Yes, it's odd that the focus is on Oz and Canadialand. Maybe they should take a look at the U.K and parts of Europe too?
Parts of Europe have been under dictatorships & numerous other forms of gov't all the while the US has remained a constitutional republic. Not only is the history & culture of the US different but so is the form of governance. Here, gridlock and not getting anything done, legislatively, is a good thing and what makes America different from the rest of the world. Our balance of power is not only between our legislative, executive, and judicial branches but also between the citizenry and the government. What you see happening in the middle east right now would never happen here. Why? The populace has too many guns...
And that's what the 2nd Amendment is all about; controlling our own tyrannical government. Throughout the 20th century we've witness mass murders by Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler. We're not talking a few dozen suburban kids, we're talking millions of people. Governments, contrary to belief, are not benevolent and are even more capable of great acts of horror than even the most twisted teenager with an AR.
Our right to fight back shall not be infringed.
However, if the people wish to disarm themselves there are avenues to do so. The Constitution can be amended, which can be a very good thing. Circumventing our Constitution, on the other hand, is a very-very bad thing. When lawmakers get to pick and choose which "rights" to respect and which laws to enforce, thereby circumventing the constitution, we have lawlessness. Do it enough and the Constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on. How to stop that? Goes back to our checks and balances with the 3 branches of government and the 300+ million guns in American households.
This country is nothing like Oz, the UK, or Europe...that's a good thing.
A lot of criminals in some regions of the U.S. though. It's all good though, they tend to have strict gun control to keep the guns out of law abiding citizens' hands, like Chicago, Cali........
Hello from Chicago!
In this hellhole we've had 525 murders and over 2,600 shootings. When you walk out of a nightclub you'll hear something like firecrackers off in the distance. Those aren't firecrackers...those are savages shooting .25's at each other (which is only slightly more dangerous than a firecracker as you can see by the shooting:murder ratio)
And yes, guns are illegal in Chicago. Not only guns but shooting ranges, ammo sales, and gun stores. But despite all the laws and grandstanding by the politicians concerning "the children" and "fighting crime" - they really don't care. Our prison system here is a revolving door, violent criminals often plea down to a slap on the wrist, and we have a very large grievance class who votes for the same criminals on every ballot they fill out.
The metrosexuals, yuppies, and old money fear guns. The only experience they have with a gun is what they see on TV (which is usually someone getting murdered 3 blocks from their house) or if they've been mugged before. That's it. Go to the ghettos, where damn near 100% of the crime originates, and you'll see a culture of savagery. A woman was recently shot and killed b/c she, being white, told a 16 y/o black male to get a job when he asked her for a cigarette. That "dis" was justification for taking someone's life. Additionally, you have black youths running around playing "polar bear hunting" whereby a group of teens single out a white person or couple and beat the hell out of them. Some have died during these beatings. Even more gruesome is the video one of the teen makes of the scene, often heard laughing, while someone is beaten unconscious. And within the past week, a 19 y/o college student was robbed. He have the 4 robbers his wallet, all his cash, and met all their requests...they still shot him. Even stole his dinner.
These thugs get guns quite easily. Enough homes are robbed in the suburbs and in other cities to keep the black market going for a while. Even if you have a're not really safe.
The police in Chicago cannot keep the populace safe. No one in the ghetto "snitches" and our fast, easily accessible public transportation system makes it easy to flee or search for new territory to terrorize. The only person who can really keep you safe is yourself. Cops, generally, are good natured in Chicago (really). However there are plenty with an ego and there was a recent court case whereby it is now legal precedent showing that the Chicago PD has a code of silence when officers act beyond the law. In a nutshell, an off duty cop beat the hell out of a female bartender and the entire police force kept their mouth shut about it. Needless to say, the bartender won in court and got a hefty check as well.
So ya, the typical gun owner in Chicago is the last person you'd want to see with a gun. When the SHTF, you're on your own. No phone call will save you from most of the crap that happens in this city.