Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
The Walther PPQ I recently purchased came with two magazines. I am looking at buying a few more, but I am not sure how many more I should buy. I am thinking four, five, or six total would be a good number. :boggled:

For my Glock 17, I had two that it came with, another extra, also one extended mag(G18 :P). I went with all-factory original. For Kimber 1911, I have the one the gun came with, plus two more I've bought. All factory.

Two cheapest ways to buy factory mags has been Midway USA(online), or local gun shows. Personally, I think I'd feel good if I had 3 or 4 magazines, but wouldn't hurt to have more.
I would love to go with factory original magazines (made by Mec-Gar), but Walther is a bit too proud of those. Walther wants about $55 each. :eek: I can buy a Magnum Research magazine that is also made by Mec-Gar for $31 and is the same as the Walther one, except the magazine floorplate says Magnum Research on it instead of Walther and has a different color follower.


Even $31 is bit high-ish, I think. Extended mag for the G17, I think I paid $33 or something, but regular mags, I want to say they've been just over $20 ea. for Glock or Kimber, with discounted pricing.

I've been told to stick with the factory mags, but if you are fairly certain that $31 mag is idential as the $55, I can totally understand people opting for the cheaper one. :crazy:
Hunting Revolver sounds very redneck, and I'm guessing that if I tried firing one, it would make me cry, hit me in the forehead, or both. :lol:

Actually, the recoil is very tame, for a .44 mag. It's has weights in the front to ballance out the revolver and to reduce recoil.

But, .44 mag is STILL .44 mag. :ouch:
Cheaper Than Dirt
Epic Fail: U.N. Arms Trade Treaty Fizzles Out

The Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. ATT) has broken down and will not report a draft treaty to the member nations. This is a big victory for American gun owners, and the NRA is being widely credited for killing the U.N. ATT.

NRA worked with pro-gun allies in the U.S. Congress and successfully assembled strong bipartisan opposition to any treaty that adversely impacts the Second Amendment. On two occasions NRA was successful in convincing a majority of the U.S. Senate to sign letters to President Obama that made it clear that any treaty that included civilian arms was not going to be ratified by the U.S. Senate.

On July 26, Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) gathered the signatures of 51 Senators on a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton opposing any treaty that infringes on domestic gun rights. The letter stated, “As the treaty process continues, we strongly encourage your administration not only to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership, but to ensure — if necessary, by breaking consensus at the July conference — that the treaty will explicitly recognize the legitimacy of lawful activities associated with firearms, including but not limited to the right of self-defense. As members of the United States Senate, we will oppose the ratification of any Arms Trade Treaty that falls short of this standard.”

During the week leading up to the impasse, it became increasingly possible that the Conference would fail to come to an agreement on draft language. On Thursday, the Conference President produced yet another draft of the ATT in an effort to salvage the process. The new draft, like previous ones, was wholly incompatible with Second Amendment rights protected by the Constitution.

Details of the Composite ‘Working Document’ were released on July 24. The draft barred weapons transfers to “non-state actors” – which, by definition, include private citizens. A U.S. delegate argued against the provisions during closed-door talks Friday. Also, proponents said the first draft of the U.N. treaty had “more holes than a leaky bucket.” link
I guess the U.N. plan never got too far. Kind of glad!
Trust me, they didn't get the message. They're just going to keep on trying. But, it's another battle we won, so that feels good. But, by no means are we safe.
Trust me, they didn't get the message. They're just going to keep on trying. But, it's another battle we won, so that feels good. But, by no means are we safe.
I don't believe that they will rest until all the guns belong to the government. I came from such country, and I honestly believe that is their ultimate goal.
I shoot this. Purdy smooth.

My AR should be here this month.


So, is that an adjustable rear-sight? Anybody know?
I need to go shooting. I want to have my Kimber resighted again. Remember this?


It's currently "C", needs to be "B".

Next time you go shooting, how about some pictures? I want to see more Walther!
I can take pictures of the gun and the range, but will likely be hard to take one of me with the gun unless a friend goes (and honestly, I do not really want to see my ugly mug with the gun, likely make the gun look bad). I do have a somewhat funny picture of the backside of a double sided target that a friend shot.

I will probably be going to the range again sometime this week or weekend. I bought two more magazines from Midway USA and will want to try them out. If the Magnum Research magazines work hiccup free, then I will likely be buying a few more.
Just take pictures while shooting. It's probably completely safe.

How much did the magazines end up being, with shipping? When you get it, I hope it is pretty much identical with the factory ones.

I guess four's plenty, considering they are high-capacity. 1911 mags only fit up to 7 or 8, so I should be looking to pick up more in the near future. I want my mags loaded in case I run into horde of zombies. :P
Pictures while shooting. Sounds completely safe. Do I need to say, "here hold my beer" before I take the pictures while shooting? :lol:

The two magazines with shipping were $68.xx. The magazines arrived today. Looking them over and comparing to the two that came with the gun, they are identical, except for the follower color, Magnum Research's logo on the baseplate, and the magazine body is glossy, instead of matte.
Do I need to say, "here hold my beer" before I take the pictures while shooting? :lol:
If you already owned one of these, you wouldn't be asking noob question like this. :indiff:


The two magazines with shipping were $68.xx. The magazines arrived today. Looking them over and comparing to the two that came with the gun, they are identical, except for the follower color, Magnum Research's logo on the baseplate, and the magazine body is glossy, instead of matte.
Great! Sounds like pretty much everything you expected then. 👍
So, is that an adjustable rear-sight? Anybody know?

Honestly don't remember, sorry.

And about my AR comment. Still not HERE! Back ordered 3 times so bought one direct from the supplier. 2 in the mail right now. :lol:
I really like the PPQ. It's just a bit expensive for me. If/When I get my concealed carry permit, I'll probably go with an M&P Shield.

I had a great shooting day with a big group of friends/family last weekend. My car became a rolling armory. Here's a list of what we shot...

.357 Colt Python
.40 Glock 22 Gen 3
12ga Remington 870 18"
.22LR Walther G22
.22LR Ruger 10/22 w/ variable scope (something like 2-8x)
.223 Savage 11/111 Hunter w/ variable scope
x2 .223 Remington 700's w/ variable scopes
.223 Rock River Arms Varmint AR15 20" w/ variable scope
5.56 Noveske/VLTOR AR15 16"
5.56 LMT Piston AR15 16"
.45-70 Winchester 1886 w/ Aimpoint Micro

It's the most guns I've ever shot in a day. Big load of fun.

The .45-70 is a monster. The ammo is expensive, but you could never shoot more than 30 rounds in a day, so it's cheap. After I shot about 15 rounds, I decided that I had shot enough. It left a pretty decent bruise in my shoulder.

Here's an example can...


The big holes are the .45-70. Notice how one of the rounds hit the side of the can. Whereas most rounds would deflect, the .45-70 just plows through.
If you think a 45-70 is bad try my .69 rifled musket, it only weighs 9lbs and it shoots whooping 750 grainers @ 1000fps, its simply beats you to death.
Bruised shoulder? Hah, you'll get an awful headache!

It also makes nice holes:

You guys are crazy. Any gun that bruises me, or kicks my 🤬 every time I shoot it....... I'd shoot it. :lol:

That is some epic shooting day there, Z-Man. So many .223 & 5.56!
My first (And last) experience with a gun was a .300 Savage, firing at a target about 100 yards away. The gun was supported on a bench with a chair behind it. I was with my mate and his Dad, and I am substantially taller than them(Thus, the seating position was awkward).

Long story short- I didnt hold the barrel down, and the scope clocked me above the eye. 5 Stitches.

BUT I nailed that Quarter-sized target. Nailed it. Dead center.

Is that a normal thing to have happen, or was I being really stupid...
I can see how that can happen. I benchrest shot just once. One of the calibers I shot was a very powerful .375 H&H, but it felt like the recoil, or kick was non-existent.

With optics, I did OK from 200 yards, but it was off-center.

Found pic:

BUT I nailed that Quarter-sized target. Nailed it. Dead center.

Is that a normal thing to have happen, or was I being really stupid...

''Scope eye'' is what happens to people that are inexperienced in shooting powerful rifles with scopes. If you put your eye too closely to the scope and / or there is space between your shoulder and the butt stock so the rifle can travel backwards the scope will kiss your skull really hard.
Remember, eye relief is about 5-7 inches for most scopes, DO NOT get any closer and pull the rifle firmly into your shoulder when shooting.
Also, when your eye is too far away or too close to the eye piece you don't get the full field of view and at close ranges the aim may be slightly off due to parallax.

I shoot scoped rifles very regularly, with the butt stock firmly in my shoulder and proper eye relief the distance between scope and eye/head stays the same even under heavy recoil.
And, fortunately I have a very short neck, that helps a lot. :sly:
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The stock was firmly in my shoulder, but I suppose I had my eye way too close to the scope... less than an Inch, as I was trying to compensate for the awkward seated position.

Thanks for that! Makes me feel a bit more human..
Finally got some range time with the Dragoon yesterday. Bada Big Boom. The thing sounds like a thunderclap compared to the little "pop" of 9mm. Feels good, though, shoots good. Unfortunately, nobody got any photos or video. :( I'll definitely head out again once the weather cools down.

Also put a couple boxes of ammo through the Glock 19. I love that gun. :)
Good breakdown, and even better tips, Michael. 👍

I have few days off coming up, so I'm hoping to hit the range with a buddy. I better put my .22 back together, so I can take that one too. :dopey:

I still like the G19 a lot, but after watching Hickok45 having fun with a Gen 4 G26, I'm attracted to that gun again. After reading or hearing about more & more concealed carry stories, I'm starting to seriously consider doing it. It is a bit of hassle for me, as I have to get a U.S. Citizenship before I can apply for a concealed carry permit.

Seems so worth it though. :embarrassed:
And this is, ladies and gentlemen, why engaging a wild animal with a low powered handgun is NEVER a good idea. Know the limits of your weapon and make your shots count, there is also a reason why rifle rounds for boar are usually 6-10 times more powerful than the 45ACP.

ATTENTION: this vid contains lots of blood and death, its not for the faint of heart.

(There are also several other things wrong with this disgusting video, the ''hunter'' should have killed the animal with a single proper shot with his long rifle instead of trying out his pistol one handed while making a movie. Or maybe he purposely hit the boar in the leg just to make this video with his handgun. Either way he is an idiot making an animal suffer like that. 👎👎 )
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Yikes. Don't have the heart to watch it. Aren't you supposed to have a friend with a loaded gun (or a few) for backup when hunting dangerous game?
Only for Stuff that can stomp or eat you, lions, elephant, grizzly etc. require a guide. Boar can run you over and rip your legs to shreds so you bleed out, but its still not really dangerous game.
He says he shot it with a rifle from 200 yards, so I guess that means that he let the wounded boar charge him for a good 175 yards so it could get in range for his pistol...
Wait does the guy get mauled or is the blood and death only in boar form?
Wait does the guy get mauled or is the blood and death only in boar form?
Boar form. It's still rather pathetic how the man seems to almost 'play' with the animal. He should have dropped the camera and done a proper job of it, but clearly his priorities were elsewhere.