Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
@Zolon32 - it feels like a track mastered in 1.0.0/1.0.1 versions of the TPE, right? I think the bumps and ridges are a little aggressive and would benefit from a remastering in 1.0.2. :)
^ Zo I know you're not too tech savvy. ;)

I think you have to download the app again which will be at v1.0.2 - I read somewhere that it doesn't update itself. And then you have to load the track and re-output again.

If I'm wrong, Venari is your man for advice with the CM.
it feels like a track mastered in 1.0.0/1.0.1 versions of the TPE, right?

I think you have to download the app again which will be at v1.0.2

I honestly don't have a clue what version of the app I've got :dopey:. My lad bought the tablet for me and then mucked about making some tracks on it. I'll see if I can find an update.

Not understanding the meaning of Venari's post I set about modding the track (I must admit, I thought that the drop going through the fast left hand kink was a bit severe) and I've given it a pretty thorough re-jig at the points which might be a little suspect. Don't know how to load that as V2 now though :crazy::dopey:

Thanks for the input fellas, I'll get there in the end.

Cheers, Zo.
The newest version of the Track Path Editor (which you can upgrade to from Google Play or the iEquivalent) smoothes out the track a lot over the earlier versions. Upgrade, load 'Flowsi' and then transfer it. Drive it in GT6, and you'll see the difference immediately. As for GTP, you can 'edit resource' and change the link so it points to the new track.

My only comment on the basic layout of the track itself is a personal one: I don't like corners that reduce in radius. They have their place, they're a definite feature (e.g. Amanecer corner on my Hornachelous circuit), but if there's more than one or two, that's too much for me, it slows the flow of the track up too much.

Just my two-penn'orth. :)
Upgrade, load 'Flowsi' and then transfer it

Oh how much do I wish I hadn't jumped in and started modding Flowsi. I can't believe how subtle differences can change the appeal of a track so much, and I fear I've ruined it now, I don't have the original on my tablet any more.

I'll have a crack at getting it as close to original as I can, but it will be more by luck than judgment if I manage; a bit like how it came about in the first place.

Hey ho, another few hours of tiny change, have a drive, tiny change etc. I did say it was addictive didn't I, but the wife doesn't seem to see it that way.

Cheers Zo.
Yeah... I learned that lesson too. Always use the duplicate tool before you start the drastic mods. :(
Okay chaps, I've got myself a version of Flowsi that is as near as I can manage to the original, but featuring the newer, less dramatic, topography. At first it felt a little sterile, but I found that after a couple of laps I just wanted to push on more and more and started to find the groove with it. Hopefully that's a good sign.

I'm going to have a bash at replacing Flowsi with FlowsiV2 on the GTP thread, but I'm not too highly confident. Have no fear, if you've had a go at the original you'll find V2 a piece of cake.

I'll open the room about 8:00pm and those who are there by 8:25 can have a little race before the timed practice gets going for the first race proper at 9:00pm.

Cheers, Zo.

EDIT, I think I'll hold the event in a public room tonight fellas, you never know who might drop in, and the regs should keep idiots out.
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Sorry, you have lost me! Black Friday was kind to me, Ps4 and a G29. Ps3 and Gt all packed away now with no intention to ever plug it in again. You'll find me on PCars.

I've had many great nights with you guys, really enjoyable. Time for a new challenge!

I'd love to write a really long thank you, but this post has taken too long to write already!

Cheers, Dustin
Cheers, Dustin

It was great to have you around while you were there fella. Go give them PCars racers some stick, and if you come across the T.A.M. guys remember me to Spencer will you, I've been missing that group since they left.

Cheers, Zo.
Goodbye Dusty.


Thanks for turning up and experimenting with me chaps. A couple of hours of thrashing the Fezza around a fast track was just what I needed.

Couldn't resist popping in a picture of the kink..........


Watched a bit of replaying late on yesterday, what a nightmare poor old BB had in the third race! I think being outed as Jackie Stewart's grandson put the pressure on :)

And well done to Paul for keeping on the pace despite his local garage not having the correct oil.

See you next week, cheers, Zo.

Oh, and, if anyone would be so kind as to rate FlowsiV2 (which I think you do by going to the track's home page and clicking on the empty stars on the right hand side) I'd really appreciate it.

Cheers, cheers, Zo.
And well done to Paul for keeping on the pace despite his local garage not having the correct oil.
It turns out the reason they run out was because a lot of other 458's had turned up that very day wanting a oil change! Who'd have thought it.
They are expecting a new delivery very soon so I'll be ready to go if you use the 458 again.

I started out all over the place but once I had "become one" with the track and car I really enjoyed it.

V2 of Flow Zo, much improved. 👍 (Better still with a few more trackside objects - if it's possible)
Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like we have a theme for Tuesday 8th.

It strikes me that we should all paint our motors 1970s bathtub blue with yellow wheels. If anyone knows the correct colour(s) please post that info, so that we can all be uniform.

In view of that uniformity I suggest that we try to use different cars, and my proposal would be taking any F/R car from before 1980 (That is 1979 backwards, to the age of the dinosaurs), tuned to a maximum of 270BHP, with a minimum weight of 1100kg. Cars to be bagged on a first come first served basis, so, if someone reserves a car no one else can have it. That should add a bit of variety! (Post your selections on the thread, of course.)

Let's get selecting...........

Cheers, Zo.
Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like we have a theme for Tuesday 8th.

It strikes me that we should all paint our motors 1970s bathtub blue with yellow wheels. If anyone knows the correct colour(s) please post that info, so that we can all be uniform.

In view of that uniformity I suggest that we try to use different cars, and my proposal would be taking any F/R car from before 1980 (That is 1979 backwards, to the age of the dinosaurs), tuned to a maximum of 270BHP, with a minimum weight of 1100kg. Cars to be bagged on a first come first served basis, so, if someone reserves a car no one else can have it. That should add a bit of variety! (Post your selections on the thread, of course.)

Let's get selecting...........

Cheers, Zo.
Can I reserve myself a BMW 507?

Where can I get the Bathub Blue Colour in GT6?
Can I reserve myself a BMW 507?

Where can I get the Bathub Blue Colour in GT6?

Yep, the BMW 507 is yours Harsk.

The colour Dusty used is a plain (as in not metallic or pearl etc) pale blue. I guess any yellow will do.

Cheers, Zo.
Yep, the BMW 507 is yours Harsk.

The colour Dusty used is a plain (as in not metallic or pearl etc) pale blue. I guess any yellow will do.

Cheers, Zo.

Zo, could you send me a club invite, please? I'll be trying to be in some meetings, meaning, 1 in 1 week maybe.

Anyways, I have a purpose for you:
Between 14-20 December, there will be a Christmas Trophy which is about rally.

And I would like to race with you guys in the Rally Trophy at Tuesdays. What do you think?
If anyone knows the correct colour(s) please post that info, so that we can all be uniform.

Dusty's color looks like BMW M4's Yas Marina Blue:

With Dusty having left the GT6 world behind we really should do a couple races in his name on the next Club day at the 'D' tracks in the game, namely Daytona (oval & road) and Deep Forest.

What about dusty Streets of Dillow or Big Dillow? :sly: