- 5,301
- Tijuana, B.C.
- MRT_Cinnamon
How come, there was NO way you could fit between them#Opportunist.
How come, there was NO way you could fit between them#Opportunist.
I wonder if someone joined when you were sleep/afk![]()
Yah, I got it from you! You're the news channel!@Smurfybug !!!!! The video was already posted!
Whose crack did you steal this time?Yah, I got it from you! You're the news channel!
@nascarfan1400 <--------- hisWhose crack did you steal this time?
For the trillionth time, they are jokes. Stop mini-modding the thread and get a grip.@hsv Please stop trying to make these events all about you by creating new events that people aren't really interested in. If you want to pursue you desire/need to rallycross everything, do so in your thread/series/lobby. Also try and stay on topic for once.
For the trillionth time, they are jokes. Stop mini-modding the thread and get a grip.
I didn't think it'd ever get to this, but welcome to the ignore list. Why the hell do you even bother.
a) You don't run this show, but want to dictate what everyone says.
b) They are not events, and if you actually bother following the thread rather than chiming in to do some mini-modding you'd actually realise that. You might even realise that, they absolutely are on topic, and very much so.
Considering this is about the fourth time this has been said yet it still isn't clear to you, either your new favourite hobby is trolling, or you and SVX are finding fun in a scapegoat for personal grudges. Personal, irrational grudges.
They're incidentally welcome at GT3RX.
If nas has a problem, let him contact me. If this is the opinion of "many", let the likes or their own voices dictate that, not your word.If it was 'mini modding' then surely Nas would step in and tell him to leave it, no? He's voicing the opinion of many in this, so really it's not 'mini modding' but rather 'giving you some of the truth'.
What "series"? Again, there is no series. There's wilfully ignoring what I've said, but as long as it keeps the fun going, as long as there's no harm, I'll keep it going.I'm frustrated with how you've just taken the stronghold of the original idea to make it into your own little series revolving around Rallycross.
I've referenced 2 fun nights we've had. 2. 2.There's a joke, and there's taking the joke too far.
These original posts were given the go ahead by the organiser.Fun fact: that entire post was given the go ahead by the organizer himself. Let that sink in.
If nas has a problem, let him contact me. If this is the opinion of "many", let the likes or their own voices dictate that, not your word.
What "series"? Again, there is no series.
There's wilfully ignoring what I've said, but as long as it keeps the fun going, as long as there's no harm, I'll keep it going.
I've done referenced 2 fun nights we've had. 2. 2.
These original posts were given the go ahead by the organiser.
I'm pretty sure you don't understand what's going on here. GT3RX is not a thing, nor is FGTRX. I have had no input on the weekly events held by nas, and I don't intend to, unless nas expresses interest. I haven't modified this series, I haven't touched it.This thread is called the Weekend Fun Runs in the GT6 series forum. It's a series. You've modified this series to include a multitude of rallycross themed events within a series.
The 2 fake ads are references to the previous night's racing, directly quoting lobby comments or lobby discussion. GT3RX was a reference to the Kogay Challenge, FGTRX was a reference to Saturday's FGT races. They are jokes about driving standards. They are no different to ameer's crash video, or anyone posting a meme or similar. Don't take the posts so seriously.That's not the joke referenced. The joke itself is the multitude of rallycross inspired events that are done 'for the lulz', or whatever.
I'm fairly certain it's out of misunderstanding their meaning.If he didn't have a problem with them would he really give the questioning of it the go ahead?
Guys, I'm not taking anything over. Anyone who thinks these are event ideas or actual plugs has completely the wrong end of the stick. Yes, I have a wacko sense of humour, but it isn't to be made into something it isn't. They are meant to be funny, that's it.
Your sense of humour doesn't dictate what others find funny. If you don't find it funny, don't hit like.They're not funny so stop posting them. As simple as that.
This is a pointless-ass argument.
The comments and discussion you made..The 2 fake ads are references to the previous night's racing, directly quoting lobby comments or lobby discussion.