BrettI made another trip to the gun range earlier today. The two new magazines I bought functioned perfectly. I also ended up taking one spent casing home; the case managed to make home in my pocket.![]()
What's funnier is when you bring home a shell from a gun you weren't firing. I think that's happened once, but I was at the range with some friends standing fairly close, so it wasn't a big mystery, just kinda funny.When we shot our SKS this happened. It's one of those weird things in life
Yesterday I made my first blackpowder cartridges, man, that was just too much fun!
525 grain .458, lubed with 65 / 35 beeswax / tallow, OAL 2.600, 51 grains of Swiss FFG blackpowder, CCI match LR primer, Starline brass, grease cookie, powder charge slightly compressed (1/4''), veeeery light taper crimp. Estimated velocity: ~ 1200 fps
Look at those bullets, they're super long and heavy! With sectional density like that they must penetrate like crazy and they're even quite a bit heavier than a shotgun slug.
And some 395 grainers round nose, same lube, OAL about 2.540, 62 grains of Swiss FFG, Estimated velocity: about 1360 fps.
Crimped them little too hard but I hope thats not gonna be much of a problem.
Now I'm, ready to do some late 1800's western long range buffalo shooting. Yeeehaw!
What the 🤬
To stop buffalo, grizzly, polar & kodiak bears, moose in NA. Cape buffalo, lions, elephants rhinoceros and hippos in Africa. Tigers, lions, rhinocerosand and elephants in Asia. To stop them, you need big, heavy bullets.
The bullets get bigger and heavier than that!
The .375 H&H and the .45-70, .45-90, .45-110 and .45-120 are very different animals, the .375 H&H shoots a medium weight very fast and hard projectile while the big .45's rely on pure bullet weight and slow steady expansion to plow through the biggest animals from any angle.
Its like the difference between a freight train and a fast racecar. I've heard the .45-70 out-penetrates the .375 by 100% so the .375 is more of a Lion and bison gun than an rhino or hippo rifle.
That said, the Alaskan guides rely on the .45's in modern lever action rifles and the big-slow philosophy, and so would I.
Anyway, if I were close to a rhino and taking a shot I would poop my pants with any caliber short of an Anti Tank rifle round.
525 grains suddenly isn't a lot when you're close to a huge powerful pissed off 10K lbs animal.
(Which shouldn't be hunted in the first place)
OK, I'm a google-fanboy. They try to shove different search engine on you all the time. Yahoo, Bing, etc., etc. Me being a google-fanboy, I've refused change, and when they force them upon me, I switched them back, or over to google.
I guess that ended tonight.
I've gone colder on rifle shopping recently, but I was bored and looking around a bit tonight. I see this Sig Sauer P220 .45ACP, available also in carry model. I see the advertised price in my local online classifieds(just under a grand), I try my google shopping search.......... yup, you guessed it, nothing. Tried 'springfield rifle' next, then 'remington 870', nothing. I go to Bing, comes right up.
Google Bans Guns in Shopping
Do you guys remember them making big deal about China & their censorship? Now when I think of my ex-favorite search engine, all I can picture in my head is a BIG-RED-STAR.
Guess who's coming back as my default search engine at work?(and my coworkers' after I tell them<<<more former google fans) Bing, that's who. Guess who will be my new homepage? Yup.
I urge you guys to do the same. I think I might be getting rid of Google Chrome, too. FireFox was OK......
It's just so frigging sweet looking, and you know it's gonna shoot nice!
MSN as the internet service provider, or just as homepage?
Anywho, this is the Sig that caused it all:
Sig P220 Carry Elite Dark
For little over $1,000 though, it is steep. I could buy two Glocks for that.It's just so frigging sweet looking, and you know it's gonna shoot nice!
Solid LiftersOh, and just to let you know some BAD NEWS. The douche-bag liberal from CA, Dirty Diane Fienstien is reintroducing the federal 'assualt weapons' ban. Prepare to do battle, folks.
You had bit of experience with the Sigs. I forgot. Thanks! 👍 P226 is full metal construction, right? Did you think that was plus or minus compared to plastic frame guns?There has/had been some quality control issues and from what I have read, most of that has been fixed. I have fired quite a few rounds through a P226. From what I have shot, the P226 is a fantastic weapon and is very accurate. I especially like that Sig has gone to what were the E2 grips on the P226. Those grips make the grip much better.
Much like other German manufacturers, such as H&K, BMW, etc., Sig is very proud of their products and charge accordingly. However, if you buy a SIG, then you get a very good firearm, albeit a fairly expensive one.
No way man, I was using USP as a SEAL on CoD4!You would also own the same firearm that Navy SEALs use.![]()
Again I love Glocks, but yeah, they do have that blocky feel to the grip.Yes, the P226 has a metal frame. I have no issue with polymer frames. Both Glock and H&K are willing to stand by using a polymer frame for a combat pistol and both manufacturers have a proven track record using polymer. So I am willing to use a polymer pistol. My Walther PPQ has a polymer frame. If I did not think polymer was any good, then I would not have bought the pistol.
More weight on the pistol is going to dampen recoil. Making sure you have your grip as high as you can on the pistol is going to dampen recoil. H&K has a recoil buffer on their recoil spring on the HK45 to dampen recoil. I have not fired a 1911 enough or handled one enough to comment on grip angle, but I can comment on a Glock. The grip angle does not bother me, but Glock ergonomics do not work. The weapons are just too blocky and not comfortable in my hand.
A couple links that might interest you.
HK45 Endurance Test
Gen 4 Glock 17 Endurance Test