Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Sorry for the double post, but I need help. I got the holster today, but I made a really butt-headed mistake. The holster I ordered was molle holster, as in you need molle system to equip one. I just thought it looked cool, and I thought those molle straps can just be looped around standard belt or something, big mistake. First the pics:




And here's the problem:

Those two marked straps are the molle straps used to secure the holster. Two questions to anybody who might be familiar with molle system: 1) Can they be used with any other belts, or do they have to be molle belts or vests? 2) Why do these things come with two different length molle straps? As you can see, one of them is shorter by nearly a third.


And the stupid molle Glock holster I bought? That stupid surplus store that sold it to me, I'm convinced that they sold me a 1911 holster:


Fits this Kimber way better than my G17. :crazy:
OK, I don't know if any of you remember this craziness.

First, I order a molle ambidextrous holster for my Glock 17. It takes weeks, maybe couple of months for it to arrive. G17 fits really tight in it. Molle loops does not accommodate regular waist belt.

I trade in my Glock for Kimber 1911. It turns out this surplus store that took forever to ship me the holster also happened to ship me the 1911 holster. Maybe they are idiots, maybe they knew that full size 1911 was my future handgun, your guess is as good as mine!

I was currently bidding on similar, near-identical holster on eBay, except this one will fit on regular-to-wide belt.......... it looks exactly like mine. I get my holster out, then it struck me:


By routing the molle strap the certain way, you can make it fit the standard non-molle belts. :crazy:


I'm happy, but since I'm already bidding on the other one, I might end up with two. :grumpy:
False! Never mind, this wasn't the test. SHTF preparation is just like disaster preparedness. You don't pick when you should be prepared. You WILL be prepared.......... with a tactical shotgun. Because if you are not, you will die(I'll miss you :D Good luck with the rifle. Keep us updated(with pictures). 👍

Hey now, I will survive. I'm resourceful. 👍

I'm leaving for Europe for a couple of months in a month or so. I'm now thinking I'm going to delay weapons purchases until I return. I don't have a good place to store gun(s) while I'm gone for a long time...
Well, lucky you, Crash! I hope you have a safe trip, and tons of fun. 👍 If you visit Austria, steer clear of Michael's backyard. You don't want to come home with a hole in your back. :P

P.S. I lost the eBay auction for the second holster, which was good. Not so good is I forgot how crappy my holster is(pictured above). It seems some "tactical" stuff has snaps(buttons) that doesn't work at all. When I snap these things, I don't hear that "snap" sound, and they come apart if you touch them. Be aware next time you guys are shopping online. Don't buy the cheap stuff. Like me!
Looking good. I've always wanted a Walther.

I like the drill at the end.

The music and shallow depth of field also helps. :D
Fav for the range is a walther p22. Cheap and accurate at 25 yards. I've managed to hit the disc at 100 yards but it took like 3 mags. :lol:
Walter is a nice company, I can't say anything bad about them. 👍
I thought I would need to put the smallest back strap on the gun. After handling the weapon during most of last night Thunder game :grumpy:, the middle sized one that came on the weapon seems to be just right.
I've managed to hit the disc at 100 yards but it took like 3 mags. :lol:
Awesome. :lol:👍
I thought I would need to put the smallest back strap on the gun. After handling the weapon during most of last night Thunder game :grumpy:, the middle sized one that came on the weapon seems to be just right.

I'm very happy for you, Brett. :cheers: I am sorry about your team, and also very sorry that I hate your team. If it makes you feel any better, I also hate the team that I'm rooting for in the very series. :P

The gun looks awesome! 👍 What price range was this thing in? You told me once, but I forgot. How many rounds in a clip? I agree with the guys, I'm also big on Walther. If I had the money, I'd love to own a Walther P38 or P1. I've mentioned it before, but my childhood fav. 👍
The gun looks awesome! 👍 What price range was this thing in? You told me once, but I forgot. How many rounds in a clip? I agree with the guys, I'm also big on Walther. If I had the money, I'd love to own a Walther P38 or P1. I've mentioned it before, but my childhood fav. 👍

Before tax, it was $559.99. I may have been able to find it for less. When I looked at two of the bigger gun stores a month or two ago, neither had the weapon.

The two magazines that came with the pistol hold 15 bullets. I need to buy a few more magazines. I also need to buy a few +2 baseplates.

The weapon also came with a target. The target was shot five times from a guy named Kloker at the Walther factory. I thought that was pretty cool to include.
Shot a Remmington .270, 30-06 (its some Swedish manufacturer - left handed bolt too), Mini 14 (favorite rifle), Smith+Wesson .45 (judging by the design, a model 1911), 20 gauge shotgun, 12 gauge pump shotgun, .357 (with that blue rust proof coating - bluing?), and a .44.

Been wanting to shoot a Colt 1911 for a long time now - favorite pistol by far. Turning 18 next year, so I might be able to get my dad to buy me one :D.
I like the drill at the end.
That was a very good tip. 👍
Before tax, it was $559.99. I may have been able to find it for less. When I looked at two of the bigger gun stores a month or two ago, neither had the weapon.

The two magazines that came with the pistol hold 15 bullets. I need to buy a few more magazines. I also need to buy a few +2 baseplates.

The weapon also came with a target. The target was shot five times from a guy named Kloker at the Walther factory. I thought that was pretty cool to include.
I think my G17 had two spent shells in a envelope with maybe initials on it? Reading your post wants me to go get another Glock. Or another gun like it!
Turning 18 next year, so I might be able to get my dad to buy me one :D.
Colt 1911 would be sweet. 👍
I've been experiencing a minor ammo shortage at my local Walmarts, but at least one of them started to get them back in stock! Remington Buckshot, which has been out of stock for months were back. Bought couple of boxes, though I'm stocked up anyways.... Slugs and Magnum Buckshot were still out. :dopey: Buckshot were $11.97 for the box of 15.

