Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Only for Stuff that can stomp or eat you, lions, elephant, grizzly etc. require a guide. Boar can run you over and rip your legs to shreds so you bleed out, but its still not really dangerous game.

Is that really how it is? A boar tusk is the perfect height to rip through your femoral artery, game over unless you get a tourniquet in place quickly.

Stupid video. The kind of thing that gives anti-hunters an argument.
Yeah, no guides for boar unless you're hunting Russian ones (I've heard they can be as big as the largest black bears, they're monsters).
Usually our hunters lure them to an open spot in the forest with food and then they shoot it from a raised hide ~ 50-75yds away with a high powered rifle.
With a solid heart/lung hit with medium expanding projectiles like soft point with a rifle caliber like 8x57IS, 30-06, .300WinMag or 9.3x62 (All of them in the 3000-4000 ft/lbs area) most of them just roll and die on the spot or run less than 25yds before collapsing.
Our boars weigh around 190-300 lbs I've heard, but I'm not a hunter, I just know a few.

Not exactly challenging but less challenge usually means that its an ethical way to get the meat on the table, no unnecessary suffering for the animal, no destroyed meat with 5+ hits, dies in seconds.

Battue (sp?)is a different story though, but I know next to nothing about this kind of hunt.
Never understood why anyone films hunts. They go out there, shoot the animal, film it in pain and wait a second till they shoot it again. People like this give hunting a bad name.
Being an experienced wild boar hunter, what this guy was so unbelievably stupid. Never give a wild boar a chance to close on you like that. They are SUPER TOUGH animals, as the video points out.

Yes, the kill could have been quicker, but that's just it with wild boars. I shot one with a .308 loaded with proper hunting rounds. Damn thing took off running like a bat-out-of-hell for 2 miles before falling dead. Where did I hit it, you ask? Right in the heart, pass through one lung. Like I said, TOUGH animals.

Russian Razorbacks will get to about 200 lbs. max in the wild. However, Razorbacks and feral hogs have mated in the wild to make the HUGE wild boars you see in some videos.

You should know, there is a large plague of these animals in the wild. They breed like mad! They destroy so much land that other animals die out. Killing them in the most efficient manor possible is often used with humane killing given a back door. Personally, I'm fine with it. I've seen these things cause so much environmental and financial damage, I treat them as the cockroaches they are.

Watch this for something I'd love to try...
Solid Lifters
Being an experienced wild boar hunter, what this guy was so unbelievably stupid. Never give a wild boar a chance to close on you like that. They are SUPER TOUGH animals, as the video points out.

Yes, the kill could have been quicker, but that's just it with wild boars. I shot one with a .308 loaded with proper hunting rounds. Damn thing took off running like a bat-out-of-hell for 2 miles before falling dead. Where did I hit it, you ask? Right in the heart, pass through one lung. Like I said, TOUGH animals.

Russian Razorbacks will get to about 200 lbs. max in the wild. However, Razorbacks and feral hogs have mated in the wild to make the HUGE wild boars you see in some videos.

You should know, there is a large plague of these animals in the wild. They breed like mad! They destroy so much land that other animals die out. Killing them in the most efficient manor possible is often used with humane killing given a back door. Personally, I'm fine with it. I've seen these things cause so much environmental and financial damage, I treat them as the cockroaches they are.

Watch this for something I'd love to try...
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Doesn't matter. They are just animals. They aren't people that choose a lifestyle or to damage things. They do it because it's their instincts. For people to not humanely shoot them and make them suffer like this asshat did is reprehensible. It's hard to believe that anyone would shoot something that many times and stare at it without putting a brain or spine shot on it. There is hunting, and then there is cruelty. Makes me sick that people are this desensitized to violence and can't feel any form of empathy.
You should know, there is a large plague of these animals in the wild. They breed like mad! They destroy so much land that other animals die out.

