Refunded the game

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United Kingdom
Well during the 30+ hour outage and with the realisation that the game was always online, had been artificially constructed to limit in game earnings and create "grind", the extremely limited content in terms of the single player experience, the shockingly bad lobby experience compared to GTS along with a range of gripes, complaints and bugs I decided to request a refund for my 25th Anniversary Ed digital download from Sony and today, following an initial refusal (they jumped to the "You downloaded it" argument) and a follow up email from me to Sony Support, this was accepted. £89.99 will be refunded back into my account.

This came with mixed emotions, I do enjoy the actual gameplay of GT7 and when its working it works well but I cannot stand this ever more frequent game release where fans like me are completely and utterly screwed over in pursuit of literally ALL of our money. Games are not there to be second jobs or require hundreds upon hundreds of hours of boring and unenjoyable grind to access the game. We buy games for enjoyment and to have fun. Not to do the same event 100,000 times so that we can buy a few cars or avoid having to spend £150 on microtransactions. For that reason I believe that it is important that we as consumers take a stand and say enough is enough.

For those interested I used the below justification for my refund request, this email was my response to their initial attempt to refuse the refund.

I am extremely disappointed that despite my providing a list of issues that I raised with this request only one of them has been focused on in order to refuse the refund request.

Again for clarification below is a list of issues that I cite in relation to a refund:
  1. Mis-Sold: The store page states "Online Play Optional" this is simply false, in order to play and progress in the game an online connection is REQUIRED, this was demonstrated when the servers went down for over 30 hours leaving the game effectively unplayable. This claim is not true and is misleading
  2. Mis-Sold: The game was marketed advising that you would be able to BUY and SELL your cars, this is not possible in GT7, cars CANNOT be sold, this is also another attempt to force players into the "In-Game Purchases". The store page for the game still states: "GT Simulation Mode, buy, tune, race and sell your way through a rewarding solo campaign". This is not true and is misleading
  3. Mis-Sold: The store page states "In-game purchases optional" While this may be true in the technical sense, the game is designed in such a way that if you do not purchase credits then you will not be able to access content within the game, namely the high price cars, for example within the first week there were cars for sale around 18million this is not achievable unless you grind credits in game non stop without interruption for around 12hours. This claim is dubious at best and is a dishonest claim.
  4. Bugs: The game had multiple bugs preventing progress through the game, some of these were introduced by the developer in their patch like the tyre bug.
  5. Bugs: On-line lobbies are far more likely to bug/glitch than to be successful, when trying to enter the National and Manufacturer races 9 of 10 of these encountered lobby bugs where the game would not play and instead everyone was trapped in the lobby. This also extends to normal lobbies where being stuck in the pits, being on the track alone despite other players being on the track and the complete absence of functionality around changing settings despite this being present in GT Sport.
  6. Economy is fundamentally broken: The ultra high price of cars combined with the low pay out of races is yet another way that "In-game purchases" are forced onto the player, this was also changed POST release meaning it was publicised, reviewed and marketed without this being made clear.
  7. Missing Features: Engine swaps were widely publicised and touted within the game, these are not present in the game at all.
  8. Access to the product: The game was down for more than 30hrs with zero communication from the developer until near the end of the outage.
There are multiple serious instances of false advertising around this game, some of which is still ongoing and continues to mislead consumers into purchasing a product that WILL NOT fulfil the promises it is making and is outright misleading customers into purchasing it. The fact that the developer removed access to the game for over 30hours is only one of a laundry list of reasons and therefore I request that this is again looked at with a more comprehensive view rather than a singular focus in order to reject the refund.

I will likely pick GT7 up in the future once the in game economy is corrected and a more complete and comprehensive single player has been added in addition to the basic multiplayer lobby functionality. I live in hope that this will be sorted and I can again buy the game.

