Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
So the bashers can bash the racers and the other bashers too?

They can indeed BB. But should they waste time doing that? Or should they concentrate on the racers? And which racer to target? It's all so exciting I can hardly wait :nervous:

what happens if one person in a team disconnects from the lobby,

I won't allow that to happen Rob. But if it does it's race over for that team I recon. We'll see...

Cheers, Zo.
I'll have to skip this week and maybe couple of more weeks. We'll see

I'm sad to hear that Jammy, and I'm sorry that there hasn't been anyone here who can give you a decent race lately. There are people in Sick's rooms who are pretty damn quick, if you can make Wednesdays or Fridays. And Aaroh often goes like the clappers, so it'll be him who's leaving us in his wake tomorrow (until he gets bashed).

We'll always be here when you're ready anyway fella :)

Cheers, Zo.
I'm an alien. I'd be much faster if it wasn't for all my tentacles getting in the way of the steering wheel. :dopey:

Team Mayhem, seems like an appropriate name.

Anyone interested in signing up?
I've painted my cars a sky blue type colour. I've used solid light blue body and solid championship white on wheels.
Wheels are original size GT-Ab04 on both cars.
I've always had #88 but happy to go with a number you choose.
"X" in roman is 10!!
What do you think??
EDIT: can't number the dc5'03.
Cool suts. I'll go 77 to your 88 then. I'll check out what blues I have (loads) and sort the wheels out.

See you all on track

Paul, I hope your dropping the gentlemanly conduct getting stuck in!
If you don't hear from me 30min before the races it's very unlikely that i will show up.
I just signed a lucrative contract with hobnobs team in your absence, tarn.
He promised me free access to the teams luxury penthouse in Monaco with a personal masseuse and £19,000 at my disposal in the Loews casino. I just couldn't turn down his offer. Sorry.

My new 'hobnob basher & racer' livery;

Now that was a giggle!

Congratulations to Paul for his very impressive protection in the first race, BB for his tremendous talent for destruction, and Suts for ducking and diving away from my all-out attack on the last lap. The whole thing turned out better than I had ever dreamed it would.

So, who's up for Basher/Racer RallyX :lol:

Only joking chaps, I don't think my Mrs would stand for it. I just got a right bo****king for laughing so much she couldn't hear the telly.

Thanks for turning out and making it such fun fellas, back to a serious bit of racing next week ( I mean semi serious, you understand).

Cheers, Zo.
I just signed a lucrative contract with hobnobs team in your absence, tarn.
He promised me free access to the teams luxury penthouse in Monaco with a personal masseuse and £19,000 at my disposal in the Loews casino. I just couldn't turn down his offer. Sorry.

Sorry to have let you down, just came home now. :banghead: You deserve the contract @JockeP22, wouldn't have turned that down either. Hope you guys had fun! :D:tup:
Really glad I joined yesterday. Got an awful cold with a bad cough so was trying to stay off speaking but that racing would have been impossible without chat!!

Looked at the second race reply. I only won due to amazing bit of bashing by my team mate Colin @buybon355 :bowdown::bowdown:
Excellent work. You just held people up and let me get away. :D And you took one amazingly devastating hit off Zo :crazy:but still managed to stop jocke gaining on me!!!

Brilliant fun last night although had the worst coughing fit afterwards:yuck:...it was all the laughing...and yep, got a right telling off from my wife and Daughter!!!!:scared::cool:

Remember if you're racing with Sick this week...NO BASHING!!

Looked at the second race reply. I only won due to amazing bit of bashing by my team mate Colin @buybon355 :bowdown::bowdown:
Excellent work. You just held people up and let me get away. :D And you took one amazingly devastating hit off Zo :crazy:but still managed to stop jocke gaining on me!!!

All part of the plan my good man. once you were out in front I had to get you as big a gap as possible. you still had to go out and drive it though, so truly deserved the win. fending off zo that last was hilarious!
How can we ever top that!
Over to captain Zolon. :)

Fellas, I'm a bit stumped, I'm so chuffed how well that went. But I'm working on it...

fending off zo that last was hilarious!

How funny it was depends on which car you were driving :guilty:

Anyway, Thought we could have an almost straight forward pair of races next week. I think Suts mentioned the Mazda MX5 Touring Car last Tuesday, and I took that out for a spin today. It's a belting motor.

So, post one updated with a plan, I hope it has appeal...

Cheers, Zo.
A little query; is that just a tyre change or a tyre type change?

That's a good point Paul. It's a tyre type change. I'm anticipating the track becoming dry enough for sports hard at some point. If it doesn't everyone will have to put whatever tyre they think will do the job best just for the last lap. But that wouldn't be much fun, I really do expect dryness at some time.

Cheers, Zo.