Didn't know that wild boars and humans had so much in common! :P

Oh, and here is a vid about goat hunting from a chopper to save giant turtles:

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Didn't know that wild boars and humans had so much in common! :P

Oh, and here is a vid about goat hunting from a chopper to save giant turtles:

<a href=""][/URL]">YouTube Link</a>

People involving themselves in natural selection. Wonderful.
This is one of those deals that nobody could be pleased with the outcome. Humans affect the survival of species everyday. All we can do is to keep the line in the middle, but no one would be happy with where the lines drawn.

Ven0m's comment is an understandable one. But I do think that if his house was being destroyed by termites, or if his dog was being stalked by predators or something, I think he can at least start to understand where the people on the other side of this are coming from.

As for the population control, yeah, I also think it should be done humanely. That first wild hog video indeed was brutal. Like most people, I'm no animal rights activist, but I do care about them to a certain degree. I don't know how anybody watch that video and not think "this guy 🤬 up!". I don't at all care about hogs, but that video is painful to watch. :crazy: Michael's video + Solid's story make me FEAR these powerful animals. I've heard bear hunt gone wrong, or bear attack stories, but it's like these animals are wearing body armors! :crazy: I have a whole new respect for these guys, I promise!

Cale: Post the pics when you get the chance. I'm sure Z-Man will have a opinion on it when he sees it. He's the biggest AR-man in this thread. :sly:
This is one of those deals that nobody could be pleased with the outcome. Humans affect the survival of species everyday. All we can do is to keep the line in the middle, but no one would be happy with where the lines drawn.

Ven0m's comment is an understandable one. But I do think that if his house was being destroyed by termites, or if his dog was being stalked by predators or something, I think he can at least start to understand where the people on the other side of this are coming from.

As for the population control, yeah, I also think it should be done humanely. That first wild hog video indeed was brutal. Like most people, I'm no animal rights activist, but I do care about them to a certain degree. I don't know how anybody watch that video and not think "this guy 🤬 up!". I don't at all care about hogs, but that video is painful to watch. :crazy: Michael's video + Solid's story make me FEAR these powerful animals. I've heard bear hunt gone wrong, or bear attack stories, but it's like these animals are wearing body armors! :crazy: I have a whole new respect for these guys, I promise!

Cale: Post the pics when you get the chance. I'm sure Z-Man will have a opinion on it when he sees it. He's the biggest AR-man in this thread. :sly:

These animals DO have body armor! They have a very thick, cartilage-like material that lies just under the skin. It's much thicker in the front area to protect them for the sharp, razor-like tusks of other boars. Plus, they have a HUGE lung capacity. I think they are much more fierce than most bears. If you see one in the wild, take cautious flight. I've shot these beasts with 3.5" buck shot loads and they still kept running for quite some distance. I now use a lever action in .44 Remington Magnum loaded with 300gr. Hornady XTP bullets I make my own. I also load a few 310gr hard cast lead RN bullets, just to make sure.
Solid Lifters

People have been involving themselves in it for thousands of years. Why stop now?

Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting different results.
These animals DO have body armor! They have a very thick, cartilage-like material that lies just under the skin. It's much thicker in the front area to protect them for the sharp, razor-like tusks of other boars. Plus, they have a HUGE lung capacity. I think they are much more fierce than most bears. If you see one in the wild, take cautious flight. I've shot these beasts with 3.5" buck shot loads and they still kept running for quite some distance. I now use a lever action in .44 Remington Magnum loaded with 300gr. Hornady XTP bullets I make my own. I also load a few 310gr hard cast lead RN bullets, just to make sure.
Something like .308 would be adequate though, right? I of course don't blame you for opting for something that packs more punch!

Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting different results.
I'm ignorant on the subject, but we are talking more about making continuous adjustments to maintain balance though, right? That would be little different than repeating something, expecting different results.
Something like .308 would be adequate though, right? I of course don't blame you for opting for something that packs more punch!

