Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
With ''heat resistant '' I meant if you put your Glock into a closed car on a hot summer day the frame will be soft-ish and the frame end can touch the Slide on the very end. (That won't compromise its reliability, but still...)
Its an even bigger problem with aftermarket PDW stocks when the frame gets so flexible you can't hit anything at all.
Aluminum stays the same, no matter how hot or cold it is as long as you don't throw it into a fire pit...
An aluminum frame is better in every single way.

I'm glad you don't suffer that issue and I think any avid shooter shouldn't have such an issue. Yet that is my thoughts on grip angle.
I think that problem occurs especially with avid shooters, they're so used to the standard grip angles if they shoot a Glock in an emergency situation they will shoot high and above the target.
Ironically avid shooters often have problems to adapt.
*Edit: Sounds like Aluminum steel might've been a better upgrade for the Glock?
So I assume you can bring your gun over the state lines as long as it's unloaded and locked in the trunk of your car?
Oh 🤬 I didn't even think about that. :crazy: Anybody here know? I'm gonna try calling the range tomorrow and ask.

Edit: I searched online, and looks like you are right. As long as it's unloaded, and in the trunk, it is OK to transport legally.

It's stupid that my CPL won't work in Oregon. I sometimes visit Portland on a day trip, and would like to be able to carry.
Is CPL like a concealed carry permit? How about the famous Utah permit? I heard about two classes for the Utah permit, just in last few days. If Utah permit is also good in Washington, it is good here.

This is really stupid. I've ranted on this before, but it really should be a Federal permit IMO.
Now now a6, I never said I hated Glocks.
I'm just teasing. I don't get to bug you that much anymore. :D
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Lol at some of the requirements for CCP/whatever acronym in some states. Now, I'm not saying it's horrible. I think classes are a great idea, I fully intend on taking some when I get a gun suitable to carry. As it stands, I've already got my carry license. All it took was a trip to the sheriff's office, a filled out form, a quick background check, and that was it. I got it for 2 main reasons: so it didn't matter where my gun was in the car in relation to the ammo and if it was loaded or not, and so I had it for when I did have something to carry. All I have to do is renew it every 5 years and as long as I don't do anything to get a criminal record I'm good.
I'm gonna play around with my traditional .54 caliber muzzle loader today, yay! 380 grain conicals at 1500 fp/s baby!
I love shooting modern guns and I have plenty of them, though there is something magical about making your own huge.54 lead projectiles, measuring the black powder, lubing the concials with your special recipe and seeing all come together at the range. :dopey:

Also, the smell of blackpowder is awesome.
Many seem to enjoy the black powder stuff, but I am far too lazy to put up with that stuff. :D I just want to load the mag & go!

I FINALLY got to shoot my new(used) Kimber today. Crossed over to the Washington State, visited the outdoor shooting range in Vancouver, WA, where you just pay $16-some dollars & shoot your own ammo. The place is outdoor & low budget, and 100% fantastic. 👍

I took two of the boxes of target rounds that I got with the gun. Used about just over a box to dial in the adjustable sights. They were all hitting low. Yes, I hung the target upside down. :P


Pistol range was just 25 yards, so even a beginner like myself had no problem hitting the bullseye. After I got the sights dialed in, I was able to start hitting in the middle.


1911 was much easier to shoot than the second gen Glock G21(also .45ACP) I had shot before. I am skinny, so I was worried about my transition from the 9mm to the .45, but it was no problem. I could have shot that thing all day long!

Overall, this used gun had no issue, no jam. One time, spent shell got caught on extraction, but that was nothing. I'm a happy camper. :)
Thanks Solid. :)👍 Yeah, today was doubly good; my new gun's good & now I gotta place I can go shoot just about whenever!
Is CPL like a concealed carry permit? How about the famous Utah permit? I heard about two classes for the Utah permit, just in last few days. If Utah permit is also good in Washington, it is good here.

This is really stupid. I've ranted on this before, but it really should be a Federal permit IMO.

Yeah, the concealed carry permit is called a CPL in WA, and it's specifically a Concealed Pistol License since it only allows you to carry pistols concealed...

I looked up Oregon laws though; apparently Oregon state law prohibits the state from recognizing another state's concealed carry permit, so no permit other than an Oregon one would let me concealed carry in Oregon.

I FINALLY got to shoot my new(used) Kimber today. Crossed over to the Washington State, visited the outdoor shooting range in Vancouver, WA, where you just pay $16-some dollars & shoot your own ammo. The place is outdoor & low budget, and 100% fantastic. 👍

Glad you had a good time. What's the name of the place called?

1911 was much easier to shoot than the second gen Glock G21(also .45ACP) I had shot before. I am skinny, so I was worried about my transition from the 9mm to the .45, but it was no problem. I could have shot that thing all day long!

I had the same experience on my friend's 1911. I was surprised by how easy his shot; made me really really like them.
I looked up Oregon laws though; apparently Oregon state law prohibits the state from recognizing another state's concealed carry permit, so no permit other than an Oregon one would let me concealed carry in Oregon.
That is messed up. I really wish this was a federal deal.

Glad you had a good time. What's the name of the place called?
It is called English Pit.

I had the same experience on my friend's 1911. I was surprised by how easy his shot; made me really really like them.
I guess the added weight of the 1911's full metal construction also adds to the manageability of the recoil in comparison to the Glock 21. It really didn't feel anymore powerful than the 9mm, which is really odd, actually..... :odd:

P.S. The ammo the seller threw in the deal were the cheapest brands(one of them was that Russian Tulla-something). They were so dirty, I had to clean the gun as soon as I got home. I hope UMC are cleaner. :crazy:
P.S. The ammo the seller threw in the deal were the cheapest brands(one of them was that Russian Tulla-something). They were so dirty, I had to clean the gun as soon as I got home. I hope UMC are cleaner. :crazy:

Its Tula ammo. Yeah, the Russian stuff (steel case?) is so dirty, its like they load it with blackpowder. :crazy:
If your 1911 worked flawlessly with that junk I'd say it passed the reliability test with flying colors.

