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The left one looks like a Yugoslavian version - Zastava M59/66 with the muzzle formed into a spigot-type grenade launcher, and a folding ladder grenade sight behind the front sight. Isn't it?

+1 M59/66 . Great rifle I regret selling mine in 2009.
These arrived in the mail today. I put the muffs on, flicked on the power, adjusted the volume, and could hear the fan in my room more than normal. I am looking forward to trying them out at the range.
You are not gonna try just one shot real quick? Not even outside in the backyard? I'm disappointed. :lol:
Not sure that would go over well with the neighbors or police department. :lol:
I thought you guys were looser than that in Oklahoma. :lol:

I think I know the luckiest person alive. He confessed to me that he accidentally discharged a 12-gauge in his apartment(we are talking another decade), taking out the apartment-installed heater.

It was like 2 a.m. and nobody called the police. He replaced the heater, no problems with the apartment management.

Unbelievably stupid, but unbelievably lucky. I told him, had the incident taken place today, they could have confiscated all his guns, then ban him from owning any kind of firearms. :crazy:
The left one looks like a Yugoslavian version - Zastava M59/66 with the muzzle formed into a spigot-type grenade launcher, and a folding ladder grenade sight behind the front sight. Isn't it?

Yup, it is. Now, in it's current state after taking it to the range this past weekend to make sure all is fine and dandy with her. I put 20 rounds through it, she performed quite admirable @ 50 and 100.


Plans are :
Re-stain it in Red Mahogany
Give it a re-bluing job
Mount Scope
Install a 30 round magazine
*Trigger Mod* ;)

These arrived in the mail today. I put the muffs on, flicked on the power, adjusted the volume, and could hear the fan in my room more than normal. I am looking forward to trying them out at the range.

Congrats on them, nice purchase. 👍

Both arrived in the mail today. I have not had much of a chance to really look either over just yet. Basically just had enough time to remove both from the boxes the items were shipped in and a very brief look over. My initial impression is that both appear to be fairly good quality. Once I have a bit more time I will look both over a bit more thoroughly. I am planning on making a trip to the range this weekend and will get to use both, along with the new electronic hearing protection.
Yup, it is. Now, in it's current state after taking it to the range this past weekend to make sure all is fine and dandy with her. I put 20 rounds through it, she performed quite admirable @ 50 and 100.


Plans are :
Re-stain it in Red Mahogany
Give it a re-bluing job
Mount Scope
Install a 30 round magazine
*Trigger Mod* ;)

Congrats on them, nice purchase. 👍

Very nice work there. Love that fact you are going to re-stain, please show... I mean, really, please post pics once it's done, I'm sure it will be just about the best looking SKS around.
That is an sks right? (sorry not going back to check and see if that's what I think it is and you are who I'm thinking of) :lol:
I made a trip to the range today after lunch. I only took the Walther P22 with me. I started out shooting 50 rounds CCI Mini Mags. Not a single hiccup with those 50 Mini Mags. I moved onto the Federal HV Match that I used last time. These caused the same issues as during my previous range trip. I guess the HV Match just do not like the pistol. Not a huge deal, I will just give what I have left of those rounds to a friend of mine with a bolt action .22LR. That thing should not have any problems with the rounds.

I also ran 100 Remington Thunderbolts through the P22. Those ran fairly similar to the CCI Standard Velocity rounds I ran through the pistol during my previous range trip, though slightly worse. I also had two boxes of subsonic CCI rounds. I put one box through the pistol, but that was a chore. The subsonic just did not have enough power to cycle the slide. I knew I should not have bought the boxes, but they were available and I had a stupid moment. I guess the other box will also be going to my friend.

About half way through all the shooting, I ran the other 50 rounds of CCI Mini Mags I had on hand. I had one failure to eject with those 50. However, I would consider 1 FTE out of 100 rounds to not be too bad. Unfortunately, finding CCI Mini Mags is a pain at the moment. I went to Academy before lunch to see what they had in stock. They basically had no .22LR. They had some 9mm, but I am still doing pretty well on 9mm. I did however notice that the only calibers that they were limiting the number of boxes one could purchase to 9mm and .22LR. They had previously been limiting .40S&W, .45ACP, 5.56/.223, and .380 ACP. Not that I have anything in those calibers, but it is nice that those are no longer being limited.

