienate the hardcore fans. But they already alienated the casual fan base by being so haphazard with what they've done so far. Sure we've had updates, new cars, new races, but everything has been so random. There's been no structure.

You have to keep the momentum going. Over the last few weeks it seems they're pushing harder but we're 7 months in and these month long luls and content yet to be delivered isn't helping.

I'm hoping that they seriously improve 6 because so far, despite the recent stuff, it has been pretty disappointing - especially for more serious fans. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony puts more pressure on them seeing as GT is an impressive exclusive game series and therefore a Playstation shifter. Having said that, it's also possible that it was Sony's idea to dumb the game down in the first place. Whoever was behind the Arcady direction of 6 it really hasn't worked to attract a wider audience, and is turning long term fans away. As you say, they have to keep a momentum up, and 6 could be their last serious chance to prove they can be relied on.
The problem with those cars are that they were one use cars. Maybe used in a seasonal and then forgotten. They are just trophy's with no real use. If I can't paint, tune or change wheels on them then they just collect virtual dust in my garage. Give me something that I can use all the time. I like the new M4 but, I don't drive it because it looks like a 4x4 with a lift kit on it. Let me paint it, lower it and put an adjustable transmission in it and I would use it all the time, until then it just sits in the garage. Free or not the cars we were given have no practical use in GT6. ex, M4, Hudson, FT-1....

But, not all the free content we received were cars. The 80s Monza and Brands Hatch can be used whenever you want. The Team RJN GT-R is "practical" since you can modify the car and run it in GT3 races. The Lotus 97T can be altered on the exterior, and it can be tuned. Beyond that, I think modifying a car and customizing it to your desires are extra for a car. As long as the car is driveable in the game, I see it as "practical" since that's what the cars are for, but that's only my opinion.
But, not all the free content we received were cars. The 80s Monza and Brands Hatch can be used whenever you want. The Team RJN GT-R is "practical" since you can modify the car and run it in GT3 races. The Lotus 97T can be altered on the exterior, and it can be tuned. Beyond that, I think modifying a car and customizing it to your desires are extra for a car. As long as the car is driveable in the game, I see it as "practical" since that's what the cars are for, but that's only my opinion.
The tracks aren't new, there just reconfigured versions of tracks we already have and we only just got those. The game has been out for 7 months and we get two tracks that are already in the game, yea. Even the RJN car is just another Skyline with a new set of stickers on it, is it really new?
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It drives different than the other Nismo GT3s, and I'd say that it's the best of the bunch. The 80s versions of the tracks are different enough that people prefer one version over the other, typically the 80s versions.