Rapid Tire Wear after update

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I am so psyched for my next endurance race. I can't wait to start experimenting with # of laps and lap times.

Oh trust me, I scared myself half to death today with one of those. I was doing the Suzuka 1000km before the update, and updated the game while it was still happening. Tyre strategy changed madly across the field, and by the end of it I was just 0.2 seconds ahead at the end of the race. All because I was on the last lap of my tyres at the end. :eek:
I'm chuffed by this. Choosing and mixing compounds is going to be so much fun.
I'm not sure if the tire wear duration is realistic or not, but the good thing is that there is clear definition between compounds now, as in previous GT games. I would expect that the previous scale from GT4 will come into play where, from top to bottom of the list of tires will be Least Grip / Most Wear Duration on top (Comfort) to Most Grip / Least Wear Duration on the bottom (RS).

I can see folks dropping down to Sports level tires, when they can, to get more wear time and adjusting their driving styles accordingly. 👍
Awesome news, this might force pit stops on the R3 players on longer online races... imagine that, can't wait.
aah good, they fixed the tyres.

How is that? There are people who actually race proper race lenghts and need the tires to last for more than 3 laps. PD this is just plain stupid! Thank you for killing online league racing you morons!
How is that? There are people who actually race proper race lenghts and need the tires to last for more than 3 laps. PD this is just plain stupid! Thank you for killing online league racing you morons!

That was rude. You people need to learn how to express your opinions without being this harsh. Just use harder tires. I think they'll work like they should now.
Some very mature responses here. No suprises then.

I am not actually one of these racers that run on everything Race Soft, rather using the appropriate tyre for the car based on power etc.

I actually help run a club/site www.gbracingclub.co.uk and we have a mixed bag of members. Some that like comfort hards while others like racing softs.

If you dont like using race softs then that is fine, but for the majority of GT5 players who do, they are now unusable in powerful cars as they are good for 3 laps.

I mostly use a pad, and driving an 800bhp 700kg Le Mans car on race hard tyres is quit a task, using softs will allow for 2 laps before the tyres are dead.

I am sure many of you that like this update for tyres have not actually gone to an online lounge, jumped in a 500bhp plus car and ran a few laps.

Race mediums did not make 10 laps of Grand valley in a GT500, car being un driveable, with a guy that is traditionally good on his tyres.

At GBRC we run 1 hour plus racers, and the prospect of running either race softs, mediums and hards is not possible and will not work if using a powerful car. This will no doubt really hurt our racing.

If you cant use mediums and softs in a powerful race car, then there is no tyre strategy, as everyone will use Race hards
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Oh trust me, I scared myself half to death today with one of those. I was doing the Suzuka 1000km before the update, and updated the game while it was still happening. Tyre strategy changed madly across the field, and by the end of it I was just 0.2 seconds ahead at the end of the race. All because I was on the last lap of my tyres at the end. :eek:

That will make a very good race log, there. 👍

I wonder if the suspension setting has more effect to tire wear now.. Have to test it.
People are complaining about tyre wear not because they have an issue with the actual tyres wearing at different rates. It's because they are not happy with the length of time the tires are lasting.
Agreeing with ederss7 here; I personally find this whole rapid tire wear situation as major bad news. Although I like the fact that racing softs now last shorter than racing hards, the tire wear for ANY compound was way too fast compared to real-life, even before the patch. Now tire wear rate is even more unrealistic than ever...
That was rude. You people need to learn how to express your opinions without being this harsh. Just use harder tires. I think they'll work like they should now.

I am sorry but some people have compromises and obligations with their sponsors and do manage leagues in a professional manner. This is just a huge blow to us, what needed to be done was make the harder compunds last longer. Try racing an 800 LMP car for 1hr on hards with full damage, try racing a 1150kg/670hp GT1 car for a 1-1.5hr race on race hards with heavy damage. It just aint gonna happen!
Forgive me if it sounds harsh but it is just a stupid desicion on PD's part.
I'm not sure if the tire wear duration is realistic or not, but the good thing is that there is clear definition between compounds now, as in previous GT games. I would expect that the previous scale from GT4 will come into play where, from top to bottom of the list of tires will be Least Grip / Most Wear Duration on top (Comfort) to Most Grip / Least Wear Duration on the bottom (RS).

I can see folks dropping down to Sports level tires, when they can, to get more wear time and adjusting their driving styles accordingly. 👍

How on earth can a comfort soft last longer than a racing soft? The comfort tyre will just produce wheel spin and wear out instantly, at least that's what should happen, I haven't tried it.
People are complaining about tyre wear not because they have an issue with the actual tyres wearing at different rates. It's because they are not happy with the length of time the tires are lasting.


The wear ratio between tyres seems ok so far but the wear rate is more then half it was before.

Prior to update at Grand Valley in my GT500 I would get 10 laps and burn 40% off my tyres. With race softs now I do 6 laps and have between 2-7% left on all 4 tyres.
Depending on driving style and minimizing wheel spin, the comfort tires will last longer in the same situation, as they have in the past versions of GT games.

There even used to be a chart in GT4 that related most grip / least wear vs. least grip / most wear and the softer you went, the more grip you got, but the faster the tire wore out.

The wear ratio between tyres seems ok so far but the wear rate is more then half it was before.

Prior to update at Grand Valley in my GT500 I would get 10 laps and burn 40% off my tyres. With race softs now I do 6 laps and have between 2-7% left on all 4 tyres.

