- 13,206
- Seattle-ish
Here's a fun little exercise I just completed. Four races of the Goliath Circuit, all in the BMW Isetta. Top left, you can see how well I did with a completely stock car. I finished 11th, only able to beat the other Isetta and it took me 33 minutes. Top right, I upgraded the car to D495 by upgrading the original engine and putting on racing tires. Despite the competitive numbers, it finished last by a huge margin. It was hampered by only being able to go 30mph on the sand and having a top speed limited to about 95. Still, I was faster by about eight minutes. I went in a different direction for the third race, which you can see in the bottom left. I went back to the stock tires and put in the motorcycle engine. Despite the car dropping to D465, It was immensely faster with a top speed around 140 and able to do 65 in the sand. I improved my time by another five minutes, or 13 minutes from the stock car. The big drawback was how tail-happy that car was. The back end really wanted to be the front end and it would swap ends numerous times. Finally in the bottom right, you can see the Isetta in its Ultimate Form, A747. Everything went in it. It was even faster and better planted with the racing rubber. Still tail-happy, but it was more of a threat than a punishment. I improved my time by another three minutes, or a total of 16 minutes in stock configuration. I basically cut my time in half.