I also used the electronic hearing protection today that I bought recently. While wearing them in the range, I was able to somewhat hear the people talking at the end of the range with the volume turned fairly low.
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Both arrived in the mail today. I have not had much of a chance to really look either over just yet. Basically just had enough time to remove both from the boxes the items were shipped in and a very brief look over. My initial impression is that both appear to be fairly good quality. Once I have a bit more time I will look both over a bit more thoroughly. I am planning on making a trip to the range this weekend and will get to use both, along with the new electronic hearing protection.

Congrats on those. 👍 You'd be surprised how handy these things are.

Very nice work there. Love that fact you are going to re-stain, please show... I mean, really, please post pics once it's done, I'm sure it will be just about the best looking SKS around.
That is an sks right? (sorry not going back to check and see if that's what I think it is and you are who I'm thinking of) :lol:

Thanks, but faaaarrrr from being done. :lol: Yes, I'll keep some progress pictures of the SKS coming at 'ya. I've still got to wet sand the stock down and it should be ready to stain. The iron, well, I've yet to get started ... a lot of stuff to dis-assemble / clean / prep yet before the re-bluing process. But, I acquired something for it yesterday and did the preliminary test fitting and mock up last night.


:D:D:D The initial fitting was a little to snug for my liking. So I had to shave the inner stock little by little until it felt just right. You can't have these to tight, and you can't have them to loose. They pretty much have to be spot on or you'll run the chance of encountering some feeding problems.

The mock up -

I made a trip to the range today after lunch. I only took the Walther P22 with me. I started out shooting 50 rounds CCI Mini Mags. Not a single hiccup with those 50 Mini Mags. I moved onto the Federal HV Match that I used last time. These caused the same issues as during my previous range trip. I guess the HV Match just do not like the pistol. Not a huge deal, I will just give what I have left of those rounds to a friend of mine with a bolt action .22LR. That thing should not have any problems with the rounds.

I also ran 100 Remington Thunderbolts through the P22. Those ran fairly similar to the CCI Standard Velocity rounds I ran through the pistol during my previous range trip, though slightly worse. I also had two boxes of subsonic CCI rounds. I put one box through the pistol, but that was a chore. The subsonic just did not have enough power to cycle the slide. I knew I should not have bought the boxes, but they were available and I had a stupid moment. I guess the other box will also be going to my friend.

About half way through all the shooting, I ran the other 50 rounds of CCI Mini Mags I had on hand. I had one failure to eject with those 50. However, I would consider 1 FTE out of 100 rounds to not be too bad. Unfortunately, finding CCI Mini Mags is a pain at the moment. I went to Academy before lunch to see what they had in stock. They basically had no .22LR. They had some 9mm, but I am still doing pretty well on 9mm. I did however notice that the only calibers that they were limiting the number of boxes one could purchase to 9mm and .22LR. They had previously been limiting .40S&W, .45ACP, 5.56/.223, and .380 ACP. Not that I have anything in those calibers, but it is nice that those are no longer being limited.

It's a shame this other ammo just isn't working out for you. :indiff: Well, at least you know now what your Walther can run on effectively. 👍 One thing came out of this though, your friends will be happy, they are receiving some ammo.
Congrats on those. 👍 You'd be surprised how handy these things are.

The range bag came in handy today. Made hauling everything to the range much better than the duffel bag I was using before. I have needed a magazine pouch for quite some time.

It's a shame this other ammo just isn't working out for you. :indiff: Well, at least you know now what your Walther can run on effectively. 👍 One thing came out of this though, your friends will be happy, they are receiving some ammo.

Well I have a better idea on what the Walther will run on. I still need to try out more stuff whenever I can find it.
Thanks for the detailed report on the .22LR Brett. That's some handy intel. 👍👍

I checked out two Walmarts today. Availability has improved by a ton. Saw many handgun & rifle calibers in stock, but no .22LR. I almost did a "yatta!" like Chun Li from Street Fighters II, when I thought I found CCI Mini Mags. They were actual .22 Magnums. :ouch: :grumpy:

Saw some Winchester .45ACP value pack back in stock(100rds) with new packaging, so while I don't really need any .45s, I asked for the last two they had.

I ended up with one.

This has been my night. :lol: While the limit says up to 3 boxes, this Walmart had "one box" limit, if the box contained over 100 rounds. Lady initially limited me to one box, she notices that the box is 100, and not "over" 100, so she agrees to sell me both. Great right? No.

There was no price marked on the "new" super value packs. I used to get them for $29.99, which was a steal. Other ammunition I've been checking out had modest price increase, so I figured it should be $35 at the most. They ring this thing at $40.77. I apologized to the clerk and took just one.

Also stopped by sportsman shot on the way home. They had the cheap brand .22LR in box of 50s, but I passed.
My buddy picked up a magazine just like that for his SKS at the last gun show we went to. How do those things work, exactly? He didn't bring his SKS with him last time we went shooting, so I didn't get to see it. :crazy:
My buddy picked up a magazine just like that for his SKS at the last gun show we went to. How do those things work, exactly? He didn't bring his SKS with him last time we went shooting, so I didn't get to see it. :crazy:

Spring loaded, it pushes the next round up into the chamber. 👍
I got the other SKS stained tonight, pics should be up tomorrow once it has a chance to dry. Also bought a bluing kit this past weekend to re-do the iron. Slowly working on the rest of the teardown ..... damn work gets in the way of playtime. :dopey:
Does anyone have any experience with the S&W M&P15-22? For the moment, it has caught my interest. The S&W M&P22 has also caught my attention.
I think you should get the real .22 caliber AR, AR15(.223). :P

I've been looking for CCI .22LR, of course I've yet to even see one, but I saw this for $15.99, so decided to try it out?

Online, luckygunner has excellent description of the ammo that answered just about all questions I had about it:

Manufactured at the Lake City factory, this mil-spec product is brand new, brass-cased, boxer-primed, non-corrosive, and reloadable. It is a staple range and target practice ammunition.

This is top of the line, American-made range ammo made by ATK at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (ATK is the same company that makes Speer Lawman, CCI, Blazer Brass, etc) - it doesn't get any better.

Note: This product contains steel in the projectile (this brass is magnetic) as it is made to military specifications. Additionally, this brass is manufactured on mil-spec production lines which require evidence of the annealing process be left on the brass near the neck of the casing. This is the darker residue that is visually noticeable around the case neck. Both commercial and mil-spec brass undergoes this same annealing process which make the brass stronger and less brittle. The annealing process essentially runs the brass through a series of flames which heat the brass having the affect of re-strengthening it in its final shape. Commercial brass is then re-cleaned after it has been annealed to make it cosmetically more appealing for the commercial market. Military requirements on the other hand place a larger emphasis on the structural integrity of the casing so they require that evidence that the brass has been annealed remain on the brass.

It certainly was educational, and was pretty impressed with their website. 👍

$15.99 for brass 7.62x51mm was cheaper than the cheapest brass .308(non-military equivalent) I've seen so far, which I think was $17. I guess it's a range/target practice round, but that's what I'd use them for(when not robbing banks), so that works for me!
I am looking into buying something in 5.56, but I would also like to have something in .22LR. The range I normally shoot at does not allow rifle caliber cartridges. However, .22LR is fine and being able to shoot that while I shoot a pistol would be nice. With the 5.56, I would have to go to another range that is a bit out of the way or find somewhere outdoors. Either way, I will not be as likely to shoot it as often.

I am also not sure what I want just yet, but I had been buying up some ammunition. I have bought around 500 rounds of 5.56 in anticipation of buying something. I did look at a BCM Mid 16 Mod 0 when I bought the Walther P22 and I was relatively impressed with the firearm. So I guess I should probably ask for suggestions here. Paging Zenith. Paging Zenith.
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Does anyone have any experience with the S&W M&P15-22? For the moment, it has caught my interest. The S&W M&P22 has also caught my attention.
Not personally owned, but I've fired an M&P22. It wasn't bad. I'd rather own a wood stocked version of a .22LR though. The guy who's gun I shot is in love with his if that's any consolation.

I saw this for $15.99, so decided to try it out?

$15.99 for brass 7.62x51mm was cheaper than the cheapest brass .308(non-military equivalent) I've seen so far, which I think was $17. I guess it's a range/target practice round, but that's what I'd use them for(when not robbing banks), so that works for me!

Nice buy 👍. 7.62 NATO can work fine in place of .308, but don't try reversing this .... .308 in place of 7.62, bad things can happen.

SKS progress ... stained stock

Still a little tacky after the second coat, but it came out pretty decent. Tomorrow it will see a coat of Satin Finish Polyurethane.
With the 5.56, I would have to go to another range that is a bit out of the way or find somewhere outdoors. Either way, I will not be as likely to shoot it as often.
Welcome to my world!
Paging Zenith. Paging Zenith.

Good luck with the search Brett! 👍
Nice buy 👍. 7.62 NATO can work fine in place of .308, but don't try reversing this .... .308 in place of 7.62, bad things can happen.
Seriously? I did hear that they are similar & close enough that you could fire 7.62 in a .308 rifle. Now that you mention it, I do remember how 5.56 is dangerous to use in .223, or the other way around. My rifle's chambered in .308 so it should be OK, but I guess I should still read up on that.
SKS progress ... stained stock
You were doing the complete overhaul though, right? Good luck with the stock. I can't wait to see it finished!
If anyone here owns a S&W M&P Shield (IIRC, I think there's one guy here other than me?), watch the following. Apparently there's a manufacturing flaw in some of them that could be a potentially very very bad.

Time to get that Apex trigger. Seriously, that "let's not pay glock to use a dingus" safety is awful. I hate those S&W hinge triggers.
Many seems to love those triggers though. Personally, I love Glocks, but am not a fan of the feel of their triggers. One guy at work even swapped it with some aftermarket trick trigger.

I'd never do it. Even if I don't dig the trigger feel, if I buy a Glock(my next gun should be G30S), it would be for its unquestionable reliability(considering). I'd be real careful on what I swap out on the gun.

Thanks Crash. I think the guy at work has a Shield. I'll forward the video to him. 👍

P.S. The same Glock trigger guy, he says he got to talk to a Glock rep who came into his work, told him how there are three new models, hush-hush pending announcement. That was few weeks ago. I hope one of them's a Glock AK47. :P
I'm not kidding about the three supposedly secret upcoming releases. Carbine thing is my wet dream, but I'm glad we are on the same page. :lol:
Time to get that Apex trigger. Seriously, that "let's not pay glock to use a dingus" safety is awful. I hate those S&W hinge triggers.

Not sure I would need a trigger safety anyways. I usually have mine with the thumb safety engaged.

The M&P trigger is pretty mushy given the plastic nature of it, but honestly, I prefer this trigger to the Glock trigger. I have a friend with the Apex trigger, it's a nice bit of kit. I've thought about it, but I don't need it yet, so I'm delaying that purchase...
Probably going to pick up a Glock 9mm tomorrow for home defense. Full size or compact? What ammo for home defense? Hollow point?

I would go for Glock 19. It's the medium one(considered a 'compact'). I think the mag holds 15 rounds. There are Gen 3, or the new Gen 4. Gen 4 has its advantages, but I'd go for Gen 3 for the slightly lower price, and proven reliability. That's just me.

I used to have Glock 17 for home defense(full size 9mm), and I always had hollow point in mine. 9mm's smaller, so expansion could only help + it may help prevent bullet overpenetrate & hitting someone, or going thru walls hitting family member, or a neighbor.

Sounds like you may be new to keeping a firearm in the home? I highly recommend going overboard with safety precautions(locking it up, handling while it's loaded, etc.). So many idiots are making the news with accidental discharge in their homes these days.

P.S. I always kept a loaded mag in my Glock 17, but never one in the chamber..... but again, that's just me. :sly:

Edit: Ammo I used.


luckygunner - I wanna say they used to go for $20, $25 back then.

Edit2: Hollow points generally comes in box of 20 ~ 25 rounds.
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