Racers Reunited. It's over! RR GT6 is no more. Tuesday's will now be for GTS (Maybe PC2 some times)

  • Thread starter Zolon32
That's how I'm doing mine Famine, too. Think I'm finished now, and it's looking like, M4, 365, Vantage, M3, but after that, the 8C could possibly fit. I've had a run in it, and that's where I find it to be. Can you have a few laps in it and see if you concur? Then it's the SS 10, followed by the Mazer, which I've got being 4.7 seconds behind my base line.
With the Alfa I get:

M4: 2.24.0
Ferrari: +1.0s
Aston: +1.6s
M3 (CSL): +1.7s
Camaro: +1.7s
Alfa: +1.9s
Maserati: +3.4s
Okay folks, with the help of Famine, we've arrived at last at the ladder for Silverstone.

Base car, BMW M4 Coupe.

2nd rung, Ferrari 365 GTB4

3rd rung, Aston V12 Vantage.

4th rung, BMW M3 GTR 03.

5th rung, Alfa 8C.

6th rung, Chevrolet Camaro SS 10.

7th rung, Maserati Granturismo S 08.

Jammy will do quali and the first race in the Aston, Paul and I will be in the 365, and everyone else will be in the M4. The cars for the second race will be determined by the results of the first race.

Good luck folks, let's see how this one pans out.

Cheers, Zo.
C63: I wasn't complaining at the loss of the car, I was just pointing out I'm a driftloon on sticks. :D I think I started @reefer 's 450PP classic cup on sticks. I do the drift challenges with sticks when I get frustrated with failing to do them with the wheel.
Paul and I will be in the 365
Damn, 15 minutes fending off Famine to get myself out of the Ferrari and... ;)
Mind you I'm rubbish at Silverstone so I'll get the M4 ready for race 2.

the ladder for Silverstone.
Are you going to move the rungs about each week or just until you've hit a set you think works well.
I suppose different tracks do suit different cars and indeed different cars suit different drivers.
Are you going to move the rungs about each week or just until you've hit a set you think works well.
I suppose different tracks do suit different cars and indeed different cars suit different drivers.

It's a work in progress Paul, so we'll see how it goes. Famine has given me a spread sheet that I'm going to have a go with, and we'll see what happens.

Cheers, Zo.
Okay folks, with the help of Famine, we've arrived at last at the ladder for Silverstone.
Base car, BMW M4 Coupe.
2nd rung, Ferrari 365 GTB4
3rd rung, Aston V12 Vantage.
4th rung, BMW M3 GTR 03.
5th rung, Alfa 8C.
6th rung, Chevrolet Camaro SS 10.
7th rung, Maserati Granturismo S 08.
The pink fleet is ready for action tomorrow.
They just had a strategy meeting at Gemasolar.
I know how much you like pink cars, Zo. :P
I have a mildly cheeky request. Can I ask that everyone clears their network cache for tomorrow's lobby please?

I've picked up a strange bug somehow where my wheel doesn't recognise downshifts properly... online. Offline it's as happy as can be, but online it just chucks a six and will sometimes double-downshift and sometimes just refuse to shift at all.

I can't even begin to fathom it, and may switch consoles for tomorrow too.
Anyway, I'm chuffed that C.H.Y.L.B. went down as well as it did fellas. I got a telling off from the Mrs for being too loud, so I must have been having fun.

I've picked up a strange bug somehow .. I can't even begin to fathom it.
Made me think of this;
There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will, creativity, and even the nature of what we might call the soul. Why is it that when some robots are left in darkness, they will seek out the light? Why is it that when robots are stored in an empty space, they will group together, rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior? Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul?
I've picked up a strange bug somehow where my wheel doesn't recognise downshifts properly... online. Offline it's as happy as can be, but online it just chucks a six and will sometimes double-downshift and sometimes just refuse to shift at all.

Nothing to do with lag? I would get what you're describing with lag but it would happen with the upshift too.

To keep Zo happy, a little bit of bubblegum and hot pink going down in Osaka..


Your Tuffle looks fun. Enjoy lads 'n lassies
Nothing to do with lag? I would get what you're describing with lag but it would happen with the upshift too.
This is what baffles me - it's only the downshifts and only online!

I've used this wheel for a while and it only started up in the Cobra/Aston race a couple of weeks back.
Okay folks, with the help of Famine, we've arrived at last at the ladder for Silverstone.

Base car, BMW M4 Coupe.

2nd rung, Ferrari 365 GTB4

3rd rung, Aston V12 Vantage.

4th rung, BMW M3 GTR 03.

5th rung, Alfa 8C.

6th rung, Chevrolet Camaro SS 10.

7th rung, Maserati Granturismo S 08.

Jammy will do quali and the first race in the Aston, Paul and I will be in the 365, and everyone else will be in the M4. The cars for the second race will be determined by the results of the first race.

Good luck folks, let's see how this one pans out.

Cheers, Zo.

Tried out all the ladder cars last night.
M4 is mighty but still hard work around the corners and under braking.
I can drive the Maser, the Camero is brilliant fun, the M3 GTR just and of course the Ferrari is great.
I cannot control the Alfa or the Aston. They are both under steering with liftoff oversteer hulks!! (Using a controller):scared:
What happened to the lovely NSX and the C63?? They are both more fun and challenging.
Hope to join tonight if my wife gets back in time from work!
Well I haven't tried them all out but they are painted up. You've never got along with the Vantage @Sutsagrd ask Zo to swap it for the Cobra (on SM). :D

it only started up in the Cobra/Aston race a couple of weeks back.
Oops my fault then!

You had a G25 if I remember correctly is that still the case? There is it seems a common problem with the G29 with missed/extra shifts due to faulty switches*. Very odd though, I can see that the downshift being related to a faulty/dirty switch but why that would only occur when online is a bit of a mystery. Have you tried mapping the gear shifting to some different buttons (or even swapping them left to right) just to see if the problem persists? Or possibly a different USB port - not sure why that would help but grabbing at straws etc.

* So far my wheel is OK.
Mine is also a G29 - but offline it's as good as gold!

Anyone short of cash should try the current seasonal beginner race. It's 8 minutes long, you can win in practically anything and you get 518,000cr for 1st at x2 bonus every time you race.

Edit: It's a 450PP race and I took the lead with a lap to spare in a 340PP Micra...
Edit: Similar, but closer, result in the same Micra turned down to 330PP!
Edit: Similar, but even closer, result in the same Micra turned down to 325PP...

Basically any road car anywhere near the 450PP limit on Sport Hards will win by a huge distance.
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Odd shift issue Famine. My project cars just won't shift at all, and auto sucks, so that's out the question. Fine on all other games across both consoles on and off line. Weird.
My project cars just won't shift at all
I had the same problem when I first installed Pcars and thought I'd got your glitch. However looking through the many menus I found that it thought I had an external shifter - which I don't. Telling it to use the paddles instead fixed the problem.
The pink fleet is ready for action tomorrow.
They just had a strategy meeting at Gemasolar.

Is it me, or are the Alfa and 365 levitating? ;)

Thanks for the video Jocke. Always nice to have someone with a bit of Hollywood in them producing the material.

To keep Zo happy, a little bit of bubblegum and hot pink going down in Osaka..

Can't beat a bit of the going down/hot pink thing.

I cannot control the Alfa or the Aston.
ask Zo to swap it for the Cobra (on SM).

If it's good for you Suts, and you find yourself with the keys to the Aston, the Cobra on S/M is fine. Get up to the 8C though, and it's all yours :)

What happened to the lovely NSX and the C63??

NSX is too different, miles quicker in the bends, miles slower on the straights, and the C63 just can't lap quick enough :(

See you shortly folks. By the way, I'm going to go with 6 mins quali for each race tonight. To allow those who change cars to get a bit of familiarisation, and so the ones in the slowest motors don't always have to start at the back (maybe).

Cheers, Zo.
Damn it damn it, my apologies Zo.

No worries Jocke, but you did miss a pretty good meeting. Especially, in my opinion, the third race. It could be seen as either, everybody racing 100% flat out in very close company, or simply as BB holding everyone up for 5 laps :lol:

I don't think that Paul or Mark had such a good time in race 3, but the rest of us had a ball (Most of the time).

