Rally Photomode Competition Week 1!

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I've seen real life footage of guys standing on rally tracks, getting absolutely slammed by the oncoming car. The car didin't even slow down, shifted up a gear and just kept on racing.

Final Entry


Cya Fireblade101.
I like the angle and colours in you're entry Moglet.


Fireblade, you should do what i did for my shot and take a photo, then quit back to the photo screen. The spectators positions will be reset and your car can often go through them in the actual replay!:)

Wow great shot!
You really captured that, really well! 👍

Thanx Man. Nice to get a comment on my pic. I'm only new to the photocomps here @ GTPlanet, entered 3 or 4. This is the first comments I've got. I have heaps of pics, mostly posted on the Aussie Playstation site.
http://au.playstation.com/index.jhtml Go to the forums- PS2 - Gran Turismo thread... you may have to register first.
Check out the pics there if you get a chance, there's heaps from some really good artist(for want of a better word), heaps of action.
Also thanx for the info Moglet, I'll give it a go, see how it turns out.

Cya Fireblade101.
Well, it WILL be 10, but I have been busy lately.

EDIT: Here's mine



View full size - it darkened for some reason when I resized it... it was wierd. Anyway it looks better full size.
Nice shots dmanbluesfreak and vr6gti72, they look terriffic.
There's been plenty of entries so far and from what I've seen this is going to be a challenging contest!
Damn, i entered, but it was at a snow place, and i just realized that it can only be dirt...oh well...ill just enter one that ive had for a while...



I'm starting to think there are too many entries.:lol:
Perhaps next time the deadline should be shorter (If it is still going to be this popular) if everyone wants a go. 👍
More entries can never be a bad thing seeing as the prime reason for the Rally PMC stopping before was lack of entries. Now it seems to be back with a vengance.
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