All they needed to do was make the harder compounds last longer, not make the soft wear faster. If the main concern was the 5 lap racers then just implement an accelerator feature.
In reality race hards are only good up to Super GT cars, anything heavier and more powerfull just needs a softer compound.
Look at the v8 series down under or DTM , they dont pit every 5-10. Neither should we. They abuse those tires

There should be a difference in compound but not as fast a wear rate overall. Like stated a wear rate setting would be nice to compensate for short or long races.
All they needed to do was make the harder compounds last longer, not make the soft wear faster. If the main concern was the 5 lap racers then just implement an accelerator feature.
In reality race hards are only good up to Super GT cars, anything heavier and more powerfull just needs a softer compound.

I totally agree. I just had some of my club guys in a lounge, and 1 guy in particular is super good on tyres, and he was all happy about this tyre change untill he had 10% left on his tyres after 4 laps.

This really has to change, put RS back to how they were, and extend the life of RM and RH. Thas how it should have been done.
I really have no problem with this for the fact of 1. When racing in my league we all have to deal with this. Every racer will have the same problem, I think the OLD racing soft tires where a joke never used them anyway. We use RH RM, but now at least if your going to use the RS you will face the consequences. I have also found this new tire wear to balance out the racing. Racing is not balls out every lap you have to pace yourself and the tires. I think we should learn to adapt to this situation, and hope PD can add a custom setting to make everyone happy. Till then lets game on!
I really have no problem with this for the fact of 1. When racing in my league we all have to deal with this. Every racer will have the same problem, I think the OLD racing soft tires where a joke never used them anyway. We use RH RM, but now at least if your going to use the RS you will face the consequences. I have also found this new tire wear to balance out the racing. Racing is not balls out every lap you have to pace yourself and the tires. I think we should learn to adapt to this situation, and hope PD can add a custom setting to make everyone happy. Till then lets game on!

Its not a case of being carefull using RS, you cant use them in a powerful car. 10% left after 4 laps of grand valley, its joke. Race mediums are not much better, and race hards last about as long as race softs prior this update.
Its not a case of being carefull using RS, you cant use them in a powerful car. 10% left after 4 laps of grand valley, its joke. Race mediums are not much better, and race hards last about as long as race softs prior this update.

It’s not a joke, it’s perfect. Softs are there so you can set one or two blazing-fast laps and that’s it, like for qualifying. Mediums are there if you want faster laps during the race or for shorter races. Hards are the normal tire intended for racing (which is why all race cars in-game come with them).
Short test. Private Online lobby, Laguna Seca. The car I used was a calsonic, 477HP/599PP, full aero, tune for RH. I only did one full run on RS and then 5-6 laps on RM and RH. Best lap times if I remember right. RS:1'20.3, RM:1.21.0, RH:1.21.9

Racing soft:
They work very different from any tire before and I also think they are slower .
First, they take much longer to heat up and never went white. I got the best laptimes after 3-5 laps with 60-80% thread left. As the tires worn down, lap times didn't fall as much as before. With 30% left I still lapped less than one second slower than on optimum tires. At 20-25% thread, still very drivable, but now the grip was going down, falling off a cliff. The tires lasted for about nine laps. I think the reason why they might be slower is that you never got to hot (white) tires with more than 90% thread left. In fact, they were never as white as before.

Racing Medium/Hard:
These tires performed more like before. They became white after a while and grip were gradually going away. If I remember right, Mediums were about 0.7 sec and hard about 1.5 sec slower after 2-3 laps than soft, and then gradually increasing lap times. Didn't run the tires to the end, but I estimate that RM last 50% and RH 100% longer than RS. But there is a big difference. With 30% left on RS they are still very fast, but I doubt RM/RH will make sense to drive down to 30%.

Again, short test but that's my findings. I still think RS will be the way to go, but we will pit a lot more often.
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anyone tried a 908 at Le Mans yet? I know my bobs were getting 9 laps before stopping due to tyres being shot in the 24 hour race.
I really have no problem with this for the fact of 1. When racing in my league we all have to deal with this. Every racer will have the same problem, I think the OLD racing soft tires where a joke never used them anyway. We use RH RM, but now at least if your going to use the RS you will face the consequences. I have also found this new tire wear to balance out the racing. Racing is not balls out every lap you have to pace yourself and the tires. I think we should learn to adapt to this situation, and hope PD can add a custom setting to make everyone happy. Till then lets game on!
Not a problem for your particular league, now how long are you races and what are the specs of your cars?
Like I said before racing hards are good up to Super GT cars, anything above that simply needs the race softs. Now why couldn't they make the RH and RM last longer? They have completely geared this game towards the typical 5 lap online race.
It’s not a joke, it’s perfect. Softs are there so you can set one or two blazing-fast laps and that’s it, like for qualifying. Mediums are there if you want faster laps during the race or for shorter races. Hards are the normal tire intended for racing (which is why all race cars in-game come with them).

Look above, it is no perfect far from it.
I really have no problem with this for the fact of 1. When racing in my league we all have to deal with this. Every racer will have the same problem, I think the OLD racing soft tires where a joke never used them anyway. We use RH RM, but now at least if your going to use the RS you will face the consequences. I have also found this new tire wear to balance out the racing. Racing is not balls out every lap you have to pace yourself and the tires. I think we should learn to adapt to this situation, and hope PD can add a custom setting to make everyone happy. Till then lets game on!

+1 👍
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