Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Or one that tells the police "everything's fine", then digs a really deep hole in the garden. :lol:

Not in the garden, my award winning roses are there. *yes I have a soft side though I set my gun to kill a bad guy.
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The Truglo sights I ordered last week came in yesterday so I went up to the shop and got them installed earlier this evening. Happy with them so far. Hopefully I'll get out to the farm tomorrow or Sunday to see how they do.




Looking good David. Nice upgrade. 👍 Since my P226 is no longer my daily carry, I've been thinking about upgrading the sights on it to make it more of a range gun. These would be the choice.
Just recently when I got my C3 Sig, the man at the store asked me if I wanted to upgrade to these Tru-Glo sights / and or a Crimson Trace. Nah, no thanks. It's a .45 used for ccw, don't have time to be aiming a laser (that might not work when needed), and the T/G sights are more for range work. I'll take it as is please. ;)

@Michael88 .
That would be a negatory on the scope.
Check this out, Remingtons coming up with a new smart-scope for the masses.

The first thing that popped into my mind is that they put a GPS tracker into that thing.

My opinion is that its huge, ugly and for those who are too lazy to learn proper shooting skills like learning the holdovers for your loads, reading wind and guessing ranges. It IS a scope for the masses, the stupid masses.

I'm sure there are people who say that about gun optics in general. I understand that in hobbies allowing things to be difficult for ourselves is part of the fun. For serious use guns, guns that are a tool to achieve an end result, I say that any technology that can make my job as the shooter easier is welcome. As the tech progresses it'll become less intrusive, cheaper, and easier to use.
You guys don't like illuminated sights for carry? Why?

In the case of a ccw, they are not necessary, the same applies to Crimson Trace. They are a cool addition to a range gun, but in time of need, they just are not needed.
I think I would rather have them on my gun in a time of need, especially in a dark environment.
That's where I was coming from. I have zero experience with them, but I was under the impression that it could only help?
IMO the problem with illuminated sights is if you need them its probably so dark you can see your sights but you can't see the target. Thats why I don't have any scopes with illuminated reticles, I can see where I'm aiming but I can't see the target so the illuminated reticle doesn't make any sense.
However, in low light conditions /dawn etc. illuminated iron sights make a lot of sense, you can clearly see your target but normal sights get fuzzy and hard to see in low light conditions.
Today I removed the front sight of a 102 year old gun, now that was one strenuous task. The massive front sight had not been moved for a century. Literally.
I had to beat the darned thing for half an hour and use a heavy vice with lots of oil to get it moving. Another half hour with my 3lbs hammer and an aluminum dowel was needed to get the front sight off its base. It wasn't so much the strength, the exhausting part was beating something with a hammer like a lunatic without destroying it. :crazy:

Oh, and today I received my two Swiss 57 military cleaning kits for 12 bucks each. Totally worth the money, super high quality cleaning equipment, the two little chars are filled with Swiss automatic grease and it even features a small mirror to check the bore. Everythings like brand new. If you need a complete cleaning kit for your SHTF/Bug out backpack this is what you want.


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I have entertained a idea of putting together a "SHTF/BOB" cleaning kit, but I've yet to actually do it. As you know, I am a sucker for survival gears, so I would give this kit a "Sub Zero". Wrong thread. :dopey:

What caliber was this kit intended for?
Its a Swiss cleaning kit for the STG57, which was chambered in 7.5x55, so its essentially a 7.62 cleaning kit. The brass chamber brush is a little tight when used to clean a .308 chamber because the case of the 7.5 is wider, but its still totally usable.
If you are interested you can learn more about the kit and the cleaning regime here:

Its pretty common so I'm sure you can find one for very little money.

Here is the 7.5x55 Swiss, from right to left: .223, .308 and the 7.5x55

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Ah, range backpack. Very cool. 👍 And thanks for the link Michael. I'm gonna look at that, also other compact cleaning kits. I wish that Swiss kit was made for .308, but the price is definitely right, especially considering the quality. 👍
I wish that Swiss kit was made for .308, but the price is definitely right, especially considering the quality. 👍

It works perfectly for the .308, the difference between the 7.5(4)x55 and the 308 is 0,08 millimeters, thats 0.003 inch. Because of the negligible diameter difference the 7.5 is reloaded with .308 bullets nowadays.

Oh, and new Russian bolt target rifles by Zbroyar: :drool:


Sexy semis:


And a bolt target rifle taking AR10 mags:

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I like this one - Z-15P.

Probably the best AR clone that I can have in RF.
But first, I need a shotgun (considering Saiga, or a Vepr. Or maybe something pump-action is better as the first firearm).
I don't know what to think of the beardeer thing. :lol: I'm not gonna lie, I find it slightly disturbing. :lol: And those Ukrainian AR rifles, I am digging those. Sexy!

Finally, Michael, thanks for more info on the cleaning kit, I just might get them. Question on the "grease cans": How does it work? :crazy: If I get this kit, I just might replace that part with the portable Rem Oil spray.
Finally, Michael, thanks for more info on the cleaning kit, I just might get them. Question on the "grease cans": How does it work? :crazy: If I get this kit, I just might replace that part with the portable Rem Oil spray.

The lid of the grease cans have a small brush installed so you can unscrew the lid and use the brush to apply the grease onto the barrel brushes and the action of the rifle. You can totally replace the original grease with oil of your choice. I think you'd need to get that thing in the oven for a couple of minutes so the grease gets thinner and less sticky so it will be easier to remove.
I plan on replacing the grease of one of the cans with 5W40 engine oil. The original swiss grease is famous for its quality but I think its sticky nature limits its usefulness, there is no way I'd put that stuff on the action of a gun. It sure is great to seal the barrel and a thin layer on the surface parts to prevent rusting during storage, but normal oil would be a more practical choice outside storage.