I'm ignorant on the subject, but we are talking more about making continuous adjustments to maintain balance though, right? That would be little different than repeating something, expecting different results.

More like a lot different.

But, this is the Real Guns thread. So, back on topic...

I just loaded up some Gold Dot .38 specials. I'll soak some newspapers for terminal balistic testing to see how they perform. Going to the indoor range for about an hour, but only when the heat dies down. It's so bloody hot here in SoCal right now. :crazy: :ouch: :scared: :yuck:
Right on. 👍 What are you gonna shoot it out of? And how hot is it, exactly? :lol:

Smith and Wesson 638

The temps here have been around 107, 104, and today 102. Yay, a cooling trend. :crazy: :dopey:
Solid Lifters
More like a lot different.

But, this is the Real Guns thread. So, back on topic...

I just loaded up some Gold Dot .38 specials. I'll soak some newspapers for terminal balistic testing to see how they perform. Going to the indoor range for about an hour, but only when the heat dies down. It's so bloody hot here in SoCal right now. :crazy: :ouch: :scared: :yuck:

Where is the range you go to if you don't mind me asking? And to a6m5 it's about 90 and it's 6:45.
M-4 Carbine 5.56 NATO rounds
M249 SAW 5.56 NATO rounds
M203 40mm
MK19 40mm
M-2 Machine Gun .50
M240B 7.62
M60 7.62
Berretta 9mm
Many others
Thanks! Looks like I found a nice indoor. Now the search is on for a good skeet range which is my real love. Also cool little gun you have there.
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Damn, that is hot. If it wasn't for AC, population would be much lower in your state. :lol: That is a sweet carry pistol, Solid. 👍
M-4 Carbine 5.56 NATO rounds
M249 SAW 5.56 NATO rounds
M203 40mm
MK19 40mm
M-2 Machine Gun .50
M240B 7.62
M60 7.62
Berretta 9mm
Many others
I'm not gonna lie, sometimes, I wish I joined the military. I sometimes use price gun at my work, but reloading is a 🤬 :lol:
I'm over by Cucamonga every now and then so it would be alright. But yeah, Huntington is definitely the way to go.
M-4 Carbine 5.56 NATO rounds
M249 SAW 5.56 NATO rounds
M203 40mm
MK19 40mm
M-2 Machine Gun .50
M240B 7.62
M60 7.62
Berretta 9mm
Many others

That's quite a list.
I went to the range on Thursday to try out the Magnum Research magazines and had no problems. Guess I will need to buy a few more.
I went to the range on Thursday to try out the Magnum Research magazines and had no problems. Guess I will need to buy a few more.
Where is the picture you promised of you shooting your Walther with a whiskey bottle in the other hand? j/k

I'm glad to hear that the new mags are working out OK. I'm finally supposed to go this Friday, so we'll see. It seems like something always comes up with my friends. I don't have the money, something came up, it's that time of the month, I heard them all(except the last one).

I have yet to re-adjust my sights on 1911, so I'm looking forward to it.
Well I just bought another two magazines for the PPQ. Guess that means I will have to make another trip to the gun range once they arrive.
Are they absolute 🤬 to load? My Glock, I honestly thought the bullets might explode, before I had full 17 rounds in it. My Kimber 1911 mags, I don't need speed loader or anything. You just pop in the full 7, or 8 rounds. :dopey:
The two magazines that came with the gun were difficult to load before I cleaned them. One of the two was especially difficult to load to capacity. I could get the 14th bullet in easily, but the 15th bullet did not want to load. I have found that the 15th bullet has to be loaded slightly differently to get the bullet in the magazine. Now that I know that bit of information, loading the magazines are pretty easy. The gun came with a loader, so I only use that to load the magazines; I see no reason to destroy my thumbs loading bullets into magazines.
Yeah, you aren't kidding about your thumb. For the Glock, I used the loader every time, even after it got bit softer.