Rally Competition Week 3!

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George0393 + GTP_GM

Welcome to the third week of the Rally Photomode Competition!

Chosen by Week 1 winner, Moglet

'Out of control'​

Rally is all about control, but Moglet wants to see pictures of cars going out of control.​

Cars - Any
Tracks - Any Special Conditions exept Tsubuka Wet.

Photoshop may only be used to adjust brightness, contrast, to add a small signiture and remove watermark.
You may change your Final Entry twice, but please state if you do so.
Use imageshack.us to upload your pictures.
You may post a preview with your image but it must not exeed 400x300 pixels in size.
Do not ask other members to choose your entry.
Post all entries in this thread.
Use your own pictures only in the competition.
The top 10 entries will go into the Final Poll.
The poll winner will choose the theme for next week.
Have fun!

Deadline is August 29th 2006 6:00 AM - London UK Time.
hmm, me and you will be an interestin comparison-then we can post our pics on UFG later and put a poll on it, see who dave n scot think's is better!
the word begins with 's' and then a 'h' then comes an 'i' and then finally a 't'
i'll have ya, you just wait-you'll be waitin ages
Great entries so far, some nicely taken out of control moments!
Don't be afraid to go a bit wild with them either 👍
Very nice garnett and atlop, but theres somthing telling me they look rarther alike :lol:
8 entries with 5 days left, looking better than week 2 (more entries :)).

likely to change-comments welcome​
Hey Danger....why does it look like its more than Brightness and contrast?

I had a perfect entry that I did more than B&C to and then reread the rules...oops
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