Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
So I am considering buying a shotgun this weekend. I know very little about the differences between models, but my friend has recommended either a Remington 870, Mossberg 500 or a Benelli Supernova as good shotguns. I think a6m5 has a Remington 870 and I think he really likes it. Other than that though, can people give me more insight into shotguns? This will be for general outdoor shooting and home defense.

So, school me on shotguns.
Out of those, I'd recommend the Mossberg 500/590, but you couldn't go wrong with an 870. It's basically a wash as to which gun performs better, but I think the Mossberg is better if you're wanting it to be a potential home defense shotgun.

Biggest reasons are the slide release and the safety on the Mossberg. The Remington has a button safety on the trigger guard, and you have to take your finger off the trigger to disengage it. The Mossberg has a switch on the top of the upper receiver which can be operated by your thumb without taking your finger off the trigger. The slide release for the Mossberg is also in a more easily accessible place.

They're really little differences between two rugged and dependable shotguns, but with home defense every little second counts, and the Mossberg's safety is more intuitive and quicker, which could be the difference. Slide release is less important but still slightly relevant.
And has two shell extractors. And your thumb won't get caught in the shell lifter.

EDIT: honestly just check both of them out and see which one feels better to you. You can't make a bad choice.
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I do love my 870, but I also don't think you could go wrong between 870 or 590. People seem to swear by those two.

On top of the "pro's" already mentioned for Mossberg, I think they also have higher capacity magazine(tube), with the extension. My 870 holds 7 shells. My buddy's Mossberg I think held 8 or 9. Mossberg I think is cheaper as well. :crazy:

Here's a pick I've posted here before:


Mossberg is at the top. I think it was called 590 Security? My 870 Tactical in the middle, with the adjustable Blackhawk stock. Factory stock sucked ass on mine. My other buddy's Benelli at the bottom. I think it has the best iron sights, also the smoothest action, but it seem to kick harder than the 870 or the 590. :confused: Firing magnum loads can be painful with that gun.

Again, I don't think you could go wrong with 870 or 590. Shotguns are so much fun! From birdshot, buckshot to slugs, they are just so damn flexible. Cheap ammo is also a plus. Locally, box of 25(birdshot) go for about $5.

I have to post this video again:

Remington 870 is a much better shotgun. But, it's true that you should buy what's comfortable to you. Different strokes for different folks. You have to go to a gun store and ask to see them both. Ask for some snap caps to load and extract to get the feel for the shotgun. Any gun shop worth a damn would be more than happy to accommodate you.

EDIT: Looks like the stupidity of liberal douchebags is never ending, 'cause they at it, again... :rolleyes:
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I don't see why they keep stressing online sales :odd: Surely the sales are no different to any other private sale except for the way in which it was advertised.
I don't see why they keep stressing online sales :odd: Surely the sales are no different to any other private sale except for the way in which it was advertised.
Exactly. 👍

You guys know that I'm not a fan of gun control in the States. Background check for private sales however, I kind of see the point. I don't know if I'd call it a "loophole", but it does in fact make it as easy as a stroll in the park for the criminals to obtain firearms. It's pure comedy how some of the states makes it so hard for law abiding citizens to own guns, but in other states, you can buy/trade/sell guns like they are gardening tool.
I went to a couple local gun stores today to see if any of the stores had a Walther PPQ in stock. I just learned the weapon existed a few days ago watching a hickok45 video and seeing a suggested video link to his video on the weapon. Well neither store had one in stock, but I handled quite a few other guns (H&K P2000, H&K P30, H&K 45, an Ed Brown 1911, Springfield Armory 1911 TRP, FN FNX9, FN FNP 45 Tactical, SIG P226, SIG P229, Glock 19, there were probably others, but that is all I can think of at the moment).

Each H&K (P30, USP, P2000, 45) I held felt fantastic in my hand, but I still do not like the price tag on any of H&Ks pistols; much like German car manufacturers, H&K is very proud of their product and charge accordingly. The FN FNP 45 Tactical is a very large pistol and it did not feel overly great in my hand. On other hand, the FN FNX9 felt great in my hand.
Never heard of PPQ either. I thought you meant PPK. :crazy: Looks like the price is reasonable.

P.S. Holster I ordered for my Glock never even shipped out. A week & a half later, I shot this surplus store a email, no response. I emailed them again, asking to just cancel the order. They just said that they will cancel the order, my debit cards was never charged, blah, blah, no explanation, no apologies. Safe to say they scared me away!
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Price is the biggest reason I wanted to look at the Walther PPQ. I also had not seen a FN FNX 9 and since that weapon is in the same price range, I wanted to look at it also.

Do you not like the Walther PPK? The PPK is the very first pistol I shot. The weapon is a very cool little pistol.
No, I love PPK. Along with the P38, they were couple of my favorite pistols growing up. That smiley thing was for the misunderstanding, not the pistol. :crazy: <-there it is again.

I guess you are sort of set on the 9mm? FN looks really nice by the way. But we both know that what you need is a Glock 19. j/k
Oooooh looks like FN might have seduced another person. The FNX is such a glorious pistol to hold. I checked out a .40 and I didn't want to put it down. I want the 9mm, but it and the .40 are exactly the same dimensions so I got a good feel for it. I'm still trying to find the FNP-9 so I can compare it to the X. It also looks like FN has a striker fired pistol now in the FNS, either 9mm or .40SW.
Thanks guys. I'll go check it out this weekend. As much as I want to pick up a shotgun, the more I think about it, and the more that I look at my bank account, the less of a good idea it seems like... Also, I have to find some place in Western WA where I can shoot shotguns.