Peace :cheers:
  1. Mis-Sold: The store page states "Online Play Optional" this is simply false, in order to play and progress in the game an online connection is REQUIRED, this was demonstrated when the servers went down for over 30 hours leaving the game effectively unplayable. This claim is not true and is misleading
  2. Mis-Sold: The game was marketed advising that you would be able to BUY and SELL your cars, this is not possible in GT7, cars CANNOT be sold, this is also another attempt to force players into the "In-Game Purchases". The store page for the game still states: "GT Simulation Mode, buy, tune, race and sell your way through a rewarding solo campaign". This is not true and is misleading
  3. Mis-Sold: The store page states "In-game purchases optional" While this may be true in the technical sense, the game is designed in such a way that if you do not purchase credits then you will not be able to access content within the game, namely the high price cars, for example within the first week there were cars for sale around 18million this is not achievable unless you grind credits in game non stop without interruption for around 12hours. This claim is dubious at best and is a dishonest claim.
  4. Bugs: The game had multiple bugs preventing progress through the game, some of these were introduced by the developer in their patch like the tyre bug.
  5. Bugs: On-line lobbies are far more likely to bug/glitch than to be successful, when trying to enter the National and Manufacturer races 9 of 10 of these encountered lobby bugs where the game would not play and instead everyone was trapped in the lobby. This also extends to normal lobbies where being stuck in the pits, being on the track alone despite other players being on the track and the complete absence of functionality around changing settings despite this being present in GT Sport.
  6. Economy is fundamentally broken: The ultra high price of cars combined with the low pay out of races is yet another way that "In-game purchases" are forced onto the player, this was also changed POST release meaning it was publicised, reviewed and marketed without this being made clear.
  7. Missing Features: Engine swaps were widely publicised and touted within the game, these are not present in the game at all.
  8. Access to the product: The game was down for more than 30hrs with zero communication from the developer until near the end of the outage.
You have highlighted the key issues for sure.

Not sure if you knew but at the start of April there is an update to add further single player content (including much needed Endurance Races) + amendments to payouts for race completion (Sport mode and regular GT mode). The update also brings the option to sell vehicles.

Engine swaps are in the game, but sadly they are only available in the roulette system (so quite rare to pick up). I luckily got the 787b 4 rotor engine to swap into an RX7 yesterday but you are right - fundamentally they are not available as a purchase-able item (which sucks!).

My personal opinion is the game will be where it "needs" to be within 3 months total and next months update will be very helpful.
Missing Features: Engine swaps were widely publicised and touted within the game, these are not present in the game at all.
Every part of this is untrue.

At present, there's been a single mention of engine swaps anywhere in official statements from Polyphony Digital and Sony. It came in a statement on March 3rd about post-launch content. This is it:


Neither brand has publicised it in any other way, much less "touted" it - and it's actually close to eerie just how silent they've been on the matter. They've literally nothing said about it at all.

But it very much is in the game. We even have a pinned thread in this forum detailing all the swappable engines and their applications discovered so far.
But Polyphony said they were going to add more content in April bro.
I know and at that stage I will re-assess if I will rebuy the game.
I did not pay £90 for early access to an incomplete "AAA" game with artificial grind and a lack of content.

The sooner they sort it out and I can rebuy the game the better 🤞👍

Every part of this is untrue.

At present, there's been a single mention of engine swaps anywhere in official statements from Polyphony Digital and Sony. It came in a statement on March 3rd about post-launch content. This is it:

View attachment 1131240

Neither brand has publicised it in any other way, much less "touted" it - and it's actually close to eerie just how silent they've been on the matter. They've literally nothing said about it at all.

But it very much is in the game. We even have a pinned thread in this forum detailing all the swappable engines and their applications discovered so far.
How many engine swaps have you been able to do?
So far I have had access to zero engine swaps. There is also other tuning that appears in the car setup that is absent from the game, driveshafts for example.

My wording is imprecise however after being demonstrated in the widely publicised state of play it was then ran across gaming media including here at GT Planet [edit- GT Planet article I saw was actually post release]. It is a feature in the game that is inaccessible to me due to the roulette system.

