Racing Soft Drift?

  • Thread starter miko1337
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Hey, I linked a quote before about what drifting is. And the second part states that a drift should not end before the corner is over, or it's not a drift. Which means, that if people can't link something, they aren't drifting.

Hey, Gonales, news flash. Most people here accept the definition of drifting as sustainging oversteer throuought a corner, which is possible on racing softs. It doesn't matter if you can't link the corners, it doesn't matter at all. It only matters that you can sustain oversteer. Yes, it may be (probably is) incredibly impractical to drift on racing softs compared to comfort hards. In your opinion, it's positively ludicrous! Does that mean that it's not possible? Absolutely and unequevically not.
Miko my buddie! Message me sometime, I could help you with the setup. Whichever it may be, Keep Drifting Fun:tup:

And about the tire argument, that is pretty insane. I don't think he was asking for a bashing session, I believe there is a thread on Tire Polls n such. Express those thoughts where they belong; that very thread. Use any tires you wish Miko, and people who prefer CH Only like i do, that's fine. But don't force your thoughts on others, Nor make them look bad for doing so. As both tire and drivetrain will be a controversial subject. I do not see these rules imprinted on the cover of GT5, so therefore they're pretty invalid to me. I don't believe anybody pays money for a videogame, just to be parented on whats drift and what isn't drift. On that note, I'm not feeding into this argument, just clearly jaw dropping how a video game could bring so much hate on each other. That'll be all, KDF :gtpflag:

Well put Yumi. Gonales, You are instigating for no reason... If you want to complain, take it to a different thread.

All I asked was a setup. I didn't ask for your opinion on what tire is supreme, starting to get quite annoyed that you can't just stop posting on this thread.

I think it would be in the best interest, despite that I still need the tune, that this thread be locked. Why does everything turn into a flame war here...
Well put Yumi. Gonales, You are instigating for no reason... If you want to complain, take it to a different thread.

All I asked was a setup. I didn't ask for your opinion on what tire is supreme, starting to get quite annoyed that you can't just stop posting on this thread.

I think it would be in the best interest, despite that I still need the tune, that this thread be locked. Why does everything turn into a flame war here...


Yup, that would be a dream come true.........

Yup, that would be a dream come true.........

Instead of locking it, just ban people that are acting like idiots (not mentioning names, but you know who you are). That way people who are serious about helping out other people on this thread can speak.
Well put Yumi. Gonales, You are instigating for no reason... If you want to complain, take it to a different thread.

All I asked was a setup. I didn't ask for your opinion on what tire is supreme, starting to get quite annoyed that you can't just stop posting on this thread.

I think it would be in the best interest, despite that I still need the tune, that this thread be locked. Why does everything turn into a flame war here...

Add me, you know my account. And don't let a soul change your definition of fun, or drifting :)

And as for those "flame wars".. There's certain subjects on this website that're extremely controversial. And unfortunately you stepped on that line, They don't have to be controversial. Only a certain few make it that way. Seeing it as their "job" to defend their ways, forcing it onto other people. Obviously forgetting the reason we're all here, Gran Turismo 5. But overall GTP is a good place, don't let one argument make you change your outlook on GTP:gtpflag: ( Sorry for the long post, and sorry if its off topic )
Gonales, clearly you got some serious issues. First of all, the OP asked for help with a drift setup for AWD using R:S tires. why would you even bother to post in this thread if you aren't going to help the OP with his problem? instead, you filled it with your constant "purist" and elitist arguments that, in summary, makes you look like you're trying to enforce your ideas on drifting, and that whatever is not in YOUR norm, you bash people for it. it's not like the OP is gonna "preach" the community like "hey y'all!! drifting in R:S is fun!! we should all be doing it!!" :grumpy::ouch:

Bottom Line: stop it, Gonales. The OP just wants to drift AWD with R:S simply because HE WANTS TO. maybe he wants to take a break from C:H and try something crazy and stupid once in a while. it's not like he's gonna harm anyone. O_o
Like I said a couple of times before... Go on racing tires to the loop on Cape Ring. If you can drift that, I will gladly retract my statements.
One corner, of one track, of one game. Nothing else needs to be said.
When i get online later I think i am going to go drift on some racing intermediate tires or racing rain tires (people are looking at my avatar and saying true hahaha)
I've asked a couple of times already to prove me wrong. Give me a point to use racing soft tires for drifting. And prove to me they can actually drift. When you do that, maybe we can have a decent discussion?
You need a point on use racing soft tires for drifting? He wants to. It is his game, his videogame, his car. It is not your business tell him what to do or how he should do, or even yet, say if he is right or wrong.


Posting a bridge, so you maybe can get over it, if you know what i mean.

To the OP, I would say what people have said already, i think the WRX does not get enough power to make it lose grip with racing softs, try sport tires, they would work better.
To the OP, I would say what people have said already, i think the WRX does not get enough power to make it lose grip with racing softs, try sport tires, they would work better.

what she said (no, I'm not joking/stating a pun ;):D). All Impreza WRX's don't reach past 560hp, so drifting them with R:S will prove to be a handful (add to that they're AWD).

My suggestions (aside from the very obvious 10/90 torque split):

- don't attach a rear wing, you wouldn't want more grip than you already have
- max out your camber and positive toe, if you have to
- make front sway bars and dampers softer than rear
- buy all weight reduction upgrades, set up your springs to be at soft settings, then add ballast to the rear
Okay, I'm going to get bashed to hell here but I don't really care.
Been a Comfort Hard drifter since I've been on the game, really good at it too. But I'd really like to try some Gymkhana style drifting on Top Gear Test Track on racing softs in an AWD car just for giggles and fun.

However, no matter how I tune my Impreza WRX I cannot seem to get it to lose traction. I know it's possible because I've seen other people doing it. I once saw a guy drifting FF, so I know Racing Soft drifting is possible in AWD. I've done it pretty good on racing hards, just not racing softs.

I'm so terrible at tuning it to drift on racing hards that I've got it to go on two wheels and hold it for the entire straight. Was pretty funny. Anyway, any ideas to get this to work would be greatly appreciated.

Guy didnt Even get an answer... Wish mods would police a bit stronger... Grummmmpy
Guys... You can't drift anything higher than comfort tires. Those people stating they can are posers, nothing more.

its not hard to drift on things higher than comforts arnt hard. Ive drifted on racing tires before even. I was on my bro's account driving his tuned Supra and he had racing hard tires on it doing a time trial on nurenburgring. i asked him to lemme see it and i thought it was so much loser than my car's i tune that i turned TCS off for the heck of it and was curious if i could drift it..... guess what.. i could and it was easy. And before like half a year ago i drifted on sports all the time. :) derp herp lol derp
Tune your diff to full (or nearest to) lock. And make sure TC is off, it sounds stupid, but I cannot tell you how many times I go to drift a car I've never used and the TC is on. The power should be biased to the back (duh) and just go balls to the wall and hope for the best.
I got time for it. Plus, I'm not banned. And I started 2 years ago.

Well clearly you either have too much time or don't have enough time for drifting on GT5 :crazy:

Oh and why does drifting around the Cape Ring loop prove anything about tires?

Tell me another corner in which CH can drift and anything other then Comfort tires can't.
Well clearly you either have too much time or don't have enough time for drifting on GT5 :crazy:

Oh and why does drifting around the Cape Ring loop prove anything about tires?

Tell me another corner in which CH can drift and anything other then Comfort tires can't.

Try link Schwedenkreuz into Aremberg, on the Nurburgring. If you can do that on Racing tires with both rear tires smoking, you are sorted.
Try link Schwedenkreuz into Aremberg, on the Nurburgring. If you can do that on Racing tires with both rear tires smoking, you are sorted.

Obviously you had enough time to memorize every name of every corner of the Nurb.
Obviously, since I have been there a couple of times irl already as well :/ Just missing the point though?

I completely agree. I am no master drifter on GT5 or in real life. I admit, you're most likely better than me. But I can drift Suzuka, I can drift the Cape Ring, and I can drift most of the ring. In GT5. I've never had the chance to be there in real life, but in GT5 that doesn't matter. What matters is that CH is much better to drift on than anything else, it doesn't mean it's impossible to drift (or gymkhana) on RS, just with a retarded dif setting its possible. But in my personal opinion, if gymkhana is what your after, do sports tires.
I completely agree. I am no master drifter on GT5 or in real life. I admit, you're most likely better than me. But I can drift Suzuka, I can drift the Cape Ring, and I can drift most of the ring. In GT5. I've never had the chance to be there in real life, but in GT5 that doesn't matter. What matters is that CH is much better to drift on than anything else, it doesn't mean it's impossible to drift (or gymkhana) on RS, just with a retarded dif setting its possible. But in my personal opinion, if gymkhana is what your after, do sports tires.

1: What 'retarded' diff settings do you refer to?
2: Gymkhana =/= Drifting.
3: You're right about the tires.
1: What 'retarded' diff settings do you refer to?
2: Gymkhana =/= Drifting.
3: You're right about the tires.

If you're going to drift or try to do gymkhana on racing softs, the "retarded" diff setting I'm referring to is 60/60/60, or as close to full lock as possible. To generate the spin you need at full throttle.
If you're going to drift or try to do gymkhana on racing softs, the "retarded" diff setting I'm referring to is 60/60/60, or as close to full lock as possible. To generate the spin you need at full throttle.