Maybe it would just have been better to have bought one without thinking about it. :lol:
I only have a completely uninteresting single shot break-action 12 gauge shotgun - its my slug gun (I LOVE shotgun slugs) its equipped with rifle sights and the barrel shortened to 18.5'', no choke, automatic ejector.
I'm 6'1'' 205lbs, weight lifter and shot from the bench it kicks the living hell out of me, especially with 1 1/2 ounce magnum slugs at 1600 fp/s - it only weighs 5 1/2 lbs! Gives me a headache after 15 shots. According to my calculation with normal slugs it has 4 times the recoil of a.308 out of a 9lbs rifle! :scared:

Shoots pretty good though, palm-sized groups at 50 with open sights, and its so slim, short and compact it can be strapped onto the side of a backpack as backup gun.

Why did I buy that thing? Its as slim as it gets, its so simple its pretty much indestructible, sturdy, ultra reliable and it weighs almost nothing.


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His Austrian military G rifle. Or was is a FAL? One of those...
Backup gun for what?

Should my scoped SHTF rifle ever fail to work and it can't be fixed its time to break out the trusty single shot thumper.

His Austrian military G rifle. Or was is a FAL? One of those...

Unfortunately FAL's are not allowed here, its a bolt action rifle with a 10 round magazine with a 2-7x33 Leupold VXIII.
Lol. Oops, I'm sorry then.

Weren't you commenting on one of those earlier in the thread? Let me see if I can find it. Ah, I see you were only recommending it.
Lol. Oops, I'm sorry then.

Weren't you commenting on one of those earlier in the thread? Let me see if I can find it.

I've shot FAL's quite a few times on military parades where civilians are allowed to shoot the STG58 (FAL) and the STG77 (AUG) for a small fee. Excellent rifle. Hardly any recoil, lots of power, good accruacy -IMO much better than the STG77.

By the way, the civilian version of the STG77, the Steyr AUG-Z can be owned here, the STG58 (FAL) not.
Thanks guys. I'll go check it out this weekend. As much as I want to pick up a shotgun, the more I think about it, and the more that I look at my bank account, the less of a good idea it seems like... Also, I have to find some place in Western WA where I can shoot shotguns.

Maybe it would just have been better to have bought one without thinking about it. :lol:
I've never looked at one, but how about a used one? If the price starts around $300 for a new, I'd expect to see the used one for maybe a hundred less than that?
I only have a completely uninteresting single shot break-action 12 gauge shotgun - its my slug gun (I LOVE shotgun slugs) its equipped with rifle sights and the barrel shortened to 18.5'', no choke, automatic ejector.
I'm 6'1'' 205lbs, weight lifter and shot from the bench it kicks the living hell out of me, especially with 1 1/2 ounce magnum slugs at 1600 fp/s - it only weighs 5 1/2 lbs! Gives me a headache after 15 shots. According to my calculation with normal slugs it has 4 times the recoil of a.308 out of a 9lbs rifle! :scared:

Shoots pretty good though, palm-sized groups at 50 with open sights, and its so slim, short and compact it can be strapped onto the side of a backpack as backup gun.

Why did I buy that thing? Its as slim as it gets, its so simple its pretty much indestructible, sturdy, ultra reliable and it weighs almost nothing.


Neat gun, but I'd never want to fire it. :lol: Cool pictures. 👍
I went to a gun show today with couple of my buddies. I was originally planning on taking a camera with me, but I later found out that cameras are often now allowed inside gun shows, so I didn't take one. :crazy:

Gun prices were nothing special, but I did get to handle just about every gun I've been interested in, including the Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle($800). I thought about buying a barely used(looked new!) Remington 700. It was .30-06(my second most preferred round), with black synthetic stock and iron sights. $425. I took some cash with me, but I chickened out. :P I mainly went to the show to get feel for some of the guns, and while $425 was as good a bargain as you can expect to find, that could be a four hundred bucks I can apply to guy I should have bought, so.....

Unlike last year, I spent very little at this show. Just got a box of Remington Golden Saber(9mm) and a tall ammo can just like this one. Ammo can was just $10. I just got it to keep my bat & golf clubs in. :lol: Golden Saber was only $16, which was dirt cheap, but they had just one box left. :crazy:
I guess I should update my shotgun search...

I did go and look at shotguns last weekend. I went to a couple of different stores because one had the Mossberg 590 but not the Remington 870, but the other place has the Remington 870 but not the Mossberg 590. I held a couple different versions of both shotguns, tested how both felt, played with the ergonomics and the pump action a bit, and honestly, I walked away not knowing which one felt better, which incidentally, is NOT helpful when trying to make a decision.

I did quite like the one of the 590s that I held with the adjustable stock and pistol grip, but I feel like that's more a product of adjustable stock and grip, and it sounds like that's a pretty easy retrofit on either shotguns.
I don't want to sound like a sissy pants, but recoil reduction stock by Blackhawk is great. And of course, you can also adjust the stock length accordingly. It can be retrofitted(I paid $80~90) super-easily.

Between 870 & 590, I think it comes straight down to: a) price b) safety position/location you prefer.

I'd buy 870 all over again, but I think 590's cheaper?(not 100% on that).

Also, I made a point of buying one with the rear sight. Before buying my shotgun, not all, but some believed that just the bead sight on the front was sufficient. What do you guys think?
What the hey, Big J. We don't see you for a long time, you just show up and post random AR15 video that is 47 MINUTEZ LONG!

What are we supposed to be looking for in this thing? I watched like 10 minutes of it, but want to know more before I commit another half an hour. :dopey: