As usual, thanks for your help. Much appreciated. 👍 It was really bone-headed move on my part. It looked cool, it was described as "molle" holster, and I was like "duh, heard lots of good thing about it, duh!".

I might try to stitch on my own loops or something? We'll see. I might get that Glock factory holster for the time being.
Well, Austria brought us the Glocks, which I love & trust my life with. 👍 And of course, my home country, Japan brought us........ Arisakas. At least until the 40's.

I got an early birthday present today. My coworker was selling bunch of junks, and he was also thinking about getting rid of the Arisaka he had for little bit, but had no use for. I told him I had seen it on for hundred bucks before. He figured his was in poor condition, so he mentioned he might sell it for like $50. When I offered to buy it for that, he just gave it to me. Score.
It's certainly missing few pieces from it, and the bolt-action is stuck. I can turn it, but I can't cock it. Also, telling by the quick google search, I think somebody tried to turn this thing into the paratrooper version of the Arisaka rifle by sawing off the wood stock by the barrel. It doesn't looked sawed off, but it's missing the stock towards the front, and it looks different from the paratrooper version as well. Anyway, with me being a Japanese national, it's just cool to own it as a historical piece. If I try to fix it and shoot it, it would most likely blow my face off.
Edit: I think I found the Arisaka:
According to wikipedia, it is called the Arisaka Type 99 - Last Ditch model. Name describes the crude craftsmanship perfectly.
Edit: Thanks to this video, I figured it out. I took off the safety, and it's ready to rock 'n' roll. I'm just kidding, this thing would blow my face off the first time I try shooting it.