Regardless, this is one small point in a list of others.

My personal opinion is the game will be where it "needs" to be within 3 months total and next months update will be very helpful.
100% and I do hope that in the next month or so I can look at GT7 and pick it up again once it has been finished and the predatory mtx/economy has been resolved. 😎
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How many engine swaps have you been able to do?
There is also other tuning that appears in the car setup that is absent from the game, driveshafts for example.
That's also not true. Driveshafts are widely available for relevant vehicles. There are some specific "special" variants of parts - including driveshafts and turbos - that are only available through Roulette Tickets.
after being demonstrated in the widely publicised state of play it was then ran across gaming media including here at GT Planet.
Yep. We noticed it and ran the following article:

But neither Sony nor PD ever confirmed it. Or said a word about it at all.

After it was confirmed in-game, we ran another article:

The crucial part there being "confirmed in-game". Because they're very definitely there. You said they "are not present in the game at all"... so how are they confirmed in-game, and how do we have a list of all the versions discovered by users?

It is a feature in the game that is inaccessible to me due to the roulette system.
That's not what "inaccessible" means either. If it was inaccessible, nobody would have been able to access it... but they have.

My wording is imprecise
Indeed - and if you're going for Sony's throat based on its imprecise wording, don't you think it's worth making sure yours is not?
I will likely pick GT7 up in the future once the in game economy is corrected and a more complete and comprehensive single player has been added in addition to the basic multiplayer lobby functionality. I live in hope that this will be sorted and I can again buy the game.

Peace :cheers:
Same here. I have all GT games from the very first one, and want to keep my collection building as long as the game comes out. But I refunded GT7 to make a point, with the hope they fix the mess and make it worth buying again in future.

That's also not true. Driveshafts are widely available for relevant vehicles. There are some specific "special" variants of parts - including driveshafts and turbos - that are only available through Roulette Tickets.

Yep. We noticed it and ran the following article:

But neither Sony nor PD ever confirmed it. Or said a word about it at all.

After it was confirmed in-game, we ran another article:

The crucial part there being "confirmed in-game". Because they're very definitely there. You said they "are not present in the game at all"... so how are they confirmed in-game, and how do we have a list of all the versions discovered by users?

That's not what "inaccessible" means either. If it was inaccessible, nobody would have been able to access it... but they have.

Indeed - and if you're going for Sony's throat based on its imprecise wording, don't you think it's worth making sure yours is not?
Then you should put the lottery on, I have had countless roulette tickets and only ever get the smallest measly pile of coins (with the exception of the Menu completion 6 star where I got the smallest gold brick).

Regardless you have really took a Sony style look at this, you have focused on point number 7 of 8 to pick to pieces and discredit my request (which obviously has merit otherwise Sony would absolutely have told me to GTF). The first 2 are the real meat of the argument and clearly the ones that Sony felt were justified. They have also confirmed that they accept this was incorrect in response to my friend who also got his refund.

In terms of not being in the game at all, I was talking about my experience, the driveshafts are another example, I genuinely believed they didn't exist.

In terms of your last point, no mate I dont, I am not selling a product to millions of people for a vast premium, they are.

Same here. I have all GT games from the very first one, and want to keep my collection building as long as the game comes out. But I refunded GT7 to make a point, with the hope they fix the mess and make it worth buying again in future.
Thats my objective too, we have to take a stand against this kind of thing or it will continue to happen and will get worse (as we have seen over the last 10 years)
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Want to buy a house? Its not actually built yet but you just need to look at it long term, I promise I'll actually build it for you and you will be happy with it.... honest.

If I'm spending £90 I expect a complete product, I don't think that's very controversial
I'm happy to live in a caravan until the house is complete!! Especially as I have loved every single one of the houses you have built for me before. I can wait for a return on my investment, judging by your previous efforts.
I too am going to return my 25th anniversary physical copy...

...but that's because I bought a second copy forgetting that I already had a preorder down from another store from way back when.

But I understand why you do it, it's a question of principle and I respect your choice OP.
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you have focused on point number 7 of 8 to pick to pieces and discredit my request
No, I've pointed out that in one particular instance of things you say are false claims you've made your own false claim. I didn't say anything about the rest of the list, or your refund request, or the merits or lack of same.

You've taken it as an attack on the whole thing, for some reason.

In terms of your last point, no mate I dont, I am not selling a product to millions of people for a vast premium, they are.
But you are claiming that Sony has made a bunch of false claims (and if you check elsewhere you'll see that I've brought them up as being potential avenues for a Group Litigation Order [the UK equivalent, kind of, to the famous Class Action] for a particularly fame-hungry lawyer), and within one of those is your own false claim about a false claim.

If you're not bothered by that at all, and don't think you should be held to the same standards you demand of others, that's up to you. 🤷‍♂️

That doesn't really mean engine swaps to me though. "Engine parts" could be anything.
Indeed - a point I also made in the connected article:

Interestingly, the updates are also slated to include “more engine parts to swap”. We’re not totally sure what to make of that, as tuning of individual components is already pretty comprehensive and, as yet, nobody has uncovered the teased engine swap function.

As things stand, it's been insanely quiet on the entire feature - quite some way from "widely publicised and touted within the game" :lol:
No, I've pointed out that in one particular instance of things you say are false claims you've made your own false claim. I didn't say anything about the rest of the list, or your refund request, or the merits or lack of same.

You've taken it as an attack on the whole thing, for some reason.

But you are claiming that Sony has made a bunch of false claims (and if you check elsewhere you'll see that I've brought them up as being potential avenues for a Group Litigation Order [the UK equivalent, kind of, to the famous Class Action] for a particularly fame-hungry lawyer), and within one of those is your own false claim about a false claim.

If you're not bothered by that at all, and don't think you should be held to the same standards you demand of others, that's up to you. 🤷‍♂️

Indeed - a point I also made in the connected article:

As things stand, it's been insanely quiet on the entire feature - quite some way from "widely publicised and touted within the game" :lol:
They have made false claims, they themselves confirmed as much in a response email to a refund request pointing out that they had from March 23rd corrected the error.

At the point of writing the email to them neither I nor anyone I knew has had any access to engine swaps (or driveshafts) as far as I was aware they were not in the game.

Regardless I am not here to debate the intricate semantics of my email to Sony, this is a post to help those that my be considering the same.
They have made false claims, they themselves confirmed as much in a response email to a refund request pointing out that they had from March 23rd corrected the error.
(and if you check elsewhere you'll see that I've brought them up as being potential avenues for a Group Litigation Order [the UK equivalent, kind of, to the famous Class Action] for a particularly fame-hungry lawyer)
At the point of writing the email to them neither I nor anyone I knew has had any access to engine swaps (or driveshafts) as far as I was aware they were not in the game.
March 5th, a day after launch:

Regardless I am not here to debate the intricate semantics of my email to Sony, this is a post to help those that my be considering the same.
Then making sure your own claims are correct is surely more helpful as it prevents others from repeating things you now know to be false, wouldn't you say?
March 5th, a day after launch:

Then making sure your own claims are correct is surely more helpful as it prevents others from repeating things you now know to be false, wouldn't you say?
I think pretty much all your claims are valid except for the engine swap thing - that said, I've completed about 80% of the career content and met my marathon on about 75% of days since release, and I've yet to win or be able to do an engine swap. This may be a mechanic that PD will expand on in the future but thusfar, after nearly a month of play, I can see how one could argue that engine swaps effectively don't exist. I also don't really buy the idea that it's "unconfirmed" by Sony after many well-known media reports which were not corrected by Sony, aka viral marketing which is not sanctioned by the marketer but is also not refuted by the marketer.

