Some really good posts in there, but I just wanted to let you guys know, I made the exchange today. Some interesting posts though, as I had never heard of SCAR 17(how expensive is expensive? lol), and Michael's post was as informative as usual, exept that part about tacticool. You do realize by now that I am a tacti

And Z-Man(this name's gonna stick!), we might be civilians, but we like that "extreme use" stuff in this thread, as we are also survival junkie, if only part time. Actually, sounds like Michael's had military training, me, probably closer to tactitool, or mall ninja.
Anyway, thanks for the G19 pics. 👍 That size looks just about perfect. It's still very close between G19 & G26 for me. G26, I love it for the concealed carry. I could wear one even during summer time. But if I want a fullsize handgun that can double as a concealed carry gun, I don't see any other choice than the G19, especially for the price. Thanks again, d-man.
OK, here's my new used Kimber Custom Target II:
And the stupid molle Glock holster I bought? That stupid surplus store that sold it to me, I'm convinced that they sold me a 1911 holster:
Fits this Kimber way better than my G17.
Overall, the wear on the gun was what I expected, and I just took the slide off, cleaned the exposed parts with Rem Oil a bit. Everything looks good, and all mechanism feels very smooth, crisp, tight & right. If I don't hear a "click" when I try to fire it, then I know I did OK.
This was not a great deal, but was a trade I really wanted to make. Unload the fullsize 9mm for something I want. Then I can buy a smaller 9mm for self/home defense down the line. I played with the Kimber for a bit, and I love this thing. I can see why so many Americans love 1911's. 👍
P.S. I am still fond of Glock & my G17. I got rid of it for the large size, but it treated me so good. $500 handgun(don't say it, d-man!) that was very accurate, and didn't jam one 🤬 time. One dead bullet(probably bad primer), and that was the only time it didn't fire. One time! My Remington 597? Not so much. 👎