Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
I should be there around 21:00 BST tonight and hope I'll only miss the first race. As I might have some beers I hope I won't act too much like an incompetent. :crazy:

Yesterday's Zero Cup was a pleasure and really got me hooked!

See you guys tonight. :cheers:
interest in doing some racing this Thursday?
Nice initiative, Patrick.
I won't be able to join you though. Going to a theatre show Thursday evening.

Racers Reunited. The TOMMY ZZ-S (S/H tyres)
I've been listening to The Who's studio album 'Tommy' in preparation for this evening. This track is one of the better ones.

Tommy can you hear me
Tommy can you hear me
Tommy can you hear me!
Thanks for having me yesterday! :)

It was still fun though I'm not happy with my performance. I wasn't able to manage any race without flying off at this tricky cascade section at the end of the lap. :grumpy: One time per race might not have been a problem as other racers seemed to have problems there too but I ruined it a few times per race. That's why I found myself at the end of the pack soon which made it a little boring and frustrating as I was missing battle action. :irked:

Anyways I always enjoy those rare moments competing with you guys and hope next opportunity won't take too long. :)

It seems there's no chance for racing today as there will be no event at the Mini Club and quite a few of this group attend Sick Cylinder's series which seems strictly organized and won't allow a guest appearance by me. My proposal for racing tomorrow hasn't found much echo yet so it seems this could have been it for me with online racing this week.

Maybe I'll just use the free time to watch Season 6 of "Game of Thrones" the next two evenings if no spontanious event suggestions show up. 💡

Cheers fellas! :cheers:
Thanks to all who came out to play at Nimblebeat. It should, perhaps, be called 'Handfull!'

flying off at this tricky cascade section at the end of the lap

Yep, I'm sorry Patrick, I underestimated by a long way the problems the cascade would present. You were unfortunate in missing the first race, because it seemed like people were much more consistent having had more experience on it.

Anyway, if you're going to be about for next Tuesday there'll be something completely different; the very user friendly Elise Race Car 96, on S/M at Trial Mountain Reverse.

Hope y'all can make it :)

Cheers, Zo.
It seems there's no chance for racing today as there will be no event at the Mini Club and quite a few of this group attend Sick Cylinder's series which seems strictly organized and won't allow a guest appearance by me

@Patrick8308 I'm sure @Sick Cylinder wouldn't mind having you for a guest appearance. Although if you were thinking of joining I'd probably say that the Friday event would be the one to aim for since it's a un-tuned Trans Cammer. Wednesday's cars are tuned.
Edit: And I should add that you know quite a few of the Racers already.

The cascade section was a bit cascadey. But not too cascadey for Jammy it seemed. :)

Elise Race Car 96, on S/M
S/M! You'll be using race tyres next. ;)
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S/M! You'll be using race tyres next. ;)

I'm quite enjoying a bit more grip for a change. It's still not absolutely flat out all the way I'm glad to say, but I do think they'll make for very tight lap times for quite a number of us.

It was one reason I liked this combo and wanna join you. Track was challenging.

I can't say the same for next week's race Jammy, the first chicane is a bit of a teaser, can it be flat/can't it be flat, and the build of speed through the bends and over the humps leading back to the start/finish is always enjoyable, but there's nothing like the cascade for this one. It's a pity people don't have more time to practice the challenging tracks, because once everybody knows them I think they do make for the most entertaining events and sense of achievement.

Cheers, Zo.
I'm away for the weekend now folks, so won't be monitoring the thread. Back late Sunday, adios amigos, happy racing for those lucky enough to be getting some in.

Cheers, Zo.

And well done Wales eh? Kind of mirror image of England. Come to think of it, who's the only team to have beaten them in the Euros this year?
Ready for a long hard battle tonight chaps? I'm hoping that some practice and 17 minutes of quali will have us all well up to speed with the car/track combo, so there should be some close racing for lap after lap. This car really is user friendly on S/M.

I'll have the settings at light damage and strong slipstream (or whatever it's called). But if you're following someone closely through the chicane after the start line take account of your loss of down force. I say that through personal experience; that wall's damn close when the car's not turning like it normally does.

See y'all tonight, Zo.
Not sure if I'm going to make it this evening. I've been feeling a bit under the weather for a couple of days and I'm not sure if racing would help. I might turn up, but don't hang around waiting for me.
Catch you soon.
I can't race today either.
I did upload this video tonight though,
it's from the final two races last week.
sally can wait.png

Good fun in the racing Elise last night.
Mad slipstream speed. I even kept up with Jammy with its help (for about half a lap!!) but then he was gone!!

I'm away for the next 2 weeks so I'm afraid won't be able to race on Tuesdays until 26/7.

Have fun. At least I'll keep up to date on this thread. Keep the Zo race ideas coming. ;)

I've been feeling a bit under the weather for a couple of days and I'm not sure if racing would help

Sorry to hear that Paul, it's a grim illness that takes a chap's will to race from him. Hope it doesn't afflict you too long.

I can't race today either.

You were missed Jocke, but thanks for the video anyway, I love watching replays miles more than I ever thought I would, and they're always welcome.

I'm away for the next 2 weeks so I'm afraid won't be able to race on Tuesdays until 26/7.

I hope you have a good time while away fella, enjoy yourself.

I learned a couple of lessons from Tuesday's racing chaps:

1. Test slipstream strength for each particular car/track combo before committing to it.

2. Give plenty of notice if intending to run a single long race, to try and get a decent number on the grid.

I have to say, that despite not having a large number of drivers in the Elise I had a battle with Tarn more or less from lap 4 onwards. But the slipstream thing was a mistake, you were a sitting duck going up the hill towards the tunnel, and trying to break that tow was a hell of a job.

Well done to Jammy for managing to get away and storm to a very impressive victory, and well done to Rob for getting home before being timed out, not an easy task over such a long race.

I'll post up the event for next Tuesday later today chaps, hopefully. Let's see if I can make it a little bit more competitive this time around.

Cheers, Zo.
Can I sign up? :)

Car body I'm using is a GT FLUORESCENT *insert random numbers here* (nevermind, it's a light blue)
Car runs I'm using is a Botanical Green Metallic.