Anyway, while most of those reasons are legit I'm still able to find ways to have fun in the game so instead of going through the hassle of refunds I'm going to stick it out and wait for updates. I don't blame anybody who does feel like making a statement because frankly in this day and age of multi-billion dollar publishers, statements have to be made. Community involvement is the greatest aspect of Steam for example, but Sony, Microsoft, and others refuse to implement such a system for their consoles.
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Engine swaps are practically non-existent, but do technically exist.

I don't blame you for returning the game, not at all. Can always pick it up later for a lot cheaper, especially with the horrible reception I wouldn't be surprised to see it 1/2 off during one of the summer sales on PSN.

Tried getting a refund twice to no avail but haven't tried since PD admitted the game is a dumpster fire. But at this point I have more than 1/4 of the cars and have close to 15mil in the bank so I'm in it for the long haul at this point.

Good info for others that want their money back though, especially those that bought digitally.
I think pretty much all your claims are valid except for the engine swap thing - that said, I've completed about 80% of the career content and met my marathon on about 75% of days since release, and I've yet to win or be able to do an engine swap. This may be a mechanic that PD will expand on in the future but thusfar, after nearly a month of play, I can see how one could argue that engine swaps effectively don't exist. I also don't really buy the idea that it's "unconfirmed" by Sony after many well-known media reports which were not corrected by Sony, aka viral marketing which is not sanctioned by the marketer but is also not refuted by the marketer.

Anyway, while most of those reasons are legit I'm still able to find ways to have fun in the game so instead of going through the hassle of refunds I'm going to stick it out and wait for updates. I don't blame anybody who does feel like making a statement because frankly in this day and age of multi-billion dollar publishers, statements have to be made. Community involvement is the greatest aspect of Steam for example, but Sony, Microsoft, and others refuse to implement such a system for their consoles.
Totally agree, its really unfortunate they have implemented things the way they have, arbitrarily locking out people who arent "lucky". I completely get not wanting the hassle, I will miss playing the game for sure, its a brilliant game under the weight of all the poor design and balance. I really do hope they sort it out as they promised in the next month and I can pick it back up again

Engine swaps are practically non-existent, but do technically exist.

I don't blame you for returning the game, not at all. Can always pick it up later for a lot cheaper, especially with the horrible reception I wouldn't be surprised to see it 1/2 off during one of the summer sales on PSN.

Tried getting a refund twice to no avail but haven't tried since PD admitted the game is a dumpster fire. But at this point I have more than 1/4 of the cars and have close to 15mil in the bank so I'm in it for the long haul at this point.

Good info for others that want their money back though, especially those that bought digitally.
You could be right, especially with the Metacritic score and the widespread coverage of the unhappiness of the fans.

The thing is if it was just a well balanced, feature complete and fleshed out game I would have paid the £90 without any hassle. I'm the guy that used to purchase every single car pack for Forza etc. I am happy to pay for more content as long as its new content and not paying for the privilege of accessing the content I have already paid for (aka credits mtx). Its just a shame that the game is the way it is 😭
Despite all the back and forth about what is actually missing or mis-represented in the game, this is the ideal way to make it clear that a customer is not happy or feels cheated about a game purchase. I wish I would have thought of it by March 18 (14 days of purchase), I would have asked for a refund as well - when it should have been an easier "no questions asked" process. I applaud the OPs approach to letting buying power speak for the dissatisfaction with the game.

For myself - I was really looking forward to the C8 Corvette shown in the release videos - so imagine my disappointment when visiting the Chevy store. Where the heck is it? Do I have to wait to "win" it at the roulette? Will it be in a future udpate? When will that be? April? Of this year? I think it would help if PD was very specific about committing to features. cars, tracks, etc., and then hitting those targets consistently.
For myself - I was really looking forward to the C8 Corvette shown in the release videos - so imagine my disappointment when visiting the Chevy store. Where the heck is it? Do I have to wait to "win" it at the roulette? Will it be in a future udpate? When will that be? April? Of this year?
The Corvette C8 wasn't ever shown in any videos of GT7 anywhere.
For myself - I was really looking forward to the C8 Corvette shown in the release videos - so imagine my disappointment when visiting the Chevy store. Where the heck is it? Do I have to wait to "win" it at the roulette? Will it be in a future udpate? When will that be? April? Of this year? I think it would help if PD was very specific about committing to features. cars, tracks, etc., and then hitting those targets consistently.
I don't remember seeing a C8 in any of the videos?
I wonder how far we would get selling unfinished products?
Technically fraud.
We wouldn't last 5 mins.

Internet = Almost completely ruined the gaming industry, and created LAZY development.
Boeing did that too, and it cost people their lives.

But it's okay and perfectly acceptable for corrupt multi billion dollar companies to do it.

Welcome to Clown World.
I was disappointed with the $70+ purchase too but didn’t bother with a refund as their stupid anti consumer policy probably stops 99% of people from even pushing.

I hope the updates and response to the backlash were genuine and make people happy. I just learned to not even trust Sony first party games with a preorder. The game launched unfinished. Hiding the full MTX game economy from reviewers to not hurt scores is gross.
Well during the 30+ hour outage and with the realisation that the game was always online, had been artificially constructed to limit in game earnings and create "grind", the extremely limited content in terms of the single player experience, the shockingly bad lobby experience compared to GTS along with a range of gripes, complaints and bugs I decided to request a refund for my 25th Anniversary Ed digital download from Sony and today, following an initial refusal (they jumped to the "You downloaded it" argument) and a follow up email from me to Sony Support, this was accepted. £89.99 will be refunded back into my account.

This came with mixed emotions, I do enjoy the actual gameplay of GT7 and when its working it works well but I cannot stand this ever more frequent game release where fans like me are completely and utterly screwed over in pursuit of literally ALL of our money. Games are not there to be second jobs or require hundreds upon hundreds of hours of boring and unenjoyable grind to access the game. We buy games for enjoyment and to have fun. Not to do the same event 100,000 times so that we can buy a few cars or avoid having to spend £150 on microtransactions. For that reason I believe that it is important that we as consumers take a stand and say enough is enough.

Extremely limited single player experience? The game was released with 39 menu books, what are you talking about? Also, a video game is not supposed to hold your hand to take you through and "interactive experience" maybe Ubisoft or EA is more your speed. What you call "grinding" is what I call "having a decent reward system for investing time and effort". Why should the game give you everything immediately? That really would be a waste of money, and its shelf life would be on par with Call of Duty, barely 10 months at most. Nobody wants a game like that.
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Extremely limited single player experience? The game was released with 39 menu books, what are you talking about? Also, a video game is not supposed to hold your hand to take you through and "interactive experience" maybe Ubisoft or EA is more your speed. What you call "grinding" is what I call "having a decent reward system for investing time and effort". Why should the game give you everything immediately? That really would be a waste of money, and its shelf life would be on par with Call of Duty, barely 10 months at most. Nobody wants a game like that.
I was done with those books before the weekend had ended after launch, and it's not like I played 24/7. There's about 6-8hr of content in the menu. 14-16hr if you add golding the missions and license tests.

GTS, the game that was never supposed to have an offline campaign had at least 40hr, lol. GT4-GT6 are 60-100+ hours (first play-through) and that's just to get through the content, not collect cars.

It's been said a million times but I'll say it again: GT7 only has National B and National A races, yet we have licenses for IB/IA/S. 3/5 of the content is not here, and those are the more difficult races like endurance, GT500/Gr. 2, LMP/Group C/Gr 1.

There's a reason PD put out an apology, vowed to make the experience more in-line with what we expected, and Sony is now granting refunds...

@dnlnnhs You were probably just assuming there was a C8 in marketing material because it's only logical to assume one of the biggest generational updates to any car, ever, would be in the premier console driving game on launch. I know I was appalled to see the car list had almost nothing from the last 6+ years of automotive development, especially for road cars. The only genuinely new cars I can even think of are the Nissan 400Z and AMG GT Black Edition. Supra '20, but that was in Sport.
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