Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I can't for the life of me remember what they're actually called, but it's like the ones on BB guns..

I think those are aftermarket, but I won't swear to it.
Those look like tru glow sights. If she is set on .38 special and can't find one just get the .357 and shoot .38 special out of it.
I saw this somewhere online the other day.


Remington's new subcompact carry pistol RM380. I can already tell that some of you are rolling your eyeballs. :lol: Gun may be okay, or great even. Does it matter? I wouldn't touch Remington handgun, not anytime soon.

I am not even sure I would want one if Remington were to give me one.

6 rounds + 1 in the tube, DAO with an 8 to 9 lb trigger pull, & a 2.9" barrel. It fits a purpose, I just don't think I can find a purpose for it. If you are a LEO looking for something to shove in an ankle holster for "just in case", maybe. I don't like DAO pistols even though I have some. Not something to add to my wish list...

I would look for something else in an ankle holster for just in case.
SO... I got most of my stuff for reloading... Powder, bullets, the books, primers, dies. Now I wait till tomorrow to see if Grafs ships out my order for the brass, and I guess I need to get some case lube...

Anyone recommend good case lube? I'm going to borrow my neighbors press until I reload maybe 250 or so, then get my own...

Caliber is 8x57, (7.92x75) JS Mauser, or 8mm, or whatever you wanna call it.

I chose IMR4064 for powder (1lb), although I probably should've looked for Varget with my Nosler 200 Custom Comp. bullets (250 ct). I also read that CCI primers are a bit better than the Winchester Standards, so we'll see how that goes for the first 1,000...

The cases from Grafs are PPU 8mm, bag of 100.. Using Lee Collet Dies, so we'll see how everything goes. I expect sometime after Christmas is when I'll be able to actually get to reload... I've yet to get a scope for my Mauser, but I think I'll go with the short side rail option for it, as I don't like the long relief scopes that much, and I don't want to stretch my neck for the higher scopes.

Problem is what sorta scope I can find to use for it... I'd like to get a reproduction scope for period correctness, but the don't look cheap and I'm not afraid to get some new fancy Nikon so I can go 1,000 yard plinking. But before that, I'll need to see what I'll have to do to the gun to make it shoot that far out, let alone find a range that long near me..
For bullet lube I'd recommend sunflower oil because its not toxic and you're going to touch the cases a lot. Just make sure no drop makes it into the case, only a single tiny drop is enough to make the round a dud. And no oil on the neck and shoulder of the case, the pressure inside the die will dent it badly if there is oil on said places.

Also make sure to trim the cases correctly, cases with too long necks can cause serious troubles.

CCI primers are excellent, I love em. Stay away from Remington primers, they are so hard every 5th or so primer needs a second or even third strike to ignite.
For bullet lube I'd recommend sunflower oil because its not toxic and you're going to touch the cases a lot. Just make sure no drop makes it into the case, only a single tiny drop is enough to make the round a dud. And no oil on the neck and shoulder of the case, the pressure inside the die will dent it badly if there is oil on said places.

Also make sure to trim the cases correctly, cases with too long necks can cause serious troubles.

CCI primers are excellent, I love em. Stay away from Remington primers, they are so hard every 5th or so primer needs a second or even third strike to ignite.
Yeah, Remington small caliber ammo just blows completely.

I'll talk to my neighbor and see what he uses sometime. He's been gone on a trip so hopefully I can get some enlightenment too.
Damn you, Brett. Suspense is killing me. :drool:

Edit: Damn it, @Brett. Put down the gun, grab a camera & post!

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I used Lee branded case lube when I was reloading rifle ammo. I am just starting to bother with reloading again & I am using old supplies that I already have. Primers from the early 90s, seem to go bang, so I am going to use them. I did buy new powder, as some lower life form has stolen my old powder. I don't miss the powder, the cans were worth more than the actual powder. 20 year old powder cans were worth stealing.
I used Lee branded case lube when I was reloading rifle ammo. I am just starting to bother with reloading again & I am using old supplies that I already have. Primers from the early 90s, seem to go bang, so I am going to use them. I did buy new powder, as some lower life form has stolen my old powder. I don't miss the powder, the cans were worth more than the actual powder. 20 year old powder cans were worth stealing.
They stole just the powder? Were they left in the shed/garage or something?
Hey Swagger, another tip for a beginner in reloading: Stay away from double-base powders. (Two-components powder). They have more power than single base powders with the same pressure, sure, but as always additional power always comes with sacrifice - reduced barrel life. Double base powders are hard on the barrels because they burn a lot hotter than single base powders which results in more throat erosion.
Hey Swagger, another tip for a beginner in reloading: Stay away from double-base powders. (Two-components powder). They have more power than single base powders with the same pressure, sure, but as always additional power always comes with sacrifice - reduced barrel life. Double base powders are hard on the barrels because they burn a lot hotter than single base powders which results in more throat erosion.
Right now I'm only doing 8mm Mauser (JS) so I plan to only use Varget or IMR 4064.
I ordered a few thing from Primary Arms' Black Friday sale. They are supposed to arrive today. :D

oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy is me right now...

Damn you, Brett. Suspense is killing me. :drool:

Edit: Damn it, @Brett. Put down the gun, grab a camera & post!