Great to see Tarn having a run out with us, and on very good form 👍

The starting motors for next week are:

Jammy and Zo in the BMW M3 GTR

Famine in the Aston Martin V12 Vantage

Tarn in the Ferrari 365 GTB4

All else have the choice of the BMW M4, or 365.

Last night's vote gave us Spa for next week, so I've got my slippers and dressing gown ready :)

I'm having a run with the motors today, to see if their top speeds differ ridiculously due to the various power outputs. I might introduce weak slipstream to promote some degree of equality on the long high speed drags.

Cheers, Zo.
I wasn't quite "feeling it" yesterday. Too many background distractions and on track I couldn't find any grip.

Mind you I'm rubbish at Silverstone
This is still the case. I can't string two good laps together, hell I have trouble with one lap most of the time.
Remind me, what's an apex? I thought it was a primate you once dated but split up from, but I could be wrong.

And yes it was good to see @tarnheld on track again.
I'm very baffled by my Ferrari laps. As well as the 22.6 I did a 22.9 and a 23.0 in it and I have no idea how.

But I'm still sure that, despite a 23.4 best in the M4 last night, I'm quicker over a race in the M4 than the 365 because it's so much easier to pass the Ferrari with the M4 than vice versa. If you can hold the M4 together in a bend it just wumps the Ferrari on the straight.

Case in point:

And yes it was good to see @tarnheld on track again.
I followed him for most of the last lap of race 2 (Ferrari vs M4) and despite pulling alongside twice through bends (Brooklands, Stowe) and getting a good run on at least two others (Turn 4, Luffield) I just couldn't pass.

But both cars were faster online than offline, despite the M4 feeling less secure online... I'll do some more time trialling because I'm bewildered :lol:
I followed him for most of the last lap of race 2 (Ferrari vs M4) and despite pulling alongside twice through bends (Brooklands, Stowe) and getting a good run on at least two others (Turn 4, Luffield) I just couldn't pass.

Sounds like a good reason for enhanced slipstream to me (said the guy in the least powerful car).

I will not make it tomorrow because of work. More overtime this week.

Sorry Quentin, I wasn't ignoring you, I just got side tracked. Overtime, death and playing hide the cucumber are the only valid reasons for absence. You're forgiven.

Cheers, Zo. (Cucumber eh? I wish, or the wife does anyway.)
And yes it was good to see @tarnheld on track again.
Had some free time on my hands and a racing itch to scratch, so i came to the right place at Racers Reunited. :) Hope i can join more often in the next weeks. In the last months i got me a PS4 and tried AC and PCars offline but finally quit playing due to lack of time, but i missed the good fun of racing with you all.
I followed him for most of the last lap of race 2 (Ferrari vs M4) and despite pulling alongside twice through bends (Brooklands, Stowe) and getting a good run on at least two others (Turn 4, Luffield) I just couldn't pass.
Wouldn't have kept it up for another lap, the M4's power was too much for the comfy softs, it was hard to translate torque to speed. I was lucky at the start, and just as i was in the zone i threw it away two laps later braking too late into Brooklands. Gladly i fell back only slightly and with a bit of more luck i took advantage of a slide of you later. Truly enjoyed the phantastic battles!
Especially, in my opinion, the third race. It could be seen as either, everybody racing 100% flat out in very close company, or simply as BB holding everyone up for 5 laps :lol:
Or it might be the result of your secret time leveling car selection formula. I can attest it works wonders to ensure tight battles and epic races, keep up the good work! 👍
keep up the good work! 👍

Thanks Tarn :)

Just to confirm folks, I've had a spin around Spa, and I think that the tightness of the racing will be helped by a mild dose of slipstreaming, so weak setting it is. I also discovered that the M4 seems to find the Spa asphalt a bit more to its liking that that at Silverstone. It feels quite remarkably different, and a lot better. Strange.

Cheers, Zo.
Thanks Tarn :)

Just to confirm folks, I've had a spin around Spa, and I think that the tightness of the racing will be helped by a mild dose of slipstreaming, so weak setting it is. I also discovered that the M4 seems to find the Spa asphalt a bit more to its liking that that at Silverstone. It feels quite remarkably different, and a lot better. Strange.

Cheers, Zo.
Do you need a hand testing with an opponent?