Rotary Junkie
- 9,810
- Canton, MI
- RJs_RX-7
It's not questionable at all IMO. Improvement is improvement innit?
Just came across the Neon at another forum.
Methinks, that'd have been Duke's if he was born a few states further south.
I wonder if that Neon is still FWD.
Neither of these are questionable in my opinion. The first is actually exceedingly awesome.Like off cars "I'm getting dust on my wheels"!
With that big front . . . how can you park a 🤬 like that???
I wonder what size mullet you need to operate a stretch van like that?
I found this while looking on craigslist. It looks like they started the project, than got confused as to what they wanted and decided to sell it.
I'm confused: Are gullwing doors better for HARDCORP OFFROADING than standard doors? Considering one of the main weaknesses of the design is what happens if you roll the car, and considering off-roading gives you a significantly higher chance of rolling your car, I'm not sure whether such an idea was wise.