But keep in mind that its a quality match pistol, feed it with quality stuff! Race cars need race fuel!
With the .45, do I even need the hollow point for self/home defense purposes? This Kimber deal did come with a box of Hornady hollow point also(yet to fire those). If anything, I'm thinking it will lessen the wall penetration factor in case of home defense, killing the neighbors. :dopey:

With any type of .45 ammo, it should make a big hole, so I might just stick with the target rounds for all purposes.
If your 1911 worked flawlessly with that junk I'd say it passed the reliability test with flying colors.

But keep in mind that its a quality match pistol, feed it with quality stuff! Race cars need race fuel!
Yeah, the dirt cheap stuff came with the gun. Other than online, I've never even seen the stuff where I go to buy ammo locally.
FINALLY got a good trip to the range yesterday, and ran about a hundred rounds through the trusty G19 G3. It's so smooooth.

Day one of CLEET Security courses start for me at nine in the morning. Should be interesting, hope to have my license within the month of May.
My G17 did everything perfect. The one & only drawback was its' "full" size. When I do get around to being able to concealed carry legally, I will most likely go for the G19(compact), or G26(subcompact). But yeah, most likely a G19. Fifteen round clips right? :D
I am glad that I am not the only one that notices that. I feel the same when people call car wheels rims.
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Another good gun related example is calling all kinds of optical sights ''Scopes''.

Random guy in gun store: ''Look, what a neat scope'' *points at Eotech*.
Me: ''Go die in a fire''.
Gaaaah, clip! Burn him, BURN HIM! :P


I am glad that I am not the only one that notices that. I feel the same when people call car wheels rims.
You guys. :lol:

I'm a hypocrite bastard. Both on "rims" or "clips", first year or two, I'm like "yeah... that's not what they are called". A year or two later, "hey, nice rims, can you hand me my Glock clips? I just put a EO Tech red dot sight scope on it. lol".
I don't care about clips/magazines nor scopes/ holographic sights/red dots. My only beef is people calling a gun like an AR an "assault rifle."

And nice shooting, A6. Glad the Kimber has worked well for you so far.
Thanks man, it was really close. :D

What's this about AR though. I'd call it an assault rifle, but without thinking anything of it!
Anti-Gunners often use the term ''Assault rifle'' in a very sensational way just to make the rifle appear to be a satanic artifact of mass destruction that is deadlier than Thor's godly lightning hammer.
Thats why pro-gun people rarely use that word, even though it really exists and describes a semi-automatic rifle in an intermediate rifle round which has a detachable clip magazine and an effective range of at least 300 meters+.
The bigger brother of it is the Battle Rifle and the smaller one the submachine gun.
Thanks man, it was really close. :D

What's this about AR though. I'd call it an assault rifle, but without thinking anything of it!

"AR" = Armalite.

Assault rifle is defined as an automatic weapon, an AR15 is not (IIRC).

Assault rifles are illegal for civilian ownership without a Class 3 license. It was pretty much a term invented by anti-gun crazies to make it seem like anyone who owned that sort of gun was intending to go on a rampage.

I should be clear, I mean the sort of AR15 that a civilian would own.

People see that someone has a gun that looks like the gun the military uses and assumes that the person has an assault rifle. :crazy:
Both good points.

I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that term "assault rifle" is frequently used, if not overused by the anti-gun lobby to demonize, and/or damage firearm ownership in general.

I think I would still refer to semi-auto AK as an assault rifle? Even if I had to call it or classify it as an semi-automatic assault rifle. But of course, I'd call wheels rims too, so take that with a grain of salt. :P
A semi-auto assault rifle is what I call a rifle. :dopey:

A bit like saying "It's a three-wheeled bicycle except with two wheels."

Edit: Also, I found a clip.

We agree to disagree. :D

P.S. I found a clip of a clip(BAM!):

Edit: I haven't seen it, but I have heard about the controversial TV story regarding the safety failure on Remington 700. This video I just saw on youtube makes that looks like the ABC attack on Toyota's ghost in the machine. They can rig the machine to make it do what they want them to do. But they can't duplicate it to save their own lives:

Don't get me wrong, I am still sore at Remington for the faulty gun(well, a clip) they sold me for my first gun. But after watching this, I question the NBC more than I question the 700 rifle, that much is for sure. What I'm thinking at 12:57.
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Both good points.

I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that term "assault rifle" is frequently used, if not overused by the anti-gun lobby to demonize, and/or damage firearm ownership in general.

I think I would still refer to semi-auto AK as an assault rifle? Even if I had to call it or classify it as an semi-automatic assault rifle. But of course, I'd call wheels rims too, so take that with a grain of salt. :P

Yeah, I always wondered why people called M16s, AKs and FALs assualt rifles. I usually thought these types of guns were played the role of "assualting" or used on the offence role(i.e. spraying bullets at a target at a mid to high fire rate, in combat situations.) :scared:
Well, I got curious after Vspec's post, so I googled a bit, and every single website I visited defined the assault rifle as a rifle with selective fire capable of (full)automatic fire.

Z-Man was completely right, and also proves that either the media is trying to brainwash Americans toward anti-gun, or that they are just ignorant. Like me. :crazy: