Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I'm interested in making one for myself. I want a .308 to match my bolt action.

Build something like this:
I've never been a fan of the AR system ( I prefer the FN-FAL) but damn, this looks sweet!
Which way do you prefer, Brett?

Not having shot a whole lot, I do not have enough experience to establish an opinion on each setup. Tell me which way the gun is setup to shoot and I should be able to adapt.
Wow. Couple of REALLY nice AR's. :eek:👍 Makes me want one. I like FAL, too. :D

What leads to these absurd firearm regulations in California? They are so afraid of gun violence that they feel the need to tie up the hands of the legal, law-abiding firearm owners? What's going to stop the criminals from just getting the guns from other states? I just watched a video about this "bullet button". In fact, this one:


P.S. My local Walmart is still low to lower on the ammunition inventory. A lot of larger 12-Gauge shot are nowhere to be seen, at least the Remington brand I prefer have disappeared completely. One store still carried the Megapack(250 rounds) of .45 ACP, so I did get that, but I'm afraid that's going to go away, too. They used to be at just about all the Walmart in my area, now just one store. :crazy:
Wow. Couple of REALLY nice AR's. :eek:👍 Makes me want one. I like FAL, too. :D

What leads to these absurd firearm regulations in California?

Liberal douchebags and the idiots who believe them.

They are so afraid of gun violence that they feel the need to tie up the hands of the legal, law-abiding firearm owners?

Yes. Plus, they think the criminals, the only people who commit violence with firearms, wont be able to commit their crimes if we ban guns. Stupid, huh?

What's going to stop the criminals from just getting the guns from other states?

Absolutely nothing. So, that means the criminals will have guns and the rest of wont. Smart thinking, huh?
Absolutely nothing. So, that means the criminals will have guns and the rest of wont. Smart thinking, huh?
Yeah, nearly all of the firearm regulations I hear about seem to handicap or restrict the ability of the law abiding people in America, while doing very little, if that, to make things hard for the criminals.

If the Government set something smart at the federal level, then effectively enforce it for a decade or so, they might begin to make things hard for the criminals, but all this state level effort I see from Cali, Illinois, I think even NY, Hawaii, etc. I think is a joke, and all they are doing is wasting tax dollars and advancing anti-gun agenda in those states. Why don't you live in Arizona already? :dopey:

Yeah, what? :odd: You mean 17? The 9mm?

Very cool about the Army. I wish I was into guns when I was younger. I would have definitely joined, just to shoot for free. :P
Yeah, nearly all of the firearm regulations I hear about seem to handicap or restrict the ability of the law abiding people in America, while doing very little, if that, to make things hard for the criminals.

If the Government set something smart at the federal level, then effectively enforce it for a decade or so, they might begin to make things hard for the criminals, but all this state level effort I see from Cali, Illinois, I think even NY, Hawaii, etc. I think is a joke, and all they are doing is wasting tax dollars and advancing anti-gun agenda in those states. Why don't you live in Arizona already? :dopey:

Arizona is nice, I like Lake Havasu. But, I'm too much a SoCal guy. Beaches, mountains and... Screw it! I'm moving to Lake Havasu! After the kids leave the nest.

You forgot NJ in your list of states. It's funny, isn't it? How in the last 20 years 37 states either reduced restrictive gun laws or just eliminated them altogether. These states saw a dramatic decrease in crime. The other's either stayed the same or increased in crime.

Liberal douchebags will never learn.
Yeah, we all know how ridiculous laws and banning firearms works out, just look at England; firearms -with very few exceptions- are banned over there, yet people still get shot. With the anti's logics that wouldn't be possible.

Heck, if my sources are correct gun crimes have actually increased over there.

Total bans are awesome, it dramatically increases black market sales and also tells the criminals that their potential victims aren't armed and cannot defend themselves properly. I'm hard pressed to think of a law that has the same level of utter contra-productiveness.

Ahh. sorry for the rant.
Yeah, we all know how ridiculous laws and banning firearms works out, just look at England; firearms -with very few exceptions- are banned over there, yet people still get shot. With the anti's logics that wouldn't be possible.

Heck, if my sources are correct gun crimes have actually increased over there.

Gun crimes have increased here since the ban, but so has the "chav"/gang culture. I don't think that you can blame the increase solely on the fact that the majority of firearms are banned or difficult to get licenses for.

I, for one, would not like to be living here if guns were easier to get hold of - there are far too many idiot wannabe-ganstas around who are too stupid to think before they act.

Also, don't forget that the British classification of a firearm includes air guns and even some BB (airsoft) guns. A large amount of firearm offences involve these non/rarely lethal weapons.

There are very few lethal shootings here, so it's not really a great example of why guns should be legal to own, even though I do agree with you to a point.
I can see the gun ban point of view. Japan didn't allow any guns, and the guns were so scarce, only hardcore yakuzas had guns, and gun crimes were very rare. Of course, that could never work in the States. I don't know enough about Great Britain, but yeah, I would also be worried about the idiots with guns.

As I post this, news is talking about 24 people shot in Chicago in the last 24 hours. I wonder how those excessive firearm regulations are working out over there. :dopey:
Arizona is nice, I like Lake Havasu. But, I'm too much a SoCal guy. Beaches, mountains and... Screw it! I'm moving to Lake Havasu! After the kids leave the nest.

You forgot NJ in your list of states. It's funny, isn't it? How in the last 20 years 37 states either reduced restrictive gun laws or just eliminated them altogether. These states saw a dramatic decrease in crime. The other's either stayed the same or increased in crime.

Liberal douchebags will never learn.
Wow, that's right at the California-Arizona border, huh? 👍

Speaking of regulations, does California allow private sale freely, or is it restricted? In Oregon, you don't need FFL or anything. No background checks. That's how I got my 1911, but that's little scary, too.
I can see the gun ban point of view. Japan didn't allow any guns, and the guns were so scarce, only hardcore yakuzas had guns, and gun crimes were very rare. Of course, that could never work in the States. I don't know enough about Great Britain, but yeah, I would also be worried about the idiots with guns.

As I post this, news is talking about 24 people shot in Chicago in the last 24 hours. I wonder how those excessive firearm regulations are working out over there. :dopey:

Wow, that's right at the California-Arizona border, huh? 👍

Speaking of regulations, does California allow private sale freely, or is it restricted? In Oregon, you don't need FFL or anything. No background checks. That's how I got my 1911, but that's little scary, too.

It's restricted. You have to go to a gun store and do the proper DOJ paperwork. The buyer must have a valid Handgun Safety Card. Then, the waiting begins.

Yeah, Havasu is equal distance from my house as Las Vegas. About a 3.5 hour drive.
Sounds good.

A what & what!? :scared: What card & what waiting!?

This was taken from a popular gun store here in the SoCal area. Ridiculous, isn't it?

What is the minimum legal age to purchase a firearm in California?

18 years of age for rifles or shotguns
21 years of age for handguns
Federal Law prohibits the sale of shotguns that are transferred with a pistol-grip only to persons under 21 years old (FFL Newsletter, August 1998)

What is the waiting period for firearm purchases in California?

10 days, calculated as ten, consecutive, 24-hour periods commencing with the initiation of the DROS process.

What is the DROS process?

DROS stands for Dealer Record of Sale. It is the system used by the California Dept. of Justice wherein background checks are conducted for purchasers of firearms. It is also the method in which handgun sales registration information is obtained.

Who is prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms in California?

Persons convicted of felonies or certain misdemeanors, persons addicted to narcotics, persons adjudicated to be mentally defective, persons who are under the restrictions of a temporary restraining order (domestic violence) are amongst the persons who may not purchase or possess firearms. A very specific list of felony and misdemeanor offenses that prohibit firearms ownership is available for review at any licensed dealer.

What are the additional requirements necessary for purchasing a handgun?

Handgun purchasers must possess a Handgun Safety Certificate (or qualifying exemption), provide evidence of residency and perform a Safe Handling Demonstration.

How does one obtain a Handgun Safety Certificate?

By successfully passing the written HSC test. The test consists of 30 questions; passing scores are 23 answers correct or more. The cost of the taking test and receiving the card is $25. Study booklets are available in any Turner’s Outdoorsman location for .50. The test may be taken during normal store hours. The HSC is valid for 5 years from date of issuance.

What documents are necessary to show evidence of residency?

Utility bills from within the last 90 days, property deeds, permanent military station orders, lease or rental agreements or government issued permits, licenses or registrations are acceptable proofs of residency that meet the CA DOJ requirements. (NOTE- alien residents, immigrant aliens and non-immigrant aliens must provide residency that also meets Federal guidelines.

What is the Safe Handling Demonstration?

The Safe Handling Demonstration is a set of firearm handling skills that must be performed by the purchaser with the gun they are purchasing or with a gun of the same model as the one that is being purchased. The skills include checking that the handgun is empty, unlocking it, loading it with a dummy round, unloading it and relocking it. This demonstration is performed at the time of DROS.

Why do I have to buy a gunlock or trigger lock with the purchase of my gun?

California law requires that all firearms sold, be transferred with a trigger lock, cable lock, qualifying gun cabinet or lock box, or gun safe. These devices may include those approved trigger locks that come with the majority of new firearms or one that was purchased within the last 30 days, provided that it is accompanied by a receipt.

State law dictates that persons who already own a safe or lock box can sign an affidavit attesting to ownership of those devices. However Federal law now requires that a trigger lock accompany any handgun transfer without consideration of CA law. Effectively this means that safe affidavits are no longer acceptable since the Federal law went into effect.

What if the gun I am purchasing comes with a gunlock, trigger lock or other safety device?

If the device that comes with your gun is on the “approved” list than you will not need to purchase another gunlock or cable.

Is there a limit to the number of firearms that a person can purchase at one time?

California law limits the purchase of handguns to no more than one handgun transferred from a dealer to an individual within any 30-day period. Note- Firearms transferred between individuals, that are transacted through dealers, (known as Private Party Transfers), are exempt from the one-handgun-a-month restriction.
California law does not limit the number of long guns (rifles or shotguns) purchased by one person or within any specific time period.

What does the expiration of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban mean for California Dealers or Gun Owners?

For the most part, the expiration of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban does nothing to change California’s restrictions on the sale or possession of California designated “assault weapons” or high capacity magazines. As in other areas of firearms law, CA law supersedes Federal law.

I am selling my gun to a friend, how do I do it?

Sales conducted between unlicensed individuals are called Private Party Transfers. PPT’s must be brokered through licensed dealers. Both parties must be present at the time of the sale. The purchaser bears the cost of the transaction ($35) and must meet all of the qualifications as outlined above. The firearms will remain at Turner’s Outdoorsman during the 10-day waiting period.

Why are some models of handguns not legal for sale in California?

CA law dictates that only those guns deemed “not unsafe” may be sold. In order to be listed, handguns must be submitted to the state for testing. Not all manufacturers have submitted each of their models for testing by the state.
I, for one, would not like to be living here if guns were easier to get hold of - there are far too many idiot wannabe-ganstas around who are too stupid to think before they act.
Too bad you can't ban stupid people, that would make the world beautiful again. :dopey:
Well, there is that town in the US (forgot its name) where everyone MUST carry a gun! (I also can't rememberer if its concealed or open carry) As a result crime rate dropped dramatically and now it has one of the lowest crime rates in the whole country. Giving people guns = / = sacrificing safety for freedom, in this case you get both.

Also, I wouldn't worry about gangs getting guns, they usually get illegal ones (even the stupid ones) very easily anyway, they have the connections. If they can get their hands on drugs they'll also get guns. And like I said, gun bans increase the black market like nothing else.

And you can't prevent stupid people from doing stupid things with taking away all the potentially dangerous appliances, they can still own and drive a car, drink alcohol, handle knifes & fireworks....
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I live in Texas where there is no such craziness as waiting periods. A few years ago, I received a death threat through a voicemail left on my home phone. Naturally, I logged a police report, and the next day I went to one of the local sporting goods stores, and walked out with a pistol and ammo. The whole process took about thirty minutes.

But what would have happened if there were a waiting period, and the person who left that voicemail actually acted on their threat in the meantime? What would I have done? Fought them off with a pocketknife? Or would I have died?

I'd like to see the number of cases like that, the ones that ended badly. How many people have died violent deaths while on the waiting list for a handgun?

It's the same thing as banning guns outright, IMO. The criminals are the ones that don't have to wait for ten days. Hell, when I was growing up in Florida, it was a thirty day waiting period. I don't know if they've changed it since then.

In Texas, the only time you need a license of any kind is for concealed carry. There's a class, a test (including actually shooting the gun you intend to carry, as well as the above safety tests), and a government fee. The only delay for me on this count is getting off my butt and actually scheduling for the class.
Quick google search says that there is a 3-day waiting period in Florida, unless you are concealed carry permit holder, or are trading in a handgun. But it is explained how this 3-day is actually 5-days, because they do not take into account the day you purchased the handgun, then you can pick up the gun only after following the 3 day period. You suck, Florida. :crazy:

My Glock took probably around 30 minutes to process the purchase + background check by the state police. My 1911(private exchange), maybe half that?, with handwritten receipt. My .22LR rifle & 870 shotgun, I had to go pick them up the next day. Not due to the government, because I found out later that the background check on the .22 only took about 20 minutes(but store closed before that, that evening), and the shotgun, I can't remember but it was maybe couple of hours, and I didn't find out until later that evening, and it was too late to pick it up then. Because I'm a resident alien, not a citizen, my background check takes longer. They probably have to run it by INS or something? Background check is the same $10 for everybody, except the Big-5 Sporting Goods store that ripped me off for $20. :dopey:
Actually, once I get my concealed carry license, that effectively bypasses the need for a background check (since they do a more extensive one for the CCL). I imagine they'll confirm that the license is legitimate and active, otherwise it makes the process a lot faster, and it's already pretty quick.
It's like that in WA. If you don't have a concealed pistol license, then the waiting period is 5 days for a handgun. With a CPL, they do a background check, and as long as the national system doesn't come back with a "Hold" or a flag of some sort, there's no waiting period.

They changed the concealed pistol license waiting period restriction so that licenses issued recently and from now on are essentially automatically wait time free since they've made the process of getting a CPL a little stricter with a slightly more extensive background check.

All this talk of guns makes me want to go to the range. I haven't been in probably six months.
I just came back from the gun store. All this talk lately about guns made me want to go. Naturally, I spotted something that caught my eye. I pull out a stack a twenties to pay for it and OOPS, my HSC was experied. So, he gave me a test sample kit to take home and he'll give the test on Saturday afternoon. These were the questions in the sample test. OK, they were never too difficult, but this is RIDICULOUS!

1 An important lesson that children should learn is that guns are not toys. True or False?

2 Child safety precautions only apply if you have children. True or False?

3 The safety on a semiautomatic pistol is not foolproof. True or False?

4 Safety rule number two is to keep the gun pointed: a) to the north; b) in the safest possible direction; C) up; D) down.

5 Firearm or ammunition caliber refers to: a) barrel length; b) magazine capacity; c) barrel or bullet diameter; d) bullet velocity.

6 After ensuring a double-action revolver is pointed in a safe direction and with your finger off the trigger, you begin unloading the handgun by: a) releasing the cylinder latch; b) removing the cylinder; e) swinging out the cylinder; d) pushing the magazine release.

7 It is important for you to be a positive role model by always practicing the basic gun safety rules and displaying a positive safety attitude all the time. True or False?

8 When you find yourself in front of an officer of the law, you must always sniff his crotch, hump his leg and bark like a dog. True or False?

9 Are you aware you live in a state controlled by people who will do everything in their power to harrass, intimidate, annoy gun owners into submission? True or False.

10 Do you know that in this new millennial era with computers, that can easily help you find the truth, the liberal media still feel they can get away with telling lies? Yes or No.

11 Aren't you still mad over Obama winning the 2008 election? Yes or No.

Well, most are questions from the test. :D
Is anyone else here using 2012 as an excuse for buying more ammo and gun stuff than normally?
I do, I have accelerated the progress of several of my gun projects now, even though I absolutely know 2012 is a load of ultra hyped doomsday crap I still feel a bit better when I'm updating my SHTF arsenal. So why the hell not!

I'm currently working on a KISS project (KISS = Keep it simple stupid), a very primitive yet virtually indestructible rifle based on a pristine CZ 1929 Mauser action & barrel. Needs a lot of gunsmithing so it will take some time to complete it, I still need to bend the bolt handle, install the scope mounts (drill and taper), get a plastic stock (its going to be a butler creek one) and the scope of course. To keep the reliability I wont change the caliber its chambered for, its stays 8x57IS. (And the extra oomph over the .308 is a nice extra) I'm still not sure if I should cut the barrel back to 18'', it currently has a great 29'' barrel and it looks fabulous that way, but its longer than a broom! :scared:

This is going to be one hell of a rugged rifle! :dopey:
Well, most are questions from the test. :D
I don't like the True or False. Where is "maybe" & "case by case"! :lol:
Is anyone else here using 2012 as an excuse for buying more ammo and gun stuff than normally?
I do, I have accelerated the progress of several of my gun projects now, even though I absolutely know 2012 is a load of ultra hyped doomsday crap I still feel a bit better when I'm updating my SHTF arsenal. So why the hell not!

I'm currently working on a KISS project (KISS = Keep it simple stupid), a very primitive yet virtually indestructible rifle based on a pristine CZ 1929 Mauser action & barrel. Needs a lot of gunsmithing so it will take some time to complete it, I still need to bend the bolt handle, install the scope mounts (drill and taper), get a plastic stock (its going to be a butler creek one) and the scope of course. To keep the reliability I wont change the caliber its chambered for, its stays 8x57IS. (And the extra oomph over the .308 is a nice extra) I'm still not sure if I should cut the barrel back to 18'', it currently has a great 29'' barrel and it looks fabulous that way, but its longer than a broom! :scared:

This is going to be one hell of a rugged rifle! :dopey:
False! Never mind, this wasn't the test. SHTF preparation is just like disaster preparedness. You don't pick when you should be prepared. You WILL be prepared.......... with a tactical shotgun. Because if you are not, you will die(I'll miss you :D Good luck with the rifle. Keep us updated(with pictures). 👍
Here my handgun :)


That's either a M&P or XD, isn't it?
I don't like the True or False. Where is "maybe" & "case by case"! :lol:

False! Never mind, this wasn't the test. SHTF preparation is just like disaster preparedness. You don't pick when you should be prepared. You WILL be prepared.......... with a tactical shotgun. Because if you are not, you will die(I'll miss you :D Good luck with the rifle. Keep us updated(with pictures). 👍

That's either a M&P or XD, isn't it?

M&P, when it comes to firearms, I'll always buy American.
M&P, when it comes to firearms, I'll always buy American.

That's the pistol that, "caught my eye" at the gun store. But, in .45 ACP. :sly:

I also wanted a Trijicon RMR to mount on her but they didn't have any in stock. It's probably going to be a while before they do. The RMR is in big demand these days.

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