Nothing too exciting. Just a new trigger pack and trigger for the Tavor, along with a Strip Lula (I have quite a few rounds on stripper clips and I am nothing if not lazy when it comes to loading magazines).

Nothing too exciting.
I was really hoping for some red & black paint, but maybe next Black Friday.

I've never even entertained an idea of using stripper clips. What do you do, have the ammo on clips, then just speed load them at the range?

Beautiful rifle as always. Red dot looks perfect on it, too. 👍
I was really hoping for some red & black paint, but maybe next Black Friday.

Multi Cam looks pretty good on the rifle


However, I would never pay the price for one new in Multi Cam. I have no idea what it would cost to have it done though. The more I see pictures of FDE or OD Green Tavors, the more I wish mine was either.

I've never even entertained an idea of using stripper clips. What do you do, have the ammo on clips, then just speed load them at the range?

I bought an ammo can of rounds on stripper clips. It came with a tool to attach to the magazine to be able to push them directly into magazines, but the thing I bought makes that even easier. I doubt I ever go the effort of putting rounds on stripper clips to load into magazines.

Beautiful rifle as always. Red dot looks perfect on it, too. 👍

Thanks! :cheers:

On the topic of my Tavor, the tool came in today that will allow me to install the Geissele Lightning Bow Trigger.
On the topic of my Tavor, the tool came in today that will allow me to install the Geissele Lightning Bow Trigger.

Following up to my previous post, I installed the Lightning Bow Trigger yesterday. I took a picture of the rifle disassembled:

Awesome. :drool: This type of double post is most welcomed. :D

How did the installation go? Tried desk pop with it yet? :P

It went fairly smooth. The top front part above the handguard (includes the charging handle) was about the worst part. It requires some a bit of pulling, pushing, and wiggling all at once to get it to come off or go back on.

I had a bit of trouble getting the retaining pin on the trigger out. Had I had a proper punch (which I bought after the fact and did not realize was quite inexpensive :grumpy:), it would have gone much easier.

I also had to buy a set of hex keys for the Geissele trigger bow. Getting the retaining wire for the trigger bow could have been a bit of challenge, but dumb luck struck and I was able to get it in on the first try.

No desk pop. My ceiling and roof do not need a hole in them. The Other Guys does not receive nearly enough recognition. 👍

However, I have dry fired the thing quite a few times. The Geissele Lightning Trigger Bow makes a tremendous difference. After seeing their trigger bow and the factory one, it makes sense why the factory one was so sloppy with the Geissele trigger pack. Now all there is left to do is take the rifle to the range.
I just sold my .45-70 sharps in order to buy me a new gun which I'm totally in love with.

A classic Pedersoli Safari Express double barrel .72 cal (rifled!) muzzle loader. Its a replica of the guns that were used to hunt dangerous games like lions or hippos during the 1850's. I'm no hunter but there is something extremely attractive about big-bore double barrel guns.

I just sold my .45-70 sharps in order to buy me a new gun which I'm totally in love with.

A classic Pedersoli Safari Express double barrel .72 cal (rifled!) muzzle loader. Its a replica of the guns that were used to hunt dangerous games like lions or hippos during the 1850's. I'm no hunter but there is something extremely attractive about big-bore double barrel guns.

Might as well pay for tomorrows collar bone surgery. I've shot quite a few muzzel loaders in excess of .50, and it bloody hurts.

Never go prone though, always stand, or sit down.
Might as well pay for tomorrows collar bone surgery. I've shot quite a few muzzel loaders in excess of .50, and it bloody hurts.

Never go prone though, always stand, or sit down.
I agree. I regularly shoot a .69 Civil War musket with 740 grain conicals at 1000 fp/s. Firing it from the bench feels like a car accident and the thought of going prone with its straight metal butt plate makes my eyes water. Never dared to try that, it would definitely severely bruise or damage my collar bone.

But I'm not going to shoot the .72 sitting or prone, its a dangerous game Safari gun, it needs to be shot standing at 50yds, thats what it was made for. Thankfully I'm accurate and consistent enough to sight in a rifle standing.
@Brett - Great to hear that you like how the new trigger feels.... and those new tools that you'll use maybe couple of times(typical new tools lol). :D:tup:

@Michael88 - Congrats on a new badass gun! :eek: I'd like to shoot every gun at least once. Reading the conversation between you & Swagger changed that today. Still, congrats. Don't get hurt! :D
@Brett - Great to hear that you like how the new trigger feels.... and those new tools that you'll use maybe couple of times(typical new tools lol). :D:tup:

@Michael88 - Congrats on a new badass gun! :eek: I'd like to shoot every gun at least once. Reading the conversation between you & Swagger changed that today. Still, congrats. Don't get hurt! :D
Nothing to be afraid of... You just have to expect what's coming for ya.

What is to be afraid of, is shooting a 70-90+ year old bolt action, and fearing that you're gonna lose your eye when the bolt slams backwards..
Nothing to be afraid of... You just have to expect what's coming for ya.

What is to be afraid of, is shooting a 70-90+ year old bolt action, and fearing that you're gonna lose your eye when the bolt slams backwards..
Like my Arisaka:

I wouldn't attempt to shoot that if you offered me ten grand. A hundred grand, I'm probably dumb enough to do it. :P

I still pass on the monster rifle!

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