I don't think I mentioned my faulty Remington 597 magazines on here?(.22LR). The stock magazine that came with the rifle was defective, I also had factory 30-round magazine that was defective. I bought couple of 10-round magazine & one of them was defective. Factory Remington magazines.

I usually don't unload on customer service people, but I did write a email to them, as I got pretty frustrated with them. I ended up sending the two defective magazines back to Remington & received a notification from them that they are sending me replacement magazines.
Latest magazines were purchased from gunmagwarehouse.com? Good store, but I think their review rating system is rigged. My high score rating for Ruger SR22 mags can be seen, but not the 1-star review for the Remington.
@a6m5 Congrats on the purchase, two friends of mine have M&P AR15s and love them. Ammo wise I shoot the cheapest brass cased ammo I can find. $6/box of 20 is actually a really good deal for brass cased ammo. Green tip ammo is just light armor piercing ammo. The stuff is more expensive than your average FMJ ammo and often times isn't allowed at local gun ranges. For me the Magpul mags without the windows work just fine. Maybe it isn't too late for you to return the mags you purchased and get the ones you wanted. For your Eotech and Magpul furniture I strongly recommend checking out OpticsPlanet or Brownells. As far as stripper clips go they're nice for loading mags in a hurry but I personally like to take my time at the range.
I ended up getting that $140 ammo can green tip thing(came to $6.70-ish per 20rds). Includes shipping & ammo can, so not a bad deal. Ever since I got my crossover SUV, I've done all my shooting in the woods, so all good there(thanks for the heads up about the range policy though).
On the Magpul furniture, I did check Brownells, but parts I wanted were sold out. So far Cabela's had the best deal, but I'll check out OpticsPlanet. 👍
Edit: Color me impressed. My luck with OpticsPlanet's been hit & miss in the past, but they ended up having the lowest price of all stores I looked in:
Handling my new AR should feel pretty nice after I get all this stuff on it. It'll look better, too.

@a6m5 below is a link to a study Lucky Gumner performed about brass vs steel cased AR15 ammo. Personally I have shot steel cased ammo through my AR15 but in order to avoid FTE issues I installed a stronger extractor spring.
Wow. Nice find! It certainly makes me feel better about the Federal ammo I bought at Walmart today + their ammo can I ordered.
On my Bushmaster .308, I have shot various ammunition, including some Tula & Wolf. While Tula performed perfectly, Wolf was called Military Classic or something & it sometimes wouldn't fire due to primer issues. By the time I started hearing argument on steel cased ammos, I switched strictly to brass. No specific brand, whatever I could buy cheap, as .308/7.62x51's pretty spendy.
Luckygunner test was impressive. While they may have a dog in the fight, I've had good experience with Federal ammo & I receive similar feedbacks from other gun guys on Federal also. Only brass ammo I consider hit & miss are Remington. I've had duds from their "Mega Pack" ammo in handgun calibers.