Bought few boxes of Federal .45ACP(FMJ). Remington/UMC Megapack used to be the best bargain mainstream ammo I used to find at Walmart, but it is no longer the case:

Remington Megapack(sold in box of 250) - $96.97(250 rounds) - .39 cents(per round) - $19.39(per 50 rds)

Federal box(sold in box of 50) - $87.35(per 250 rounds) - .35 cents(per round) - $17.47(per 50 rds)

Walmart now also carries that Tulammo(sp?). I think they are just under $15 for the box of 50($75 per 250, .30 cents per round). Very good deal, but has reputation as a dirty ammo. They undercut Remington by over twenty bucks per 250 rounds though.

Pretty cool rifle I saw on youtube:

I can't remember if I mentioned it here, but I installed a scope & rings given to me on my Remington 597 .22LR rifle. This video makes me want to go try it out. :D
.670 Caliber musket ball (450 grain), 120 grain powder charge vs. hard drive.

And most people think old boring muzzleloaders are weak toys, those musket balls hit harder than a 12 gauge slug! :eek:


just saying, that logo on the object to the far left looks like the hot wheels logo

My first thought was "They make guns too!?"

It would be the other way around. Walther has been around for much longer than Hot Wheels.
I have some days off coming up. I should hit the range. That range I've been going to, when you pay the $17 fee, it's a all-day pass. I've gone there only to shoot the handgun, but I could also shoot my 12-Gauge, or my .22 rifle there, and I'm stocked up with ammo for all three guns I own!
And most people think old boring muzzleloaders are weak toys, those musket balls hit harder than a 12 gauge slug! :eek:

I wanna see results from other calibers! How do you think the handgun calibers would fare with the hard drive? .22 might not even penetrate, huh?

I wanna see results from other calibers! How do you think the handgun calibers would fare with the hard drive? .22 might not even penetrate, huh?

A friend of mine shot a hard drive with his Glock 9x19 and S&W 686 38spc +.357 magnum - the result was an eye-opener.
9x19 hollow points and 38 soft points only heavily dented the HD and didn't even penetrate the outer sheet metal; only 1/3 of the .357 magnums soft points made it all the way through the weaker parts. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. :scared:

The saying ''rifles are rifles and pistols are pistols'' is so true, all the HD's I've shot with rifles and even muzzleloader rifles look like they exploded from the inside. Well, you've seen my pics.
9x19 hollow points and 38 soft points only heavily dented the HD and didn't even penetrate the outer sheet metal; only 1/3 of the .357 magnums soft points made it all the way through the weaker parts. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. :scared:
Well, the intended purpose of the hollow points & and soft points are to expand on impact, right? Doesn't reduced penetration equal desired result by expansion?

Now, if the standard FMJ 9mm or .357 Magnum have hard time going through the hard drive, that would be an eye-opener!

I'm gonna have to come up with some sort of ballistic testing of my own, for next time we go up in the woods. :P
Its not so much the bullet design, remember that the musket ball is made of pure soft lead, in fact so soft it can be scratched with a finger nail and if you smash it hard on the floor it flattens out a bit and cannot be loaded anymore.
Also,the sectional density of a round ball is as bad as it can be.
Look at the pic and you can see that the ''wound channel'' is much larger than the projectile itself, thats because the musket ball instantly started to flatten out but it had so much energy it just kept pushing itself all the way through the HD...

The 12 gauge lead slug I shot into the HD a few months ago wasn't much harder either.
Its just a LOT more energy in those rifle projectiles, the simple brute force makes the difference.

If you really want to teach a HD a lesson get yourself a Tokarev Pistol in 7.62x25, that cartridge penetrates like a raging javelin! :dopey:

Ah, and one thing I forgot to mention is that hollow points only expand when they hit something that contains a lot of water, only hydrostatic pressure opens up a hollow point. If a HP hits something hard and solid the hollow point only collapses a bit and keeps penetrating like a solid. If it hits something semi-solid like wood etc. the tip gets filled with whatever material the object is made of and the bullet acts like a FMJ.
That has always been a huge problem with hollowpoints, sometimes the tip gets completely clogged up with parts of the persons clothing before hitting the body (like a leather jacket etc.) and the bullet then just penetrates like a FMJ without expanding at all.
If I'd carry a handgun I would load it with EFMJ, -expanding full metal jacket- rounds. They always expand no matter what they hit.
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I do remember you mentioning expanding bullet before. 👍 With the .45 I have now, I'm not at all concerned with the expansion, or penetration characteristics anymore, as it will 🤬 up whoever I shoot regardless.

I do think that I will be getting into 9mm again(still have all the ammo), preferably Glock 19, maybe 26, I will be looking into the EFMJ then for sure.

Liberal douchebags are at it again. STOP THEM!!!
Under this bill, wouldn't they take away my shotgun for having the adjustable/telescopic stock?


What an absolute non-sense. Utter waste of tax money. I guess it's a job-security for a politician getting dirty money spoon-fed from the anti-gun lobby.

I highly doubt that retarding the firearms of law-abiding citizens is going to accomplish whatever they are trying to accomplish. Unless the sole purpose indeed is to take the guns away from the law-abiding citizens.
Yes. Please help me.

The gun laws here are already ridiculous and ineffective. I can turn my AR into an "assault rifle" (30rd magazine, magazine release, etc) in a matter of minutes. I choose not to because I choose to obey the laws. If I wanted to go on a shooting rampage with my AR (the kind that don't happen), I would easily be able to procure illegal weapons.

The only people this law punishes are law-abiding citizens.

This would also ban the bullet button. It could very well be the end of AR15's and other scary black guns in California.