60/60/60 is a near perfect LSD setup for drifting. I don't know for Gymkhana because that doesn't interest me though :P
60/60/60 is a near perfect LSD setup for drifting. I don't know for Gymkhana because that doesn't interest me though :P

Are you familiar with gymkahana? If not.

And for drifting, I wither use a 60/60/60 or 5/60/60 depending on the power of the car, if I'm drifting solo, or if I'm trying to do it for points or just straight smoke.
Try link Schwedenkreuz into Aremberg, on the Nurburgring. If you can do that on Racing tires with both rear tires smoking, you are sorted.

Because EVERYONE knows where those turns are. *facepalm*
Well RS are diff hard to drift as it has A LOT of grip so try something with less grip, trial and error see which tyres you like the best. Adjust your power make it so that more power being produce on your rear tyres and a little on your front tyres. Like I said Trial and error basically more practice at tuning and you will get it right.
It's not drifting, it's just acting stupid. What would be the point of using tires which are practically useless for the job? That's like Ice-skating on rollerblades :/

Your opinion =/= fact. Yet again; drifting is simply sustained, controlled oversteer. Not one person's definition that includes, apparently, linking together turns or doing the entire (ridiculously fantasy-like) loop of a video game track.

Hey, I linked a quote before about what drifting is. And the second part states that a drift should not end before the corner is over, or it's not a drift. Which means, that if people can't link something, they aren't drifting.

Yeah, it shouldn't end before the corner is over. "Before the end of the corner" is much different from "sustained until the next corner".

Yeah he can do what he wants. Yeah he can call it drifting. But if he is right, is not for him to decide.

Ah, right. It's for you to. Yet another thing you want to dictate? Colour me surprised.

I've asked a couple of times already to prove me wrong. Give me a point to use racing soft tires for drifting. And prove to me they can actually drift. When you do that, maybe we can have a decent discussion?

For the definition of drifting you personally use? Yeah, not much point. For the actual definition of drifting? Plenty of cars in the game can do it on RS tires.

Keep in mind I'm not even arguing the use of CH or whatever for competition/meet purposes. But drifting is a far more wide-spread term than you seem willing to acknowledge.

miko1337 - If you just can't get the car to stay sideways for as long as you want in turns, even after throwing things at it like a super-stiff rear suspension versus soft front, playing with diff settings, and funnelling as much torque to the rear compared to the front, you may have to bite the bullet and move down a tire compound. Try mis-matched front/rear compounds, with the less grippy tires in the rear; it can quite drastically alter the grip balance through a turn, though be prepared, as it makes for some very wild transitions!
@Gonales - you know, for someone like you who claims to be a "true-to-form" purist, hardcore drifter, you seem to be completely missing the point on what drifting is.

"Drifting" (as SlipZtrEm has stated over and over again), in its purest essence/most simplest form, is all about Car Control. Sustained oversteer. Corners are just a conduit as to how well you can hold your slides through those patches of road. How about if a car drifts and makes donuts or figures-of-eight in a wide, empty parking lot? That is still considered as drifting. Being a hardcore drifter, you should keep in mind that doing donuts is one of the most basic forms of drifting, and it DOES NOT necessarily involve corners. It is simply car control, in its most basic form.

It's not about being able to hold your slide from one corner to the next and clearing a section with flying colors, nor is it about speed, line, angle, or style. ANY car can drift, given the right circumstances.

Also, people here already keep telling you that some cars can drift using R:S tires. So why don't you try it yourself? Or are you still busy "enforcing your ideas" about drifting to other people, and implicitly stating that your ideas are facts? If you clearly have no idea as to which cars can drift with R:S tires, let me give you one perfect example: Ruf CTR Yellowbird.

EDIT: with that in mind, I would like to point out that doing donuts using a CTR Yellowbird, on a wide patch of tarmac in Daytona Super Speedway, using Racing:Soft tires IS STILL considered as "drifting". Because it still exhibits car control. Sustained oversteer.
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Because EVERYONE knows where those turns are. *facepalm*

How about google: Nurburgring? Not that hard... Or want me to say turn 36 and 37? (Not sure if thats correct, but you get the point).

Your opinion =/= fact. Yet again; drifting is simply sustained, controlled oversteer. Not one person's definition that includes, apparently, linking together turns or doing the entire (ridiculously fantasy-like) loop of a video game track.

No, it's going from entry of the corner to exit of the corner. I never said I link the back straight of Tsukuba for example... But yes, those are corners, and if by chance they are facing those corners... They can't drift them. I can.

Yeah, it shouldn't end before the corner is over. "Before the end of the corner" is much different from "sustained until the next corner".

The linking is next sentence, and has nothing to do with the end of the corner. Although, in drifting, it would be considered normal to try and link corners...

Ah, right. It's for you to. Yet another thing you want to dictate? Colour me surprised.

I never said I dictate anything mate... Read more ^^ Never said I dictate anything. But he can't either... Or, if he can, so can I. Get the point?

For the definition of drifting you personally use? Yeah, not much point. For the actual definition of drifting? Plenty of cars in the game can do it on RS tires.

Not really. Get into drift lobbies more often, let's see how many people don't kick you instantly.

Keep in mind I'm not even arguing the use of CH or whatever for competition/meet purposes. But drifting is a far more wide-spread term than you seem willing to acknowledge.

What, if not for meets and comps, is the point of drifting? Isn't it considered a driving style, that's different than normal driving?

@Gonales - you know, for someone like you who claims to be a "true-to-form" purist, hardcore drifter, you seem to be completely missing the point on what drifting is.

As asked before, what is the point of drifting? Getting Racing softs under a car, throw a couple of thousand dollars out of the window in 10 turns?

"Drifting" (as SlipZtrEm has stated over and over again), in its purest essence/most simplest form, is all about Car Control. Sustained oversteer. Corners are just a conduit as to how well you can hold your slides through those patches of road. How about if a car drifts and makes donuts or figures-of-eight in a wide, empty parking lot? That is still considered as drifting. Being a hardcore drifter, you should keep in mind that doing donuts is one of the most basic forms of drifting, and it DOES NOT necessarily involve corners. It is simply car control, in its most basic form.

Yeah, and which compound allows me more oversteer, for longer amounts of time? WHy use a tire that's worse, for both of our definitions of drifting? Because of the speed? If people want speed they should use X1's. Not sideways.

It's not about being able to hold your slide from one corner to the next and clearing a section with flying colors, nor is it about speed, line, angle, or style. ANY car can drift, given the right circumstances.

Yes, it's about all that. If you can't do a section, or hold a decent line, angle and speed for a turn... You will never tandem. And people that think drifting is for just mocking around when you're alone... That's not drifting, that's just acting stupid.

Also, people here already keep telling you that some cars can drift using R:S tires. So why don't you try it yourself? Or are you still busy "enforcing your ideas" about drifting to other people, and implicitly stating that your ideas are facts? If you clearly have no idea as to which cars can drift with R:S tires, let me give you one perfect example: Ruf CTR Yellowbird.

I don't 'enforce' my ideas on drifting. I just state my opinion about it, in a thread, that imo, ruins the spirit of it all. Yeah, people can slide a bit with the RUF... Try the same with a Silvia S13. It won't drift. A Silvia that won't drift on your tire compounds, means you're on the wrong tire compound.

EDIT: with that in mind, I would like to point out that doing donuts using a CTR Yellowbird, on a wide patch of tarmac in Daytona Super Speedway, using Racing:Soft tires IS STILL considered as "drifting". Because it still exhibits car control. Sustained oversteer.

No, it's not. It's considered doing donuts, and has no correlation with drifting what so ever. You know why people do donuts to start drifting? Because it's the simplest form to begin with... Like riding a bike with helping wheels. You think anyone would participate in the Tour de France with helping wheels?
Racing soft tires to me feel so grippy its unrealistic, sticking them on a car to drift with is counter productive.

If you're struggling to do it then that must tell you something.

It's borderline trolling trying to drift, in drift rooms, with RS tires, no matter how serious you are about it.

Saw someone trying to drift with RS the other day, they just drove round most of the corners at 100mph+ and were out of sight before any type of drift was seen.

Its like trying to eat soup with a fork, yes you can do it, but why ?
Racing soft tires to me feel so grippy its unrealistic, sticking them on a car to drift with is counter productive.

If you're struggling to do it then that must tell you something.

It's borderline trolling trying to drift, in drift rooms, with RS tires, no matter how serious you are about it.

Saw someone trying to drift with RS the other day, they just drove round most of the corners at 100mph+ and were out of sight before any type of drift was seen.

Its like trying to eat soup with a fork, yes you can do it, but why ?


Thank god, someone understands! :D
Racing soft tires to me feel so grippy its unrealistic, sticking them on a car to drift with is counter productive.

If you're struggling to do it then that must tell you something.

It's borderline trolling trying to drift, in drift rooms, with RS tires, no matter how serious you are about it.

Saw someone trying to drift with RS the other day, they just drove round most of the corners at 100mph+ and were out of sight before any type of drift was seen.

Its like trying to eat soup with a fork, yes you can do it, but why ?

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